
Naruto strong bone

you have never wondered what would happen if naruto had the kekei genkai of the kaguya clam bone well this is the answer. PS : it is not my story all rights to the author I just bring you this interesting story for you to enjoy

Dragon_forever · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter : 11

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

"Yeah, I'll take this, and this as well. And a few of these as well." Naruto Uzumaki said as he was at the Weapons shop of Konoha and purchasing some items.

Instead of Kunai and Shuriken as he usual did when he bought weaponry, he had instead opted to buy a small short bow as well as some arrows from the store. The bow despite clearly being used before was in good shape and Naruto examined the arrows as well. He checked around and saw a small jar on a shelf in front of him.

"I'll take that as well, got any oil or fluid I can use for it? As well as a flint and cloth." He asked and the storeowner nodded in reply and went and got the items for him. Bringing them to him he added the items up and told him how much it would cost.

Paying for the items and carrying them out in a bag Naruto then got ready to head home. The streets where busy as he went through them as many people where getting ready for the annual Chunin Exams which Konoha would be holding. In a few days it would be the start of it and he had been doing extra work to get ready for it. He had been waiting for this day as it was an important event, this was his chance to finally show everyone, to prove that they was wrong about him.

Stopping to take a break he sat on a bench and put his bag down he reached towards his side pocket and pulled out The Art Of War which he had gotten a while back after Kimimaro had told him he needed to learn better strategies than just charging at your enemy fists flying. Flipping the book open he began reading where he left off.

"Hey loser!" A voice jeered at him as he read and he turned his head and saw a group of boys older than him. He immediately recognized them especially the leader.

"You actually think you're gonna compete in the exams? Why bother embarrassing yourself?" The leader of the group a fat large boy taunted him. He and the others where bullies and cowards who loved nothing more than to pick on and taunt those they deemed weaker than them. Naruto growing up was often their target. They weren't ninja as they had dropped out of the academy and where regarded as low lives.

"Gimme one reason why I shouldn't take that stupid Hitai-ate your wearing and throw it in the trash?" The leader taunted him and the others cheered him on.

Naruto glared at them as in his eyes they where nothing more than a bunch of maggots. He snapped his book shut and stood up.

"Ha! Growing a back bone? Not going to run off home to Mommy? Oh wait, you don't got one, she ditched you!" The bully shouted and they began laughing out loud.

POP! A rock hit him right in his ugly face and he fell backwards clutching his nose. The others looked back and saw Naruto casually tossing another rock into the air.

The bully pulled himself up as blood sprayed from his nose. "Kill him!" He shouted and they charged him and Naruto got ready.

He dodged and avoided their attempts to hit him. He blocked and countered them and made them hit one another as they didn't get close to hitting him. He blocked a fist and snapped his head forward head butting one and dodged another attack and catching one of the bully's arms and twisted it delivered a series of punches to his face and uppercut him.

He dodged an attack from behind and threw one into his partner. That just left him and the leader of the group who seemed less than eager to fight now that his henchmen where out cold.

"Go now and never bother me again." Naruto said coolly to him and turned his back on him to leave.

The bully snarled and reaching towards his pocket pulled out and flipped open a switchblade. He roared and went to stab him in the back when Naruto sidestepped the attack and kicked the weapon out of his hand and grabbing him by his shirt slugged him hard in the face then delivered a hard knee to the groin. He then reeled his head back and delivered a knockout blow to his skull with a head butt and dropped him.

Gathering his stuff and not even paying any attention to the downed and squirming bodies Naruto began to head home.

At Otogakure…

"I don't approve of this…" Kimimaro Kaguya said as he talked with a figure.

"Oh?" The teenager said as he adjusted his glasses. "I did not expect you to go against his plan Kimimaro." He said as he wiped them and put them back on.

"It's too risky, too soon to try and attack Konoha then, when everyone is gathered." He said to Kabuto Yakushi.

"It's at that time that Konoha will be at its most chaotic state and unable to defend themselves properly. When that happens, we will strike." Kabuto said to him. Despite posing as a Leaf Genin he was in fact Orochimaru's most dangerous henchmen as he was a deadly medic. Even Kimimaro was wary around him as a smile from him could mean he was about to stab you in the back.

Kimimaro shook his head. "We don't have enough men, we don't have the strength or the power to take down the Leaf village with just ourselves."

"That's why Orochimaru-sama was in Sunagakure for so long, this alliance with The Kazekage shall pay off as they will aid us in the attack."

"Even with their power we still don't know that victory is certain." Kimimaro said arguing it as he in a rare instance of disobeying had been opposed to it since he had learned of it.

"Hmph, you don't know the special weapon Sand has. They have a Jinchuurki who will compete in the exams." Kabuto said and that surprised Kimimaro. Another Jinchuurki? A demon vessel? "He'll be the key to the plan, even if we don't destroy Konoha Orochimaru-sama still will obtain The Uchiha."

"The Uchiha?" Kimimaro responded confusion in his voice. "What does Sasuke Uchiha have to do with Orochimaru-sama?"

Kabuto chuckled. "Don't be foolish Kimimaro, you know he's the last of his clan same as you. If Orochimaru can obtain him he'll be able to harness a new ultimate body. With you…" He then chose his next words carefully. "Unsuitable as of now to be his body he'll go with Sasuke as his next body. The Sharingan has been what Orochimaru-sama has desired for so long and he wants it. Normally he would've just done a transplant to obtain his eyes after he got the boy if you was healthy but instead he opts for Sasuke to be his next body." He said to him. "He'll give him the Cursed Seal during it and use the Sound Genin Team as guinea pigs to test his ability and capabilities with it. After that it will be easy to lure him into his clutches."

Kimimaro glared at him, he was to be Orochimaru's next body as his devotion to the man was unquestionable. The foolish boy in his eyes wasn't worthy of being the man's vessel.

Kabuto smirked at him. "Don't look so upset Kimimaro, you'll be the one leading the attack."


"Orochimaru will place you in charge of the attack force, you still have some use to him."

"Let Sakon or one of the others lead it, I have more important matters to attend too." He said to him trying to get out of it.

"More important than disobeying your Master's orders?"

So much for that.

"I must go now, I must be with Yoroi and Misumi to enter the exams and gain some more information for him. Try to stay alive so I can gather more data about your illness." He said with a smug grin and turned and left.

Kimimaro glared as he watched him go. He didn't like it, he didn't approve of this attack on Konoha. Months ago he would've gone with it whole heartedly but now with his cousin there he did not like it. The last thing he wanted was for the boy to be cut down in the battle and end the Shikotsumyaku line.

He sensed a presence behind him and turned and immediately kneeled and bowed his head as he saw his Master walking towards him.

"Orochimaru-sama…" He said to him as the man was wearing a disguise outfit and jutsu on himself. He was wearing a Jonin vest and a Hitai-ate with a Sound Note on it, as well as his hair in a topknot style.

The figure reached down and took Kimimaro's face in his hand and brought his head up. The man's golden eyes stared into his green ones.

The figure laughed darkly and let go and walked past him. Kimimaro watched him leave knowing his orders.

The next day in Konoha…

Naruto was taking a walk throughout the village as even more people had started to arrive for The Exams. People from Mist, Rain, Cloud, Earth, and others had come to the Leaf Village to participate in The Chunin Exams.

(Lots of people here, who knows how strong they are. Most of them are older than me and have more experience in this as well. Well, I'll just have to do my best to beat them.) He thought to himself looking around.

Suddenly he spotted three ninjas dashing across the rooftops. He looked and saw them jump across one building to the next in a quick pace.

He watched on and saw the three. The first one, apparently the Leader was a hunched over figure who had the left side of his face covered with bandages and wearing a fur item on his back and a long sleeved shirt that kept Naruto from seeing his hands. The second one worn headgear and wearing a yellow shirt that had kanji that stood for death on it and a bandana across his throat. The last one, the female of the group had long black hair that reached to her legs and that had a purple ribbon at the end of it as well with a Green shirt. All three of them wore gray camo styled pants and Naruto noticed they worn Hitai-ate's as well across their forehead.

And on them was a music note of sorts. The three passed by overhead without even noticing him watching them.

"Never seen them before, and a music note?" He said to himself. "What kind of village are they from?" He wondered to himself. A part of him couldn't help but feel that he'd be seeing them again.

He suddenly heard the sounds of what sounded like a scuffle which drew his attention. Heading towards it he quickly came across the problem.

Konohamaru, The Hokage's Grandson was being held in the air by his shirt and shaken angrily by a ninja in a black outfit who wore face paint and had a large bundle strapped to his back. He looked and saw Sakura trying to get him to stop saying it was an accident what happened.

Picking up speed he pulled out a kunai and with precise aim threw it right at the bundle he carried. It hit it directly in the spot he was aiming at and getting the ninja's attention. He then did hand seals preparing a Jutsu and cast it on the boy.

"What the?" The Ninja said and suddenly saw in place of the boy a cobra in his hand baring his fangs at him. Dropping it and backing up he then saw it scurry away and saw it transform back to Konohamaru who fled.

"Picking on kids? Is that what gets you off?" Naruto said to him appearing in front of him.

"What the? You did that?" The Ninja said and scowled angrily. "You think you're some kind of super hero you punk?" He said pulling the kunai out of the bundle he carried on his back.

Naruto studied him and noticed he wasn't wearing any gloves on his hands and he appeared ready to unhook the bundle he carried on his back. Either it was a large weapon or something else as Naruto watched his movements and prepared to unravel it.

(Too large and bulky to be a blade of sorts. And if it's an explosive like paper bombs he's going way overboard and that's just suicide as he'd kill himself if something went wrong.) Naruto thought watching him. (Wait a sec, Iruka-san's last class before the Genin test he talked about how ninjas could hide them and use them like that, I get it now. He's one of them.)

"I'll teach you not to mess with me you scum." The Ninja said and prepared to unravel it.

"Kankuro." A voice called out suddenly and the black clothed boy immediately stopped what he was doing a look of concern appearing on his face as he turned around. "Stop wasting time." The harsh voice said and Naruto looked as well and saw the speaker.

A red haired boy was seen standing impassively and with a bored, almost angry look on his face. He was wearing a giant gourd on his back and had a tattoo on the upper left side of his head that had the kanji that stood for love on it. With him was a blonde girl but Naruto's attention was on him.

(This guy, he's looks ready to snap at any second) Naruto thought to himself. He then looked at his eyes and noticed that his eyelids where black. (What the? What's up with this dude?) He thought as he sensed bad vibes coming from the ninja. One thing was for certain…

He was dangerous whoever he was.

As the black clothed ninja tried to explain to the other one what he was doing Naruto saw Sasuke appear having sensed the commotion. The red haired ninja saw him as well and his green eyes stared at both him and Naruto.

"You're here to compete in the Exams?" Sasuke asked him not taking his eye off him.

"…So what if we are?" The boy responded to him.

Suddenly a ninja who had half his face covered appeared in front of them and started to talk to the ninja in a calm voice. He was a jonin but even he appeared to be cautious around him as he did so in a slow and calm tone.

"Don't let your anger get you now Gaara." The Jonin said to him.

"Gaara?" Sakura repeated to herself hearing his name.

"A hateful demon who only loves himself…" Naruto whispered as that was what the name meant.

The group started to leave and Team 7 watched them go.

"Hmmm, didn't exactly think he'd be here." A voice said and they turned and saw Kakashi leaning against a tree reading his book.

"Aghh!" Naruto shouted in surprise. "How long have you been there?"

"Enough to see everything." He responded and flipped a page.

"Those ninjas…they are from Suna aren't they?" Sasuke asked him.

"Correct, Sunakagure The Hidden Village of Sand, one of the Five Great Hidden Villages and it resides in The Land of Wind."

"They look pretty dangerous." Naruto mentioned as well.

"Indeed, rumor has it that the boy, Gaara has never suffered an injury or dealt a blow nor has he failed a mission."

"What?" Sasuke said shock in his voice. "Never suffered an injury? That's impossible! How could he? He's only a Genin." He said to him.

"With an impenetrable defense or so they say." Kakashi responded and closed his book.

"How do we beat someone like that?" Sakura asked fear in her voice of fighting someone who couldn't be harmed.

"Here's a hint." Kakashi said to them looking over his shoulder. "If you encounter him prior to the exams the one thing you should do most of all is..."

The group peered forward listening in to his words of advice wondering just what secret he knew that could topple him.



Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura face faulted in disbelief at what he just said as Kakashi walked away.

"Sheesh what a joke." A voice said watching from afar as three ninjas had watched the events unfold from afar. "So that's the famed Uchiha brat? He doesn't look that tough." The boy who had kanji that stood for death on his shirt said. "Let's take him out now."

"Easy," The bandaged ninja said. "Let's not draw attention to ourselves. We'll do it in the exams. No one will suspect us if we kill him then as it would just be in self defense and they'd take it as a unavoidable part of the exams." He said and his one uncovered eye narrowed.

The trio of Sound ninjas looked on at their target as they saw them leave.

"Let's show them how out of our league they are." The girl Kin Tsuchi said as she glared at the pink haired girl most of all.

"You seem eager Kin." The first boy Zaku Abumi said with a smirk.

"Eager to show Ms. Prom Queen she has no right to call herself a Kunoichi." She said with a scoff.

"Heh, well these idiots don't stand a chance against us. We're becoming Chunins after the Exams." Zaku said crossing his arms across his chest

"Focus, both of you." Dosu Kinuta, the leader of the group said. "Remember our mission, we are to kill the Uchiha, that is our first priority. Anything else can be dealt with later." He said as their mission was to kill Sasuke.

The group sensed a presence and they turned and immediately kneeled as standing before them was a ninja in an Jonin outfit with his hair in a topknot style and a Sound Hitai-ate across his head.

"You understand your mission?" The man said to them.

"Yes, The Uchiha will be dead in a six days time." Dosu said to him and the ninja smirked.

"End The Uchiha line once and for all, and you shall be rewarded." The ninja posing as their sensei said.

"We will not fail you." Zaku said to him raising his head.

"I counting on your success to propel Sound and Otogakure into the Glory that it deserves." He said and turned to leave

"We won't let you down Master." Kin said as well.

The man chuckled a dark chuckle and turned his head to look back at them.

"Dosu, Zaku, Kin, be my weapon. Battle and kill for me, and you three shall become strong."

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama!" The three said as they bowed in unison as he left.

(Pitiful pawns)

The next day was the start of The Chunin Exams and all teams that would be entering it signed up with their senseis as shinobi from far and wide had come eager to test their prowess and abilities against everyone else.

In the building where the first part would be held at, Naruto was in the bathroom washing up and splashed cold water on his face as he was thinking what Kakashi had said the day before.

"Impenetrable defense? What does he mean? No one's immune from getting hit, not even Kimimaro…" He muttered as even though he and him where protected by an extra coating on their inner body didn't mean they hadn't been hit.

He got out of the restroom and suddenly heard a commotion. He headed towards the source and was surprised at what he saw.

Sasuke and Rock Lee, the boy he had seen earlier who had tried to attack Kimimaro where fighting and much to Naruto's surprise Lee was holding his own and even besting Sasuke.

Sasuke dodged a kick aimed at his face and backed up but was hit by the charging Lee who went at him full force. Sasuke couldn't detect his movements much to his shock and was being on the defensive for the first time.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan and went to hit him when Lee suddenly dropped low dodging his attack and kicked him hard in the jaw knocking him up into the sky.

"Sasuke-kun!" Shouted Sakura and he hit the floor with a thud.

"Ah, you are good I'll give you that Sasuke and lucky I didn't connect with you fully with my kick." Lee said. "But when it comes to Taijutsu I am No.1!" He shouted and did a pose doing a thumbs up and a twinkle in his eye.

Sasuke glared at him and stood up when Lee noticed Naruto out of the corner of his eye.

"You must be the third member of the team Sakura-chan is on." Lee said to him. "I didn't recognize you from before but now I do. You was with that white haired ninja a while back. I must say your footing is remarkable!"

Naruto raised an eyebrow not understanding.

"You have the footing and posture of a sunbathing lizard but should an enemy attack you can turn into a ferocious lion! I can tell just by your style that you can become a powerful fighter in a mere instant!" Rock Lee said to him getting uncomfortable close.

"Will you please get out of my face?" Naruto said to him.

The bushy browed ninja back flipped away and got into a fighting stance. "Allow me to judge your Taijutsu! I, The Green Beast and student of Might Gai shall see how much prowess you have!"

Naruto shrugged his shoulders and got into a fighting stance of his own.

"If you can't beat him, how can Naruto?" Sakura asked as she helped Sasuke up. She was unaware that his Sharingan was still activated as he looked over the combatants with a keen eye.

Lee charged him and Naruto got ready and blocked and dodged his punches and flying kicks as he went at him relentlessly. Naruto dodged a kick and blocked a punch and when Lee went to trip him up he leapt over his kick.

Lee went to hit him but Naruto backflipped away and prepared to attack. The bowl cut Taijutsu expert let out a battle cry and ran towards him and slashed at him wielding his hands like a lion's claws. Naruto avoided it and attacked him back neutralizing his fists and dropped low and cut his legs out from underneath making him lose his footing but recovered in the span of a second. Lee cart wheeled away and did a backwards somersault and landed on his feet smiling.

"HaHa! Twenty seconds and I still haven't landed a hit. Most excellent friend!" He said smiling. "Now it's time I get serious."

"S-Serious?" Naruto repeated when suddenly Lee charged him twice as fast and dropped low like he did with Sasuke.

Before Naruto reacted he kicked him in the jaw sending him up into the air. The way he did it and setup, it reminded him of The Dance of The Falling Star Kimimaro had taught him.

Sasuke watching on with his Sharingan still activated noticed the movement that would've be done on him.

Lee leapt up and appeared behind Naruto and reaching towards the bandages on his legs and wrists.

"Now! Feel my youthful spirit as I unleashed my Intial Lotus and follow it up with-"

"LEE!" A voice shouted and Lee dropped down stopping his attack. Naruto fell as well and landed on his feet recovering from it.

A Jonin ninja with the same type of hair style and bushy brows as Rock Lee appeared. "I thought I gave you orders not to use that move unless I gave you permission or if protecting a special person." He said chastising him.

"Ah! I am so sorry Sensei!" Lee said bowing to him. "Forgive me, it just that I got caught up in the heat of the fight that I couldn't help myself."

The Ninja looked at him sternly but then smiled. "It is alright Lee. I know how excited you are to participate in the exams but keep yourself under control. Your burning spirit will eclipse all others but remember that by controlling it shall make you outlast all other youthful spirits here today."

"Hai sensei! I shall make you proud this day!" He said and tears started to flow down his eyes. The man's sensei own eyes started to flow as well and he grabbed him and the two hugged as they sobbed.

"Let's head to the testing room." Sasuke said to the others. Using his sharingan he had secretly copied Lee's move to create a new move of his own.

Naruto watched him and Sakura go and then looked back at the sobbing duo.

(Sasuke, Gaara, Lee, and who knows who else is here. I'm going to have my work cut out for me.) He thought to himself as he got ready to go to the room where the first part of the Exams would be held.