
Chapter 133

"Kinjutsu, hmm? You're proposing plans that involve utilizing Kinjutsu against the Leaf Village. Why don't you ask the Tsuchikage here if he agrees with this part of your plan?" The Raikage's comment carried a hint of amusement as he glanced towards the leader of Iwagakure. The last war had taught Iwagakure a devastating lesson when it came to the consequences of unleashing forbidden techniques and forbidden kinjutsu.

Onoki's expression darkened at the Raikage's words. Kinjutsu—a term now tainted with bitterness. In Iwagakure, ninjas still regarded kinjutsu as taboo. The Raikage's mention of it struck a raw nerve in Onoki. Despite reluctantly paying war compensation after Tsunade began targeting Iwagakure's economy, the memory of the Kinjutsu seal placed in the heart of Iwagakure during the kidnapping of his granddaughter lingered as a grim reminder.

Even though Konoha had honored their agreement and removed the Kinjutsu seal after the full payment was made, the Iwagakure council had abandoned the old city entirely, constructing a new one under the guise of expansion. However, those privy to the truth understood it was out of fear—fear that Konoha might have left a loophole to exploit in the future. Thus, Onoki was unwilling to take any chances with Kinjutsu.

"NO!. Kinjutsu is off the table. We can explore more subtle approaches, but kinjutsu is not an option," Onoki asserted firmly. "However, if any of you wish to tempt fate, I will not intervene. As for your other suggestions, they are decent. But I fail to see what exactly the Iron Country is contributing to these plans."

Onoki's words carried weight, reflecting his shrewdness and desire to ensure all parties were equally invested while leaving room for maneuvering in the future.

Onoki's refusal to entertain the idea of kinjutsu was met with a nod of understanding from some and a hint of disappointment from others. The weight of the past, with its scars and lessons, hung heavy in the air, reminding everyone of the risks involved in wielding forbidden techniques.

Mifune, sensing the tension, stepped forward to address Onoki's query about the contribution of the Land of Iron. "While it's true that the Land of Iron may not have as many Shinobi as the major villages, our resources and strategic position can still be invaluable," he began, his voice steady and persuasive.

"Our smiths are renowned for their craftsmanship, capable of forging weapons and tools of exceptional quality. We can provide support in arming and equipping our allied forces, ensuring they have the necessary tools to carry out their missions effectively," Mifune explained, emphasizing the importance of logistics and supply in any conflict.

"In addition, our neutrality grants us access to various trade routes and diplomatic channels that may not be available to the major villages. We can use these connections to gather intelligence, procure rare resources, and even negotiate with potential allies or informants," Mifune continued, outlining the diplomatic leverage the Land of Iron could offer.

"Aside from that, our samurai forces are disciplined and highly trained. While not as numerous as Shinobi, they excel in combat and can serve as a formidable vanguard or defensive line when needed," Mifune concluded, highlighting the unique strengths the Land of Iron brought to the table.

With Mifune's explanation, the leaders began to see the potential benefits of including the Land of Iron in their plans. Each village understood the importance of unity and collaboration in the face of Konoha's growing influence, and Mifune's proposal offered a promising path forward.

As the discussions continued, Raikage and Onoki each offered their suggestions for the alliance's strategy. The Raikage proposed leveraging the unique abilities and resources of each village to launch covert operations aimed at undermining Konoha's strength from within. "We must exploit their weaknesses and vulnerabilities while strengthening our own defenses," he asserted, his voice resonating with determination.

Onoki, ever the pragmatic strategist, suggested a more cautious approach. "We should focus on gathering intelligence and analyzing Konoha's movements before making any decisive moves," he advised, his words reflecting his experience and wisdom. "Patience and careful planning will be our greatest assets in this endeavor. And we must target their younglings before they can fully mature. If there is one thing that I have learned in my long time, it is that unlike our villages, Konoha keeps popping out geniuses left and right, and I am not talking about normal geniuses; I am talking about Shinobi of Minato's caliber."

However, it was Rasa, the Yondaime Kazekage, who offered a surprising suggestion. "I propose that we explore the possibility of building a better relationship with Konoha," he stated, his tone measured but resolute. "As allies since the Third Ninja War and having remained neutral in the recent conflict, our relationship with Leaf is already on more favorable terms than some others. I will endeavor to find a way to establish diplomatic channels with Konoha, allowing us to gain insight into their inner workings and potentially influence their decisions."

Mizukage Utakata's reaction to Rasa's proposal was adverse, his brow furrowing with concern. "While I acknowledge the merit of your suggestion, Kazekage, the risk of such an approach cannot be ignored," he cautioned, his voice tinged with skepticism. "Attempting to establish relations with Konoha may expose us to unforeseen dangers, especially considering the volatile nature of the current political climate. We must weigh the potential benefits against the inherent risks before proceeding."

As the leaders deliberated, Mizukage Utakata held back his own suggestion, preferring to gather input from all parties before making a decision. The tension in the room was palpable as they grappled with the complexities of their proposed alliance and the daunting task of challenging the might of Konohagakure. The fate of their village hung in the balance.


Mountain's Graveyard

"I never thought that you guys could have such a beautiful stronghold," Orochimaru commented as he scraped at the massive bones of long-lost creatures. Originally skeptical when approached by Black Zetsu for help, Orochimaru had been drawn in by the allure of Akatsuki's secrets. The parasite had somehow learned of Orochimaru's trump card, the Kinjutsu known as Edo Tensei (Impure World Reincarnation), which Orochimaru had yet to use.

For some reason, Black Zetsu had kept this information from Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki. Orochimaru was currently focused on creating new bodies for both Nagato and Obito, who, despite their recovery, needed further enhancement to reach their full potential. Orochimaru was nurturing two bodies from scratch that could harness the true power of these Shinobi. He had been covertly extracting samples from both Nagato and Obito, each possessing unique abilities such as the Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharingan with space-time capabilities.

His only regret was his inability to obtain samples from the young wielder of the Tenseigan. Nevertheless, Orochimaru found himself in a treasure trove of opportunity. His works, which had long stagnated, were progressing rapidly thanks to the resources provided by the Akatsuki.

Discovering that Nagato was an Uzumaki filled Orochimaru with delight. Originally considering taking over Kimimaro's body, Orochimaru now aims to cultivate his own perfect vessel using coveted DNA from the Shinobi world.

"Do you think this sample is decent enough?" Black Zetsu, with an ugly scowl on his face, couldn't help but ask. As Akatsuki's plans unfolded beyond his control, he saw Orochimaru as the perfect tool to manipulate in pursuit of their goals.

"You know, even if I wanted to assist you with your side project, the leader would find out about it immediately," Orochimaru remarked as he carefully sealed the vial containing the bone samples. Turning towards Zetsu, who played his own game within the ranks of Akatsuki, Orochimaru found it amusing how everyone in the organization had their own agenda.

This lack of a true common goal worked perfectly for him, as the more desperate they became for strength, the stronger he would grow in the future. As for Pain's restrictions, Orochimaru didn't bother much; at the moment, he needed a safe haven and resources to pursue his goal, and Akatsuki provided just that—a resource pocket and a stepping stone in his pursuit of immortality.

"I can help you mask that seal; you don't have to worry about it. I just need your help in resurrecting someone," Black Zetsu made his intention known. He had even kept from the others the fact that he was secretly nurturing his own body. Sensing the power emanating from the embryo, Black Zetsu couldn't shake the feeling that if Orochimaru succeeded, they might witness the birth of a new monster in the Shinobi world.

Yet he cared little about it; as long as he could enlist Orochimaru's help in resurrecting Madara, everything would return to how it should have been. He could crush all these clowns with a single finger, and not even the current Konoha might be able to stand against an immortal Madara.

"Oh, you sure have quite the secrets. Are you sure you're part of Akatsuki, trying to do things behind your leader's back?" Orochimaru taunted, though he didn't want to push too far. Black Zetsu was a valuable resource, constantly uncovering lost relics and resources from the hidden corners of the Shinobi world. Orochimaru was surprised at how many more secrets this world held.

"Stop spouting nonsense. Tell me, will you help me or not? I've already provided you with enough resources to show my sincerity. So, what's your answer?" Black Zetsu's patience was wearing thin. He had even brought out artifacts that had been set aside for millennia to tempt Orochimaru into helping him.

"It's not that I don't want to help you; it's just that I haven't perfected the jutsu yet. And you should know how Kinjutsu works; it takes an immense amount of resources to perfect it. So, it's up to you, Zetsu. Show me how badly you want to resurrect this person. Provide me with the resources I need to complete this technique, and I promise you, once I perfect it, the person you want resurrected will be the first one I bring back," Orochimaru declared, licking his lips with his forked tongue and sporting a cruel smirk.

He knew that once he perfected the technique, he would be able to control anyone that Zetsu desired to resurrect. Therefore, although he was curious, he did not ask for the person's identity. He was sure that Black Zetsu wouldn't reveal it either. Orochimaru simply wanted Black Zetsu to provide him with the resources necessary to perfect his reanimation technique. His current technique was a joke; if he were to try and resurrect someone powerful, they would likely break free from his restrictions in the blink of an eye.

Zetsu contemplated for a long time, understanding the urgency of the matter. However, as someone who could wait for millennia to manipulate events and facilitate Kaguya's resurrection from the shadows, waiting a few more years was a trivial matter. Once his true goal was accomplished, he would repay all these "worms" for their audacity.

"Fine, I will help you with what you need, but the experiments need to be kept an absolute secret," Black Zetsu commented, to which Orochimaru blossomed with a smile that sent shivers down the spine of someone like even Black Zetsu.

"Hahaha, you should know how good I am at keeping things covert. You know about my little side project of my own. Like the saying goes, you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours," Orochimaru remarked as he walked towards the base.

"Ptui, more like you would stab me in the back, you worm," Black Zetsu spat, the bitterness evident in his tone, as Orochimaru stepped out of earshot. However, Orochimaru suddenly stopped and turned back.

"I am curious: what are the remaining members of our esteemed organization up to? I haven't seen them in days," Orochimaru questioned, his curiosity piqued about the whereabouts of the other members.

Black Zetsu, initially flustered, calmed down and thought for a moment. "Ah, Obito wanted to find someone to join Akatsuki, so the other two left to find recruits of their own. It's more like they are having a pissing contest," Black Zetsu chuckled as he merged into the ground and vanished from sight.

"More newcomers, interesting. I wonder if these new additions will help me uncover more knowledge. I hope they have some special Kekkei Genkai that I can study," Orochimaru murmured to himself as he left in the direction of the lab to carry out his experiments.

Deep in the heart of the desert at the extreme ends of Sunagakure, where the sun reigned supreme and the winds whispered tales of ancient secrets, lay a secluded oasis guarded by the ruins of a forgotten civilization. The oasis, a shimmering jewel amidst the endless expanse of sand, beckoned to weary lost Shinobi and desperate creatures alike, offering respite from the merciless desert.

At the extreme ends of the world, where the scorching heat seemed to melt even the strongest wills, a lone beast cautiously approached the oasis. This creature, a master of the desert's harsh terrain, moved with silent grace, its golden fur glinting in the unforgiving sunlight. Not even the most seasoned shinobi could match its speed or agility.

With cautious steps, the beast drew closer to the oasis, its senses alert for any sign of danger. For what seemed like an eternity, it surveyed its surroundings, scanning the horizon for any lurking threats. Satisfied that the oasis was devoid of danger, the creature finally lowered its guard and approached the sparkling waters.

As the beast bent down to drink, its thirst nearly overwhelming, a sudden movement caught its attention. With lightning speed, an arm emerged from the depths of the water, gripping the beast's neck in a vice-like hold. Before the creature could react, a surge of unimaginable force snapped its spine, leaving it motionless and lifeless on the oasis's edge.

Silence descended upon the oasis once more, broken only by the gentle rustle of palm fronds and the whisper of the desert winds. The mysterious yet graceful figure, concealed beneath the tranquil surface of the water, climbed out , watching with cold detachment as the lifeless form of the beast lay at its feet. In this unforgiving land, where survival was a constant struggle, only the strongest and most cunning would prevail.

Concealed beneath the wet camouflage cloak that clung to her form, the figure moved with the silent grace of a desert predator, her every step a testament to the skill of a seasoned warrior.

Though her features remained shrouded in darkness, one could sense a subtle allure in the way she carried herself—a hint of femininity that belied the fierce determination burning within her soul. She was a ghost of the desert, a phantom lurking in the shadows, her presence known only to the winds that whispered secrets across the dunes.

This enigmatic figure, known to many but feared by all, had once been hailed as a legendary shinobi of Sunagakure. Pakura of the Scorch Style, they had called her—a name that struck fear into the hearts of her enemies and reverence into the hearts of her allies. But her fate had taken a dark turn, a twist of betrayal that had cast her into the depths of oblivion—or so they thought.

Pakura had cheated death, escaping the clutches of fate by a thread so thin that even the sands of time could not erase her from existence. Betrayed and left for dead by those she once called comrades, she had risen from the ashes like a phoenix, her spirit unbroken and her resolve unwavering.

Now, martyred by society and shunned by those who sought to erase her from memory, Pakura had retreated into the shadows, seeking refuge in the ruins that dotted the desert landscape. Scarred and battered by the trials of her past, her body bore the marks of battles fought and wounds endured—a testament to her resilience and her indomitable will.

But it was her face, hidden beneath the depths of her cloak, that bore the deepest scars of all. Once a vision of beauty that could rival the desert rose in bloom, it now lay obscured by the shadows of her past—a grim reminder of the price she had paid for her ambitions.

With a flick of her wrist, she cast aside the cloak that had shielded her from prying eyes, revealing a body marred by the ravages of countless battles and the searing touch of betrayal.

One side of her face was completely scorched, consumed by the flames of a past betrayal that she could never come to forget . It was a constant reminder of the pain etched into her soul.

Ever since that moment of betrayal, she has embraced her new identity—the Scorch Empress, a queen of ashes and embers, born from the crucible of betrayal and tempered by the flames of her own fury. She knew that her journey was far from over and that her quest for retribution would lead her down paths that were both treacherous and dark. And she welcomed the challenge with a wicked grin, ready to unleash her wrath upon all who had wronged her.

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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