
Naruto: Skill Copying System

The main character reincarnated into the Shinobi world as Sasuke Uchiha. He gained the ability to copy skills from girls to his own skill list by having orgasms with them. In a sense, the main character is the REAL COPY NINJA! He manages to copy the skills from the girls of the rookie 12! Ino's mind transfer jutsu? Yerp! Hinata's gentle fist and Byakugan? Yep! Even the most useless Tenten will eventually have to hand over her ninja tool abilities. While fighting Kaguya... let's leave that for later. :D ------- ------- REALISTIC images are now available on Patreon! This novel is also posted on Lunenovel.com Throughout the story, there will be images posted in the comment section and possibly on a patreon (patreon.com/AzureRaven) or something for more exclusive visuals. Looking for my social media? Check out: twitter.com/SunlessRaven I will occasionally post 'cool' photos.

AzureRaven69 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Itachi's Lungs

A few days passed since the hotel incident, and Naruko had accepted her fate. After all, Sasuke said over and over again that it was impossible to turn her back.

If she finds out that he's lying, she would really beat Sasuke into a pulp. The only thing she can hope for now is to quickly find Tsunade with Pervy Sage.

Tsunade is supposed to be the best of the best in the medical field, and Pervy Sage that she might have a way to turn her back to her original body.

However, they weren't looking for Tsunade at this moment, so Naruko decided to focus on training the Rasengan.

She had already completed the water balloon portion, and she had now moved onto the rubber ball portion of the training.

Naruko didn't want to admit it, but she is having a real tough time figuring out how to burst the rubber ball.

"Alright! Time to focus again!" Naruko felt rather exhausted from using her chakra so much, but she decided to keep going. Anyways, the chakra would just refill the next day, so it's alright.

Inside of the compound, in a clean and refurbished room.

"How is it, Sasuke?" Itachi asked after getting his initial checkup. He had some free time away from Kisame, so he came here due to the promise that he made to his little brother.

"It's indeed very bad. I doubt that I'll be able to completely treat your disease with my medical expertise." I admitted this fact after taking a closer look at Itachi's lungs with my combined skills: the Biological Science Expert, Byakugan, and Mind's Eye of Kagura.

I was able to come to the conclusion that Itachi's lung is free of cancer cells, but I wasn't able to pinpoint the exact origin of Itachi's lung sickness. Sadly, the Biological Science Expert skill isn't the skill that can help find cures for illnesses.

"I see. If that's the case then I bid you farewell, Sasuke. I don't think your goal of bringing me back to the village would work." Itachi didn't show any displeasure at all. He didn't have much expectations from the beginning, so he wasn't particularly feeling down. He got up and turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait, big brother Itachi. I said that I couldn't completely cure you, but that doesn't mean that I won't be able to suppress your lung sickness." I stopped Itachi from leaving. My research of producing perfect singular organs isn't perfect yet, but this doesn't mean that I can't already make the organs.

If I can destroy Itachi's lungs and remake them with my Heal Bite ability, I'm sure that I can reverse Itachi's sickness to day 0.

Now, his lung sickness might come back over time, but this will buy me plenty of time to find a cure. I might even be able to make a whole new body for Itachi, one without sickness.

"?" Itachi stopped and waited to hear what his little brother planned.

"I'll just rip out your lungs and make new ones for you. You trust me, right?" I said as I brought out a sterilized scalpel and waved it around.

Itachi's eyes twitched. Was he really going to let his little brother cut him up? Is his lung replacement even reliable?

"Are you scared that I'll stab you to death and steal your eyes for the Mangekyo or something? Stop being a wuss, and just accept my offer, big brother Itachi. I won't do such a thing. I will awaken my own Mangekyo." I tried to pressure Itachi into taking up my request after I saw his hesitation.

While trying to pressure him, I made sure to look completely confident in my skills. In actuality, though, I'm only confident that I'll benefit regardless of the result.

If Itachi survives, great! I will have a powerful ally in the future.

If he dies, then that's also great! I get access to the Mangekyo right away.

"How long will it take?" Itachi thought about it and decided that he'll accept as long as it doesn't take too much time for him to heal.

"Considering that I'll probably have to sedate you for a period of time…. Probably thirty minutes to an hour?" I said after factoring in the other steps. I could just activate the Chidori and whack Itachi's lungs like I did to Mebuki's heart, but there was a problem with that process – Mebuki felt the pain of having her heart bursted.

Plus, I also had to heal other parts of her body due to the AOE damage that the chidori lightning made. This only made me use unnecessary amounts of my chakra.

If only Itachi's lungs are taken out one at a time, all of my Chakra would be focused on creating new lungs for him when I use the Heal Bite.

"Then… let's do it." Itachi accepted. He was afraid of losing his life, partially because Sasuke would be targeted by Danzo if he dies. However, he couldn't just refuse Sasuke after seeing the confident look on his little brother's face.

"Okay, good!" I smiled and led Itachi into a sterile room with a comfy operation bed. There were also surgical tools and surgeon outfits.

Most of these items weren't hare, nor did the hospital in this town have them. I created them with my memory and the Universal Paint Genjutsu.

With that skill, I'm able to even affect the matters of the real world and change their structure.

For example, turning a metal ball into a sword tang isn't a problem. However, the only condition is that the type of matter should already exist. Otherwise, I would have to waste an insane amount of chakra to make something from nothing.

And when it comes to altering the structure of composition of an organism… the chakra usage is even more insane.

Iyaa, the story is so slowww. Imma speed it up very soon.

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