
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · Anime & Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 88: The Gears of Destiny Start to Turn

"Once I reach that place, I can, I can do fewer tasks!" Obito sprinted at an extreme speed, his eyes fixed on the finish line, becoming somewhat red.

He had never desired to reach a place so quickly.

If someone were to ask Obito right now where he most wanted to go, Obito would undoubtedly answer without hesitation that it was the finish line of the race.

Guy's journey was longer than Obito's, so Obito couldn't see Guy's figure for the time being.

But Obito soon sensed from the noise generated by the high-speed run that Guy's speed was closing in on him.

Obito knew that his speed was not as fast as Guy's, and if he were caught up with, there was only one outcome – losing.

Gritting his teeth, Obito constantly recalled the Chakra techniques that Mutsuki taught him to enhance speed, concentrating more Chakra in his legs, attempting to accelerate further.

"Surpass him, surpass everyone, become the strongest!" Guy felt his entire body burning, continuously advancing at an extreme speed, striving to close the distance with Obito.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed only on the finish line and the not-so-distant Obito.

Both of them were giving their all in the race. The closer they got to the finish line, the shorter the distance between them. As they were about to reach the finish line, Obito almost felt like they were running side by side.


Suddenly, Guy's figure vanished from beside him and appeared at the finish line.

When Obito reached the finish line, he collapsed weakly to the ground, filled with infinite regret.

Unable to control himself, Obito pounded the ground with his hands. He had just received a hundred questions yesterday, and today he would likely have to deal with dozens more. It seemed he was returning to the days of solving problems in installments.

He hated it!

"Obito, surpassing by half a second reduces five questions. Remaining questions: thirty-five."

"Guy reaching the finish line plus surpassing by one second means no more questions this time." Mutsuki announced the results of the competition.

Guy heard that he didn't have to do a single question and broke into a smile, celebrating with a fist pump.

Mutsuki used the Identification Jutsu to glance at Guy and found that the recent match directly increased Guy's Soru proficiency by three points.

"Under pressure, one might not be able to solve math problems, but one can indeed learn Ninjutsu faster when pushed to the limit," Mutsuki nodded inwardly.

The effect of the recent match was quite good; both of them surpassed their previous records of running at full speed.

"Take a break and have some water." Mutsuki pulled Obito up, brushed off the dirt from Obito's body, took out two bottles of water, handed one to Guy, and opened the other, offering it to Obito.

"If you continue like this, Obito, you'll be able to clear the river sprint this week," Mutsuki said.

Life has too many hardships, and Mutsuki likes to give more poetry and distant dreams to those who feel lost.

Obito took the bottled water given by Mutsuki, took a big gulp, and revived instantly.

"Guy, you won today, but don't be too happy too soon. Tomorrow, I will definitely be the first to cross the finish line!" Obito wanted Guy to experience the pain of solving problems, just like himself.

"Haha, very spirited, but the one who will definitely reach the finish line first is me, Guy!" Guy gave a thumbs up to Obito.

Mutsuki stood with his hands behind his back, thinking that his disciple should be like this.

Somewhat regretfully for Mutsuki, Shisui currently couldn't join this harmonious and friendly training. Part of it was due to his strength, and the other part was because Shisui was strong in theory and not afraid of solving problems. Moreover, Shisui had also learned the Shadow Clone technique, which allowed him to directly use clones to help with problem-solving.


On Tuesday, Mutsuki attended classes as usual.

By now, he had completely mastered the rhythm of the large classes and could control the grading of the courses like regular classes, deciding whether to gain Chakra or Ninjutsu.

In the morning, Mutsuki chose to focus on Chakra, and in the afternoon, he decided to enhance his Ninjutsu.

"This time, you've done something rare and good. Yumi-sensei is indeed much stronger than a Jonin in these basic teachings." Raido watched the students in Group B, who, under Mutsuki's guidance, had become proficient in tree climbing and water walking, nodding in approval.

"If those Genin who didn't sign up knew, they'd probably regret it."

Raido couldn't help but envy the students. If he had a sensei who could teach like Yumi-sensei when he was in school, his strength would undoubtedly be much greater now.

"I've never let you down, my brother. Trust me," Asuma patted Raido on the shoulder and said.

"And Yumi-sensei's strength is not just in these basics. Anything Yumi-sensei knows, he can teach well."

"How do you know?" Raido didn't catch on at first.

After recalling, Raido punched Asuma in the chest, saying, "I almost forgot he's your family tutor."

If Raido could be likened to an ordinary player, then Asuma would be a paying player.

Asuma chuckled, understanding Raido's thoughts to some extent. However, if the private tutor wasn't Mutsuki, he would have long sent them away.

"Although Yumi-sensei teaches well, the pressure in this special training is intense. It feels awkward to be suppressed by a group of students," Kurenai said with a troubled expression on her delicate face.

She didn't know how others felt, but she felt a bit embarrassed being overshadowed by the students.

"It's okay, Kurenai. Let's both work hard and try to secure two positions in the top three," Asuma quickly responded.

"What, do you think I'm not capable of competing with you guys?" Raido raised an eyebrow.

Asuma really wished Shisui would appear now and kick this interfering third wheel away. Can't read the atmosphere, huh?

But since Shisui didn't show up, Mutsuki did, guiding the three of them.

Busy times always pass quickly, and soon it was time for class to end.

[Completed one large class teaching]

[Evaluation: A]

[Rewards: Wind Release · Vacuum Sphere, Earth Release · Earth Flow River]

Both Ninjutsu were quite good, and Mutsuki was quite satisfied with today's gains.

Back in the main city area, Mutsuki happened to run into Minato and Kushina, who were about to leave.

"Mutsuki, we're heading to a meeting. Remember to leave us some food," Kushina waved and said.

Minato looked at Mutsuki helplessly. He was just about to say that Mutsuki didn't have to cook for them today.

"I'll make a bigger portion later, and I'll just make yours while I'm at it. You can come eat it yourselves later," Mutsuki understood Minato's expression and said with a gentle smile.

As long as he cooked a little more, he could gain favor. That was really great.

Minato and Kushina returned earlier than Mutsuki had expected. Just as Mutsuki was about to set off to train his disciples, Kushina and Minato knocked on the door.

Mutsuki decided to go later. There was a permanent Shadow Clone of Mutsuki there, so it wouldn't affect the basic training.

Dinner meetings were certainly not trivial.

"Those barbarians from the Land of Lightning deserve to die. Taking advantage of the chaos in the Land of Wind, they directly gathered a large army to attack the Hidden Sand Village."

When Kushina began to complain, Mutsuki essentially knew what had happened.

The gears of the Third Great Ninja War had officially started turning.


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