
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

Chapter 153: Preparing for the Big Bang

"After training, Guy if it is convenient for your family today I'd like to visit your home." Mutsuki said to Guy.

"Oh, what's the visit for?" Guy scratched his head, a bit puzzled.

As the Academy didn't have the custom of parent-teacher meetings or home visits, Guy didn't quite understand Mutsuki's intention.

"You can think of it as me coming over to your place as a guest. After all, it's my first time knowing another Eight Inner Gates practitioner besides myself." Mutsuki smiled.

"No problem at all, it's very convenient," Guy replied eagerly, nodding his head.

Mutsuki visiting his home was naturally very welcome to Guy. After all, Mutsuki had helped him a lot, and Guy was truly grateful.

No matter if it's being the top of the ninja academy class or defeating ninjas who badmouth his father, his achievements today are closely related to his strength and Mutsuki's careful teaching. It can be said that without Mutsuki, he wouldn't have achieved what he has now.

"Well, sensei, I'll run back and tell my father first, so he can prepare some food," Guy said after giving it some thought.

Duy's cooking time was unpredictable; sometimes the food would be ready when Guy got back, and sometimes it hadn't even started.

"It's okay, let's go back together. I can also buy some groceries on the way," Mutsuki said warmly.

Although Mutsuki hadn't initially thought about eating, since Guy had mentioned it, he didn't intend to refuse Guy's kindness. Eating together would also be more convenient for him to make plans in the future.

"Yumi-sensei, since you're coming as a guest, how can I trouble you to buy groceries?" Guy shook his head, feeling it wasn't right.

"Just think of it as me being a bit picky," Mutsuki chuckled, patting Guy's head.

Guy still felt it wasn't right, but he couldn't argue with Mutsuki and was eventually persuaded by him. In the end, guided by Guy, Mutsuki was led to his house, and on the way, they bought some groceries at the nearest market.

"I'm back," Guy called out as he opened the gate.

"Guy, welcome home! Did you have an energetic youth training session today?" Duy responded enthusiastically as he washed vegetables.

"Of course, it was another day filled with youthful energy," Guy replied instinctively.

When he remembered that Mutsuki had come along, Guy quickly added, "Dad, hold on a moment, we have a guest at home."

"Oh, we have a guest?" Duy stopped what he was doing and headed towards the door.

"Dad, this is Yumi-sensei, a sensei at the Academy. He's an excellent teacher, and he's been promoted to Special Jonin because of his outstanding teaching abilities," Guy introduced Mutsuki.

Because of Mutsuki's previous request, Guy didn't reveal too much information, just stating what everyone already knew.

"So, you're a Special Jonin! That must mean you're quite the outstanding ninja," Duy exclaimed, flashing a big grin and giving a thumbs-up.

"Hello, Duy Senpai," Mutsuki smiled, as Guy had briefly introduced Duy to him on the way there.

Duy's perception of Mutsuki instantly rose. Despite being considerably older than Mutsuki, as a Special Jonin, Mutsuki didn't need to address him as Senpai like a Genin would.

"Dad, these are the groceries Yumi-sensei bought on the way here," Guy handed the groceries to Duy.

"Why should guests buy groceries?" Duy felt it was inappropriate.

"Haha, we saw some discounts on the way and couldn't resist buying them. I'm sorry if it inconvenienced you," Mutsuki apologized with a sheepish expression.

"If it's on sale, then there's really no helping it. Who wouldn't be tempted by discounted goods?" Duy rubbed his chin, showing an understanding expression.

Guy scratched his head. He wasn't with Mutsuki when he bought the groceries, so he didn't know if it was really on sale or if Mutsuki just said it to reassure Duy.

Next, Mutsuki didn't insist on helping with cooking or washing vegetables. Being too eager as a guest wasn't ideal; it needed to be moderate.

During dinner, Mutsuki initiated a conversation with a smile on his face: "Guy has been working hard at school. Although he didn't start with a strong foundation, he gradually improved since the first semester of the fourth grade. Now, he basically only has one rival in the fourth grade."

"This is what youth is all about!" Duy hugged Guy, tears streaming down his face, proud of his son.

Although Guy didn't start with good grades, he never gave up. Watching his son grow from the bottom of the class to the top, Duy was truly moved.

"Dad, are you still eating?" Guy reminded.

"Eat more, burning youth also needs energy support," Duy encouraged.

"Duy Senpai, can I witness your Eight Inner Gates? I also practice this forbidden technique," Mutsuki asked after dinner.

"How did you know, Yumi-sensei, and you actually practice this forbidden technique too?" Duy was surprised.

"Dad, I told Yumi-sensei about it," Guy said.

"Besides attending my classes at the ninja school, Guy is actually my disciple, so he told me about learning the Eight Inner Gates," Mutsuki explained briefly.

Revealing the master-disciple relationship with Guy to Duy was a result of Mutsuki's careful consideration.

Firstly, Duy is a reliable and modest person. Although he masters the Eight Inner Gates, he still honestly behaves like an eternal genin. There's no need to worry about leaking this relationship to Duy.

Then, revealing this relationship can enhance Duy's favor, making it easier to continue the subsequent plan to increase Guy's trust level.

"Yumi-sensei, but..." Guy was somewhat surprised. He just wanted to help Mutsuki explain, but he didn't expect Mutsuki to actually disclose this matter.

Mutsuki strictly prohibits disciples from disclosing their relationship.

"It's okay, after all, he's your father, Guy," Mutsuki said, reassuringly.

Guy felt Mutsuki's trust and thought to remind his father later not to mention this matter.

"Guy's sensei, I see," Duy understood some things he hadn't grasped before.

Duy is well aware of his son's abilities. In the first semester of the fourth grade, Guy's strength suddenly improved significantly. Since Guy didn't tell him, Duy assumed it was due to his son's accumulated efforts. But if there's a sensei teaching him, then it makes more sense.

"Thank you very much, Yumi-sensei, for all your trouble!" Duy bowed solemnly to Mutsuki.

He felt somewhat guilty towards Guy. As a father, the only thing he could teach Guy was the extremely dangerous forbidden jutsu of the Eight Inner Gates. He couldn't teach him any other ninjutsu or taijutsu because he didn't know how to do them himself.


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