
Naruto: Suna's Shinigami

A kid wakes up in an alleyway in Suna and upon waking up, meets two other boys who are running from a baker... Follow the story of these three kids as they become shinobi of Sunagakure and go into the Second Shinobi War. To all thinking of reading this, I have already loosely planned the whole story until Boruto already. Its going to be an OP MC story. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and review to keep me going!

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Meeting Some Old Classmates I

Finding free time during his lunch break, Aoto left the kage building and made his way in the direction of one of the private training grounds of the village.

Humming a simple tune, he entered the ground which was enclosed inside a huge rock formation with a narrow entrance which had a seal to prevent any Tom, Dick or Harry from entering.

(A/N: In case you don't get it. It means that no regular bystander will be able to enter.)

As soon as he entered the training ground, he passed by a narrow pathway and as he got closer and closer to the end of it, he could feel multiple bursts of chakra, indicating that some action was going on.

Making his way out, Aoto was welcomed by the sight of Haru who could be seen sparring with Chiyo.

He had two puppets, which looked quite worn down as seen from a large number of small cracks and the dents on their armour, under his control while Chiyo was facing him with a single puppet and despite the advantage in number, Haru seemed to be losing as his puppets once again charged forth. Making a series of attacks towards Chiyo's puppet, the two puppets moved in a beautiful synchronised manner as they attacked one after another. However, Chiyo's skill in puppetry seemed to be a few levels higher as none of the attacks of the puppets was able to hit her puppet, which was skilfully dodging and blocking the attacks and even managed to attack when an opening appeared.

Seeing the exchange of moves, an extremely excited expression appeared on Aoto's face as he made his way to the edge of the ground where he saw Ebizo and sat down next to him.

Ebizo's expressions were hard to put into words as he also stared at the sparring session that was going on in front of him but it was easy to discern that he was impressed.

"His talent in puppetry is unrivalled among anyone his age in history," Ebizo commented after a few seconds of the two of them observing the battle, "Look at his fight, Aoto. He can spar with Chiyo's single puppet using training puppets. Although she is not using her full strength, it is amazing that he can make those two puppets last this long..."

"How long have they been sparring?" Aoto asked as his eyes did not move away from the spar.

"About an hour now," Ebizo replied.

A proud and happy smile appeared on Aoto's face as he spoke, "The village's younger generation is certainly something to look forward to."

"Indeed, it looks like the status of our village is sure to rise in the coming future," Ebizo agreed.


Unable to endure the sparring any longer, one of Haru's puppets suddenly broke down as it flopped and fell to the ground in many pieces, indicating the end of the sparring session.

"Stay for lunch will you?" Ebizo asked as he got up and began patting the sand off his butt, "It's not every day that you get to have lunch with your old teammate who now happens to be the Kazekage."



Meanwhile, Kiyoshi and Ryuuya could be seen walking out of a restaurant and out onto the streets of the village.

"Man that food was good," Ryuuya commented as he stretched his arms up in the air and reached down to pat his slightly bulging tummy.

"I can never get tired of fried chicken," Kiyoshi added as the two made their way through the busiest street in the village.

"I wonder how Suna Fried Chicken make it so delicious, we should try to replicate it so that we won't have to come through this area all the time," Kiyoshi commented.

(A/N: Uh... I didn't have any ideas on what kind of restaurant it should have been so please comment on what kind of food should be sold. The best comment will be used and get a shoutout. But as for now, it will be Suna Fried Chicken.)

"Hahahaha!" Ryuuya suddenly laughed out loud, catching Kiyoshi off guard.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked confusedly.

"You making that?"

"What do you m- oh..." Kiyoshi suddenly realised why Ryuuya had been laughing and his gaze narrowed as he stared at Ryuuya in annoyance.

"That was one time! Just one!" he retorted as he tried to defend himself.

"I don't think I'll ever smell anything as burnt as that ever again in my entire life," Ryuuya laughed, "It was probably burnt beyond black."

Hearing that, Kiyoshi's anger rose to a peak but he couldn't find anything to retort as that was a horrible memory... He couldn't say anything but reject the idea, "I guess we can put cooking to the side for now..."

The two continued walking down the street when they saw a crowd gathered in front of them further down the street.

"What's going on?" Ryuuya mumbled as he sensed the crowd in front of him.

"Let's have a look," Kiyoshi replied as they made their way to see what was happening.

Pushing through the crowd, they saw a brown-haired shinobi who had his foot crushing and pinning down the hand of a thin and frail woman who was curled up and letting out grunts of pain as there was another man with black hair who was currently kicking her. Along with the grunts, the sound of crying could be heard from near the woman and it became clear to the two boys that the woman was curling up to protect her child from being struck.

"You measly peasant!" the man with the foot on her hand exclaimed arrogantly as he continued, "What gives you the arrogance to lay your hands on me!"

"I should take away your a-"

Before the man could finish his sentence, he felt a strong pain on the side of his head before he found himself on the floor.

An extremely cold look was seen on Ryuuya's face as he then delivered a punch straight to the other man who was kicking the woman, sending him right to the floor in pain.

He immediately bent down and spoke to the woman, "Are you okay?"

The woman weakly looked up and upon seeing a kid in a blindfold asking if she was okay, realised that the attacks had stopped and she slowly raised her hand as she revealed her toddler who was still crying and weakly spoke, "Please don't let him get hurt."

As she said this, her hand then fell to the floor and her body suddenly relaxed.

"She okay?" Kiyoshi's voice sounded beside Ryuuya as he bent down and looked at the toddler and made sure that he was only.

"He's fine," Ryuuya's voice sounded in an extremely cold tone which surprised Kiyoshi.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" the black-haired man shouted in anger as he got up and brought out a sword from behind his back, "Do you know what the hell you have just done?"

Seeing the man approach them, Ryuuya simply stared at him as he stepped over the unconscious lady and stood in front of her, "I know what I've just done and I know exactly who I am."

He then proceeded to reach into his ninja pouch and pulled out a kunai, "There better be a justifiable reason as to why you would do this to her."

"Hah! A meagre kid dares to talk to me, a Hamako, in such a tone," the black-haired man scoffed as he walked closer towards Ryuuya, "She, a dirty peasant, dares to lay her hands on a member of the clan, one of the founding clans of Suna. Why should I not have disciplined her?"

As soon as he finished this, he felt a cold sensation on his neck as he saw that Ryuuya had suddenly disappeared from where he was standing. Looking down at his neck, he saw that a kunai was currently resting on his neck.

Feeling the cold touch of the blade of the knife which could have ended his life with a simple movement, shock and fear appeared on his face and it only rose as he heard the cold voice of Ryuuya next to him on his left, "You better thank the gods that you are a Suna shinobi..."

Before he could continue, Ryuuya felt a sense of danger coming from behind him and he quickly shunshined, dodging a sword attack that swung down right where he previously was.

This allowed the man to recover as he quickly placed his hand on his neck to check if there was any blood before turning to Ryuuya and staring at him vigilantly. He had just been attacked and was held at death's door by a kid in a blindfold.

Wait... He had just been held at death's door by a blindfolded kid.

Realising what had just happened, the man felt extremely humiliated and angry as he raised his sword and began to charge straight towards Ryuuya.

However, just as he was about to strike Ryuuya, he suddenly found himself tackled onto the floor.

"Who the fuck are you?" he shouted in frustration as he flat-faced the ground twice in the past minute. He struggled but found that he was not able to shake his attacker at all, "Don't you kn-"

"Shut up," his apprehender spoke out coldly as he continued, "Your yapping hurts my ears."

The man who had just taken down the black-haired man was a middle-aged man dressed in Suna's official armour.

Seeing the armour and sensing his chakra, the shinobis at the scene knew immediately that he was a jounin.

The man stood up and picked up the manas he placed him down on the other side and told him, "Leave. You are an embarrassment to our clan."

"But elder bro-"

"Shut it!" the jounin shouted angrily as he turned to the brown-haired man and ordered, "Take him back home and make sure Father hears about his actions."

"Eh? Kiyoshi and Ryuuya?"


Welcome, I managed to finish writing this in time. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Enjoy!

The Hamako clan is a new OG clan that I have made. Feel free to use if you want but please credit me. I will add more details about the clans in Suna in the additional chapters after the Konoha ARC is finished.

Have a great day!

Please give the book a review! Would help a lot in terms of giving me motivation.