
Naruto: Shinobi SI

(WARNING: Naruto is a brutal world, and it is not for beginners.) ----- A captivating tale of a medical student's new life in Konoha, set in the same era as Kakashi and Might Guy. Immerse yourself in the world of Naruto, with intricate details that place you at the heart of the action but expect the action to be of a shinobi brand. ----- ------ Note: Naruto anime enthusiasts will easily connect with the story. The protagonist wields an AI.. . . Please review, comment and give stones in an encouraging way.

KK9494 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 13 : Shadows of War

With a bunch of thoughts swirling in my mind, I arrived at the hospital, ready to put my medical skills to work.

I knew that to make sure most of my demand was to be Jonin then mastering the Mystic Palm jutsu was crucial.

I had already been utilizing this jutsu in my time in hospital, and the AI proved to be an easy path to master it. The vast amount of knowledge was directly sent into my brain with a sacrifice of a few chakra exhaustion.

Then with abundant practice from the various shinobi injured in skirmishes, it is a piece of cake.

So, here I am, treating the patients. You can find all kinds of injuries here.


For example, there is a young shinobi who had suffered from a severe third-degree burn. I approached the wounded individual, carefully assessing the extent of the injury.

[Genin no. 567

The burn marks covered a substantial portion of the shinobi's arm, causing excruciating pain and tissue damage.

Probable cause: Explosive tag or Fire Ninjutsu

AI-generated master image]

Looking at the red, yellow and green marks in the generated image, I got to work. It shows my experience that I did not even flinch at the sight of a half-burned eye and charcoal-burned dick.

As for legs, I am sorry for this dude, but they no longer exist.

With a focused mind, I initiated the Mystic Palm jutsu, channelling my chakra through my hands. The Chakra flowed smoothly, enveloping my hands in a gentle, healing aura.

I began by gently placing my hands over the burnt area.

My fingertips made contact with the scorched flesh, and I could feel the intense heat radiating from the injury. Yep, Chakra-induced burns to the mix. Fucking wonderful.

As I continued to apply the Mystic Palm jutsu, the yang energy started its work. It began by cooling the burned tissue, soothing the agonizing pain. The patient's tense expression gradually eased as relief washed over him.


On scanning the tissues with the Mystic Palm, my AI companion sprang into action, providing real-time feedback. The AI's voice echoed in my mind, its prompt clear and concise

[Chakra Burn found. Recommending treatment. Initial step: Apply Sox 9494 Herbal paste.]

Taking the AI's recommendation to heart and with experience in my mind, I adjusted my chakra flow to focus on alleviating the excruciating pain the patient was experiencing. The patient's discomfort visibly lessened as the numbing effect took hold but did a turn about as the paste.

The Mystic Palm wasn't just about soothing pain; it was a highly advanced healing technique capable of regenerating damaged cells and tissues. My chakra, imbued with the knowledge and precision of a skilled medic, began the intricate process of using the paste's juices to promote repairing the burnt skin.

[AI patient map: 3 spots require further treatment.

2cm deep to dorsal palm.

1 cm to the tibia.

2cm to scapula]

With the AI's assistance, my Mystic Palm jutsu became even more effective. I could precisely target the damaged tissue, ensuring that every layer of skin received the necessary attention. The regeneration process accelerated, and the patient's burn marks began to visibly fade as new, healthy skin cells formed.

[Assign more energy to the second layer of skin.]

The AI, equipped with a vast database of medical knowledge and diagnostic capabilities, scanned the patient's injury in real time. It provided me with detailed information about the depth and severity of the burn, enabling me to tailor my treatment accordingly and also heal evenly. 100% treatment.

As the minutes passed, the patient's burn gradually transformed into a milder first-degree injury. The excruciating pain had subsided entirely, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude. I removed my hands since the rest could be resolved normally.

With a gentle smile, I addressed the shinobi, "You'll need some time to fully recover, but your burns should heal without complications. Remember to follow the post-treatment care instructions. If you have any concerns or experience any unusual symptoms, don't hesitate to return."

The patient nodded in gratitude because I sent the chakra remotely to his dick. Trust me, it would have been awkward if I kept the chakra cost in mind.

[Mystic palm jutsu: 49/1000]

Mastering this Jutsu will allow me to instantly heal my muscles after training. With the chakra pills in combination, my growth rate will speed rapidly and becoming chunin in a couple of years is not much of a problem.

As I processed the information from the meeting with Orochimaru, I couldn't help but feel a bit of peace in healing people.

"Hey Kyudo, you being called to attend your kid."

I shouted back to the nurse, "Haha! So funny. Did you forget I am 7 and a half years old? "

"Yeah, but the kid is attached to you as glue on a paper."

I snorted as I said, "Sure. I am going. See you later and best of luck on the date tonight but please don't be late in the morning, Granny."

The 40-year-old choked on her tea as Shout turned heads towards her.

I entered the room to see a 5-year-old kid who all but shouted aloud, "Kyudo-nee."

I patiently went to his bedside and started looking over him, "Hello! Yuta, how is the day going?"

He thought for a second and said," It is fine, the pain is much less today."

I nodded back at that while I ignited the mystic palm, the all-rounder Jutsu. As I sent the Yang chakra throughout his body, I saw that leukaemia had been controlled to an extent. Even the chakra can't help a leukaemia kid who was starved most of his life. He is undernourished to hell, having vitamin A and D deficiency. There is a reason, I keep him as the last patient to visit.

[Patient no.9494: Yuta Yamashiro

BMI: less than 10% of the required.

Tickets: 70% healed.

Xeropthalmia: Night blindness has reduced with Vit A supplement


The list went on and on. I could only say if it wasn't for chakra his young body might have gone into shock any day.

I heard that his father has been doing back-to-back missions to cover the cost of the treatment. Well, there is a limit to the family allocated medic insurance for a chunin.

You will be surprised that for a Jonin, the benefits are much more. Even his family has the cost of treatment fully borne by the village. This is just in Hospital, according to some random Jonin who came for Pizza, the benefits are much more in other fields.

I was broken from my thoughts by little Yuta who said, "Big bro Kyudo, can you bring me another pizza to eat?"

I sighed and said, "The last time was a one-time thing. Your body can't be more stressed at this moment."

I saw that got him depressed. Sigh, he is not allowed to eat anything from today. Such is the treatment schedule. The alternative is a full-blown treatment that costs millions of Ryo and requires multiple Senior Medic Nin, and Chakra specialists all covered with special chakra herbs.

So, I took my seat and said, "How about a story? Once upon a time, there lived two kids, each from the enemy clans..."

"...they didn't each other's surnames..."

"... but fate had a different plan in mind..."

"... the day he awakened his clan Bloodline limit..."

"...with his brother's death, the conflict all but exploded..."

"... still, their childhood dreams won out and a village was founded."

Under the glittering eyes of 5 year 5-year-old, I concluded by saying, " Those two kids are Senju Hashirama and Madara Uchiha. Konoha was named by Hashirama. Hokage was named by Madara."

Leaving the hospital behind, I made my way to the administrative office to address a different matter—one that held importance for my future. I had on obtaining my official medic-nin apprentice card.

Until now, I had been studying medicine at the hospital under the recommendation of Dr. Tanaka. However, this official document would grant me the identity and recognition I needed to fully act as a medic-nin in the Leaf Village.

The medic-nin apprentice card carried a significance akin to that of a headband. In terms of administrative recognition, medic-nin apprentices were considered equivalent to genin. This means this card also came with practical benefits. With it, I could access the extensive resources and privileges available to medic-nin apprentices/Genin, including the library and medical facilities.

You just got an idea, of how more access to the data will allow an exponential increase in help from my AI.

Just the sheer amount of medical files on Genjutsu victims can allow me to craft better Genjutsu. The AI will take the easy route of loading the info into my mind. Meaning, A climb in Genjutsu prowess.

After completing my studies at the Academy library and the civilian library, I found myself with a surplus of free time. With my newly acquired medic-nin apprentice status, I could now make full use of the Shinobi Library.

Multiple libraries are so Confusing. I know and feel the same, but when knowledge is more valuable than money and it is a means of power, such categories are easy to form.

I approached the administrative desk where a receptionist was busy sorting documents. She looked up as I approached, her expression friendly.

"Hello there," she greeted me. "How can I assist you today?"

I offered a polite nod. "I'm here to receive my medic-nin apprentice card."

Her eyes lit up with recognition, and she reached for a stack of documents. "Ah, you must be Kyudo Kirito. Dr. Tanaka spoke highly of your progress. Just a moment, I'll prepare your card."

I waited patiently as she filled out the necessary paperwork. Soon, she handed me a small, laminated card with my name and photograph on it. It bore the emblem of the Leaf Village and the title "Medic-Nin Apprentice."

"Here you go, Kyudo," she said with a smile. "Congratulations on being a medic nin."

I accepted the card with gratitude, slipping it into a pouch on my belt.

Shinobi Library, where countless scrolls, texts, and records awaited me hungrily like a whore with open legs.

Thought it only gives access to the Genin level. Still, this apprentice card was the reason I didn't bother with graduating because I can access the same benefits with a piece of mind.

As days went by, with my focus on both my medical studies and training, I couldn't help but anticipate the inevitable. It was no surprise when two significant pieces of news rocked Konoha, both of which I had been expecting.

The first piece of news was the looming shadow of war. Along the borders of these great nations, skirmishes with smaller countries had become a regular occurrence. These conflicts, once contained and hidden, had gradually spread their flames far and wide, until at last, they had developed into an all-out war.

The justification for the start of the war: The Sand Village finally announced to the world that their third Kazekage went missing and blamed Konoha for this disaster. You must know, that the Third Kazekage's gold release kept a significant part of the desert nation's economy running.

Of course, shouts were gone from Konoha condemning that. But the evidence shown by Sand is Damning. The last location of Kazekage island of Rice where he fought with Sakuma Hatake.

Yep, Papa Hatake's last mission ended with a clash with the Kage. While the info was hush till now, in fact, it is still hush-hush with not even a hint of mission details being given. That is a given when given the thought Konoha is a shinobi village.

Still, with Sakumo's reputation in Sand and the circumstances, we have the third great Ninja war.

It's official- The World is at war.

The problem is that Konoha is the one at fault according to the majority of people. Well, the world is getting ready to feast on Konoha and the Land of Fire. Alliances from other villages were drawn with Sand to get involved in a war with a legal cause.

Of course, the fragile alliance may not hold for the rest of the war, but this is enough to put Konoha in a dire state. Well, we have termination of contracts, price hikes etc from the civilian side led by various Daimyos. Even minor nations like Grass, rice etc are boycotting Konoha.

The prospect of war where Konoha is alone, surrounded by the world sent shivers down the spines of every citizen in Konoha.

War was no longer a distant threat but a harsh reality that had come knocking on everyone's doorstep with food hoarding, fear-mongering etc.

Amidst the shadows of war, a ray of hope pierced through the darkness in the form of the second piece of news to the downed citizens.

It was the announcement of Kakashi's promotion to chunin, and it sent ripples of excitement and safety through the shinobi forces of Konoha.

His promotion to chunin was more than just a personal achievement; it was a symbol of hope and reassurance. It signified that even in these trying times, the village was producing exceptional talent and that there was still room for growth and progress.

I can already see the message- Another senior-level individual is about to rise. A S-rank shinobi that can win wars by themself.

But it wasn't just a message to Konoha; it was a message to our enemies as well. It served as a warning that Konoha's strength continued to grow, that there were shinobi within our ranks who could take on armies on their own even with the suicide of an S-rank. After all, Konoha never lacked S-ranks.

"Run, Run, Run, Run. Fucking Run bitches."


I jumped to avoid the shurikens.


Obito who got stabbed screamed out, "AH"

All he got in response is, "Get up you bitch, otherwise you are fucked, " And a kick to the stomach that sent Obito rolling across the ground.

Obito's love interest stepped forward reprimanding, "Sensei, you are being rude."

Well, the appointed chunin, screamed at her with spit flying out, "What? Do you expect the Iwa scum to hold your hands and nurse you up? Or the Kumo freaks from fucking you? Wake up, girl. You will be on the battlefield in a couple of years. So, shut the fuck up."

With that, he punched her in the stomach.


The news of war cast a shadow over the once familiar halls of the academy, transforming our training into a gruelling and relentless regimen.

The peaceful days of theory and lectures came to an abrupt halt as the urgency of the situation became apparent.

Instead, the focus shifted entirely to practical combat and chakra control, as we prepared ourselves for the inevitable moment when we, the students, would be thrust onto the battlefield.

The urgency in our instructors' voices was felt as they pushed us beyond our limits, knowing that time was not on our side.

The sparring sessions, once friendly and competitive, had transformed into brutal encounters.

The only condition was that we were not allowed to intentionally inflict fatal harm on our fellow students. It was a simulated reminder of the harsh reality we will face – that in war, there were no rules, and survival was paramount.

As far as I know, other classes in the academy faced similar things they were even worse. The entire student body was pushed to the point of exhaustion, both mentally and physically.

Even the hospital, where I had spent countless hours training as a medic-nin apprentice, was not immune to the effects of the impending war. The number of patients streaming in from the frontlines had increased dramatically. The war had not yet escalated to a full-scale conflict, but the opening skirmishes were taking their toll.

The medical staff worked tirelessly, often late into the night, to treat the wounded and provide whatever solace they could.

A positive view is that the tireless days spent treating patients in the hospital not only honed my skills in the Mystic Palm Jutsu but also introduced me to the world of delicate surgeries, chakra scalpel techniques, and poisons.

With each surgery, my chakra control improved a side effect of the precision required to perform intricate medical procedures.

As months flew by, I achieved mastery over the Tree Walking Exercise, allowing me to defy gravity and move effortlessly on vertical surfaces.

With that milestone achieved, I began my training in the Water Walking Exercise, further refining my chakra control to stay atop the water's surface.

Still, overall, my initial plans for strength worked out

With my progress in the Mystic Palm Jutsu, I now possessed the ability not only to heal but also to actively shape and manipulate tissues. This newfound control allowed me to use the jutsu for more than just mending injuries. For example, I could finally use them for their main purpose- to digest chakra pills faster, enhancing their effects.

Additionally, I could actively influence muscle formation, a previously passive process, simply providing chakra to aid the body's natural healing. Now, it has become an active process, with me commanding the tissues to adapt and strengthen more efficiently.

So, my goal was accomplished, and I leapt through the strength levels with them

Guy and I pushed ourselves to train with weights, strapping 10 kg to each limb and adding a 50 kg vest for the torso. It was not crippling only because of our Genin-level physique. It is now official that I and the guy surpass the others in Taijutsu.

In the realm of taijutsu, I progressed to the Advanced Konoha Taijutsu level. Unlike the intermediate stage, where the focus was on Chakra augmentation, the advanced level had me incorporating jutsu seamlessly into my combat forms. Creating a deadly combination.

-Strength after 5 months skip-

Name: Kyudo Kirito

Age: 7 years 11 months

Chakra: 4000 units [genin]

Physique: Elite Genin

Chakra Control: Chunin Level

Chakra Control Exercises: Water Walking Exercise: 100/1000

Nature Transformations: Fire Nature: 400/1000

Combat Skills:


Shurikenjutsu – Proficient in targeting and hitting moving objects,

Advanced Konoha Taijutsu (400/1000)


Mystic Palm Jutsu: Proficiency: 689/1000

Chakra Scalpel: Mastered

Academy Jutsu: Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu


Pain Relief ( )

Stimulation ( )

Illusionary Escape ( )

Other Skills:

Chakra Disruption: 300/1000

Chakra Augmentation: 700/1000

Fuinjutsu: 400/10000 [Only theoretical knowledge]

Sensor: 900 meters

Deciphering Ancient Scrolls and Texts: Proficient


Weighted Training: 10 kg weights on each limb, 50 kg vest for the torso (In progress)

Chakra Pill Digestion: Mastery.

Medic Ninjutsu: Proficient in medical procedures and treatments.