
Naruto: Starting as a Worker

The story is set in the 54th year of the Konoha calendar. Two super-geniuses emerged in the Konoha. One is called Uchiha Itachi, the other is named Akihara Kagura. One is considered a tool of the village, who is willing to sacrifice everything for Konoha, except for his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke. The other self-proclaims to be a tool of the village, who is also willing to sacrifice everything for Konoha, including Uchiha Itachi's younger brother, Uchiha Sasuke. --x-- This is a translated novel, and you can find the raw version by the name: 从火影开始做打工人 Found errors in the translation, or want to suggest a novel to be translated/written? Join our Discord group! discord.gg/onsenhub --x-- Do you want to support our translation and original creation work? Join our Patreon! patreon.com/OnsenHub

ZhouXi · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 36

"Wood Release Kekkei Genkai may not be of any use to the Eye of the Moon Plan."

The mysterious masked man did not seem to like the power of Wood Release, speaking coldly, "I too have awakened the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai, and I do not think it is stronger than the Mangekyou Sharingan."


That's obviously because your Wood Release is too weak!

The Venus Flytrap-like creature understood this well, but did not plan to argue with the mysterious masked man. They knew that the Mangekyou Sharingan of the mysterious masked man was indeed stronger than his Wood Release.


There seemed to be two wills within the Venus Flytrap-like creature.

The black half-face on the head of the Venus Flytrap-like creature moved slightly, speaking in a somewhat hoarse and gloomy voice, "We happen to be in Konoha. Let's observe the talent of the little Wood Release brat. The Eye of the Moon Plan needs a large number of powerful helpers, one more person is always useful..."

"Moreover, I have just observed the Forest of Death in Konoha."

"Although I did not see the brat using Wood Release, there is still a strong presence of life energy in the forest, proving that his Wood Release is not useless."

"That's fine."

"If the brat is indeed useful... A brat full of darkness and flaws is easy to deal with for me."

The mysterious masked man didn't look at the Venus Flytrap-like creature next to him. He casually raised his palm and clenched it into a fist, "I have a pawn in my hand that can deal with him. With just a little trick, I can make him be deserted by all..."


The Venus Flytrap-like creature became curious.

"Some time ago, someone sneaked into the Hidden Mist Village and was noticed by me. It was Tatsuma Aburame, a subordinate of Danzo Shimura, I caught him."

Speaking of his planned plot, the mysterious masked man couldn't help but feel a little arrogant, "As long as I kill Tatsuma Aburame with my Wood Release technique and leave his body for the people of Konoha to discover, I can frame the brat Akihara Kagura..."

In theory, this plan is somewhat simple.

But if it were actually implemented, it would have a great chance of achieving its goal, because not many in the ninja world possess the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai.

"The remaining time is to continue observing the brat."

The mysterious masked man finally nodded, and hummed coldly, "I just happened to observe how the seed I left behind two years ago has grown..."

"Itachi Uchiha?"

The white face of the Venus Flytrap-like creature suddenly showed a strange smile, "You personally killed Shisui Uchiha's teammate, causing the brat to awaken the Sharingan, and he was able to directly awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan for the first time, his talent isn't bad either..."

"That's why I spared his life."

The mysterious masked man nodded and spoke with a knowing expression, "That kid, Itachi Uchiha, has the potential to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. Just a little stimulus, and his Sharingan can go a step further."

"Hehehe... What a coincidence!"

The white half-face of the Venus Flytrap-like creature seemed to think of something, suddenly becoming somewhat excited: "Just right, Konoha is holding the Chunin Exams, and both Itachi Uchiha and Akihara Kagura are participating!"

"According to the previous rules of the Konoha Chunin Exams, during the third round of the exam, Akihara Kagura and Itachi Uchiha may end up fighting each other. This would allow us to observe both the little Wood Release brat and the Uchiha brat to see who is stronger!"

"The Chunin Exam again..."

The voice of the mysterious masked man became somewhat low.

The Chunin Exam.

A topic that ninjas would never avoid.

Within the base of the Root organization, Danzo Shimura was also discussing the Chunin Exam, but when this old man mentioned the exam, his face became as grim as dripping water.


Danzo Shimura was reprimanding Akihara Kagura who had just returned to the base: "You were too excessive during the Chunin Exam. Don't reveal your Wood Release Kekkei Genkai casually, and there's no need to waste chakra using powerful techniques!"

"...I understand."

Akihara Kagura furrowed his brow, speaking up, "When the third round of the exam comes, I won't use Wood Release techniques, alright?"


Danzo Shimura was almost choked with anger.

Using it recklessly when he shouldn't! Not using it when he should!

Now that he's already used the Wood Release technique, what's the use of continuing to hide it?

"Never mind."

Danzo Shimura waved his hand, speaking somewhat helplessly: "Since everyone already knows, there's no need to continue hiding it..."


Akihara Kagura nonchalantly nodded.

"The third round of the exam...take it seriously."

Danzo Shimura, seeing the boy's indifference, spoke sternly, "You and Itachi Uchiha are the most outstanding candidates in this year's exams. You will surely meet in the final round. Don't be careless when facing that brat, use Wood Release techniques to defeat him!"

Because this exam carries its own political significance.

Once Akihara Kagura uses Wood Release to defeat the Uchiha clan prodigy, Itachi Uchiha, it could make the Uchiha clan a little more understanding when facing the village's commands.

"I understand."

Akihara Kagura nodded in agreement.

"There's one more thing..."

After discussing the Chunin Exam with Akihara Kagura, Danzo Shimura finally brought up his most bothersome topic: "After the Chunin Exam is over, you'll be transferred into ANBU..."


Akihara Kagura asked curiously, "Aren't we, Root, part of ANBU? Why would I be transferred into ANBU?"

"You're being transferred into the Hokage's direct ANBU."

Danzo Shimura coldly pointed out the difference, continuing, "Just like how Root is loyal to me, the members of ANBU are loyal to the Hokage..."


The expression on Akihara Kagura's face suddenly changed. He almost unbelievably raised his head to look at Danzo, "Lord Danzo, why am I suddenly being transferred into ANBU, is this... you don't want me to continue in Root... you don't want me to stay by your side anymore?"

Akihara Kagura seemed completely oblivious to his actions, his eyes trying to express shock and even some anger, "Did someone report me to you, Lord Danzo? I was only away from the base for a day..."

When Akihara Kagura got to this point, he tried to squeeze out a few tears of grievance, but failing to do so, he could only continue sadly, "If it's because of those guys, I can promise you, I won't deal with those guys anymore..."

"It's not your problem!"

Danzo Shimura interrupted him somewhat impatiently.

Although it indeed was this brat's problem...

Wasn't it because you were too excessive during the exam?


This brat's attitude is so pitiful...

He even still has loyalty towards me.


I'm not without options.

This child will also become my pawn in the ANBU!

"Akihara, there's no need to be upset."

Danzo Shimura slowly reached out and patted Akihara Kagura's shoulder, casually asking, "After entering the ANBU, will you still obey my orders?"

"Of course."

Akihara Kagura nodded quickly.

When your superior casually asks such a question, they need your firm attitude. Besides quickly responding, you also have to show your determination!


That's still not enough!

The best method, of course, is to say something bad about your superior's adversary!

Akihara Kagura furrowed his brows, speaking curiously, "By the way, I inexplicably ran into the Third Hokage tonight. He kept talking to me about Lord Danzo..."


Danzo Shimura's expression instantly turned unpleasant, coldly asking, "What did that bastard...the Third, say to you?"


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