
Naruto: Strength through Sex

C_317 · Anime & Comics
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Setting sights on a classmate

This is similar to my Code Geass story but only pure smut. Don't know how consistent I'll be but I hope you enjoy the story.

Now onto the story.

Waking up suddenly Y / N looked around before looking at his window and saw four faces carved into a rock. Knowing what happened Y /cN layed onto their futon before seeing a screen pop open infront of him.

Sex System active host 0000000001

Gain Chakra and Ninjutsu through points from the store based on the sexual pleasure your partner exudes.

+100 Point through kissing and caressing

+200 Points through oral service and breast / ass massages

+300 Points through pleasuring with fingers

+400 Points through kissing while using fingers

+500 Points through Sex

Note due to being the first user Y / N is given a Pleasure Scale.

Pleasure Scale tells Host when a Female target is in heat allowing Host to Sexually interact with target.

Seeing this Y / N grinned before recalling the memories of their current body. After a few moments they recalled the bodies name was Kentō [Cure for Depression / Happyness] Shima [Island] and that he had mediocre skills.

Looking through the System Store he saw a bottle that read increase Chakra to Kyubbi level 1500 Points, Learn the Rasengan for 10,000 points, Eternal Sharingon 100,000 Points, Six Sage Paths 1,000,000 Points.

"Damn a lot of these things are expensive." Kentō said before another screen popped up in front of him.

Host has a starting kit with 3 random rewards from Tree Walking to 5000 Points.

Seeing this Kento Immediately opened it and saw a gacha wheel spin.

Spin #1:.... Aphrodisiac Dart x3

Spin #2:.... 2000 Points

Spin#3:.... Semi-Perfect Water affinity

Seeing the rewards Kento was exited for the last two items before inspecting the Aphrodisiac Darts.

Aphrodisiac Darts: When it hits a female target the target will feel Sexually Aroused and will go to a secluded area until thrower greets them and engage in Sexual Activities.

Note Dart is exclusive to Host and invisible to others' as well as when used up will glow before sinking into targets body.

Reading this Kentō remembered that he was in same class as the main Naruto cast. Smirking they quickly got dressed and saw that the sun was starting to rise. Getting dressed Kentō set out to find his first target in their new life.

5 Hours Later

It took him 5 hours but he finally found his first target.

Walking through the afternoon street a pink haired girl dressed in a red Cheongasn [Type of Qipao] green short and blue sandal shoes.

'You maybe useless but for my first conquest in this new world you'll do for now.' Kentō thought before flicking one of the Aphrodisiac Darts at their target.

Author Notes.

I would like to preference these actions are all illegal and if committed in real life could lead to serious charges as well as time in prison and on your personal record. I do not endorse these actions or methods and would like to also add that I am uncomfortable writing these actions as I have for this story and my Code Geass story.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully I can write more serious chapters in the future.