

What happens when the only price of the Fire Daimyo is a reincarnated and has a System that just wants to make the host have more descendants All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author of this fanfiction is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material Check my new fabric Sora's Novel Ideas & Start From SoulLand AS A SIXTH DIMENSION BEING

Sora_Space · Anime & Comics
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Second Ninja War

Many Years passed 

Many things happened in this year's first the Girls got to know each other.

Tsunade Who found Kushina to her liking but still was friendly with Mikoto too.

But because Tsunade who was Closer to Kushina Mikoto could only give up her ideas on being the second Wife and Admitted to her being the Third wife.

Kushina who agreed with Sora about him having many wife's did not fight with Mikoto but because they were only a few years apart in age they became good friends.

And when they Found the Tsunade was Younger they were shocked and when Tsunade explained to them about Sora's Powers and how she would be Young for a very long Time this made them jealous.

So they both argued with Sora about how he treats Tsunade better then with.

Which made Sora use his power on them so they will stop ageing when they reach 18 Years old .

Which made them both happy and kissed Sora's Cheek.

But Sora wasn't going to let Mikoto and Tsunade who told them about him go without punishment.

So they had to serve him for an entire day but they were too shy to do it together so Sora had to go from one room to the other many times that night.

He couldn't do anything to Kushina because she was too young. 

Now she has Grown to Age so Sora plan's to Do it with her soon .

That was what happened in the Daimyo Mansion.

But many things happened in the Ninja World these Year's 

Because of having Control of half the Konoha Village Sora Got lot of Information about the Ninja World and mainly Konoha

Because Tsunade and her brother are missing. Konoha sent many Ninja's and asked the Daimyo about it .

But he said after she completed the Mission and left for Konoha he didn't know what happened to her.

When the Ninjas told that to Sarutobi he felt that the Daimyo had no reason to lie to Him but still used the Ninja Spies who were in the Daimyo Mansion to search for information.

Sora who Controlled them knew this so he altered the information of the spy and had sent information to Sarutobi and it was the same as the Daimyo said so Sarutobi could only believe it.

After sending many teams and finding no information so he decided to name her and her brother a Missing ninja and offered a reward to anyone if you find information and her.

And there were thing's Sora found in the Village that happened these Year's

Nohara Rin,Yuhi Kurenai, Shizune, Tsunami were born

Minato graduated from the Academy 

Many small Battles  between Villages were taking place and in outside Konoha

Hatake Sakumo killed Sasori's parents which was like adding Gunpowder to the Fire which brought the Opening to the Second Ninja War

The war was very intense with Konohagakure led by Hokage, Sunagakure led by Kazekage, Amegakure led by Hanzo and Iwagakure led by Third Tsuchikage

In this war there were a lot of  casualties for Konoha because of the Poison of Chiyo who swore to kill Sakumo because of him killing Sasori's parents.

Because Konoha didn't have Tsunade they didn't have any medical help to cure the Poison so Konoha was going to lose on that battle

But suddenly the Uchiha Volunteered to Face them. Even Sarutobi didn't want to agree at first because he didn't want the Uchiha to get any  recognition in the village.

But he had to allow them to participate in the war because there were too many losses for Konoha.

He also Hoped that the Uchiha would be hit hard and reduce their power so he could have them in control after the war.

So when the Uchiha participated and repelled Chiyo which earned them a lot of recognition but they had a lot of losses too.

Sakumo had many battles which made his name known to most people of Konoha as White Fang

Sarutobi had to send Sakumo to help Jiraiya and Orochimaru to defeat Hanzo because just the both of them couldn't defend him for long so with the help of Sakumo they won over Hanzo.

This too made his name more prominent in the war.

Sora used the one of the remaining Two Forced Teleport to Teleport Konan who was about 8 to 9 years old who had her parents just killed and was homeless on the street .

And had yet to meet Nagato and Yahiko. When  she was Teleported.

When she arrived Sora looked at her skinny appearance and had to take care of her. In the few years she became very attached to Sora. Always following him like a maid who was ready for any orders he gives.

Sora Trained her this way because he had a System mission :" [ The host must Train Konan to be a Perfect Maid who whould follow any of your orders without using the Invincible Field and altering her memories. Reward:One Chance to alter Destiny of the past without affecting the Plot much] 

And Soon felt he would soon Train Konan to be a Perfect Maid 

Because when he looked at the Reward he already made plans 

After the defeat of Hanzo  Jiraiya remained in Amegakure to teach his two disciplines

Two years into the War Uzumaki Mito died which made Tsunade very sad and was crying to sora.

Only after he said that he would bring her alive later that she let him go.

Sarutobi and Danzo still had another Girl Brought from the Uzumaki clan to be the Jinchuriki.

And it was like Destiny that Kumo Ninjas tried to Kidnap her but was rescued by Minato.

But how would Sora believe that soon after some digging for information he found out that Sarutobi knew the Kumo Ninjas would Kidnap The Jinchuriki but he didn't interfere but sent Minato to resume her.

He had Anbu in the cover just in case they escaped so everything was under his control.

He did this because he wanted The Jinchuriki to Be Close to Minato.

After checking Minato for years Sarutobi felt he was the best person to follow his Will of Fire and maybe the next Hokage so Sarutobi explained to Minato about koma ninjas and about how he should save  the Jinchuriki and try his best to kill the Ninja's or make then retreat so that the Anbu in the dark would kill them later.

 Minato was perfect for this plan 

So he used the Kumo Ninjas to tie The Jinchuriki and Minato Together.

Minato who heard this Plan from Sarutobi agreed that he would save and make the Jinchuriki fall in love with him

The Jinchuriki who was in a new place couldn feel safe and felt alienated but because of Minoto many advances after being rescued by him made her fall in love with him and soon both of them become lovers.

Sora who got the information about all this felt both Sarutobi and Minoto to be Evil People who harmed the Innocent and lonely little Jinchuriki.

So he swore with tears that he would rectify these evil Beings from the World.

But could only wait until his Invincible Field Covers the World 

And Even Blame the Gods not to send some beautiful Women With Powerful Bloodline potential into His Invincible Field so the he can only sacrifice himself into bedding that women and expanding the Invincible Field So that he can save Konoha soon