
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 21

Naruto, Sakura, And Kakashi appeared at the gates of the sand village in a flash of blue light. Kakashi, due to being in this kind of situation due to his sensei, Only shook off the little buzz he got. Sakura, not being used to this kind of thing, threw up on the spot. This made Naruto laugh at her while Kakashi only chuckled. Sakura healed herself and then glared at the two with intense fury. This made Kakashi stop because he had been hit by her angry fist before and did not want to be in the hospital again. Naruto however only laughed more, Inturn making Sakura walk up and hit him right in the nuts.

She expected Naruto to yell like a girl and fall to the ground and hold his balls and start to cry. However, All she got was a grin from Naruto. "Did you really think I would not find a way to protect my nuts?"

Kakashi was slack jawed. What did Naruto do? He must have it! He then called out to Naruto. "Whatever you did, Give it to me!"

Naruto saw this and smirked. "It is going to cost you."

"Money is not a problem!" Kakashi yelled and pulled out his wallet.

Naruto eyed the man's wallet and took a good number of bills from the man. Naruto then pulled out a slip of paper and gave it to the silver haired man. "Just slide this on your nuts and put chakra into it." Naruto explained to him how the seal works.

"Is it really that simple?" Kakashi looked at the seal in amazement.

"It is a simple barrier seal. I don't know why people have not thought of something like this." Naruto invented this seal when he had called Mei an old lady who's tits would become saggy in the next 5 years. She covered her foot in chakra and kicked him in the nuts. He had then vowed he would solve this problem. So he looked into the sealing arts and used a simple barrier seal and then put it on his nuts.

Sakura was baffled at the turn of events. All the women's secret weapons had now been countered. She would have to report this to lady hokage about this emergency. Sakura then remembered where they were and snapped back into attention. "Guys! We are on a mission right now, Let's focus."

This snapped Naruto and Kakashi back out of their talks about monopolizing the seal. The look of a controlled rage and a warrior who showed no mercy to his enemies soon popped back on Naruto's face. Sakura suppressed a shutter at the sharp gaze of Naruto. She had no idea how Rukia could be the daughter of Naruto. Rukia was a calm, Collected, Confident, Fearless and prideful young woman while Naruto was a merciless, Battle hungry, Ruthless, Bloodthirsty, and sometimes cocky young man. Sakura knew Naruto was a angel to his loved ones and a demon to his enemies. The pinkett knew from experience. Naruto had called her dad a pussy and then proceeded to move her and her mom into a big ass house in the red light district. He acted like her father for a short time until she began to change and truly blossom into her own woman. Naruto than became her cool older brother but she was sure that he had fucked her mom.

Sakura honestly didn't mind if she was being honest. It seemed her mom didn't love her dad anymore anyways. They had moved out when she had caught him cheating with some street whore. Her dad tried to attack Naruto because he didn't like how he was getting close to his family. Naruto had bitch slapped the man which sent him to the hospital for a broken jaw. That was when Naruto had moved them into their new house and was sure her mom had Naruto all to herself that night.

"Let's go." Naruto walked to the guards with his armor clanking with each step. Kakashi followed behind Naruto with his own serious face. Sakura then shook herself from her thoughts and went behind Naruto and her sensei.

When the guards saw Naruto. They clicked their heels together and gave him a respectful bow. "It is nice to see you, Naruto-sama!" The guards said at the same time. Due to Naruto spending so much time in the sand village with Gaara plus his SS rank in the bingo book. Naruto got the respect of a kage in most villages that were allied with the leaf. The lower tier villages also somewhat worship Naruto for his acts of making them allies to the leaf and to the guardians. They worked as spies in their village while also letting him know what goes on in areas close to him.

Naruto gave them both nods. "I am here to see Gaara, We have to 'talk' about some things." Naruto spoke in a sharp tone that could cut through steel. He gave the guards a piercing gaze that seemed as if he was judging them for all they were worth. The guards were a little nervous to be in the presence of what had to be the strongest man alive. His thick and dense chakra was suffocating to say the least. They felt as if they were drowning in the sands and Naruto was the sand storm coming to sweep them under the sands of time. Those blue eyes of his sparked with an intense power and sometimes looked to spark with electricity. His spiky blonde hair that blew in the wind danced across his face. Those two bangs that fell over his headband seemed to sit up like two demon horns only making his nickname 'The Heavenly Demon' sound much more true.

His blue armor that seemed to be as fresh as he had just gotten it made. However, That was only due to the seals and it being enhanced with the power of Kasumi and made by the advanced technology of the land of spring. His black undershirt along with his black pants seemed to be ruff but also contained a luxurious quality to it.

"Y-yes sir, Lord G-gaara is in his office." The guard to the left spoke. He was only a skinny man with the typical sand uniform on. He cursed himself for stuttering in front of this man.

"Great, I will go right to him." Naruto then walked into the rocks that led to the sand village followed by his two comrades. Sakura and Kakashi were amazed at the respect Naruto was receiving from all of the villagers and ninja. They would sometimes bow and give him slight waves while the women and little girls would blush at him. Sakura glared at them trying to come onto her brother. Kakashi gave off slight perverted giggles but a glare from Sakura and he was back into ninja mode.

They made it to the tower of the kazekage. Naruto saw Gaara's window was open and took the chance to do his thing. Piss people off. Naruto put Sakura over his shoulder and grabbed Kakashi by the back of his jounin collar and floated up to the open window. Naruto then floated inside like he owned the place.

Gaara's eyebrow had a slight twitch. He tried to hide it but if the smirk on Naruto's face was anything, He guessed the blonde had seen it. Gaara then noticed the smirk leave his face and saw that Naruto was equipped and seemed to be ready for war. Gaara then sent his anbu guards out of the room with a wave of his hand. Naruto then put up a silencing seal on the room. Kakashi, Sakura, and Gaara watch the black lines spread across the room and reach all corners of the room and they glow blue for a moment. Naruto then spoke up. "Those red dawn assholes are on their way here." Naruto's gaze was fierce and penetrating.

Gaara had gotten used to it when training with the blonde and the other guardians. "Okay, When will they be here?" Gaara spoke in his calm and powerful tone of voice.

"They should be here around night time." Naruto replied to Gaara's question in turn answering the question Kakashi and Sakura had.

"Mmm, Sounds good. Most people will be inside and in a space location at that time which means we don't have to worry about anyone interfering." The redhead said with a hand on his chin.

"We will go and get them before they even make it to the village." Naruto said but it sounded more like an order to everyone else.

Sakura and Kakashi were worried that Gaara would not like how Naruto was speaking to Gaara. Their worries were put to rest when Gaara nodded to Naruto's statement and surprisingly smirked. Yes, Gaara was a kage but he was also a member of the guardians and listened to Naruto who was the leader and strongest of them. Gaara would not follow an order Naruto would give him if it would endanger his village and made sure Naruto was aware of this fact. Naruto was cool with that and only ruffled Gaara's hair and gave him that foxy grin.

"You never change." Gaara simply said. "Always want to strike first."

Naruto merely smirked. "You think I'm going to be sitting on my ass waiting for them mongrel's to come and get me? I'll bring it to em, and blow they ass up with a smile." Kakashi sweat dropped. He was not used to how Naruto operated. Sakura and Gaara were already used to this by now. Naruto was always a kill first and talk later kind of guy.

"So when will we be leaving then?" Kakashi asked.

"We can go right now. I know where they are." Naruto replied to the one eyed cyclops. Naruto then had a question pop into his mind. He turned to Kakashi with a questioning gaze. "Do you have the mangekyou sharingan?"

After Naruto finished his question. He saw the range of emotions run through Kakashi's lone eye. Rage, Sadness, Despair, and Disappointment. Kakashi then meets Naruto's gaze with a stern black eye. "I do." Naruto nodded and made a gesture as to say continue. "I had a feeling I would need it in the future so I trained in it over the past years."

Naruto nodded in expectance. "Do you have a decent control over it?" Naruto questions Kakashi again.

"I can only use it 2 times and stay on my feet. If I pushed myself then 3 times but I would be done after that." Kakashi answered Naruto's question. Naruto was a little disappointed at that. Two times was not a lot to work with but maybe if he. Naruto shook his head. Something like that could wait for a different time.

"Alright, That should be enough to win this fight." Naruto said and got a nod from Kakashi. Naruto then turned his attention to the other two in the room. "We will be facing Sasori of the red sand and Deidara the mad bomber." Kakashi and Sakura's eyes widened at what was just said. Those two were high S rank ninja's and part of the akatsuki.

"Are you sure only us four will be enough?" Sakura asked hesitantly. She knew she was strong but actually facing a S rank ninja so soon in her career was a little unnerving.

Naruto seeing the state Sakura was in decided to do what he did best. "Sakura-chan, Now is not the time to doubt yourself, I trained you better than that." Sakura flinched at his words. Naruto had indeed trained her and the others for a bit. It was hell. "If I didn't think you guys couldn't handle this then you would not be here. You are strong!" The green eyes of Sakura began to glow with determination. "When you start to doubt yourself that is when you start to become weak and fragile. Are you weak and fragile!"

"No." Sakura answered but her heart was not in it.

"I said, Are you weak!"

"NO! Shannaro!" Sakura's chakra spiked and cracked the floor and windows from the force of her power.

Naruto smirked at her. "Good girl." Naruto ruffled her pink hair, messing it up in the process." Sakura swatted his hand away and glared with those emerald eyes of hers. Naruto's grin then faded, replaced by the look of a warrior. "Now let's go." Naruto then body flickered back to the gates. Kakashi, Sakura, and Gaara then left the office in their own body flicker to the gates. They all nodded and then began to run off into the desert behind Naruto who was leading the way.

Deidara and Sasori were walking in the desert sands. They were currently on their way to capture the 1 tailed jinchuuriki. It had been 3 years and they were finally able to set their plans in motion. The group had lost 3 members before they were even ready to make moves.

Kisame, Hidan, and Kakazu. Kisame's death had really set them back. He was the best at capturing his enemies and they would need something like that. Hidan and Kakazu were the best at getting them money for the organization. This was all because of that damn 9 tailed jinchuuriki. The leader was not happy when he had gotten news that 3 of his members had been killed. Pain had told them all if they were to run into Naruto they were to leave immediately. Pain had said they were all too weak to go against Naruto. So the leader would get Naruto himself.

This had hurt their pride a little. They were all S rank ninja's who could defeat countless ninja's themselves. They would not run away from some brat who was high off the 9 tails power. Naruto had made them a little scared and they would not accept that fact. He was taking them all out. He even gathered the other containers and made their own group. Another bump in the road to peace is what pain called it. He claimed that they were all nothing compared to a GOD.

Saosri suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked ahead of him and moved his metallic tail in front of him. This got the attention of his partner. "What's up Saosri my man."

"I feel…uneasy." Saosri commented. The feeling only seemed to grow. He looked to see the winds picking up and what felt like the sand was moving.

Deidara seemed to be clueless as to what was going on. "You are just tripping my man. There is nothing to worry about." The blonde man then grinned. "I'll blow it up with my art!"

"Your stupid art won't do a damn thing."

"What did you say about my art!"

They quickly had to jump away when something impacted where they were just a second ago. The spot where they were standing blew up in a large explosion. The sand shot in the air and the sound of the explosion echoed in the sands.

"What was that!" Deidara made a clay bird and hopped on it. He then flew to the sky to try and find a better view. He then saw something coming towards him but he couldn't tell what it was. Maybe he is being tricked by the heat waves causing a mirage. "Hey Sasori! I think I see something!"

Saosri squinted his eyes in the distance to try and see what it was. He could see what seemed like little blue sparks. He then added chakra into his eyes and was able to see better. It was HIM! "GET OUT THE WAY!" He shouted to his partner on the bird.

Deidra looked at his partner which was a mistake he would pay for. He then felt something grab his face in an iron like grip and squeeze tight. Deidra looked into the crimson eyes of Naruto. He flinched from the pain and fright he felt in this moment. He saw Naruto bring his fist back and throw it like a missile towards his chest. Naruto's fist impacted with deidra's chest and it sounded like a lighting bolt had just struck. Deidra was sure he had just received several broken ribs and a caved in chest from that blow. He was sent flying off the bird and into the ground where he was buried by the sand.

"Kakashi, You come with me." Naruto flew off to Deidra with Kakashi in tow.

This left Gaara and Sakura to fight Sasori together. Sasori was not expecting things to turn out like this so fast. They were just walking to the place in silence and then all of a sudden they were attacked by the people they were supposed to capture.

"How did you know we were coming?" Sasori asked in his raspy voice.

"Don't worry about it, You will be dead soon anyways." Gaara said with his crossed arms and impassive face.

"We'll smash you to bits." Sakura tightened her gloves and got into her stance.

"Ha, Yea whatever." Sasori swung his tail at them and released some poisoned needles.

Sakura easily dodged in between the needles while Gaara's sand simply blocked it. Gaara then commanded the sand to rise up and crush the hunched over man. Sasori swatted the sand away with one of his tails and jumped away again only to be grabbed by sand tendrils that grabbed his legs and pulled him back down to the sand. He cursed and abandoned the shell.

The two saw a flash and looked to see a red head man standing there with an emotionless face. "That was my favorite puppet." His voice was dry and lacked any emotion. As if he barely ever used his voice.

"Nobody cares." Sakura then rushed the man in order to punch his lights out. Sasori, seeing the girl rush in, opened his mouth and let out a horde of poisoned needles. Sakura, thinking fast, used earth chakra to harden her skin and covered her whole body in a thick rock that looked more like smooth slabs covering her whole body. The needles simply bounced off or broke on contact with her body.

Sakura reached him and punched him right in the head. This knocked the man's head right off. Sakura was expecting to see blood or his skeleton. However, She was not expecting to see a blade come from his neck and lunge towards her head. Sakura focused the chakra at the point of impact and the same brown slab appeared and blocked the sword. Sakura jumped back in order to rethink her approach.

Deidra reached out of the crater and got in a sitting position. "Damn, That hurt like hell." He looked up when he saw Naruto flying down with his knee pointed towards his gut. Naruto landed right on his chest knee first. This caused Deidra to spit up some blood that landed on Naruto's face.

"More where that came from." Naruto then began to lay haymakers down on his fellow blonde. Each punch made Deidra's body jump and flinch. He was barely up and could only taste blood. Right when he was about to pass out he was woken up by a hammer fist to his face that made his ears ring. Deidra then used his chakra to switch with an exploding clone which blew up right on Naruto.

Kakashi came up and saw that Naruto was just blown up. He knew better though. He had fought Naruto himself and knew damn well that it was going to take much more than one explosion to lay Naruto down.

"Hahah! My art is supreme once again!" Deidra laughed to himself like the mad man he was. He then noticed Kakashi and smirked. He began to send chakra into his arms making 2 giant clay birds. "Hn, Kill him!" The birds flew towards Kakashi who started to make hand signs

"Earth Release: Earth Wall!" Kakashi slammed his hands on the ground and a slab of wall rose and blocked the birds that exploded on contact.

"I've got more art than that copycat!" Deidra was in the sky on his bird once more.

Kakashi looked up with a bored look in his eye despite the situation. "Aren't you forgetting someone!"

"That fool is dead! All it took was a little explosion." Deirda said with a cocky grin. His grin was instantly wiped off his face when he saw a lighting rip right through his bird sending it crashing to the ground.

Kakashi saw Naruto holding a Chidori in his hand. But it was extended to the sky and was easily cutting down the bird. "So he can do easy shape manipulation. While keeping perfect control over it." Kakashi congratulated the teen in his head. He then saw Naruto jump in the sky and stab Deidra right in the shoulder and slice his left arm off.

Deidra cried out at the loss of his left arm. He glared at the blonde who was floating in front of him. "You are pretty weak once I figure out your abilities." Naruto said and 5 clones formed behind him.

"I'll kill you! And wipe this place off the map!" Deidra tore off his cloak and began to feed clay into his mouth on his chest.

"I don't think so bitch!" The clones then formed rasen shurriken's in their hands. They covered their hands with Kasumi's chakra so their cells could be safe. All of the rasenshuriken began to get covered with all the elements and were huge and pacted with a large amount of chakra. "Game over!" Naruto launched his attack towards the slowly disappearing blonde. "And to make sure." Naruto formed a mini sun in his hand. It was Storm Release:Supernova. He launched the mini sun at the man along with the other attacks which made contact with the blonde pony tailed man and blew up in a large explosion in the sky. The explosion shook the ground where Kakashi was and also caused earthquakes off in the distance.

Over where Sakura and Gaara were fighting. They stumbled and looked to where Naruto and Kakashi were fighting. The ground was littered with destroyed puppets and craters with sand falling down. Sakura was on a giant boulder she had made when she struck the ground to crush Sasori.

Gaara was floating in the air on a sand cloud. The two were dominating the fight against Sasori. If he was being honest he thought he could beat him by himself. However he almost fell when the explosion from the distance had finally reached him. The sand had kicked up but he used his control over it to send it back towards the ground. Gaara looked and could see the giant cloud of sand in the sky and he was sure it could be spotted from the village.

Sasori knew what just happened. His partner died and if things kept up the same way, He would also die. Coming to a decision, He ripped off his cloak and revealed his bare wooden body. "I didn't think that I would have to use myself, But it doesn't matter you will soon be in my new collection."

Sakura saw that puppet boy and couldn't help herself. "Hahaha! You are a puppet! I can't believe this." Sakura grabbed her stomach in laughter. This guy really turned himself into a life size doll. She then had a question. "Do you even still have your dick?"

"In order to get the best results, You must remove all unnecessary things." Sasori said in his calm voice but if he could, There would be a vein pulsing on his forehead at someone laughing at his art. The ultimate art.

"Whatever, This only makes it easier to crush your ass to bits!" Sakura then dashed back in at Sasori.

Sasori puts his hands out and shoots flames towards Sakura. Gaara then made the sand form a wall in front of the flames. He then made a glob of sand pick Sakura up and tossed her over the wall.

Sakura saw Sasori look up at her from where he was. She saw him extend a metal rope from his waist that was dripping with poison. The rope shoots at her like a snake ready to strike. Sakura twisted to the side while falling, She then grabbed the metal rope and yanked on it hard which caused Sasori to be flung towards her.

Sakura let out a beastly yell and slammed her fist into the gut of Sasori causing him to fold over her chakra covered fist. Sakura fell down to the ground and slammed the redhead who was still on her fist into the sandy ground.


There was a huge crater in the ground. Sakura was getting up from the ground while Sasori was laying there on the ground with his puppets eyes closed. Sakura wiped some sweat off her head and dropped to a knee and took heavy breaths. This was her first time going all out like this. She didn't use the hundred healings because she didn't need to at the moment, However, She had used a lot of chakra and given it everything she had to defeat this puppet boy.

Gaara picked up the pink haired girl with his sand and laid her on his sand cloud. Sakura gave Gaara a grateful smile as thanks. The kazekage simply nodded and started to fly away. They had their backs turned and didn't see the puppet that was moving slightly. It opened its eyes and tried to get up and make a run for it.

The puppet stopped when a round spinning ball flew through where its heart would be. It hit the chakra source that acted as its heart for his puppet bodies. He strained his head to look back and saw Naruto with his two fingers extended in his direction.

"Rasen…Dan." Naruto stated calmly. Although it was very noisy in the desert due to all the battle that had just happened and the sand storm going on in the back. Naruto's voice cut through it all like a hot knife through butter.

"Bro!" Sakura called on the sand cloud.

Naruto smirked at her. It seems she had become really strong if the destruction was anything to go by. "I thought I told you to make sure your enemy was dead. He almost got away." Naruto sounded as if he was talking to a child who misbehaved and was getting a lecture.

"Sorry." Sakura said with her head down.

Naruto then looked towards the dying puppet. "Any last words." Naruto made a blade of wind and aimed it towards the puppets heart.

Sasori didn't resist. He knew there was nothing he could do, So he would at least help them out. "I have a spy meeting with me in 10 days at this bridge. He is a spy in the ranks of Orochimaru."

Naruto was actually surprised at what he was just given. "Wow, And to think I thought you would say something about your dumb art."

"My ar-."

He didn't get to finish as Naruto stabbed him in his chakra source and cut his head off. "Now, Let's go and celebrate!" Naruto said and flashed them all back to the village.