
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

ChaosNinja · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

Chapter 151: Fighting for Ideals

"As Ninja, shouldn't the mission be the priority? Isn't the mission the most important?" Walking out of the Hokage Tower, Kakashi recalled the expression of Nagatoma Kaden in the office, feeling somewhat puzzled.

He said that completing the mission makes a qualified ninja, but Nagatoma Kaden wasn't happy; there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

If they weren't in the Hokage's office, Kakashi felt Nagatoma Kaden might have said something.

But Kakashi didn't understand why Nagatoma Kaden was angry with him; it wasn't he who killed the teammates, it was the enemy. He just expressed his opinion.

"Is the life and death of disciples more important than completing the mission?" Kakashi thought to himself.

If Nagatoma Kaden really thinks like this, then Kakashi feels that Nagatoma Kaden would be better off not serving as a sensei, having such thoughts, Nagatoma Kaden is not even considered a qualified ninja.

"A qualified ninja should be willing to complete the mission at all costs, even if it leads to the death of teammates..." At night, Kakashi, returning home, gazed at the pitch-black house and muttered.

Once, Kakashi also had a father who made him proud.

His father's name was Sakumo Hatake, very strong, who had achieved great feats in the Second Shinobi World War, killing many enemy ninjas from hostile villages, being hailed as Konoha's White Fang.

Kakashi admired his powerful and reliable father, always striving to train himself in pursuit of his father's footsteps. He graduated from the Academy at the age of five, became a Chunin at the age of six, all following in his father's footsteps.

But something happened when he was seven years old that changed Sakumo Hatake's image in Kakashi's mind.

In a critical mission, Sakumo Hatake's attempt to save a teammate resulted in the mission's failure, causing huge losses to Konoha. The village was filled with criticism, even the teammate who was saved came forward to blame Sakumo Hatake for his actions.

Soon, one day after Kakashi finished training and returned home, he saw a body lying in a pool of blood. The White Fang Short Sword, which had killed countless ninjas, had finally ended its owner's life.

From then on, Sakumo Hatake was no longer the strongest and most qualified ninja in Kakashi's mind.

As a ninja, Sakumo Hatake was inadequate; his emotional decisions led to great losses for Konoha in trying to save a teammate. As a father, leaving behind a child who was only seven years old was also inadequate.

He was no longer proud of his father, nor was he proud of anyone else.

Kakashi opened the door and first cleaned the entire house from top to bottom. It had accumulated quite a bit of dust from not being visited for over a month.

With the convenient Ninjutsu of Shadow Clone, even alone, one could quickly clean the entire house. Kakashi soon finished cleaning, and the house regained its former cleanliness.

"Should I go to train next?" After finishing cleaning, Kakashi thought idly to himself. Dinner was taken care of on the way home, so there was no need for him to cook.

In the end, Kakashi did nothing, lying in the yard, gazing at the moon.

"Kakashi, are you home?"

At that moment, Kakashi heard a familiar female voice from outside.

"Maybe he's still doing a mission and isn't back yet. Rin-chan, let's just go play by ourselves," a excited male voice followed immediately.

Kakashi walked out slowly with a calm expression. "Is there something you need?"

"Darn it, didn't you do any missions?" Obito grumbled softly, feeling disappointed.

"If everything goes as expected, I won't need to do missions for a long time," Kakashi said.

He had guessed that there might not be any available teams to join, so he had to wait for the new graduates.

"After all, you've been on a mission for so long, it's okay to take a longer rest," Rin said with a gentle smile.

She didn't know that Kakashi's "a long time" could stretch to four or five months.

"That's not the reason," Kakashi shook his head.

"What's the reason then? Kakashi, you can't slack off," Obito hoped Kakashi would take on more missions.

"There's currently no team, my teammates died, and the Squad Captain isn't planning to continue as a sensei for the time being," Kakashi said plainly, without hiding anything.

"Teammates died... oh..." Hearing Kakashi casually mention those words, Obito was greatly shocked.

Having seen Kakashi's two teammates just a month ago, Obito hadn't even forgotten their faces. Yet, now, two living people had died just like that, and Obito instantly felt the cruelty of being a ninja.

"Sorry," Obito apologized to Kakashi, feeling that Kakashi must be going through a hard time.

Upon hearing Kakashi's words, Rin also froze for a moment, then quickly voiced her consolation to Kakashi.

"Have you misunderstood something? I'm not too sad. Although my teammates passed away, their sacrifice wasn't in vain, and the mission wasn't a failure," Kakashi said.


"What do you mean, Kakashi? Is sacrificing teammates for the mission really worth it?" Obito couldn't help but ask.

He wasn't familiar with Kakashi's teammates, but Obito knew Kakashi's teammates were definitely not bad people.

That day, Kakashi's teammates could have just notified Kakashi and left directly, but they didn't do that. They even reminded Kakashi that this mission was difficult and he should prepare more.

"Compared to the mission failing, sacrificing teammates is more acceptable," Kakashi replied calmly.

"You, I really can't stand you at all!" Obito's blood pressure rose sharply upon hearing Kakashi's response, and he couldn't help but throw a punch at Kakashi.

"Because you're not a ninja yet. In the world of ninjas, the mission always comes first," Kakashi caught Obito's fist and said.

"Ninjas who let their emotions get the better of them are inadequate ninjas."

"Let's fight. I'm going to knock some sense into you," Obito couldn't hold back anymore.

Kakashi threw Obito out and then moved in, saying, "You're the one who's not sober. A student who hasn't even graduated is lecturing me, a Chunin?"

Growing increasingly furious, Obito directly activated his Breathing Technique, enhancing his physical abilities, intending to teach Kakashi a lesson.

But at this moment, Kakashi had no intention of holding back either. He immediately went all out to suppress Obito.

Various Earth Release and Lightning Release techniques combined with ruthless Taijutsu made it difficult for Obito, who had activated Total Concentration Breathing, to defend himself.

"Darn it!" When Obito was knocked down by Kakashi once again, he couldn't help but shout in frustration. He couldn't accept being inferior to someone like Kakashi.

"If you still hold onto such childish thoughts, you might as well give up on becoming a ninja," Kakashi said mercilessly.

"Can you feel it? The gap between you and a real ninja."

Although Kakashi kept belittling Obito verbally, he was somewhat surprised in his heart. In just over a month, Obito had made significant progress again. Whether it was Fire Release or Taijutsu, there was obvious improvement, and he could withstand Kakashi's full force attacks for so long.

"I just don't want to be defeated by someone like you!" Obito clenched his fists tightly, his frustration reaching its peak, and his anger burning fiercely.

"What do you take your comrades for?" After an angry shout, Obito's breathing became more focused than ever before. He felt a continuous surge of power emanating from his body.

"Flame Breathing, Total Concentration Breathing!"

In an instant, Obito disappeared from his original position, reappearing beside Kakashi and delivering a powerful punch to Kakashi's face.

Obito's sudden increase in speed caught Kakashi off guard, and he was directly knocked down to the ground.

"Getting stronger, huh?" Kakashi was somewhat puzzled. He had never encountered such a thing before, where an opponent suddenly became stronger in the midst of a fight.

Fortunately, Kakashi had extensive combat experience. Whether in friendly sparring or life-and-death battles, he always held his ground. He quickly stabilized the situation, not allowing himself to fall further behind.

The battle had become extremely intense at this point, with flashes of fire and lightning constantly illuminating the empty ground, and the attacks of the two creating small craters around them.

"Don't fight anymore. If you get injured, we won't be able to play later," Rin's intervention because she noticed this was far from a normal sparring match; worried about potential harm, she spoke up.

Rin's words gradually calmed down the heated Obito. He realized he wasn't strong enough to defeat Kakashi.

After Obito stopped, Kakashi also halted. His desire for battle was never high to begin with.

"Seriously, if you have different opinions, you can discuss them properly. Why suddenly start fighting?" Rin sighed, helping both of them brush off the dust and straighten their clothes in resignation.

"It's not like he didn't make me angry with his words," Obito harbored resentment towards Kakashi's earlier remarks.

"If you get angry, it just shows how immature you still are," Kakashi said nonchalantly.

"Do you want to continue this, you jerk?" Obito's blood pressure, which had just calmed down, began to rise again.

"If you want to be taught a lesson, I don't mind," Kakashi said indifferently, knowing he could win.

"You two, if you keep this up, I'll get angry," Rin said, hands on hips.

Remembering the image of Rin punching a tree down with one fist, Obito closed his mouth.

With Obito not speaking, and Kakashi not having any intention to provoke, the atmosphere quieted down. However, their mood today wasn't peaceful.

But with this little incident at the beginning, it seemed unlikely that Obito and Kakashi would get along peacefully today.

If Kakashi buys grilled fish, Obito will say the fish must have been dead for a while and unhealthy.

If Obito buys tempura, Kakashi will say the oil must have been used many times, very unsanitary.

In short, everything the other does is wrong, from how they step into a shop to how they breathe. There's always a problem.

Rin can only try to mediate between them, with no other good options.

"It's almost the end of the semester again. Time flies, doesn't it?" Rin tries to find a topic that won't lead to an argument between the two.

"Another semester and some will be graduating, right? If some people keep holding onto those childish ideas, I really worry for the village," Kakashi initiated the attack.

"Whoever becomes your next teammate is really in for some bad luck," Obito retorted defiantly.

Rin: ...


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