
Chapter 131

Sasuke was taken aback by how easily Neji countered his ninjutsu, but he refused to be deterred. He swiftly weaved hand signs with his small hands, chaining together another ninjutsu that his brother had taught him. As he did so, he hurled a dozen shuriken in Neji's direction, aiming to create a distraction.

With practiced precision, Sasuke initiated the jutsu "[Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu]" (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique). Since becoming a Jinchuriki, his chakra reserves have grown substantially, allowing him to use back-to-back ninjutsu without strain. The flames erupted from his hands in the form of blazing phoenixes, streaking towards Neji with intense heat and ferocity.

"Oh! a C-rank Ninjutsu, not bad," Zenitsu commented from the sidelines, impressed by Sasuke's talent in utilizing a technique typically associated with Chunin-class shinobi. Meanwhile, Neji hadn't been idle. With practiced efficiency, he drew out more than a dozen senbon and infused them with his chakra. Activating his Byakugan, he swiftly rotated and launched the senbon, each one intercepting the flaming shurikens aimed at him with graceful precision. Dodging the remaining projectiles with agile maneuvers, Neji showcased his mastery of taijutsu and his keen observation skills.

As the spar unfolded, the observing children began to cheer for their favored fighters. Sasuke garnered overwhelming support, with many rooting for the little Uchiha. However, Neji found himself with only meager support, primarily from Ino and Hinata, who watched with concern.

Naruto, on the other hand, offered his expert opinions, albeit in a comical and nonsensical manner. Despite the absurdity of his commentary, the civilian and orphan children eagerly followed Naruto's words, finding entertainment in his antics. Shikamaru, however, contemplated silencing his friend before Naruto made a complete fool of himself.

As Neji closed the distance with surprising speed, Sasuke instinctively moved to retreat. However, Neji remained relentless, sticking close to the Uchiha to prevent him from escaping melee range. In the blink of an eye, the spar had transitioned into a fast-paced hand-to-hand combat, interspersed with the occasional throw of shuriken and kunai.

The disparity in their taijutsu prowess quickly became evident. Despite Sasuke's attempts to evade and counter, Neji's precision and agility allowed him to dominate the close-quarters combat. With each exchange, Neji deftly intercepted Sasuke's attempts to form hand signs, leaving the Uchiha with little opportunity to initiate his ninjutsu techniques.

As the battle progressed, Neji's strategy became clear. With calculated efficiency, he began targeting and sealing Sasuke's chakra points one by one, restricting the flow of chakra within Sasuke's body. Despite Sasuke's resilience, the relentless assault gradually wore him down, leaving him at a distinct disadvantage. With each strike, Neji's mastery of the Gentle Fist technique became more apparent, showcasing his skill and precision in combat.

"[Jūken: Tenketsushin]" (Gentle Fist: Tenketsu Needle) After a half dozen minutes of high-speed exchange, Neji, with his Byakugan still active, finally found an opening and immediately capitalized on it, targeting Sasuke's vital chakra point. Caught off guard, Sasuke's entire right side felt paralyzed as Neji's fingers plunged into the chakra point.

Humiliated by the loss, Sasuke, forgetting Zenitsu's earlier commands, tapped into the chakra of his bijuu, sheer power breaking through Neji's gentle fist art. Realizing the threat, Neji wanted to retreat, but Sasuke, clad in bijuu chakra, was too fast to dodge. Just as Sasuke's chakra-clad fist was about to plunge into Neji's face, a wrist firmly grasped Sasuke's little hand, effectively pinning him in the air.

It was none other than Minato, the referee of the match. Sasuke momentarily felt ashamed as Minato narrowed his eyes at him. Turning to the rest of the children, Minato announced the results: "The winner of this spar is Neji Hyuga."

As Yondaime gave his verdict, the kids who supported Sasuke erupted into an uproar. However, a few realized that Sasuke had tapped into his bijuu chakra and had lost by default. If he hadn't tapped into the seven tails chakra, he would have definitely lost, especially with Neji's follow-up attack, especially with his chakra sealed.

"No way! I clearly saw Sasuke-kun winning. Why did they declare otherwise?" Young Sakura couldn't help but exclaim in righteous anger, feeling her idol had been deprived of victory. Zenitsu didn't bother with these comments and simply walked up to Sasuke.

"Brat, did I not explicitly state not to use bijuu chakra?" His disappointment was evident. "Do you think you've already mastered your bijuu so that you can mindlessly tap into such an immense chakra source? Remember, child, the current control you have on your bijuu is not due to your mastery, but because of the exquisite fuinjutsu seal containing it. You have no idea how blessed you are to have such a high-level seal that seamlessly helps you integrate with your bijuu." Zenitsu sighed, reflecting on how ignorant kids were about the true danger of the bijuu.

Although Sasuke was arrogant, he wasn't stupid. He knew it was his fault, so he kept his head down in shame without uttering a word. "It's alright, Zenitsu-sama. There was no harm done. I'm sure little Sasuke understands his fault, so why don't we let him go this time around?" Minato intervened, knowing how kids were, especially a kid with Sasuke's pedigree.

"Sigh!, fine. Kid, do you understand your fault?" Zenitsu questioned, watching Sasuke, who simply nodded. "Then you should understand that, as a Shinobi, you should bear the consequences of your actions, yes?" Before Sasuke could respond, Zenitsu turned to the rest of the children.

"Do any of you remember what kind of punishment I promised?" The little girls in the class fumed at the prospect of punishment. But then, a clear voice chimed from the group, sealing Sasuke's fate.

Ino, with a wide smile, remarked, "You said you would string them up from the pole, sensei." Sasuke, by the side, couldn't help but give little Ino a disbelieving look. What would happen to his cool charisma that he had maintained since the start of the day if he were strung up from a pole?

But before he could refute, Zenitsu had already caught him by the scruff of his collar and moved towards the large post that stood close to 10 meters tall, keeping his word despite both Minato and Gai trying to persuade the old man. "Remember, both of you, spare the rod, spoil the child. I have no intention of spoiling the future of our village."

Even under Minato and Gai's protest, Zenitsu went ahead and strung up the Uchiha's little prince. He wouldn't even flinch if Fugaku himself came to question him. If they couldn't straighten up their children, then he would do it for them gladly.

Now, with Sasuke taken care of, Zenitsu set his sights on the little girls in his class who were swooning over the cool-looking boys. He wanted to nip such behaviors in the bud. These kids would have plenty of time in the future to pursue such interests, but now was the best time to hone their skills. After scanning the crowd for a moment, he finally set his eyes on little Sakura, who seemed to be the most devoted follower of little Sasuke.

"You, child, the one with the broad forehead and pink hair, what was your name again?" Zenitsu pointed out Sakura, who nervously answered, "Sakura Haruno, Sensei!"

"Ah yes, Little Sakura, please step forward. You're up next. Pick your opponent," Zenitsu remarked while returning to his original spot.

Sakura immediately panicked on the inside; however, she confidently strode forward and stood in the center of the sparring area. After a few moments of thought, she logically chose Tenten, believing her to be the weakest among the trio. Little did she know that she had provoked the devil itself. "I choose her, Sensei," Sakura said with false confidence, pointing at Tenten and smirking. Zenitsu nodded, asking Tenten to step up.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Shikamaru couldn't help but facepalm at Sakura's lack of understanding. Even by the way the trio were standing, one could clearly deduce that the other two had acknowledged Tenten's superiority. Naruto moved closer to Shikamaru and the others, instinctively not wanting to catch the attention of the "big sister" of the group. He had even ceased his commentary.

As Tenten stepped up to face Sakura, she maintained a warm smile, giving the impression of being a truly amicable child.

Minato once again stood between the two girls, already having an inkling of how this was going to end. These challenges were necessary to build their character. Sasuke observed the loud-mouthed girl who swooned the most over him, curious about how she would fare. He had already discerned that Tenten was the strongest, but he chose Neji because he didn't want to fight a girl.

"Say, little Sakura, what's your dream?" Just as Minato was about to announce the start of the spar, the old man, Zenitsu, questioned her from the sidelines.

"Ah, it's simple, Sensei. I want to become a great Kunoichi like Hokage-sama!" she chimed. This was an answer she had prepared without fully understanding the true depth of her words.

"Oh, you want to become like Tsunade? Not bad, not bad. That's a decent goal to have," Zenitsu remarked. With that, he didn't want to interrupt the fight any further. The old man was cunning and cruel, pouring gasoline on an already raging inferno. He knew that Tenten was from the Senju clan and that Tsunade was the little girl's idol.

She abhorred people like Sakura the most, who didn't put in enough effort and chased grand ideals. Zenitsu had learned that Tenten was trained by the Nara prodigy, whom he was familiar with. The kid always had a knack for picking up treasures among the junk he brought to scam the children.

Tenten had a good head on her shoulders, and if there was one person whom she admired as much as her big brother Kazuki, it was the current Hokage, Tsunade Senju. When Sakura mentioned that she wanted to become like the Hokage, Zenitsu noticed a subtle change in Tenten. This was all part of his plan.

He needed to show all these children that there were much more important things at this age than chasing after the opposite sex for attention. He wanted to showcase it in a brutal way that would drive the lesson home. Unfortunately, little Sakura became the scapegoat.

Since the start, Tenten had noticed how Sakura was swooning over the Uchiha kid, and the girl still had the audacity to utter Tsunade-sama's name. Tenten felt humiliated. Even her own goal was to someday become a Kunoichi like the Senju princess, and she had been working every day until her bones almost broke. Here was a girl almost her age, casually stating her own dream as if it were a trivial matter, and she even had the audacity to call such a grand dream of Tenten's "simple."

As the spar was about to commence, Tenten's resolve solidified. She knew that this battle transcended mere physical combat—it was a test of character and determination. And she was determined to prove her worth, not just to Sakura, but to herself.

Minato stood at the center, a palpable tension enveloping the arena. Even Maito Gai seemed to sense the shift, his usually exuberant demeanor replaced by a somber expression. The little girl emitted a faint aura of bloodlust, signaling her unwavering resolve. While Minato felt a pang of concern, Zenitsu merely gestured for him to initiate the spar.

"Minato-kun, please start the spar, and refrain from interference unless one of them requests to surrender voluntarily," Zenitsu instructed, his tone carrying a subtle message for Tenten. Minato hesitated, casting a worried glance at Zenitsu as he began to grasp the old man's intention. "Zenitsu-sama, I believe such extremes may not be necessary," he voiced, attempting to appeal to reason.

The children, save for one, were puzzled by the sudden shift. Shikamaru, however, acted swiftly, retrieving a high-class healing scroll—a resource typically unavailable at the academy. He understood Tenten's underlying anger and anticipated the severity of the confrontation, ensuring he was prepared for any eventuality.

Sakura wore a bewildered expression, unable to comprehend why Minato-sama was discussing extremes for what she thought was a simple spar. Her opponent, on the other hand, maintained her sweet smile, belying the storm brewing within her.

"You're still too soft, Minato-kun. Let me be the referee for this round," Zenitsu declared, usurping Minato's role without waiting for consent. With a decisive "Begin," he initiated the spar, setting the stage for the impending clash.

Before Sakura could react, Tenten moved with a speed that surpassed her ability to track. In an instant, a powerful blow struck Sakura's gut, causing her to double over in agony. Her vision blurred momentarily as she crumpled to her knees, the contents of her half-digested lunch spilling out in a nauseating display.

Tenten's precision was evident; she had wielded her strength with such finesse that Sakura remained conscious despite the force of the blow.

"Zenitsu-sama, this is—" Minato attempted to interject, but Zenitsu swiftly raised his arm, signaling for no interference. Despite potential accusations of cruelty and pettiness, Zenitsu understood the harsh realities of the world. He knew that the sooner these children grasped the true nature of their existence, the better their chances of survival in the future.

Beside him, Maito Gai refrained from intervening further. He recognized that the children had grown too complacent. While the village aimed to safeguard and nurture the next generation, it didn't mean they wanted them to forget their roots as shinobi—individuals born and trained with a singular purpose: to efficiently eliminate their enemies and protect what they held dear.

Gai understood that occasional baptism by fire would serve as a wake-up call for the children. On the sparring field, Sakura's cries of pain echoed uncontrollably. Disheveled and in agony, she disregarded her appearance, her only desire to surrender and end the torment. However, Tenten refused to relent until she imparted a proper lesson.

Before Sakura could vocalize her surrender, Tenten flickered in front of her, delivering a precise blow that crushed Sakura's larynx, sealing off any means of escape. The onlookers stood frozen, their blood running cold at the brutal display. Tenten, despite her overflowing anger, maintained control over her strength, ensuring she didn't inflict fatal harm.

Some children couldn't bear to witness the horror unfolding before them, closing their eyes to shut out the scene. However, the bloodcurdling scream emanating from the center of the field pierced through their attempts to distance themselves from the violence. Even Sasuke, who hung by the post, was shaken by the brutality on display. He instinctively swallowed, silently grateful that he hadn't chosen Tenten as his opponent.

As the echoes of Sakura's agonizing screams reverberated across the sparring field, a heavy silence descended upon the stunned onlookers. Tenten stood over her fallen opponent, her fists clenched, her expression a mix of determination and remorse. She hadn't wanted it to come to this, but in the crucible of combat, emotions ran high, and the line between instruction and brutality blurred. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Sakura completely blacked out her form torn and tattered.

Zenitsu watched with a measured gaze, his stern countenance softened by a hint of understanding. He knew that sometimes, harsh lessons were the most effective teachers, and Tenten's actions, however brutal, would leave an indelible mark on the young minds of the academy.

Minato, torn between his duty as a teacher and his compassion as a human being, approached the scene with a heavy heart. He knelt beside Sakura and tore the medical scroll that Shikamru had passed him which immediately healed most of Sakura's injuries but everyone knew that the trauma of the mind would remain, Minato however offered what comfort he could amidst the chaos. Behind him, Maito Gai stood with a solemn resolve, silently acknowledging the necessity of such trials in the forging of true shinobi.

In the aftermath of the spar, none of the instructors had to spare any words as the children were grappled with a myriad of emotions—fear, shock, confusion. For many, it was their first glimpse into the unforgiving reality of their chosen path. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a seed of determination took root. They understood now, more than ever, the weight of their aspirations and the sacrifices demanded of them.

Sasuke, his gaze fixed upon the scene before him, felt a surge of unease mingled with newfound respect. He had underestimated the gravity of their training, but witnessing Tenten's strength and resolve, he couldn't deny the allure of such power. In that moment, a spark ignited within him—a determination to rise above his own limitations and become a shinobi worthy of respect.

"With those who still believe in the path of the Shinobi, you can come to class tomorrow. As for the rest, you can request to switch to a different department." With his final words, Zenitsu turned away, leaving the children to ponder their decisions he also made a mental note to properly apologize to little Sakura. The other girls who had followed Sakura earlier now avoided her like the plague, but Ino and Hinata, feeling pity for her, offered comfort to Sakura, who had already regained consciousness under the effects of the medical scroll.

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


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