

–Hokage Office–

"Mikoto, are you sure that her chakra nature is ice?" Minato asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, Lord Fourth." Mikoto replied as she pulled out the frozen piece of paper. "Here is proof of it."

Minato's eyes widened. He couldn't count how many times he's been surprised ever since the girl arrived in his village. Although he was glad that his village gained someone who had great potential, there was something about her he couldn't grasp.

"To obtain a chakra nature that is supposedly a Kekkei Genkai…that is something unheard of." Minato said.

"I agree. To have the chakra nature of ice despite being an Uchiha, I think it's strange." Mikoto said.

"But it is what it is, there's nothing we can do." Minato said with a sigh. "Well? Did you think of hiring someone to teach her?"

Mikoto shook her head, "No, she said she was going to learn on her own. I wanted to talk to her about that but she seemed confident in herself."

"I see. Honestly, that might be for the best. If other villages realize that she has ice as a chakra nature, it's going to be quite troublesome for me."

"I want to tell you something about her."

"Oh? What is it?"

"In our clan, every single member's birth is recorded, even if they were just born. However, there is no record for Rize Uchiha. Either there was never one or it disappeared."

Minato sat up and had a serious expression before speaking, "We can figure out those things later, there's not much we can do about that. You have everything set to register into the academy right?"

"Yes, but will she fit in?"

"About that, I'm honestly not sure. She has tremendous skill as well as talent. I would evaluate her between Chunin to Jonin rank since she doesn't know Ninjutsu, but despite that, I'm sure she'll easily learn since she's an Uchiha."

"So what you're saying is she's already surpassed the people that are going to be in her class."

"That's right, but I think that is okay. She needs to learn about socializing, humans, and values. Remember, she's not a regular girl with high talent, she's also a killer."

Mikoto thought of when she had hugged Rize. When she met her eyes, it showed the desire for something. But there was something holding Rize back from submitting to that desire.

"I understand."

"For now, keep watch over her. Also, did you tell your son about her yet?"

"I have. I think they're about to meet, they were both heading towards the training compound."

–Training Compound at Uchiha Estate–

Rize watched the kid known as Sasuke fighting the wooden dummy. Apparently, he was practicing his taijutsu that his older brother had taught him. It seemed like he had a lot of respect for his older brother a lot.

"But if you're doing it like that, then you're never going to improve." Rize said as she sat on the porch eating an apple. *Crunch*

Sasuke turned around and had an annoyed expression on his face, "Huh? What do you know about this?! Just because my mom adopted you doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like my sibling!"

"*Sigh* What does that have to do with anything I just said? I'm saying you won't improve by attacking it like that."

"You're talking as if you know taijutsu."

"I do know taijutsu, I'm pretty damn good at it too." Rize said as she hopped off the porch. "It's your vision. You need to imagine the wooden dummy is an enemy, not just an inanimate object that can't fight back. In a real battle, your enemy is blocking a counter attacking. But it's your choice whether to take my advice or not."

With that being said, Rize left the training compound since she didn't want to deal with Sasuke's arrogant attitude. She thought about the personality difference between him and his mother.

'He must've gotten the arrogance from his father.' she thought.

"Rize!" a familiar voice called out to her.


"I see you just left the training area, did you meet my son?"

Rize nodded her head in reply.

"What do you think?"

"He's weak, arrogant, and rebellious. He doesn't listen and thinks he's good." Rize replied. It wasn't as if she had anything against him, it was what she truly thought of him.

Mikoto let out a dejected sigh and rubbed her forehead.

"That was not the way I intended for you two to meet, but I hope you two will get along in the future." Mikoto said with a smile.

"Maybe if he changes his personality." Rize replied.

"I see…"

"Anyway, why don't you bring me around the village? I wasn't able to explore much because of the events that occurred."

"Sure, but couldn't you look around the village by yourself?"

"Hmm…" Rize hummed as she held her hands behind her back, "What if I decided to go on a murder spree? It'll be your fault for not watching me."

Mikoto couldn't tell if Rize was serious. She said it in a playful tone but the words had such a heavy meaning. She thought about Minato's words about teaching her about humans and values.

"Okay, I'll bring you around." Mikoto said. "Ah wait, let me give this to you."

Rize was handed a black cloak that had the clan's symbol in the back of it. It covered her inner clothing but she was still able to move the way she wanted to.

"Not bad."

"I'm glad that you like it, now come on. Let me show you around the village." Mikoto said as she dragged Rize.

"Okay, okay. I can walk on my own!"

"This is where the Hokage Headquarters are."

"There's the Hokage Rock!"

"This is the Leaf Village Academy where you'll be attending soon."

"And right over there is the Uzumaki Compound. They're known for having bright red hair, extreme chakra reserves, and strong life forces. They're also extremely skilled in sealing techniques."

Rize did not expect Mikoto to show her every single place that she considered important to the village. They had walked around the village for hours, talking to people, and visiting stores. The sun was already setting.

"And that's about everything." Mikoto said with an energetic smile.

"You…I'm definitely going to kill you." Rize said as she sat down on the bench to calm down.

"Don't be like that, you wanted to bring me along didn't you? I can't have you killing innocent citizens." Mikoto said.

Rize stared at Mikoto and realized the woman was not as innocent as she thought. She was a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing.

"Okay, you win. What now?"

"There's one more place. I'm sure you're hungry since I am as well and I know the perfect place to eat at."

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in front of a place called Ichiraku's Ramen Place.

"Ramen?" Rize questioned.

"Yep, this place makes the best ramen. Sasuke and Naruto often come here together to eat. Although they're rivals, they have quite a strong bond together." Mikoto said with a giggle.

It seems like Sasuke was a bit of a tsundere.

"Okay then…"

Rize sat on the seat and noticed a slender girl with long, dark brown hair and large black eyes, plus fair skin. She was about the same age as her.

When their eyes suddenly met, Rize's eyes widened. She had the purest and most innocent eyes Rize has ever seen in her life.

"Hello!" the girl said, causing Rize to snap out of her trance, "What would you like to order."

"Um…" Rize muttered as she skimmed over the menu. "I'll have a Tsukemen then…"

She was not used to the food in this world. Although she's heard of ramen in her past life, it's not as if she could eat it since she had to keep her body fit all of the time.

"Good taste." Mikoto said.


"This place is run by Teuchi, the old man, and her daughter. They've been here for a long time and are quite well known in this area for their delicious ramen."

"And you're telling me this because…"

"I hope you'll make a friend and bring them here sometime."

A friend. In her past life, Esdeath never had anyone she considered friends. If they were weak, they were casted aside. If they were strong, they could fight with her. They were just disposable tools that would break soon.

Soon enough, their orders arrived. Rize only had one thought going through her mind as she was eating.


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