
Chapter 88

Tsunade, was deeply affected by the revelations. The history she thought she knew, the stories passed down through generations, paled in comparison to the truth laid bare before them. "It's almost inconceivable," she admitted, her gaze fixed on Katsuyu with a mix of awe and reverence. "To think that our ancestors faced such a formidable foe and prevailed, even if the cost was immeasurable,"


"Well, I wouldn't say they prevailed; more like they survived. If the Otsusuki were not keen on letting the world recover, they would have completely destroyed this world because of the losses their clan sustained. Well, it was all in the past, but I am afraid that in the near future, they might return, and the world as it is now is nowhere ready to face such an adversary. That's why I was delighted when I first saw the nature beast. I thought someone was able to revive the techniques of the old," Katsuyu explained after sharing the brief history. She warned that the Otsusuki might be back, and even Kazuki realized the difficulty level of this world had risen a few notches, and he had to prepare.


"Sensei, we can talk more about this later. The ritual is ready; let's start," Kazuki said, stepping forward while gesturing for his sensei to occupy the ritual circle. Tsunade stepped up and sat cross-legged in the center of the raised platform.


Then, Katsuyu moved towards the wood-nature beast to have him sit in its designated spot. Unlike the bijuu, the nature beast was not as averse to being sealed within a vessel, especially one with which it had great affinity, and its consciousness was about that of a child, making it easier for Tsunade to build a relationship with it. Tsunade, at the center of the ritual circle, rapidly started gathering nature energy and entered sage mode. With that, the ritual began as Kazuki activated the fuinjutsu with a series of hand signs.


As the ritual progressed, the ritual circle absorbed more and more nature energy from the surroundings of Shikkotsu Forest. The air crackled with power as the ancient techniques were invoked. Fuinjutsu seals manifested on the body of Tsunade, glowing with ethereal light as they intertwined with her chakra pathways. With each passing moment, the intensity of the ritual grew, drawing upon the very essence of nature itself.


As the ritual neared its completion, all the fuinjutsu seals merged into Tsunade's body, becoming one with her being. The large nature beast that had sat on the ritual circle was now nowhere to be seen, its essence fully integrated into Tsunade's being. However, next to Tsunade, one could see a small wooden beast, a miniature version of the nature beast. Instead of three heads, it now had four, signifying the evolution of its power through the ritual.


Exhausted from the intense concentration and channeling of chakra, Kazuki sat down, catching his breath. His body felt drained from the exertion of performing the complex fuinjutsu. Meanwhile, Tsunade remained in her sage mode, her eyes closed as she continued to commune with the nature energy that now flowed within her.


Both Kazuki and Katsuyu patiently waited for Tsunade to awaken, knowing that the transformation she had undergone would have profound implications for her future as a shinobi and for the village of Konoha.

Konoha was alive with celebration as the victorious Konoha army returned. Following the declarations of surrender from other villages, the borders were redrawn, significantly expanding the Fire Country's territory. Takigakure was fully absorbed into Konoha's domain, and the land of Whirlpool was claimed as well. Tsunade, recognizing the significance of the Uzumaki clan's heritage, insisted on developing the land to honor their legacy, ensuring it would not fall into ruin as it had before.


"Tsunade, what is that thing on your shoulder?" Jiraiya couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer. Since her return from Shikkotsu Forest, he has felt heavy pressure emanating from Tsunade. It was as if the surrounding nature energy was drawn to her, even though she wasn't actively gathering it. For Jiraiya, a sage himself, this phenomenon was new, and he could sense the dense nature energy emanating from the small wooden creature perched on Tsunade's shoulder.


"Oh, that's my bijuu," Tsunade nonchalantly stated, leaving Jiraiya dumbfounded. "Wait, wait, Tsunade, what do you mean by your bijuu? When did you get a bijuu, and why does this one look nothing like any I've known? And why is it so small?" Jiraiya's curiosity only grew, but as he was about to press Tsunade for more answers, they reached the village's main gates.


A crowd of village residents had gathered to welcome the victorious return, with representatives from various clans waiting behind Hiruzen and the village elders. Hiruzen wore a wide smile as he welcomed his two students, glancing at Kazuki, who stood by Tsunade's side, but refrained from commenting for the moment.


"Sensei, we are back." Tsunade stepped forward, assuming the formalities befitting her status as supreme commander. Uchiha Fugaku had also returned to the village after settling matters on the Kirigakure side of the border. Most of the veteran Leaf Shinobi could feel an indescribable pressure emanating from Tsunade. Even Hiruzen was no exception, feeling pressure reminiscent of the time he had been in the presence of Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage.


Hiruzen instinctively knew that his era had come to an end, but he was happy for his students. He had much to discuss with Tsunade, having not seen her in close to two years. At that time, Tsunade had transformed into someone he could barely recognize, especially in terms of her strength. Even Hiruzen couldn't estimate just how powerful the current Senju princess had become.

"Oh, Tenten, it seems like you've been practicing diligently all this while I was away," Kazuki said with a grin, catching Tenten's wrist before her kunai could connect. Immediately after, Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji tackled him in a group hug.


"Kazuki Niisan, you're back!" the trio chorused, their excitement palpable. Tenten felt a mix of embarrassment for her reflexive action and joy at her brother's praise. "Yeah, it's good to be back. You guys sure have grown much taller in these two years. So, how have you guys been? Have you been behaving while I was away?" Kazuki asked with a knowing smile, fully aware of the mischief the trio could get into when left unchecked.


"Well, aren't you guys going to introduce me to your new friend?" Kazuki released Tenten and the trio from the hug, turning his attention to Ino, who stood nearby. "Kazuki Niisan, you already know who she is. Why would you ask?" Shikamaru questioned, puzzled by his brother's inquiry.


Kazuki playfully smacked Shikamaru on the head, earning a chuckle. "It's basic courtesy to introduce her, and if I'm not wrong, this is the first time she's meeting me." Tenten moved towards Ino, who seemed a bit left out, and began introducing her friend. Kazuki warmly returned the greetings, glad to meet someone new in the group.


Naruto gathered his courage and spoke up, "Kazuki Niisan, I want to talk to you about something." Kazuki, who was teasing Shikamaru, understood what Naruto wanted to discuss. He asked the kids to follow him to the Nara compound.


"What about father? Why don't we wait for him?" Ino couldn't help but ask. She hadn't seen her father for close to two years, and now that he was at the village gates, she thought it would be better to wait.


"Well, Sandaime-sama has called in all the clan heads for a meeting. So why don't we first go back to the Nara compound? You guys can meet them after they return from the meeting," Kazuki commented. He knew there was an important gathering, and Tsunade had asked him to attend, but he had left all the responsibility to her after he detected the kids looking for him.

Understanding the situation, the kids agreed to Kazuki's suggestion and followed him back to the Nara compound.

As Kazuki returned to the Nara compound after close to two years, he felt a rush of nostalgia wash over him. Not much had changed since then—the familiar scent of home greeted him as he stepped through the threshold. With the little kids following him closely, he called out to his aunt Yoshino, whom he knew would be waiting for them.


"Yoshino Obasan, we're home!" Kazuki's voice echoed through the quiet halls, tinged with warmth and longing.


Yoshino, who had been bustling around the kitchen, turned at the sound of Kazuki's voice. Her eyes widened in disbelief before quickly filling with tears of joy as she saw her nephew standing at the doorway, flanked by the younger ones.


"Kazuki! Oh, my dear boy, you're finally back!" Yoshino exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. She rushed forward, enveloping Kazuki in a tight embrace, her arms wrapping around him as if to never let go.


Kazuki returned the embrace with equal tenderness, feeling the weight of his aunt's love and care wash over him. It had been too long since he had felt the comfort of her embrace, and he cherished this moment deeply.


"I missed you so much, Auntie," Kazuki whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

"And I missed you too, my dear boy," Yoshino replied, her voice soft and soothing. "But you're back now, and that's all that matters. Come, let me make you something to eat. You must be tired after your journey."


With tears still glistening in her eyes, Yoshino ushered Kazuki and the kids into the warmth of the Nara household, where the aroma of home-cooked meals filled the air.

Within the meeting room of the Hokage building, the atmosphere was jubilant as clan heads and their representatives filled the space with their presence. The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation until Hiruzen and the other elders entered alongside Tsunade and Jiraiya. As they took their seats, arranged with precision, a momentary pause ensued.


Just as Tsunade moved to take her seat, Hiruzen intercepted her with a gentle hand. "Tsunade, that's not your chair anymore. You should be sitting here," he said, pointing to the Hokage seat at the head of the table, reserved for him.


Koharu couldn't contain her surprise at Hiruzen's sudden declaration. "This..., Hiruzen, this is not protocol. Tsunade has yet to go through the ceremony," she exclaimed, though she couldn't deny the inevitability of Tsunade becoming Hokage.


"It's alright, Koharu. The ceremony will happen at a later date when everyone is settled down," Hiruzen reassured her, addressing the entire room before making his official announcement. "I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, officially step down from my post as the Third Hokage of the Leaf Village. In my stead, Tsunade Senju, the princess of the Senju clan, will reign henceforth as the esteemed Godaime Hokage. The ceremony of her ascension will take place a week from today. Now that this matter is settled, let's start the meeting."


With a gesture, Hiruzen signaled for Tsunade to take her rightful place at the head of the table. Tsunade, surprised at the smooth transition, quickly composed herself and walked majestically to her position with the grandeur befitting her station.


Among the attendees, there was no sign of resistance. Hiruzen's unanimous declaration of Tsunade as the Godaime resonated with everyone present. However, confusion flickered across some faces as they thought of the Yondaime, but none dared to voice their questions. The absence of Minato had left a lingering mystery, his last sighting during the negotiations with Iwagakure and Kumogakure.

As Tsunade took her place at the Hokage's seat, a wave of respect and anticipation washed over the room. The elders nodded in approval, recognizing the weight of the moment as the village transitioned to a new era under Tsunade's leadership.

Seated beside Tsunade, Jiraiya leaned in and whispered words of encouragement, his eyes reflecting pride and confidence in his friend. "You're ready for this, Tsunade. You've always had the strength and wisdom to lead our village."

Tsunade nodded, grateful for Jiraiya's support. Her gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each clan head and representative. There was a mixture of curiosity, admiration, and trust reflected in their expressions, a testament to the reputation she had built over the years as a formidable Shinobi.

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