
Naruto strong bone

you have never wondered what would happen if naruto had the kekei genkai of the kaguya clam bone well this is the answer. PS : it is not my story all rights to the author I just bring you this interesting story for you to enjoy

Dragon_forever · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter: 18

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"I see, so that's all that has happened." Sarutobi Hiruzen said taking a puff of his pipe.

"MmmHmm, That's what I've found through my spy network." Jiriaya said to him.

"Any sight of Tsunade?"

The Toad Sannin shrugged. "The last I've heard was she and her apprentice was running from The Land Of Clouds with a Casino owner and his men chasing after them. Still can't win eh?" He said with a small smile. "Other than rumors I ain't seen hide nor hair of her." His voice then turned serious. "Though I have heard a lot more rumors regarding your third student."

Sarutobi turned serious as well. "What have you heard?"

"Rumors from my network in Rice have said it's undergone new rulership and the countries been renamed and transformed into a Ninja village. Some say the Daimyo granted its permission and mysterious passed away a week afterward. The Hidden Village of Sound is its new name, Otogakure. The Otokage's name is unknown but I think we both know who he is." Jiriaya said his tone all serious. For the past decade he had been using his spy network and roaming the land, taking into any account any potential threat against the Leaf Village. After his former Teammates left, Jiriaya knew he had to do the same. Konoha wasn't his place anymore, even though he had been offered the position of Hokage by his Sensei before he had left.

He was in no condition to do that. He couldn't lead a Ninja Village, not after all that had happened.

"I see…" Sarutobi mentioned. "And two of them from it are in the next round of the Chunin Exams. Quite a coincidence don't you think?"

"Who's all in the Exams?"

"Six Leaf, Two Suna, and the Two Sound. Ten Shinobi in total. Naruto Uzumaki is among them."

"Oh he is?" Jiriaya said with a smirk. "Who would've thought he'd make it on his first try, from what I've heard he hasn't exactly been given the best support."

Sarutobi shook his head. "Indeed, but he has shown great improvement. He has activated his bloodline when he became Genin."

Jiriaya's ears perked up at that. "His Kekkai Genkai? Huh, so unlike his mother he had it." He mentioned. "The kid's facing Neji Hyuga eh? He'll probably have his hands full with that one. But he could-"

A knock was heard on the door before he could finish. Sarutobi looked at the door and mentioned for the person to enter.

The door swung open and walking in was an elderly man, almost as old as Sarutobi. He walked with a cane and had his eye bandaged up and one of his arms missing due to injuries he sustained in his youth. He stepped forward and bowed in forgiveness. With him was Hiashi Hyuga, head of the Hyuga clan and Shibi Aburame, head of the Aburame clan.

"Forgive me Lord Hokage and you too Toad Sannin, but there is something of importance I must discuss with you." Danzo, a member of the Council and one time rival of Sarutobi said to him.

"It can wait Danzo, I'm in the middle of something."

"It concerns all of us Lord Hokage." Hiashi spoke up. "Word has reached all of our ears and many others that a ninja has acquired and activated his bloodline, as you know, should a bloodline user come to Konoha, he most be examined and studied by the Council men to see if he will be a danger to the Leaf."

Sarutobi stared at the three men, he knew what they wanted, to see Naruto's Shikotsumyaku for themselves. He could tell just by studying their facial features and muscle structure they disliked the thought of Naruto having one, what with also being the Kyuubi vessel and all as well.

"Sarutobi-sama," Danzo said respect in his voice but sternness as well as if suspecting he knew all along and never told anyone. "Like all bloodlines, this new one, this Shikotsumyaku could be dangerous, we have all heard tales of a ninja activating his Kekkai Genkai and losing control and destroying all around him. If the boy cannot maintain control of it, he should be held in custody away from the Civilians."

"What would you have me do then?" Sarutobi asked them.

"A meeting, tomorrow." Shibi spoke up the father of Shino said with no emotion.

"Indeed, with this and…" Hiashi paused looking for the right word. "His other hidden power he possesses, it would be for the best of us all if the boy is presented before us all."

"…Very well then." Sarutobi said to them. "All the Council and head of the Clans shall be there. However I'll tell all of you right now." He said and glared at them his stern eyes in an icy glare. "He is not a weapon to be used like you may think, nor is he a monster like others think. Naruto is a human being and shall be treated as such."

"Of course Lord Hokage." Danzo said and bowed to him. "We shall take our leave now." He said and the three left.

Sarutobi watched them leave and let out a sigh after they had left.

"The more things change the more they stay the same." Jiriaya pointed out.

At Otogakure…

"Haku!" Raiga's voice shouted. His second in command hearing him walked forward shaking his head wondering what he wanted this time. As usual he carried Ranmaru on his back.

"I have a job for you, since you don't like fighting." He said to him as they where in a building in Otogakure, the Leader of the Kurosuki family coming back from a meeting with the Leader of the Sound Four Sakon.

"Go to Konoha," He ordered him. "Spy on that place, find any weak points in it." He said to him. "Report any findings you discover to Karashi once a week. Kill anyone who gives you trouble." He said and turned and left. Ranmaru glanced back at Haku who watched them go.

"Might as well head there now, he's not in a good mood." Haku muttered to himself. It'd be better than staying here, the people here, some where just plain psychotic, no doubt having been experimented on. He wondered what lies Orochimaru had told them as he had heard of the Snake's reputation. It was almost worse than Wave when Gato was in charge.

He looked around and sensed a presence. He turned and heard coughing, he made his way to a room and looked inside.

On the bed and coughing and hacking was a white haired figure with green eyes. The teenager took some medicine and his coughing halted for a bit. He had two red dots on his forehead as well.

Haku's eyes widened as he recognized him. The Kaguya? What was He doing here?

Getting out of sight Haku quickly exited the building looking around he then leapt up to the rooftops and headed out of Otogakure.

He stopped a distance away when he came across two roads. The first would lead him back the way he had come take him to Wave to Zabuza's grave, the second would take him to Konoha.

He reached towards his pocket and produced the ANBU mask, gradually he slipped it on for the first time since Zabuza had died.

He took the second road…

"The Hyuga style of fighting, The Gentle Fist, is meant to cut off all chakra flowing throughout the body and immobilize the enemy. So I may not necessary win if I go at him fists swinging." Naruto said as he stood on top of a wooden pole balancing on one foot outside of Konoha. The boy was by himself thinking about the upcoming month.

"He beat Hinata pretty bad, no mercy even for his cousin." He muttered to himself remembering the fight, Hinata had shown spirit and fought back against him but in the end she was defeated, nearly killed at her own family's hands. "I shouldn't expect any mercy either." He said and walked down the pole.

Ever since going to the next round hours ago, he had kept mostly to himself. Not even bothering to stop and eat at Ichiraku's. He expected that word had gotten out already, about him having a bloodline and the last thing he wanted was to be looked at suspicsion and mistrust right now. He'd wait until things calmed down a bit before he walked around Konoha.

Sasuke was still in the hospital, from what he heard. Kabuto Yakushi was seen narrowly inches away from killing him and a manhunt was in place looking for the Genin, but so far he had stayed hidden and hadn't been found.

His stomach growled in irritation and hunger and he decided to stop and get a bite to eat. He headed to the village and walked through the streets. Most of the people so far ignored him, already getting things setup for the next month.

"That brat, what does he have? Some sort of mutation?" One man said he had overheard.

"Yeah that's probably what that freak has, no way he has a bloodline." Another person said and Naruto gritted his teeth and ignoring them made his way to Ichiraku's.

"Naruto," A voice said and he turned and saw Kakashi walking towards him. He stopped and looked at his sensei.

"What's wrong? Haven't you guys caught Kabuto yet?" Naruto asked him.

"…Why didn't you tell me you had a bloodline?"

"…" Naruto didn't say anything in return for a moment. "Cause if I did, I'd figure you'd still just ignore me in favor of Sasuke."

Kakashi looked at him with his one eye. (That other boy, this Kimimaro, does he have it as well? Is that why Sarutobi made him come here? All this time under my nose…)

"Kakashi I want you to train-"

"I'm sorry Naruto," Kakashi interrupted him. "I'm going to be busy with Sasuke this upcoming month for his match with Gaara. You won't be up against a dangerous opponent such as Sasuke. I won't have the time to train the both of you. However I will train you the last week of the Exams."

Naruto frowned at him. "What am I suppose to do till then?"

"Ebisu will train you, now I know you don't like him very much but he has agreed to do so for three weeks." He said referring to the guardian of Konohamaru. "He can teach you a good number of things."

Naruto frowned at him, again he was being ignored in favor of Sasuke.

"Sarutobi has also requested that you meet with him and The Council tomorrow." He said to the blonde surprising him. "You're to meet with them at eleven AM sharp. They want to talk with you."

Before Naruto could ask why, Kakashi disappeared in his usual manner leaving the Genin alone in the streets.

Forgetting about dinner, Naruto then decided to head home and get ready for the next day.

Later that night…

Hayate Gekko, The Jonin and proctor of the Exams was doing his rounds around Konoha on patrol. The Jonin let out a cough as he looked around as the moon was covered up.

"Luckily the moon's not visible tonight, that's when he's at his most dangerous…" He heard a voice say. "The beast inside him fully awakens whenever that happens."

"Indeed," Another voice spoke up.

Hayate faintly heard the sound of voices. Two men by the sound of it.

"This place has noticeable weak spots. Weaknesses we can exploit Kabuto."

That made the ninja's eyes widen. He quickly got closer so he could hear better.

"After the third match, Orochimaru-sama plans on attacking, my job is to cast a Jutsu that will put all those in the crowd to sleep. Then we attack." Kabuto Yakushi said as he stood next to Baki the two talking.

"I see, a fine opportunity, Our Kazekage risks much aligning ourselves and Suna with you, part of it is jealously, the other is he wants the Wind Daimyo to pay for relying on Konoha too much. Don't you feel any shame over attacking your home?" Baki asked Kabuto who smirked and adjusted his glasses.

"This place isn't my home, I have no sense of loyalty to the Leaf. Only towards Orochimaru-sama."

"I see…" Baki noted part of him wondering if there was also traitors inside Suna as well. "What about this so called commander of the forces I've heard? This Kaguya?"

"A opponent capable of even taking down Gaara." Kabuto said with a smirk. "He is zealous in his loyalty towards Orochimaru-sama, even though he no longer has any purpose to him. This battle shall most likely be his last."

"Orochimaru would willingly send his most loyal troops to their death?" Baki said not liking that.

"He is nothing more than a Rook on a Chessboard, he has some use but is easily discarded and unconcerned about afterwards. Same as the Sound Trio, disposable pawns as well."

Baki didn't say anything. He knew the man's reputation but didn't think it was that bad.

"Deal with the eavesdropper." Kabuto said to him. "I'll inform Orochimaru-sama of where we'll position the men." He said and then left.

Hayate moved as fast as he could, he had to warn The Hokage! He darted across the rooftops at a quick pace, knowing he had to tell them all what was happening.

Suddenly a kunai flew by his head and he stopped in his tracks as he saw Baki standing in front of him.

"Were are you heading off to?" Baki asked him his arms folded across his chest.

Hayate glared at him and got into a fighting stance.

"A sickly man such as you thinks he can defeat me?" Baki said with a mocking smirk.

Hayate suddenly charged him surprising him and attacked him. Using a summoning scroll he got three swords and wielding two charged him. Hayate swung at him with the blades showing great skill with them as he caught Baki off guard and drove him back. Baki underestimating him was nearly stabbed in the chest.

"Your Kenjutsu, is most superb." Baki said to him and Hayate tossed two of the swords into the air and casting a Jutsu created two clones which leapt up and caught the blades and he pulled out the third.

"Dance of the Crescent Moon!" Hayate shouted and the three attacked him from all sides aiming to cut him down. Baki dodged and twisted his body, just doing enough in time to avoid being hit. Hayate slashed him across his vest cutting it but missed his chest. The clones came at him from the side and attacked him forcing him back.

Hayate slashed him again and hit his flak jacket, however he found himself unable to pull it out as the blade couldn't get through.

"Not Bad, truly the Leaf Ninja deserve their reputation." Baki praised him. "However it's time I end this." He said and Chakra started to emit from his fingertips.

"Blade of Wind!"

Hayate was hit full force by a gust of wind and felt a deep slash across his chest, as blood started to seep from his fatal wounds he felt everything going dark.

(Yugao…forgive me.) His last thoughts thinking of his lover where as he hit the ground dead.

At Otogakure…

"Alright thanks for the report, now get your damn ass the hell out of here." Tayuya said to a Sound Nin who left.

The redhead shrugged and shook her head. With all that was going on she barely had time to rest, this had made her more grouchy and foul mouthed than usual.

"Can't Sakon and his brother or that bastard Kidomaru or that fatass Jirobo do this instead?" She muttered to herself as she was put in charge of all the events going on, getting ready for next month. Now she was finally able to get some rest.

Grumbling she headed to her personal quarters and looked at the belongings she had backed.

"I've been curious about that blonde idiot." She said as she slung the pack over her shoulders. "It's time I find out just what it is that makes him so damn special." She then headed out of the room.

"Konoha doesn't have a chance in hell…" She muttered looking around. "If the rumors are true Sand's own trump card is a Jinchuurki, plus we got one of the Swordsmen of Mist with us as well. Shit, we might be going overkill with this." She said to herself as she prepared to leave, Orochimaru wouldn't miss her, he'd be far too busy with his own work to notice she had left.

She passed by Kimimaro's room and for a moment thought about slipping her head in and seeing how he was. But she stopped herself, the teenager was in no condition right now. He would probably ask her what she was doing anyway.

Walking past it she then headed out to the village, no one was in the streets as she walked silently past it and headed outside the gates and out of the village.

Picking up speed she then began heading towards Konoha.

If she had in fact stopped and entered the Kaguya's room, she would've noticed that the window had been opened and that the bed was unoccupied.

The next morning…

Naruto Uzumaki let out a sigh as he stood before the two doors, waiting to get this over with. It was about time for his meeting with the Council and he had been dreading it ever since Kakashi had told him about it. A group of ninja, including Izumo and Kotesu stood guard over the room.

He thought with the discovery of the death of Hayate last night it might've been postponed but it hadn't. His death had surprised him and he had made a mental note to send flowers to his grave sometime after this. He didn't know him very much but he seemed alright and it was tragic what had happened to him as Yugao was grieving.

The doors opened and he took a deep breath and entered the room.

Inside where many of the Council and Clan Heads. All eyes where on him as he entered the meeting room. He saw Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza, the respective fathers of Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji. He also saw the head of the Hyuga clan as well as a woman he believed to be Kiba's mother. He noted several glares being aimed at him, he ignored them having gotten use to it.

He stopped in the middle of the room and saw Sarutobi seated. The old man smiled a friendly smile at him but Naruto didn't return it as he waited for it to begin.

Another old man stood up and cleared his throat. "Naruto Uzumaki," Danzo said drawing their attention. "It has come to mine and all other's attention that you have a Kekkai Genkai. Is this true?"

"…Yes." Naruto answered him.

"Show us then, show us what you have."

Naruto looked around and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt. Focusing a foot long bone started to go out of his arm. Many of the on watchers talked and whispered amongst themselves at what they saw. Naruto then retracted the bone into his arm.

"Interesting." Danzo said and stroked his chin watching on with intrigue in his voice. "This bloodline it is called Shikotsumyaku, or Dead Bone Pulse is it not?"

"That is correct."

"You possess a very rare bloodline, to our knowledge only the Kaguya could do a things such as that and they are extinct."

"The Uzumaki also could do it, though not all of them. Our two clans where related to each other." Naruto spoke up.

"I see, yes I do remember that they had an alliance at one time." Danzo said as the onlookers talked amongst themselves.

"Lord Danzo if I may," Hiashi said and stood up. "The Kaguya where nothing more than a bunch of wild barbaric murderers, they threatened Mist a numerous amount of times and even us as well. That Clan deserved its destruction, who knows that even Naruto himself could give in to the insatiable lust for battle they had."

"That's not true!" Naruto said loudly interrupting him. "The Kaguya may live for battle but they weren't barbarians and mindless killers like you think, they only trained to be perfect warriors to protect the ones they cared about and where Mist's loyal soldiers who where betrayed by them in turn."

"Hmph, have you ever meet a Kaguya?" Hiashi asked him in return.

Naruto didn't say anything in response. If they knew about Kimimaro, he could only think they'd be doing the same thing to him. Naturally Kimimaro would never stand for that.

"No? Then keep your tongue quiet." Hiashi said sternly to him. "As I was saying, Konoha now holds the last member of the Uzumaki clan and wielder of Shikotsumyaku. We could strip you of your ninja rank this very instant and have you locked up for months even years until we are certain you have control of it. However, Konoha is not like other villages."

Sarutobi watching on shook his head, knowing the distrust they had for him.

"Your clan has no power or influence left, they where all destroyed thirteen years ago in a Tsunami that annihilated Whirlpool, their home and village wiped out." Tsume Inuzuka said. "Once you die, whether fifty years from now or five months from now, The Uzumaki will cease to exist along with Shikotsumyaku."

"So what?" Naruto said getting upset. "I'm just a piece of meat in your eyes for the females of Konoha to use, an excuse for you to create an army? Pimp me out? You want me to get fifty girls pregnant or something?" He said and Tsume's eyes narrowed in anger as the hot blooded woman was about to respond. But Sarutobi sent her a stern glare and she silently nodded and kept quiet

"I would never approve of using my daughter as breeding stock anyway." Inoichi said with a scoff glaring at Naruto. "I for one approve of keeping him separated from the others until we are certain we all know what he can do with his bloodline." He said and some nodded in agreement.

"Enough," Sarutobi said and stood up all attention on him. "I've told you all before the meeting started, Naruto is not a weapon we can use as we see fit. He is a human being, not a monster despite what some may think. This meeting is hereby over, we shall discuss this again at a better time. We should be grateful, The Kaguya and Uzumaki where sadly destroyed in the Wars, now we have the chance to preserve and restore to glory at least one of the clans at this time." He said to them all. "Naruto you may go now."

Naruto however wasn't done yet as there was something he wanted to get off his chest.

"You, Shikaku." He said and pointed to Shikamaru's dad. "Your clan's bloodline can control people by their shadows and even make them kill themselves. You Akimichi, yours can expand to the size of buildings and crush those underneath you like bugs." He said and the two glared at him.

"Aburame," He said and pointed at Shino's father. "Your clan is nothing more than a Hive for thousands of insects, nothing more than a host for them. Yamanaka, Inuzuka, your clans both possess and contain abilities that can invade a person's thoughts or track people miles away." "Hyuga," He said and Hiashi glared at him. "Your clan's eyes can detect anything within a wide radius and you can cut off chakra from your opponents and cripple them even stop their heart from beating."

"I have a bloodline yes but so do all of you, even the Uchiha's which all of you praised every damn day. Me, I have hardened skin and can use my bones as Weapons. To me that seems rather normal compared to what some of you can do." He said and looked at them all.

"Next time you want to look down at me, take a good hard look in the mirror and see what stares back at you, you goddamn carnival freaks!" He said and turned and left the room.

As Naruto exited the building he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder. He looked up and saw a white haired man in red smiling down at him.

"What do you say we get some lunch?" Jiriaya asked him confusing Naruto.

A short time later the two where in a rather Adult only restaurant. Naruto felt rather flustered to be here as they where scantily clad women dancing around in the middle of the restaurant and being looked on by the males. Jiriaya simply gave the owner of it a look and he had nodded and let them both in.

Naruto ate his lunch and kept his focus on the table not at the dancing girls in the background, unfortunately the same couldn't be said for Jiriaya who watched on sipping his sake.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Naruto asked him as Jiriaya finally began eating and focusing on him.

"I'm what you call an old friend of Sarutobi, I saw your meeting with the Council."

"What? Gonna look down on me as well?"

"Nah, I'm often looked down as well." He said and grinning reached over and pinched a waitress's bottom. The woman playfully smacked his hand away.

"What are you a lecher?"

"No," Jiriaya said a bit annoyed. "I'm a pervert! A super one at that." He said with a grin and Naruto rolled his eyes. "Listen Naruto, I can help you out if you want me too." Naruto looked at him not understanding. "You're fighting Neji Hyuga in the exams correct?" He said in between bites. "He's pretty tough from what I've heard, you're gonna have your hands full with him. But I can help you out, give you some techniques to beat him you can learn this following month."


"I ain't telling unless you accept." Jiriaya said as his cup was refilled.

Naruto thought it over, he didn't know who this guy was but he seemed to have a clue what he was doing. "Alright I will, but first things first." He said to him. "What do you know about the Tailed Beasts? About Kyuubi?"

Jiriaya nearly choked on his sake and pounded on his chest to clear his lungs. "Bit young for that ain't ya Naruto."

"I'm sure you know I'm the vessel for The Nine Tailed Fox. What do you know about him? You're far more than some dumb perverted moron."

Jiriaya laughed and then his voice turned serious as he began.

"No one really knows what the Tailed Beasts or Bijuu they are also called are or where they came from. They all have different tales and origins." He said to him. "A popular one I've heard is that hundreds of years ago Nine evil warlords who sought control of the world and stopped at nothing to do so and committed crimes I won't speak of where punished by the gods and turned into Demonic beasts, and they attack settlements and human villages grieving over the loss of their humanity."

"Others say that they are a test sent by The Heavens and only when all War and Evil has been erased from the land and Peace is held will they disappear. Though given that most try to use them as weapons and seal them inside other people I don't think that will happen anytime soon." He said dryly as his drink was refilled and Naruto listened in.

"Another Tale I've heard was that there was a Tenth one, one with Ten Tails in fact who had all their powers and seemed to be on the verge of destroying all life. Until then One holy man, a Sage in fact appeared and split the creatures body into nine parts, thus saving the world and preventing the beast from reforming itself. There is all kinds of stories about them, and which ones the real one is anyone's guess." Jiriaya finished with a shrug and sipped his drink. "More Sake!"

"Haven't you had enough? You've had six cups." Naruto said to him finishing his meal.

"Eh, don't worry. I can hold a lot of liquor." He said and grinned as the waitress walked by and poured him more. "Women though are my true weakness." He said and pinched her bottom again, this time however the woman smacked him across the face.

"See! They love me!" He said with a grin as a handprint was on his face. Naruto wondered if working with this guy was going to be such a good idea. "Now then, tomorrow we'll begin your training with me. Trust me, I know a lot more than you're giving me credit for."

"Alright then." Naruto said and the bill arrived and Jiriaya looked at it and frowned.

"Hmmm, remember how I said I'm known as the Pervert?" He asked Naruto. "Well in some places I'm also known as the Beggar." He said and slide it towards him.