
Naruto system in the Moonlit World

The moonlit world(Nasuverse) is a very dangerous place where magus's greeds and desires have no limits. Their never-ending need to reach Akasha, also known as the root, causes most magus to have no morals. Betrayal, murders, corruption is very common in the moonlit world. Akashi Sasaki, a magus with an above-average talent for magecraft is the heir of the Sasaki family. The family which is known for its ability for assassination. However, due to their deep history of killing known magus over the years, they were eventually terminated due to the fear they bring because of their great skills. To preserve the family name, Akashi was banished by his father to the clock tower to hide him from their enemies. In grief, he vowed to the world to avenge his family. At the age of ten years old, he awakened something that will forever change his world, and the world around him. The Naruto system. [Note: The system is similar but different from the system in another fanfic called "In a different world with Naruto system" albeit without the ai and with the addition of an interface. Another note: For those who are knowledgeable about the lore of the nasuverse, I will remind you that I will change a lot of details/lore to fit my story in general. The timeline especially. For you to truly enjoy this story, I would recommend reading with an open mind and don't nitpick the flaws that do not correspond to the original lore.] Artwork: https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-kdyep

First_Genesis · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Soon, students began pouring in, and the relatively large classroom become full of students in a matter of minutes.

The door opens once more for a man in his late twenties slowly walked towards the podium. He wore a red coat with golden ornamentations on its shoulders, and his face bore a tremendously sour expression.

< Is everyone here? alright, let's start. >

< Um, teacher? > Shirou said while raising his hand.

< What is it? >

< Ms. Luvia and Tohsaka are not here. >

Waver Velvet, or he is known at the clock tower as Lord El-Melloi II, grimace. Rin Tohsaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt are his most troublesome students. Although they were not annoying as his other student, Flat Escardos, they were the student that get on his nerve the most. They were both fined ladies on their own but put them in the same room together and all hell will break loose.

< Hohohoho~ >

< Speak of the devil. > With a tired sigh. Waver glance at the door.

While covering her mouth with her hands, a beautiful young woman with long golden blonde hair styled entirely in large coils while wearing a blue bright dress as her outfit. Her movement was graceful, like a swan. But Waver has seen enough moments where this facade was thrown away by being near a certain blonde.

< I apologize for my late arrival, Sir El-Melloi. >

< That's Lord El-Melloi II to you young lady.> Waver said with a sigh, <Forget it, just go back to your seat. >

Luvia did as she was told while giggling to herself. With Luvia in the class, another blonde would surely enter the scene without a doubt.


Just as he has expected, a loud bang echoed throughout the room followed by an angry voice of a young woman, < Luvia! You damn cheater! >

Rin Tohsaka is a beautiful young woman with aqua eyes and long wavy blonde hair in a two-side-up hairstyle which consists of part of her being made into twin-tails tied with black ribbons, while the majority hangs loose. She wears casual clothing consisting of a red turtleneck, a black skirt, and long black stockings under brown leather flats.

She angrily strides towards Luvia with an angered expression. Seemingly unbothered by the aura Rin released, she fearfully taunted the other blond which causes another quarrel. The students in the class watch the scene with helpless expressions. Shirou tried to quell the bickering. But at last, he is far too soft to do anything.

The situation only ended when Waver hand enough of their bickering as he punished both of them by slapping books on top of their head. As much as he wanted to grip their head like he used to do with his other students. He believed that will only make the situation worse.

After all of the shenanigans out of the way, he could finally start his lesson for the day.


< That's it for today, you are all dismissed. >

The class soon ended with no mishap in between. After dismissing the class, Luvia and Rin returned to their bickering without caring for the world around them. Other than Shirou, everyone avoided the two blondes whenever they were together.

Akashi on the other hand has limited interaction with the two. They were more acquaintances than anything so he does not particularly care for what they do.

After saying goodbye to Shirou, he headed out of the classroom.

< Akashi, come to my office for a minute. >

As soon as he headed out, he was ambushed by Waver with his usual sour expression.

< Professor? > Akashi blurted out in surprise. < Is something the matter? >

< Nothing particular. I just want to talk to you about your future. >

< I see... Alright. Please lead the way. >

They were silent as they walked towards Wavers office. They soon reached the place.

< Come in, don't mind the mess. >

The word mess is a bit overwhelming as the office is considerably clean. At least compared to most magus offices, Waver's room is considered to be the most normal-looking place.

The office consists of two wooden shelves on the left side of the room containing books and other bizarre collections of items. In the middle, there was a table surrounded by a couch from both sides. It has a European design that mimics the middle ages. The room flawlessly fit Waver's temperament. Old, but it has a sense of class into it.

< Take a seat. >

Waver seated on his desk before gesturing to Akashi to take a seat to which the youth calmly followed.

< I will be direct. Do you still want to achieve your desire for revenge? >

His blunt question caught Akashi off guard. He had an idea as to what Waver wanted to discuss but the direct question at the start is not what he was expecting.

< Professor, we talked about this in the past. As long as those bastards who killed my family are running around alive and well, I would never be able to sleep peacefully. >

The hatred was apparent in the young man's eyes which were enough to cause Waver to sighed. Even though he expected such an answer, he was still distressed about the situation.

For Waver, the young man in front of him was one of his most beloved students. Although he does not associate with any of his student's personal life, the young man in front of him was a special case. Waver himself does not understand himself fully as to why the young man was special among his students. He does not have the talent or experience compared to monsters like Kirschtaria, Rin, or Luvia. But what he has is the strong will and determination that dwarfed the rest of his students.

This same determination reminded him of when he was just a naive brat that has high ambition. But compared to him, Akashi's main driving force is not ambition, but hatred. If he is not guided back to the right path, he will become much worse than even the evilest bastards in the clock tower.

< Are you sure that this is the path that you are willing to make? >

< Yes. >

< I see... Then make sure to never regret this decision. >

< Their death will bring me peace, Professor. I'm not only doing this for vengeance and self-satisfaction only. For me, this is a necessary decision in my life as a magus for me to move on. I do not want to be stuck in the past. Their death shall serve as the closing of an old era and the beginning of a new one for the Sasaki family. >

Whether or not Akashi truly believed what he had said, or simply tried to justify his vengeance. Waver could simply accept the situation as it. What could he do? the young man already made the verdict. In the end, he is simply a teacher to the teen's life, nothing more, nothing less.

< If that is truly what you desire, then as your teacher, I could only support you. >

< Thank you... those words brought me relief. >


< Come in. >

The door slowly open revealing a young hooded figure holding two mugs. Based on the coloration of the beverage, Akashi guess she brought coffee with her.

< Sir, Mr. Akashi, please have some coffee. >

Quiet and calm. Those are the words that perfectly fit the young woman in front of him.

< Thank you very much, Ms. Gray. > Akashi said with a small smile while Waver just nodded. After which, she then quietly stand near Waver, acting as his bodyguard.

< Back to the topic at hand, do you have a goal or plans in mind? >

< I do. > Akashi nod, < I did a lot of investigation over the years and have a rough understanding as to who is involved in the massacre. >

< So you are informed, I'm not surprised... I would not ask who those are but I'm guessing some of those people are here in the clock tower? >

< As expected from you, Professor. > Admiration and a little bit of sarcasm were hinted at Akashi's words.

< Even an idiot could guess that some worms of clock tower would be involved. As to whether or not they are at the top or the bottom of the hierarchy, you should be careful. >

< I know, your concern is appreciated. > Mimicking the aristocrat, Akashi did a small bow with gracefulness enough to surprise Gray and Waver.

< You are even a great actor. It would seem my concerns are unneeded. > After who knows how long, Waver let his facade fade out as he let a small smile.

Gray, who was standing quietly for a while, was shocked. This is perhaps the first time she saw her master genuinely smile. Her eyes then begin to wonder at Akashi's face. She could not help but get curious as to what made the young man in front of her special.

Due to their limited interaction in the past, Gray never paid too much attention to Akashi or anyone for that matter. Perhaps due to her introvertedness or she is shy in general, her limited interaction with others made her almost invisible. If not for the fact that she was Waver's apprentice, people would not have paid her much attention.

< If you are confident about your chances then I don't have to worry much about you. If you encounter any problems regarding Magecraft, come and talk to me. >

< I will. >

<Alright, that's it for today. Gray, lead our guess.>

< There's no need- >

< I insist. > Waver's eyes went sharp. He made the look that takes no for an answer.

< Alright, I'm sorry for the bother, Ms. Gray. >

< Oh, no. > Waving her hand, she continued, < It's my duty. >

Waver watch the two leave the room in silence. No one knows what he thinking. His eyes left the two before returning to work on his mountain of papers.

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