
Naruto: Starting in Naruto with Kekkei Genkai

Accursed cat, but also thank you, cat. Now I can experience this dangerous world full of adventure and excitement. Waking up out of nowhere in the ninja world, training and preparing for future battles, I will become the greatest ninja ever seen.

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"After dinner, Kaito and Naruto rested for a while as they talked.

"Hey, Kaito, what is chakra control?" Naruto asked while scratching the back of his head.

"Man, seriously, why are you so excited? Well, anyway, chakra control is simple. People with good chakra control can perform ninjutsu with more power while using the minimum amount of chakra," Kaito replied as he looked at Naruto.

"Oh, I see. So, that's what it is," Naruto said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Naruto, did you try the transformation jutsu the teacher assigned?"

Naruto scratched his head again and took a moment to respond.

"I tried, but I couldn't get it right."

'Well, with the amount of chakra you have, Naruto, I'm surprised you could even use your sexy jutsu. But since my dad is going to teach us, it'll be resolved quickly.' Kaito got lost in his thoughts for a moment.

"No problem, Naruto. Soon my dad will teach us about chakra control, so using ninjutsu will be easier for you. Now, let's head to the courtyard," Kaito said, starting to walk towards the back of the house.

Naruto followed Kaito, and they walked towards the courtyard. When they arrived, Haruki was already waiting for them.

"You guys finished eating fast, huh? Well, boys, let's start the training. I'll teach you what chakra is and how to train its control, so pay attention."

"Chakra is a blend of physical and spiritual energy. It flows through the body in points called chakra points. One important aspect of chakra control is concentration and meditation, but there are other techniques that can help you with this."

"First, you can start by sticking a leaf on your forehead using chakra and try to keep it attached for as long as possible."

"You need to circulate the chakra to the area where the leaf is and envelop it with chakra. After that, try to keep it attached for as long as possible."

After saying this, Haruki took two leaves and handed one to each child.

"Here, one for each of you. Now, give it a try. I'll be here to help with anything."

Both of them accepted the leaves and promptly stuck them to their foreheads. Kaito circulated his chakra to his forehead and enveloped the leaf. It was quite easy for him since he already had excellent chakra control. However, Naruto was a different story. Despite trying several times, the leaf kept falling.

Haruki looked at Naruto thoughtfully and then approached him to explain and provide personal guidance.

A few more hours passed, and Kaito was already able to stick multiple leaves to his body, while Naruto managed to keep his first leaf attached.

"You both did well. Now, I want to teach you something else," Haruki said as he walked towards the house's wall. Suddenly, he started walking vertically up the wall, as if it were a normal thing to do.

"Did you see that? I'm going to teach you how to walk on walls. It was supposed to be done on trees, but we don't have any here, so the wall will do."

"Well, first, you need to concentrate your chakra on the soles of your feet. It should be stable and well-proportioned, neither too weak to stick nor too strong to push you back. Now, give it a try."

Kaito thought, 'I guess the proportion should be around 10%. To attach the leaf, I used less than 1%, so this should work to support my weight.' While thinking this, Kaito directed his chakra to his feet, stepped onto the wall, and, surprisingly, succeeded on his first attempt. With his other foot, Kaito was now completely vertical and walked a few times to get used to it. Then he stopped and looked at Naruto.

Naruto, like in the anime, didn't succeed on his first try; his chakra pushed him back. However, he returned to the wall and tried again. After a few more attempts, he succeeded. The leaf training had helped him a lot in this regard, and with more practice, Naruto would get even better.

After that, Kaito and Naruto continued training tirelessly. The night passed unnoticed, and the sun began to rise. The two of them were so excited that they didn't even realize they had been training for many hours.

"Well, boys, for today, let's wrap it up. You have classes soon, so I think you should get some rest. After the academy, you can train together some more," Haruki said, getting their attention.

"Wow, time flew by again. I always get so excited during training. Well, let's rest for a bit and then head to the academy. Come on, Naruto."

Naruto nodded, and the two of them lay down right there in the training field and fell asleep, exhausted.

Haruki thought, 'I should teach them the Shadow Clone Technique. It will be much better for their training. They'll get more tired, but in return, it will be much faster. While the real body trains kenjutsu, the clone can train ninjutsu, or even fuinjutsu if they want. Well, I'll teach them tomorrow during the next training session. For now, I'll let them sleep.'

After concluding his thoughts, Haruki walked toward the kitchen.

"Hello, dear, did you see their training? Their endurance is impressive. I'm excited to teach them ninjutsu, especially our son. He's going to be so powerful," Haruki said as he held his wife in the kitchen. ...

In the Hokage's office:

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat in his office, deep in thought. 'Hmm, they didn't reject Naruto. I think it will be good to let Naruto stay close to them. Unfortunately, I can't protect Naruto from everyone's hatred, but that other boy might have that power. I'll have to wait and see. If he does, it will be another Kekkei Genkai for Konoha. If he grows up and has children, another clan will emerge.' Hiruzen exhaled a puff of smoke from his pipe as he observed Naruto and Kaito through the crystal ball. Afterward, he stopped watching them and left them alone."