
Naruto: Snake Girl Reincarnation

A girl reincarnates into the dead body of an abandoned experiment of Orochimaru.

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Assessing the Situation

In a hideout deep within the ground, a girl squirmed in a container with some kind of green liquid. After some time, she opened her eyes and panicked. Several snakes shot from her hands and back, and destroyed the container letting the girl to come out.

The girl crouched on the ground panting hard and removed the oxygen mask. She clenched her head hard and screamed in pain, and after sometime, she sat down taking deep breaths.

'Okay. So am I Orochimaru, Sasha or Shiro?'

The girl was currently suffering from identity crisis. Sasha was a girl in her twenties working as a newly appointed assistant biologist specialising in genetic modification of small animals and plants. Due to a fire breaking out in the mall where she was out for shopping, she lost her life.

She also remembered living as Shiro, a normal girl in her small village with her parents when Orochimaru kidnapped her and then she couldn't remember a thing.

And finally, she also got memories of Orochimaru. His Ninjutsu, his fighting style, his knowledge. How his parents died in the First Shinobi War, how he grew up with Tsunade and Jiraya, failed to protect Tsunade's brother, contemplating about life and death, Jiraya and Tsunade abandoning him, getting too deep into research, Danzo's intervention, being hurt when his Sensei named someone else other than him the Hokage, resulting in him going rogue when his research was discovered, and then some movements here and their, performing experiments, and most importantly, what kind of experiments he did on this body named Shiro.

He combined snake and Hashirama DNA into her and placed a cursed seal, which was apparently in the beginning stage as he had acquired Jugo not long ago. (A.N.- I think Anko had inferior one and not stage 2 due to not having Jugo's DNA) But ended up abandoning the hideout due to failures. He didn't think it was necessary to clean up as he had hundreds of hideout like that, and it would be time wasting to bother with them.

After going through the memories which took hours, she came to some conclusions. Apparently, she was Sasha in her previous life, who had watched 'Naruto' named anime. Then, she died and reincarnated in dead Shiro-chan's body, which was abandoned by Orochimaru. And somehow due to reincarnation, she had absorbed Orochimaru's soul which was in the Cursed Seal as well.

'Getting Orochimaru's memories is a really good cheat. But I have to get away from here and hide from him. He may have noticed part of his soul, which was in the cursed seal, got absorbed. I know the working of the seal now, so maybe I will be able to remove it.'

Setting a temporary goal, she stood up and looked around the hideout for anything useful. It had many children and abdominations in various containers as well. She surprisingly, or not so surprisingly didn't feel anything about it, courtsey to Orochimaru's memories. She also found used injections, various kinds of drugs which were almost used up and a container with several eggs, maybe of snakes.

She also found a few kunais and fuinjutsu blank scrolls and stored the eggs on it after drawing a storage seal on it. She opened all the containers of failed experiments and stored them. She will obtain Hashirama cells from them later. Lastly, she stored the nutrition liquid as well. Orochimaru had constant supply from Danzo, but she will have to figure out how to get them from illegal means herself.

She wore a piece of cloth on her tiny 10-year old body, which seemed of 7-8 years old to be honest, and came out of the hideout. When she came out, she found that she was somewhere in the middle of a forest with various kind of wild animals and chakra beasts. She ran through the forest and encountered various animals, which she instinctively took care of with her snake jutsu. After she reached plenty good distance from the hideout, she hid in a cave where a lion lived. It was surprisingly easy to kill and took just a stab of kunai.

After settling in there and eating it's meat, she finally rested and started to think about her next phase of actions.

'First, where am I? The hideout close to Kusagakure. Which part of timeline I am in? From the memories of Orochimaru, it had been three years since Kyuubi attack and one year from his defection. But the memories end when he applied the curse seal. So I have no idea how far from it I actually am. So what should I do from here? Going to any ninja village is no go. I don't want to get my mind fucked and live surrounded in the middle of thousands of ninjas who can kill me. Even going to Orochimaru would be better than that. But I don't know when that guy would decide to sacrifice me for Edo Tensei or take over my body.

So, living by myself it is then. I will train till I am strong enough and live off in the wilds till then. And since I have Orochimaru's and Sasha's knowledge with me, I will be able to do some experiments as well to make myself stronger. Let's go with this for now.'


(MC PoV)

I don't know how much time has passed since then but I think I am strong enough to wander in the outside world. I have grown a lot taller and look quite a beauty. Short white hair, blue captivating eyes and sturdy toned muscles. I don't have much boobs to say.

I removed the Curse Seal, though there are still some Jugo's cells which naturally absorb Senjutsu Chakra. I have made a seal similar to Curse Seal for controlling Jugo's cells. I cultivated good amount of Hashirama cells from the other experiments to apply on my snakes to enpower them.

I have mastered many of the Orochimaru's techniques, Edo Tensei included. I tried Edo Tensei on several animals and snakes as well, and it worked! Though I have not used Edo Tensei on humans or to bring dead humans to life, I have been successful in summoning dead animals' spirits.

I have formed a Kenjutsu style with my snakes also coordinating swords, though I don't have any swords on hand but am using wooden swords I made myself. I have been living like a cave woman afterall. I can use chakra scalpels as well. I got all five nature transformations, mastered all ninjutsus from Orochimaru's except the really chakra intensive ones that are like on S-rank level, some very dangerous forbidden jutsus and summoning contract.

I somehow found out that I can transform into a snake as well with several small snakes being part of me, also the ones I cultivated got joined into me. Thanks to that, I am able to split into several snakes and rejoin again. It was beyond weird but a really good technique to save myself from being killed.

I have sent some of my snakes to spy in the Kusa village to find info about Karin. She will be pretty useful in my travels. Now, I will go out in the world from tomorrow!