
Naruto: Suna's Shinigami

A kid wakes up in an alleyway in Suna and upon waking up, meets two other boys who are running from a baker... Follow the story of these three kids as they become shinobi of Sunagakure and go into the Second Shinobi War. To all thinking of reading this, I have already loosely planned the whole story until Boruto already. Its going to be an OP MC story. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and review to keep me going!

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Put into teams

Kiyoshi could be seen standing in the middle of a training ground, early in the morning.

He sat in the middle of the grounds and in front of him, about a metre away, was a small gourd about the size of a two-litre bottle.

(A/N: Random af but I didn't know what else to use to make this reference... So I thought using an object that you probably have in your home would be a funny choice.)

He took in a series of deep breaths as he sat down with his legs crossed, meditating as he closed his eyes, concentrating on relaxing and calming his body.

In about a dozen slow and steady deep breaths later, his eyes burst wide open with life and vitality as he raised his hand.

Immediately, a large Iron Sand began to spray out from the top of the gourd. The amount of Iron Sand continue to increase until it finally carpeted the whole of the training ground.

In that instant, Kiyo's hand moved once again. The Iron Sand began to gather into a large sphere that floated right in front of him and he began to move his hand once again. He began to make the sand begin to take up various shapes: Houses, rock formations, etc.

Iron Sand: Gathering Assault!

Suddenly, the Iron Sand began to gather into an extremely dense point and the sand began to take the shape of a large hammer.

A resolute expression appeared on Kiyoshi's face as he swung his arms downwards. In that instant, the large Iron Sand Hammer was brought down onto the floor.

A few days earlier...

"Kazekage-sama!" a voice sounded as a man walked into the Kazekage's office holding a number of files, "These are the list of kids that passed the exam. You need to allocate them to different teams."

"Yes," Aoto spoke calmly with a serious look on his face as he leaned forward on his table as the secretary placed the files on it.

He began opening the files and began reading the information that he had on each child.

Opening the first page, he read it out, "Saryu Akio."


Name: Saryu Akio

Sex: Male

Age: 11

Blood Type: O-

Kekkei Genkai: Glass Release

Specialisation: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Clan: Saryu Clan

Comment: High Potential. A more confrontation-style attacker.


(A/N: In case you are yet to have noticed, I've changed his name.)

Aoto continued reading all the files while consulting with his secretary about arranging the kids into different teams.

"Okay. So we will group up him with him and her"

"Her, her and her,"

"Amazing decision, sir!"

"Him, her, her"

"I didn't think of that. They would be a considerable team"

"Her, him, her"

"Kazekage-sama," the secretary called out, bringing Aoto out of his flow state.

"What's the matter?"

"Our Jounin teachers available for this year's graduates are not enough for all of them," he spoke.

"I remember," Aoto spoke with a serious tone as he replied with a confident expression on his face, "I've already decided who to put do for the no-teacher team for this year."

"Who do you have in mind, Lord Kazekage?"

(A/N: Sama and Lord have the same meaning but I will use them both. IDK why but I like it. Also, due to Suna being a very strong village but horrendous in its finance, I feel that it is completely possible for this kind of scenario to happen.)

Two hours later after training, Kiyoshi could be seen arriving at the academy.

A calm look on his face as he wore simple black pants and a black uniform-like top which had a loose opening in the neck to allow proper ventilation inside.

His black hair and pale red eyes stared around the rooms calmly as today was his final day of being a student. Making his way through really quickly as he greeted the lady at the reception before directly making his way into the classroom.

He was slightly taken aback when he saw that almost every student was already there. They were all conversing with each other as they began to argue about which teams they would get put into.

Haru saw Kiyoshi from the other end of the class and waved towards him.

"Hey, Kiyo," Ryuuya spoke out, having a bandana tried around his eyes as a blindfold.

"Yo," Kiyoshi simply replied as he sat down next to them, "Ready for your teams?"

Haru furiously nodded as he pulled out a notebook and began writing.

Hell Yeah!

"That's good to hear," Kiyoshi commented as he smiled.

"These last few years went by so fast..." Ryuuya stated as he turned to Ryuuya, "It's going to feel weird that we aren't going to be back here again."

"Even more adventure ahead," Kiyoshi spoke as he patted the two boys, "We will finally have achieved one of our dreams, being able to see the outside world."

"I guess you're right," Ryuuya sighed while Haru had the epitome of excitement glowing in his eyes.

Just as they finished talking about this, Pakura and the two sisters came and joined him.

"Morning guys," Ryuuya greeted with a smile, looking up.

"Hey," Akira and Pakura responded with a smile while Akemi slightly blushed and the group took a seat next to them.

"Are you guys excited to get your teams?" Pakura asked energetically as she gripped her chair firmly from excitement.

Much to her disappointment though, she received no response from the group which made her confused, "Are you guys not excited at all?"

Kiyoshi simply shrugged and replied, "I'm fine with any team."

"I don't really care as much," Ryuuya commented plainly as he smiled.

Haru just shrugged his shoulder as he wrote down on his note: My thoughts are the same as theirs.

"I'm about the same as well. I just don't want to be in the same team as Akio. I can't stand that guy," Akira whispered so that she would not be heard by the rest of the class.

"What about you Akemi?" Pakura asked.

"Uh... I- I want to be in the same team with all of you guys," she answered in a quiet voice.

"Well, the chances of that aren't really that high..." Pakura replied before answering her own question, "I can't wait. Can you imagine us being some badass ninjas? Becoming super-strong heroes that save the village?"

Hearing that, the three boys stared at each other as a tough smile appeared on their faces. They did not have such a strong sense to protect Suna but while the desire to protect it was growing, the trauma that they suffered from before still left scars that had not yet healed.

Ryuuya let out a loud sigh as he tried to lighten the mood, "What about you Pakura?"

"Me?," Pakura asked in fake disbelief as a confident smile appeared on her face, "I am perfectly fine with any team."

"Pakura, I heard from Benjiro sensei that you will be teamed up with Akito," Akira spoke with the most serious expression that she could muster.

In that instant, all of Pakura's confidence seemed to have poofed out of existence as her shoulders slouched forward and her head hung low.

A terrified expression appeared on her face as she weakly spoke out, "No... please... Anyone but him..."

"Hahahaha!" everyone burst out into laughed as Akira admitted while sticking her tongue out, "It was just a joke."

An angry expression appeared on Pakura's face as she immediately started chasing Akira, "WHY YOU-"

The sound of footsteps could be heard and in that instant, the whole class immediately quietened down.

It was Benjiro who had just walked in, a happy smile on his face.

"I'm proud to have been your teacher for the past four years. You all have grown so..."

(Time skip until he finished speaking about this)

"Now, I will give you all your teams," he spoke as he brought out a scroll and opened it.

"Team 1!" he spoke and waited to let the excitement and the anxiousness of the children grow.

"Akito, Child 21, Child 6," he declared, "Your teacher will meet you at the academy roof."

"Team 2: Child 7, Child 4, Child 20," he declared, "Your teacher will meet you also at the academy roof."


"Team 6: Pakura, Akemi, and Akira!"

The girl goes wild in happiness at how they ended up together.


Benjiro continued calling out the name of the teams until there was only Kiyoshi, Haru, and Ryuuya left.

"Looks like we are going to be in the same team," Kiyoshi spoke to his brothers with a smile.

"Team S: Kiyoshi, Haru, Ryuuya."

"Team S?" Ryuuya asked out in confusion.

"That's right," Benjiro confirmed as he elaborated, "The number of teachers that were available was not enough for all the students. So the Kazekage had to pull out one team of students for straight immobilisation."

At this, Kiyoshi went into a deep pondering state as he began to realise that his elder brother must have done this intentionally, there must be something done with this.

"Okay! That will be all. I wish you good luck on all your journeys! Remember to achieve great things for the village!" Benjiro spoke with a smile as he then walked out of class.

(A/N: As an extra, here are some extra files)


Name: Shaku Pakura

Sex: Female

Age: 11

Blood Type: A-

Kekkei Genkai: Scorch Release

Specialisation: Ninjutsu

Clan: Shaku Clan

Comment: High potential. Able to come up with adequate tactics to tackle a problem.



Name: Shio Akemi

Sex: Female

Age: 11

Blood Type: B-

Kekkei Genkai: Salt Release

Specialisation: Ninjutsu

Clan: Shio Clan

Comment: High potential Sensory Ninja. One of the best sensors in her year.



Name: Shio Akira

Sex: Female

Age: 11

Blood Type: B+

Kekkei Genkai: Salt Release

Specialisation: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Clan: Shio Clan

Comment: High potential. Likes to use close combat engagements.



So I decided to un-leader them. It feels like something that the village could've had to resort to. It also makes it easier for future missions to happen.

Now the whole fun begins.

Question: Do you want this to go into Boruto? Or can I go ham and just create my own AU for the future, this means that Boruto and the characters will exist but it will not follow the plot. Please let me know!

If we can get to 50 powerstones by tomorrow, I will upload the ninja information file for Kiyo, Haru, and Ryuuya.

A special 'Thank You' to:

I_am_Inevitable, Jeet_Chattopadhyay and judgemental_duck for the reviews. I am delighted to know that you are enjoying the book.

Please provide me with more of your thoughts and if there are any characters that you would like to have development.

PowerStone Shoutouts:





