
Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

A young man bound to a wheelchair due to a mysterious illness meets an untimely end while fervently pursuing a cure. However, his story doesn't end there. He awakens in the world of Naruto, not as himself but as a member of the Nara clan, on the day the Nine-Tails attacked. As Kazuki grapples with the shock of his reincarnation, he discovers that he now possesses the abilities of the Nara clan and more. Determined to make the most of this second chance at life, Kazuki sets out to rewrite his destiny and embrace the challenges of being a shinobi. Guided by his unwavering love for the Naruto series, he aims to emulate the resilience and determination of his favorite characters. As he navigates the complex world of ninja, Kazuki uncovers the secrets of the ninja world and confronts the shadows that linger over it. Along the way, he forges bonds with iconic characters, confronts powerful enemies, and learns to harness the unique abilities bestowed upon him. "Shadows of Resurgence" is an action-packed journey that explores Kazuki's quest for self-discovery, redemption, and the true meaning of strength. As he faces the challenges of the Nara clan's history and the threats looming over Konoha, Kazuki becomes a beacon of hope, proving that even in the face of adversity, one's spirit can burn brightly and leave a lasting impact on the world of ninja. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work of fiction is based on the Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto. All characters, settings, and concepts from the Naruto series are the intellectual property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, TV Tokyo, and other respective owners. This fanfiction is a creative interpretation and adaptation of the original work, and no copyright infringement is intended. The author acknowledges the ownership of all Naruto-related rights to their respective copyright holders. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only, and no financial gain is derived from its production. Any original characters, plotlines, or concepts introduced in this fanfic are the sole creation of the author and do not claim ownership or endorsement from the original creators of Naruto. Readers are encouraged to support the official Naruto series and its creators by purchasing official merchandise and supporting authorized releases. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear readers and fans, I have set up a Patreon and Ko-fi accounts dedicated solely to donations. It's not about making this a profit-driven endeavor but rather a way for those who find value in my writing to show their appreciation and encouragement. Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward. Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure. Warm regards, Silent_stiele Patreon : patreon.com/Silent_stiele Ko-fi : ko-fi.com/silent_stiele

Silent_stiele · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Chapter 37

"Tsunade-hime, are you asking for my family to become Senju vassals again, even after forgetting about us all this time?" The old man's tone was plain, so no one could discern the old man's mood. After the decline of the Senju clan in the Leaf Village, Tsunade did not care much about any of her responsibilities and simply ran away. These little clans, who were once vassals of the famed Senju, took the brunt of the blow and had no one to rely on. They had to settle for mediocrity to survive and merge with the village.

Even though they had superior skills, without the Senju clan's support, they were ruthlessly suppressed; they fell and dissolved little by little. Tsunade couldn't help but put her head down when she heard the old man's words, as she knew what the old man said was true, so she had no words to refute.

"Senju clan head, do you know how long I have been waiting to hear these words? I am glad that you asked. I and my clan are willing to become the Senju clan's vassals once more and help rebuild it." The old man's words brought relief to both Tsunade and Kazuki. No one in the old man's family refuted his decision because, even since childhood, their clan elders had shared with them about their glory days. The Senju clan head placing the request to reintegrate was like breathing new life into their now-declined clan.

Tsunade, still with her head lowered, couldn't help but smile at the old man's response. She understood the weight of the history that bound their clans, and the fact that he and his family were willing to embrace the Senju name once more was like a balm to the wounds of time. She looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination.

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your willingness to join me in this endeavour means more than words can express. Together, we shall rebuild not just the Senju clan but forge a stronger, united community within the Leaf Village."

The old man's family members, witnessing this exchange, were moved by the emotion in the air. The prospect of restoring the glory of their once-proud clan resonated deeply with them. It was as if the dormant embers of their heritage were being gently fanned into life.

Kazuki nudged his sensei gently while she was immersed in the emotional exchange. Tsunade composed herself, regaining her aura as the Senju head.

"Old man, this is my student, Kazuki Nara. The other reason I came here is to ask for your help in forging his blade. The kid's requirements were too high, and yours was the first name that came to mind, so here we are."

The old man, still beaming from the decision to join the Senju clan, shifted his attention to Kazuki. He studied the young Nara with discerning eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the trust Tsunade had placed in him.

"Little one, you should be really lucky to have gotten the Senju Princess herself as your master. Cherish this relationship, and I hope that you bring glory to your master's name."

The old man's words were a mixture of blessing and expectation. Kazuki accepted them with a nod and a genuine smile, understanding the weight of the old man's experience and craftsmanship.

"This is not the place to talk about work. Let's go to my workshop at the back."

With that, the old man stood up, the little girl still clinging to his leg, her eyes filled with admiration for the Sannin. He made a silent gesture towards Tsunade, seeking her approval for his great-granddaughter to follow along. Both Tsunade and Kazuki nodded, recognising that the crafting process might involve confidential details related to the client.

The old man led Tsunade and Kazuki to a tiny forge situated behind his house. Despite his advanced age, the old man moved with a vigour that defied time. Kazuki couldn't help but wonder about the wealth of experience and the secrets the old man might hold, having lived through the era of the First Hokage.

"Just out of curiosity, may I know if you have reached the realm of grandmaster in your craft?" Kazuki, intrigued by the old man's expertise, couldn't resist asking. The prospect of having a weapon forged by a grandmaster was indeed a blessing.

"I've been forging weapons all my life, kid. I crafted weapons for the likes of Shodaime-sama and Madara-sama themselves, and that was half a century ago. I was already a master blacksmith back then. Just so you know, I've never neglected my blacksmithing skills to date, and I practice diligently every single day. So, what do you think my realm in blacksmithing is?"

The old man's words revealed a depth of experience that Kazuki hadn't fully grasped. While blacksmithing might not be as intricate as Fuinjutsu, reaching the realm of grandmaster in any field was a significant achievement. Kazuki suddenly realised he had underestimated the old man. The respect he held for the skilled craftsman deepened as he comprehended the true extent of the old man's mastery.

"So tell me, kid, what kind of weapon are you looking for? Although my clan might have declined, I still hold a notable number of masterpieces that I have personally forged. I do have a few weapons here. Would you like to look at them?" The old man paid extra care because this was a request personally placed by the Senju clan head, and with them now reintegrating as their vassals, he had to strive for the best. He retrieved a huge scroll and released the enclosing technique, revealing a dozen beautifully crafted blades that were neatly arranged in front of them.

Even Tsunade, who only used her fists, couldn't help but admire those blades. As for little Tenten, she started reciting the names and properties of the blades one by one. The old man must have cherished the girl very much to let her near such treasures.

Kazuki, meanwhile, carefully observed each piece. After scrutinising every blade displayed, he couldn't help but shake his head. The old man, who saw this, couldn't help but feel his ego bruised.

"What, kid? Are you going to tell me that even these weapons are not up to your standards?"

"Well, it's not about the craftsmanship but about the material itself. I am not sure if the blade will handle the stress. I do not want my weapon to break in the middle of a fight, and this weapon might accompany me forever. So..."

The old man was a bit angry and frustrated as Kazuki questioned the durability of his masterpieces and interrupted him.

"Kid, do you believe me? If it wasn't for Tsunade-hime being here, I would have already thrown you out of my house. Every single piece here was meticulously crafted, and each weapon has a minimum of sixty percent pure chakra metal in it."

Kazuki sighed after realising how the old man would react, so he thought of explaining his requirements to the old man.

"Do you have any blades among these that you are okay to part with?"

The abrupt question startled the old man. Even Tsunade raised her brows because Kazuki's words were like a challenge to the old man's creations.

"I will pay for it, but I just want to make sure because I wouldn't want to destroy a beautiful weapon just because it was not compatible with me."

Kazuki's steady words made the old man realise that the kid was not playing around. He hesitated but chose to follow his gut instinct. The old man walked into a nearby room and brought another finely crafted blade. This might not be a masterpiece, but the durability and the chakra metal quantity should be the same as the others, and he wouldn't mind if he lost this one. He passed the blade to Kazuki.

Although the length of the blade was longer for his small stature, he still handled the blade with finesse.

"Do you have a place where I can test this blade? It's better if it was somewhere secluded."

Kazuki made a request to the old man, and the old man thought and replied, "We can test it in the training yard in the back."

However, Tsunade, who knew Kazuki's character, quickly interjected, "No, we will test it near the forest. We are near the outskirts, so it's better to test it out there."

Though the old man was confused, he didn't question Tsunade's decision, and everyone made their way to the forest to test the blade.

As the test site was set, Tsunade took precautions to keep a safe distance from Kazuki and made sure to keep little Tenten behind her for safety reasons. Kazuki additionally deployed a barrier to restrict the destruction because, even though this was the outskirts, it was still within the village barrier. He didn't want to cause a commotion.

Once everything was set, Kazuki drew the blade and admired it one last time. He resheathed it and took a quick draw posture, preparing to launch an attack. The entire atmosphere around Kazuki quickly shifted, with black lightning dancing around him. The old man couldn't help but admire the pressure the little kid was emitting.

Kazuki unleashed his blade, and the air crackled with electric energy as he assumed a stance for his first attack. "[San no Kata: Hekireki Zankyō]!" (Third Form: Thunderclap Echo), he exclaimed. The blade sliced through the air with incredible speed, leaving a resonating echo in its wake. The aftershock literally ripped through the trees in the surroundings.

The old man's eyes widened in amazement, and even Tsunade couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer power and precision of Kazuki's technique. Little Tenten peeked out from behind Tsunade, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Not wasting any time, Kazuki smoothly transitioned into his next form. "[Shi no Kata: Inazuma Butō]!" (Fourth Form: Lightning Waltz), he declared. His movements became a blur as he danced gracefully, incorporating lightning-infused steps into his agile manoeuvres. It was a mesmerising display of speed and finesse.

As the lightning danced around Kazuki, the old man nodded in approval. "Impressive footwork," he muttered to himself. Tsunade wore a proud smile, knowing that her student was showcasing his mastery. Little Tenten was now completely captivated, her admiration for Kazuki growing with each passing moment.

Kazuki wasn't done yet. He took a deep breath, focusing his lightning chakra and Kekkei Genkai, and infused the blade for the next form. "[Go no Kata: Hōden Kiri]!" (Fifth Form: Discharge Slash), he declared. The air around him crackled with intense energy as he unleashed a powerful slash. The blade cut through the air with a charged, devastating force, creating a shockwave that rippled through the surroundings. The shockwave was so strong that, by the end of the attack, not a single tree within the barrier was standing.

The old man marvelled at the destructive force of the technique. Tsunade nodded in satisfaction, reassured that the blade could handle the stress of Kazuki's powerful techniques. But the old man thought otherwise and kept his silence.

With the demonstration complete, Kazuki sheathed his blade, and the electrifying atmosphere around him gradually subsided. The old man wore a satisfied grin, acknowledging Kazuki's skill.

"Kid, it seems like the old man's blades were durable after all; you might have to apologise to him," Tsunade mentioned so as to provide a way out for her disciple, but Kazuki simply walked up to the old man and passed the sheathed blade.

The old man carefully examined the blade, and while it appeared pristine to an untrained eye, his experienced gaze revealed a subtle issue. His expression turned sombre as he shared his honest confusion.

"But, how? The blade should have been strong enough to handle the level of chakra transformation and manipulation, but it's like the blade itself has been corroded from the inside. If the blade is subjected to such intensity, it might break down after a dozen clashes."