
Naruto: Shisui's Little Brother

Yasui reincarnated into the body of Shisui Uchiha's little brother on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. Yasui doesn't shy away from the main cast and tries his best to live to the fullest. He befriends Naruto and others, creating a bond that's thicker than blood. Even though he did not receive any godly power after reincarnating, Yasui felt that becoming an Uchiha is already a cheat by itself. He has good looks, and he also has a body that can become strong. When paired with his knowledge of the Shinobi world and the knowledge of the modern world, Yasui finds ways to have an edge over others.

Yasui · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Massacre Aftermath

The entire village found out about the Uchiha Massacre on this day, and Itachi Uchiha was declared as the culprit behind this crazy bloodshed. The village also announced Itachi as an S-rank Missing Shinobi in the Bingo Book.

As one of the largest Shinobi villages, Konoha is filled with people and yet, fear and anxiety were visible in their eyes. Everyone was aware of the exceptional strength of the Uchiha clan, and the idea of them being eradicated in one night by the Patriarch's oldest son was enough to make everyone feel uneasy - not only the civilians, but even the shinobis were filled with worry.

All they knew is that Konoha had just lost a major military force, and they were afraid that this might be a reason for the other Shinobi villages to start another senseless war.

It's already noon at this time and the funeral of the Uchiha clan underwent in a timely and subtle fashion.

Hiruzen Sarutobi did not want this scene to be grand, so the only people who attended the funeral were the village's higher-ups and the two Uchiha kids. Danzo did not show up due to a particular reason.

Sasuke cried like a little girl while Hiruzen and the others had solemn looks on their faces. They knew that the Uchiha's disappearance had reduced their military power by a lot, but compared to the coup that may have come, it was a good price to pay.

Unlike Sasuke, Yasui only pretended to look absentminded. He wanted to show attachment to the clan, but he really didn't have any attachments. Although the previous Yasui liked the clan, he was never really involved with anyone or anything that was happening in the clan.

As both the previous and present versions of him didn't care, Yasui could only pretend to be out of it. Inwardly, he was already thinking about how he should become stronger.

The funeral passed quickly, and the clan's bodies were buried in the village's graveyard. A huge section of the graveyard was taken up solely by the Uchiha's massacred clan. Obviously, though, no actual bodies were buried. Even as corpses, the Uchiha bodies were moving treasure troves for enemy nations. Hence, the bodies had been creamted.

After the funeral, both he and Sasuke were given the opportunity to retrieve their belongings from the clan's compound.

Sasuke didn't want to go back there probably due to the fact that Itachi really traumatized him, but Yasui decided to accept.

When Yasui got there, most of the scenes were cleaned. The bodies were taken away, and the stench of blood was significantly reduced. The destroyed buildings were left as they were, however.

Yasui took this chance to get his belongings which included the storage scroll of Sharingan eyes. He also wanted to take the time to go into other houses and steal money and valuables, but there is an Anbu waiting outside for him.

He hid the storage scroll in a ninja bag and came out to meet the Anbu. His face showed no change, and the Anbu didn't even care about what a kid brought. It wasn't his duty to do so.

Then, the Anbu lead him to a luxurious apartment in the heart of the village. He was told by the Anbu that he and Sasuke will be living in this place from now on (each living in their own apartment room), and all of the costs will be handled by the village. They will also be receiving monthly living expenses of 10,000 Ryo a month ( It's the same as the Japanese yen from my understanding. Aka 10,000 Ryo is approximately 130 dollars ).

When Yasui heard this, he wanted to curse at Hiruzen for being a money-grubbing monkey. His whole clan was massacred for heaven's sake. Surely they had a massive amount of inheritance for being one of the largest clans in Konoha!

To think about it in another light, though, Hiruzen is already being generous with the luxurious apartment. Compared to Naruto who lived in a ran down apartment even though he was the child of the fourth Hokage, Yasui had it slightly better.

Still, Yasui was salty that he didn't get a lot of living expenses. Nonetheless, he could not do anything about it! He could only wish for the old crook's death to come sooner.

After giving him the first month's living expenses, the Anbu left just like that. Yup, that was it. He–an 8-year-old child–is expected to live on his own just like that. There's no nanny, nor is there any help from other adults.

Yasui almost wanted to kneel down at the childcare system of the Shinobi world. The degree of independence and freedom that he was given truly amazed him.

After thinking about what he should do, he got out of his luxurious apartment. Anyways, the apartment is only a box for him to be in, and he didn't want to stay there much.

He went to the streets and stopped by a shinobi store to buy some organ-preserving chemicals so that he can later preserve some of the Sharingan that he gained. When the store owner asked what he was going to use it for, he just said that he bought it for an Acadamy project, and the sale went through without a hitch.

This left a deep hole in his monthly expense, though. He already spent half of it! Yasui mumbled as he walked through the street. He didn't want to eat dirt for the upcoming weeks, so he decided that he needed to find a way to secure more money soon.

Obviously, he had the strength of modern knowledge, and he was going to somehow capitalize on it. As to how… He will have to make more explicit plans.

Currently, he had to consolidate his abilities. He had basic ninja knowledge from the memories that he inherited, and… he's not proud to say it, but he had his fair share of 8th-grade syndrome back in the days… he even learned some of the narutoverse jutsus and the principles behind them even though he couldn't actually do it.

During those times in school, he would yell "Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu!!!" and whatnot… Yeah, it's embarrassing, especially because he did it in front of other people.

Yasui arrived at a training ground in one of the many forests inside the village. He marveled at how Konoha was able to keep such large land masses of undisturbed greenery inside of the walls. There were some wild animals, and there were even some streams that has fish in them.

Anyways, he wasn't here as a tourist. Yasui immediately got to work and made the hand sign to create the Shadow clone. Unlike Naruto, he did not have enough Chakra to do the upgraded Multi Shadow clone technique, so he had to do the reduced version of it.

The hand sign wasn't the hard part. The hard part was that he needed to divide his chakra evenly and output it into a clone of himself.

With a Puff, a clone came out but he seemed to have put too little chakra into it, and it turned out to be a pale and malnourished clone of him that couldn't even stand up.

"..." Yasui laughed at Naruto's clone in the anime, but look at him now. He isn't much better.

Nonetheless, this did not discourage him. He even had the Sharingan to help him see and calculate the amount of Chakra that he used.

Hence, he began practicing over and over again. When he ran low on Chakra, he trained his body in preparation for learning supplementary Taijutsu.

Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone Power stone

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