
Naruto: Suna's Shinigami

A kid wakes up in an alleyway in Suna and upon waking up, meets two other boys who are running from a baker... Follow the story of these three kids as they become shinobi of Sunagakure and go into the Second Shinobi War. To all thinking of reading this, I have already loosely planned the whole story until Boruto already. Its going to be an OP MC story. Hope you enjoy! Please vote and review to keep me going!

Yrmynoodlescold · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Horde arrives 2/2

A loud rustling sounded as the tree line began to shake followed by a large amount of rumbling as the dirt pieces on the ground began to shake and vibrate off of the ground.

In that instant, a huge mass of black could be seen rushing out of the tree line at a shocking speed.

"Uh... Kiyoshi?" Ryuuya mumbled as he stared at the black mass, "You sure there are around eighty?"

"Looking at it, it looks like you may have forgotten to add an extra zero there," Haru's puppet commented as Haru stared at Kiyoshi with a deadpan annoyed expression.

"Uh... I didn't have enough time to count, the cave must have been extremely deep," Kiyoshi spoke as he tried to find an explanation for how it was possible for so much to come. He could tell that he had been off by a good hundred in the least.

Ryuuya and Haru were both trying to hide the shock they felt in their hearts.

They had been expecting the animals to arrive but unlike Kiyoshi who was given the best description of the animals from his clone, they had not seen the sheer size of the animals and the the horde as a whole.

Upon their emergence, Kiyoshi waited calmly as he crouched down on the floor and placed both his hands on the ground.

"Change of plan, Ryuuya, Haru, take out as much as you can and bring them to the iron carpet region," Kiyoshi ordered.

"Gotcha," Ryuuya acknowledged as he immediately stared at the animals that were now making their way towards the group at rapid speed, waiting vigilantly for Kiyoshi's signal.

"Get ready," Kiyoshi's voice sounded again as he stared directly at the swarm, he seemed to be waiting for something as he said, "Both of you use your strongest attacks! Ryuuya go now!"

When Kiyoshi said this, Ryuuya took a step forward as he pulled out three shurikens and threw them out. Following the throw, he quickly did some hand seals.

Sand Style: Weapon Multiplication 6th power

In that instant, the three shurikens began to have three more shurikens appear next to them and as soon as those three shurikens solidified, they were once again copied and another six shurikens appeared. And in a second, the number of shurikens had gone from a measly three to an overwhelming seven hundred and twenty-nine.

In that instant, what had initially seemed to be not much of a threat, was now able to take out the front line of all the animals that were charging forth.

The countless sound effects sounded.

Initially, the sounds of the shurikens impaling flesh did not immediately sound as they hit the skin of the animals and seemed to only leave small scraping injuries with every hit but as the number of shurikens hitting one animal increased, their fur and skin not able to hold out and after about thirty shurikens striking the animal, it gave out and had its life ended.

In the next few seconds, the numerous sounds of something sharp impaling flesh could be heard as the shurikens struck the horde. Almost instantly, a shiny reflective surface began to appear off of the ground as the blood from the animals began to pour out from their injuries.

The shurikens struck the whole frontline of animals and they all began to fall down like flies, slowing down the speed of the whole horde as they began to trip upon the bodies of their front liners. And as a new round of animals made their way to the front, they were met with the next trail of shurikens.

The animals now seemed to have realised that the shurikens were dangerous and began actively dodging the shurikens so as to be hit by the least amount of shurikens. And at this exact moment...

"Now!" Ryuuya shouted as he jumped onto Kentari's back.

At this, the Qilin, the human puppet, Kentari, and Ryuuya all charged forward.

The mane of the Qilin began to open up into an umbrella-like shape as it picked up speed and dashed straight towards the animals while doing a series of corkscrew rolls, allowing the blades in its mane and claws to cut all the animals.

The human puppet also did the same things as it charged at an impressive speed towards the animals and it let out a loud, "Yeeehawwwww!"

Kentari's sword suddenly seemed to split right down the middle as the sword broke into two and in that instant, he bit down on both the handles, allowing the sword to point straight outwards in both directions of its mouth.

It then charged at an impressive speed while Ryuuya was sitting on his back with two kunais in hand, finishing off the ones that got spared.

In that quick moment, a line of death seemed to have suddenly appeared as the whole front section of the horde once seemed to have been cleared.

"Losing momentum, dash back and kite!" Ryuuya ordered as he felt Kentari's speed begin to decelerate from the force of the collisions on the swords in his mouth.

"They will catch up to us quickly, we need to keep killing them," Kentari retorted as he saw nothing productive coming out of this.

"Just do it! They will not be able to chase us," Ryuuya shouted and Kentari, albeit hesitant, turned around and made his way towards the iron sand ground.

At this, Kentari began to understand as his haze subconsciously shifted to Haru's puppets that had shifted backwards a few paces and were now fighting on the iron carpet and he saw that the animals that were caught in the carpet began to slow down as the iron sand seemed to envelop their paws and stick it to the carpet, enabling the puppets to get better kills.

"We need to attract the attention of as many animals as possible," Ryuuya mumbled as he turned back and saw over forty animals directly chasing him.

"Haha! Good show Ryuuya," Kiyoshi shouted from the other end of the iron carpet as he saw that Ryuuya had managed to get a considerable chunk of the horde onto the Iron Carpet.

The count on the number of animals that were now on the carpet was a little more than a dozen over a hundred.

"Ryuuya! Final kite! Make your way back here!" he shouted, immediately reaching the ears of Ryuuya who then rode Kentari and they both began to run straight back towards Kiyoshi and Haru.

"What are you doing? You were doing so well killing them all, why did you stop!" the villagers could not help but exclaim in worry as to them it looked as if they were retreating during a winning battle.

"God help us all!" one of them shouted while another fainted in fear.

Hearing all this, Kiyoshi let out a small smile as he saw Ryuuya, riding Kentari, jump over the trench.

"Good, now it's my time to shine," Kiyoshi smiled and in that moment, he let out a series of hand signs before fiercely slamming them on the floor.

"Iron Sand: Branches of Hell!"

In that instant, the puppets the Haru had on the ground were suddenly risen and brought high above the Iron Sand carpet.

The carpet seemed to suddenly have become a portal as suddenly, a large number of spikes began to launch out of the carpet, flying straight upwards, impaling everything that was in its way. The spike continued to form sticks with multiple branch-like structures.

Puchi! x100

In that instant, countless sounds of bodies being punctured by iron sand branches with devilishly sharp tips could be seen making their way right through the hundred and twenty animals.

Large spurts of blood could be seen flying up in the air forming another sort of red carpet right above the bodies.

Just like that, a hundred and twenty animals were killed.

Silence reverberated the whole scene, even the rumbling of the horde seemed to stop for a moment as everyone stared at the monstrosity that had just happened in front of them.

Kiyoshi turned around to stare back at the villagers who had just criticised them for retreating and this time, all that was on their faces was just a look of complete shock and amazement.

They had never seen someone take out so many living things in such a short period of time.

"Your Iron Sand's destructive aspect is impossible to match," Ryuuya's voice sounded as he also looked at the move with a hint of surprise. They had seen Kiyoshi practice this move before but they had never seen it in action and used for killing before.

"Tch," Haru's puppet made a loud sound as it shouted, "I would kill all of them if you let my poison rest in their body for a little bit longer!"

"WHOAAAAAA!!!!!" the villagers erupted in joy but in the instant that their voices of happiness and relief came, something else arrived.




One of my most favourite chapters because I had the image very clear in my head. It was a very quick action if you look at the timeline of it but the teamwork and the execution of the scene as I imagined it was amazing. You will get to see the cover image for the book in the next chapter (Small prelude)

I hope it was a good chapter!

Please continue to give me your powerstones!!

Well done to Jeet_Chattopadhyay for getting the small question at the end of last chapter right.

Prepare of the source of the Second Shinobi World War soon.

I need to think of how to equalize the Kages still... Hiruzen was amazing enough to hold off some really strong kages so I need to find a way to strengthen him to that point and come up with more techniques.

He was referred to as a 'God of Shinobi' too so I need to make him live up to that title.

Okay, that's enough trailers for now.

Here are the PowerStone shoutouts! (NOTE: This is a pre-written chapter so I won't be able to thank you all in time- I will update the Powerstone senders for that day later in the day)









