
Naruto: Starting in Naruto with Kekkei Genkai

Accursed cat, but also thank you, cat. Now I can experience this dangerous world full of adventure and excitement. Waking up out of nowhere in the ninja world, training and preparing for future battles, I will become the greatest ninja ever seen.

MaD · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Mission part 2

At the moment Kaito gave the order, he and his companions disappeared.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Leaving only the water clone and Daichi behind.

"When we start fighting, can you choose your target too, anyone specific?" the clone asked Daichi.

"Yes, the one with the scar, he's the one who killed my brother," Daichi pointed at the bandit while gritting his teeth.

"Alright, I'll separate him for you, but you'll face him alone, are you ready?"

"Yes, I'll kill him with my own hands, I'll avenge my brother," Daichi said as he drew a sword from his backpack.



Kaito appeared on top of a table where three bandits were gathered.

The bandits were startled; a child had suddenly appeared on the table where they were drinking.

"Hey, hey, with a party like this, and you didn't invite me?" Kaito complained playfully.

The bandits were still trying to process what was happening.

As all the bandits hesitated for a moment, Ryuji and Hikari appeared behind two of them, swiftly knocking them out.

"Two down," Hikari said with a smile.

After realizing that two of them had already been knocked out, the other bandits finally reacted.

All the bandits grabbed their weapons from beside the table.

"Who are you? What do you kids want here?" one of the bandits shouted at them.

"I'm your worst nightmare," Kaito replied as he unsheathed his katana and swung it towards one of the enemies around him.

The bandit barely managed to raise his sword to defend, and their swords clashed before the bandit fell from his chair. However, the other four bandits attacked Kaito simultaneously.

With a leap backward, Kaito landed gracefully on the ground, while the fallen bandit got up and joined the others.

"Hehe, I thought you were so sleepy that you lay down to sleep," Kaito taunted.

"I'm gonna kill you, little one! I'll take your arms, you little piece of crap!" the bandit shouted as he brandished his sword toward Kaito.

The bandits' veins bulged, mainly from being taunted by a child.

Blocking the bandit's sword with his own, Kaito taunted again.

"One can't even have a little fun, and you guys get all worked up."

The bandit swung his sword wildly in anger, while Kaito dodged and blocked the attacks.

"You'll need more than one to defeat me," he looked at the other bandits as he spoke.

With that, all five bandits rushed toward him, surrounding and attacking him all at once. It seemed like Kaito was trapped with no way out.

"They even have some intelligence, but it's not much," he thought as he leaped to evade all the attacks.

The bandits looked surprised by the height of the jump the child had made, but they quickly seized the opportunity since he was in the air and had no way to dodge. The only way out was a miserable fall onto their swords.

But just when the bandits thought there was no escape for the child, they saw him clinging to the cave ceiling.

Their mouths formed an "O."

"I'm sorry, I disappointed you," Kaito looked at the bandits with a sad expression, as if genuinely sorry for letting them down.

"Damn lunatic kid, get him!" one of the bandits shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, all he saw was the child who had been on the cave ceiling disappear.


Kaito appeared behind the bandit and struck him with the hilt of his sword, making him faint.

"One less," Kaito said, looking at the remaining bandits.


After finishing speaking, Kaito disappeared again and appeared behind another bandit. This time, the bandit managed to turn around but was a bit slow and only saw a leg coming toward his face.

The kick sent the bandit flying, while the other bandits attacked Kaito again, taking advantage of the chance they had.

Kaito defended himself with his sword against the attacks of the three bandits.

"You don't even have the strength to defeat a child, what a humiliation," Kaito said, twisting his wrist to force their weapons backward, and while taking advantage of this opening, he pulled one of the bandits to the ground and kneed him in the face.

"Three down. Come on, guys, this is too easy," he said, then rushed toward the last two remaining bandits, who had returned to their positions.

Kaito swung his sword toward the bandit who tried to block it, but his weapon was of dubious quality and broke, barely blocking the attack.

While Kaito attacked the bandit, the other one took the opportunity to strike from the side, thinking Kaito couldn't defend himself. However, at the last moment, Kaito ducked, allowing the sword to pass a few inches above his head.

Kaito took advantage of being in a low position and attacked with the hilt of his sword on the bandit's belly with all his strength. The bandit couldn't withstand it and fainted. Without delay, Kaito turned to face the last of the bandits he was fighting and pressed his sword against his throat.

"Are you going to surrender, or is it still tough for you?"

"I surrender," the bandit raised his hand and begged for mercy.

Kaito then walked to the side of the bandit and delivered a quick blow to his belly, causing him to faint on the spot.

"Great, that's them all," Kaito thought as he looked toward where his team was. They were surrounded by 12 bandits, but they were holding their own.

Then Kaito turned in another direction, where his clone was with Daichi.

Daichi was fighting with all his might to try to defeat the bandit who also seemed to be sweating coldly.

"Well, I knew he had a knack for the sword; it may take a while, but he'll eventually defeat that bandit, and my clone is there to help if needed." After observing the situation, Kaito turned and headed toward his team.


Ryuji and Hikari were surrounded after defeating those two bandits. There were more than nine bandits around them, but neither of them seemed nervous.

Ryuji and Hikari seemed to be dancing among the enemies, pushing and defending against the attacks, sometimes counterattacking. Nevertheless, they had managed to knock down three more bandits.

But just when they least expected it, Kaito appeared among the bandits.

"I've come to join the party," Kaito said as he looked at his team members.

"Welcome, we were waiting for you," Ryuji said with a smile.

"You took quite a while to defeat just five bandits," Hikari said as she dodged one of the attacks.

"Nothing, I was just warming up. But now it's showtime," Kaito said as he attacked some bandits who had turned in his direction.

With that, the three of them joined forces to defeat the bandits.

Ryuji attacked the bandits with powerful punches that sent them flying, rarely bothering to dodge because he preferred to be as brutal as possible. Every punch Ryuji landed could be heard as bones breaking, making it unlikely that the bandits would be able to continue the fight.

Meanwhile, Hikari took the opportunity to use her possession jutsu, making her opponents attack each other, causing great confusion among the bandits, who thought they were being betrayed.

While Kaito danced among the enemies, striking with the blunt side of his sword, one opponent after another fell at his feet. Soon, many unconscious bandits had gathered there.

Eventually, there were no more bandits near them.

After defeating all the bandits they had been fighting, they turned to see the final battle that was unfolding.

Daichi against the scarred bandit.

Daichi was sweating profusely every time he had to defend himself because he was physically weaker than the bandit. However, he made up for it with his skills, deflecting the force of the attacks by letting the bandit's sword slide along his blade.

The bandit knew that the boy couldn't withstand his full strength, so he continued to attack mercilessly, thinking that the boy would eventually succumb and it would be his time to die.

However, the boy showed resilience, and no matter how many attacks he endured, he didn't falter, his eyes remained as sharp as ever.

Daichi had been waiting for an opportunity to turn the tide; he knew he couldn't endure much longer. However, he saw the chance he had been waiting for.

The scarred bandit was getting slower, and his attacks were weakening. Relentless attacking had exhausted him, and at that moment, an opening presented itself as his arms became limp.

'Now.' with a swift sword slide, Daichi forced his blade toward the bandit's chest. The bandit couldn't maintain his posture any longer and was stabbed.

Blood flowed from the bandit's chest, with Daichi's sword piercing directly into his heart. The bandit's body grew increasingly rigid as he gasped for breath, his life slipping away.

"You may not know why you're dying, but I'll tell you. Those who kill must be willing to die. You killed my brother, but today, I killed you."Daichi spoke as he caught his breath, observing the bandit's eyes shimmering with regret and a newfound will to live.

The bandit didn't regret having killed but rather regretted facing death at the hands of a boy. After a few seconds, the bandit's body lay lifeless on the ground; he was dead.