
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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181 Chs

Chapter 24: New Training Begins

The next day, after finishing classes in the morning, Mutsuki went to the Hokage Tower.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, being the Third Hokage, couldn't be at the school office every day waiting for him to return, so Sarutobi Hiruzen told Mutsuki that if he had any thoughts of taking on the role of a tutor, he should go to the Hokage Tower to find him.

On the floor with the Hokage's office, Mutsuki was stopped for a moment, but Mutsuki had anticipated this and directly stated that Lord Third had sent him, which allowed him to pass.

Mutsuki knocked on the wooden door of the Hokage's office.

"Lord Third, I have made up my mind," Mutsuki stated his identity and purpose.

"Oh, it's Yumi. Come in," Lord Third's voice came from inside the door.

Mutsuki push open the door to enter and was surprised to find not only Lord Third but also Minato inside.

Minato was somewhat surprised to see Mutsuki come in. He hadn't expected to encounter his new neighbor from yesterday in the Hokage's office so soon.

"This is Yumi-sensei from our Academy. He has exceptional teaching abilities. I can't help but consider asking him to become Asuma's tutor," Lord Third said, setting aside his pipe and introducing Mutsuki with a smile.

Lord Third noticed the expressions on both of their faces and inquired, "Minato, do you know each other?"

Minato nodded and replied, "We're neighbors. Yumi lives right next to my house."

"That's fate. Yumi, Minato, you should get to know each other more. Both of you are outstanding ninjas in your respective fields," Sarutobi Hiruzen praised.

"Oh, no, I'm just doing my best," Mutsuki humbly replied.

Minato, also modest, excused himself shortly after. He had a positive impression of Mutsuki, but the Hokage's office wasn't the ideal place for casual conversation.

Mutsuki shared the same sentiment, recognizing the inappropriateness of the setting, and refrained from engaging in too much conversation with Minato.

"Lord Third, after careful consideration upon returning, if I manage my time properly, I can dedicate a few hours on weekends to instruct Asuma," Mutsuki stated his decision.

"Good, with you coming to teach, I don't have to worry about Asuma's growth," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a hearty laugh, expressing his trust in Mutsuki.

"I will do my best not to disappoint you, Lord Third, and will fully dedicate myself to instructing Asuma," Mutsuki expressed gratitude, assuring his commitment to the tutoring role.

The subsequent discussion revolved around the somewhat conventional topic of salary. Lord Third was relatively generous, offering a rate of two thousand ryo for one hour. With a total of eight hours over two days on the weekend, payment would be settled weekly.

Mutsuki scheduled the teaching sessions to start at 1 PM and conclude at 5 PM.

Today being Friday, with no afternoon classes, Mutsuki headed straight to the small riverbank where he usually practiced. Shisui was there, practicing Fire Release with Mutsuki's Shadow Clone.

Since the stress-free achievement of ranking first in the entire grade during the last exam, Shisui had followed Mutsuki's advice, using Shadow Clones to attend school and then practicing with Mutsuki during school hours.

After Mutsuki arrived, he dispelled the Shadow Clone. Shisui, sensing Mutsuki's presence, temporarily halted his training and greeted, "Yumi-sensei."

Mutsuki nodded, pulled out a square cloth, and handed it to Shisui with a smile. "Take a break and wipe off the sweat."

Shisui thanked him, took the cloth, and wiped the sweat off his forehead and neck. Together, they sat under a large tree.

Mutsuki then performed an analysis on Shisui.

[Name: Uchiha Shisui]

[Chakra: 580]

[Potential: SS-]

Compared to a month ago, there was significant progress in Chakra, partly due to increased training intensity and Shisui's gradual physical development, promising even faster growth in the future.

What slightly dissatisfied Mutsuki was the simplicity of the panel, only displaying Chakra and potential.

After a short break, Mutsuki spoke up, "Shisui, starting today, the training plan will change. We'll focus on practicing the Body Flicker Jutsu and enhancing Chakra control abilities."

Since Shisui earned the title of "Body Flicker Shisui" during the Third Great Ninja War, Mutsuki thought it would be reasonable to start by teaching him some Body Flicker Jutsu.

"Hmm," Shisui nodded in agreement, expressing no objections. After a month of learning, he had developed a strong trust in Mutsuki's teaching abilities.

Body Flicker Jutsu isn't the name of a specific ninjutsu; it's a category that encompasses any jutsu capable of achieving the Body Flicker effect. At a higher level, techniques like Flying Thunder God, a space-time ninjutsu, and Lightning Release Chakra Mode, which enhances the body to increase speed, can also be considered as forms of Body Flicker Jutsu.

However, Mutsuki naturally wouldn't use techniques like Flying Thunder God or Lightning Release Chakra Mode. The Body Flicker Jutsu he mastered is the most basic type – forming seals, concentrating chakra in the legs, and then releasing it to enhance the body for rapid movement. The drawback is that excessive use can lead to fatigue and injury in the leg muscles.

Although it's just a basic D-rank Taijutsu, Body Flicker Jutsu is very practical in combat, suitable for both surprise attacks and retreats.

Shisui's talent continued to impress Mutsuki. Despite not unlocking the Sharingan yet, Shisui's formidable natural ability allowed him to learn the Body Flicker Jutsu directly after Mutsuki demonstrated and explained it.

After Academy hours, Might Guy and Obito soon arrived at the training grounds.

"Before you two start practicing, I've designed a special two-month training plan for you," Mutsuki called out to Might Guy and Obito, halting their preparations.

Hearing Mutsuki's gentle voice, Obito thought Mutsuki might be introducing something new and eagerly asked, "Yumi-sensei, are you going to teach us some powerful new Ninjutsu?"

"You haven't fully grasped the Great Dragon Fire and Great Fireball yet. There's no point in teaching you new Ninjutsu," Mutsuki shook his head.

"So, what's this special training about?" Disappointed at the absence of new Ninjutsu, Obito inquired.

"Training to help you defeat Hyuga Kamon in the next final exams," Mutsuki smiled.

"Obito, your Taijutsu is too lax. Not only Hyuga Kamon, but even if you were to face Guy now, he could prevent you from using any Ninjutsu. So, you must intensify your Taijutsu training."

Hearing Mutsuki's words, Obito wanted to say something but found himself unable to refute. He had indeed lost battles against both Hyuga Kamon and Might Guy, just as Mutsuki mentioned.

While ninja battles might sometimes seem akin to wizards exchanging blows, neglecting Taijutsu and treating oneself solely as a casting wizard could be lethal on the battlefield. Generally, strong ninjas would incorporate Taijutsu to some extent.

"As for Guy, your focus should be on strengthening your strengths. You need to become faster, so fast that even if Hyuga Kamon's Byakugan sees your movements, they won't have time to dodge."

The observational abilities of the Byakugan are formidable, no doubt, but Might Guy doesn't need to be faster than the Byakugan's observation. He just needs to be faster than Hyuga Kamon's reaction time.

"From now on, for every hour of training, you will engage in half an hour of live combat, using only Taijutsu and no Ninjutsu," Mutsuki instructed.

"What? No Ninjutsu?" Obito was dumbfounded. Already struggling to win, now not being allowed to use Ninjutsu seemed like a surefire recipe for defeat.

"If you don't want to be defeated by Hyuga Kamon again next time, then refrain from using Ninjutsu," Mutsuki responded.

Obito thought about the boasts he made in front of Nohara Rin. Even though he could foresee the painful training that awaited him, he reluctantly nodded with tears in his eyes.

A new round of training began. Mutsuki wondered if this special training would trigger a reward for the disciples' increased strength. So far, it hadn't happened, and he wondered how much improvement would be needed to activate it.