
Naruto: Shinobi Lost

Unable to move onto the next life, Uzumaki Naruto travels the world. He comes back to Japan, the place where Konoha once stood, and soon finds himself sucked into a game of battling busty women. It all started when a girl fell on top of him. Literally

Dess222 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 09

Naruto sweat dropped at the extremely blunt words. Really, he had never met a woman who could actually say something so crass without flinching. Of course, given that this girl spoke in such a naïve tone of voice, he doubted that she even realized how off kilter her words sounded.

Despite the plane weirdness of the question, Naruto answered it anyways. "I would be a fool not to. As I told you before, you're a beautiful woman."

"Naruto-Sama!" Musubi shouted as she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around the blond in a hug as she tackled him to the floor. "I'm so happy that you like the way I look! You don't have to worry however, if Naruto-Sama wants it, Musubi will only show herself like this to him."

Naruto groaned as he felt himself responding to Musubi's bare-chested frame pressing itself against him. He could feel all of the blood rushing to his lower head as her breasts mashed up against his chest, he could even feel her nipples poking him as they moved and were dragged across the fabric of his shirt.

"Musubi," he said, trying to keep the growl out of his voice. "If you keep this up I'm afraid I'm going to lose control of myself."

Musubi blinked as sat up and looked at him, tilting her head to the side in an expression of confusion. "Lose... control of yourself?"

"You don't understand what I mean by that, do you?" he asked, getting her to shake her head no. Naruto sighed. "It's a figure of speech. It essentially means I'll start thinking with my second head."

"Second head? You have two heads? How come I can only see one?" Musubi asked as she began to look at his body to see where his second head was.

Naruto groaned as he realized that Musubi didn't seem to understand any sexual terms, meaning it was unlikely she even knew what sex was. He was not looking forward to that conversation. "Never mind," he said quickly. In the hopes she would drop the subject he changed topics, "so why don't you finish getting changed so we can go to bed."

Musubi smiled as she began getting changed into a large shirt that he got out for her to sleep in. "Ok!"


Musubi smiled, humming a happy tune as she lathered her nude body up with soap. It was early in the morning, the sun had just risen a few hours ago and despite how hectic and crazy yesterday had been she couldn't be happier.

Because she now had her Ashikabi. Naruto truly was everything she wished for in an Ashikabi. Not only was he kind, he was also very strong from what she had seen. And felt. She remembered how she had woken up this morning, lying in her futon with the blond, cuddled into his side with one of his arms wrapped around her waist. She remembered how good it felt to be in his arms, and the feel of his firm muscles as she pressed herself against him.

Truly there was nothing in this world better then being close to her Ashikabi.

Once she was finished putting soap on her wet body, Musubi used the moveable shower head to rinse herself off, letting the water droplets and filmy soap run down her form. When she was finished she went to get some shampoo for her hair, grabbing the bottle and unscrewing the lid before flipping it upside down and putting her hand under it. She frowned, however, when she squeezed the bottle and nothing came out.

"I can't believe we're out, I could have sworn we had some yesterday," she said to herself. "Oh well, I'll just ask Naruto-Sama where we have more."

Turning off the shower Musubi walked out of the bathroom, not bothering to cover herself up. Naruto-Sama had told her that he liked looking at her, and that was all she cared about. If he enjoyed seeing her, then she would gladly stay in the nude. Privately of course.

"Naruto-Sama, we're all out of shampoo," Musubi said as she walked into the kitchen still soaking wet. Said blond looked over from where he was making a breakfast of scrambled eggs. She smiled when she saw him admiring her form, for some reason seeing him look at her with those slightly clouded eyes sent pleasant sensations through her body, and caused more heat to well up in between her legs. She would have to ask him if he knew why she felt that way some time soon.

Naruto blinked as he looked over to see his Sekirei, dripping wet and completely naked walk into the room. His eyes noticed a small droplet of water on her bare skin and watched as it ran down the left side of her face, reaching her chin before dripping off. Because her bust were so big the water ended up hitting her left breast instead of the floor, where it proceeded to move down in a trail, off to the side and in between the valley of her breasts. He lost sight of it for a second before it came out under her bosom and continued along it's marry way, running over her flat stomach before reaching the apex of her crotch. Musubi was clean shaven, which was somewhat surprising because Naruto was sure the woman did not know how to use a razor. The small droplet of life giving liquid finished it's descend when it trailed over her inner thigh, moving down in an ever so trail down her toned, mile long legs and ended when when it trailed off of her small, dainty foot and onto the ground.

If he didn't already known she was naïve to the pleasure of the flesh, he would have sworn she was doing her best to kill him.

Her words then registered in his ears and he was just about to inform her that there was some shampoo under the cupboard in the bathroom, when the girl's left foot landed on the tile and she slipped due to her soaking the floor in water.

"Woah! Wah!" Musubi screamed out as she lost her balance and began falling over. Naruto rushed over to her in an attempt to catch her, however, he had forgot to account for the water Musubi had spilled on the floor when she began flailing about and ended up loosing his own footing. They both fell to the floor in a slight heap, Naruto falling on his back and Musubi falling on him. As a natural response, the blond's arms wrapped around the Sekirei so she wouldn't be jostled and injured by their fall.

"Are you alright, Musubi?" asked Naruto after he had managed to get over his surprise at being surprised. It was rare that he actually forgot to take something into account, but had to admit that it had been so long since he had been in any situation even remotely like this that he couldn't really be blamed.

"I... think so," Musubi said. She looked up slightly and saw Naruto looking at her with those concerned eyes again. It warmed her heart to see him looking at her like that. She gave him a smile that was bright enough to power Shinto Teito for a day. "Thank you for breaking my fall."

"It – don't worry about," Naruto started slightly, his eyes moving from her own, twin brown orbs filled with warmth and innocence, to her lips. They looked very kissable right now, with their light pink and glossy shine. He didn't think Musubi wore lip gloss, she didn't have any other kind of make up on so he had no reason to assume she had put on any form of lip gloss. Perhaps they just had a natural sheen to them?

Without even realizing it, Naruto started leaning in.

"Are you ok, Naruto-sama? Your face is all red."

And like a tub of ice being dumped onto him, Musubi's words stopped him cold. Shaking his head the blond tried to get up, an impossible task considering Musubi was still on him. Instead he ended up smacking his forehead into her's, eliciting an 'ow!' from the brunette Sekirei currently on top of him. Naruto himself found his own head smacking against the floor, bringing stars to his eyes. He lay there, groaning for what seemed like eternity, but in truth was only a split second, before his mind rebooted and he realized what he had almost done.

"I'm so sorry, Musubi," he apologized to the girl rubbing her head. Musubi stopped the motion to look at him curiously. She tilted her head to the side, as if doing so would let her get a better look at him. It looked almost like she were trying to solve some kind of jigsaw and he was the puzzle.

"Sorry for what?" she asked eventually, then her eyes lit up as she seemed to realize what he was talking about. At least, what she thought he was talking about. "Oh, don't worry about the hit your head just gave me. I've got a pretty hard head myself!" Musubi knuckled her own head with her left hand and poked her tongue out from between her lips. Naruto smiled for a second, but then shook his head.

"That wasn't what I was talking about," Naruto said with a shake of his head. Musubi stopped her current actions to look at him and Naruto, unmindful of the girl above him, continued speaking. "I-I almost kissed you. I mean, I know we did that in order for me to become your Ashikabi but..." he sighed. "But I shouldn't have done that."

"Eh?" Musubi's eyes once more became confused. "But why not?"

"Why not?" Naruto blinked. Was this girl really asking him something like that? "Well, because – I mean, we've only just met each other so it wouldn't be right for me to kiss you, right?" Sure, he had kissed women he had just met hours prior before, but all of those females had been one night stands, women he had seduced for the sole purpose of sleeping with them. He didn't want to do that to Musubi, even if she was the most attractive female he had seen up close in years, it just felt wrong.





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