
Naruto: Shadow Mage

In a world ravaged by war, Yasuke, a young boy from a branch family of the Nara clan, finds himself inexplicably transported to the tumultuous era of the Naruto universe. Faced with the grim reality of daily casualties and the burden of a mysterious curse seal embedded in his hand, Yasuke struggles to navigate his new life while mourning the loss of his parents. ------------------------------------------ 2 Chapters a day 10 Chapter Advance: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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72 Chs

Hidden Weapon Training

"Three months?"

" No problem!"

Taking the scroll from the Fourth Hokage, Yasuke's expression finally turned from cloudy to clear. The reason was undoubtedly the scroll personally written by the Fourth Hokage!

With the assistance of the APP, even if Yasuke didn't take the teachings of the Fourth Hokage to heart, when it came to ninja scrolls, Yasuke accepted them all, believing more is better!

Mastering more ninjutsu and secret techniques was equivalent to enriching one's arsenal. With proficiency in more "weapons," Yasuke's goal of becoming an all-around ninja was undoubtedly one step closer.

So, putting aside what the Fourth Hokage couldn't teach him, Yasuke eagerly put away the scroll and stored it in his ninja pouch, thinking that perhaps being apprenticed to the Fourth Hokage wasn't entirely a bad thing. Then, he prepared to seek Uncle Nara's help, finding a quiet place to focus on training, striving to make another breakthrough as soon as possible.

And Uncle Nara, who had known Yasuke's intentions early on, was not ambiguous either.

First, he received the Shadow Shurikenjutsu and the method of training the shadow's hands from Yasuke. After carefully placing the scrolls recording the secret techniques of the two clans, Uncle Nara rubbed Yasuke's head affectionately and said, "Yasuke, after you become a disciple of Watergate, no one, for Watergate's sake, will dare challenge you again."

"But to avoid the Uchiha Clan's trouble, it's better if you move in with me. Since you've turned in two secret techniques, you've made a contribution to the clan. It's not safe to keep so many training resources at your home. It's better to keep them with me. You can use them anytime you want!"

"Thank you, Uncle Nara!"

With Uncle Nara's assurance, Yasuke nodded with a smile. Under the guidance of the servants of the Nara Clan, he found a secluded courtyard in Uncle Nara's residence, and Yasuke's new home was finally settled.

Of course, Yasuke didn't forget to go back home and take away the secret technique scrolls left by his parents and the scroll given to him by Daniel.

All the scrolls on him were placed in his new home. As per Uncle Nara's instructions, someone came to bring Yasuke meals and groceries every day. If Yasuke needed anything, he just had to mention it to the servants, and they would bring him what he needed in no time. Yasuke finally realized the burden and benefits of bearing the title of genius.

And on this day, after defeating numerous challengers and becoming the Fourth Hokage's apprentice, Yasuke only continued his daily chakra training and did not engage in any other training.

As for training in chakra, Yasuke naturally didn't forget to take the secret medicine of the Nara Clan.

After moving into Uncle Nara's mansion, Yasuke could take the Nara Clan's secret medicine at will, indicating his increased status in the clan.

Unfortunately, after taking the Nara Clan's secret medicine again, apart from feeling that the speed of chakra training had increased slightly, the APP did not give any more prompts, causing Yasuke to sigh inwardly.

However, Yasuke understood at that moment that the effects of the Nara Clan's secret medicine were truly miraculous, but it was probably only when taken for the first time that the APP's miraculous effect could be triggered. So, with a sigh, Yasuke picked up Fugaku Uchiha's and the Fourth Hokage's scrolls, secretly thinking:

"Before formal training, I must plan my training direction."

"Having many skills is good, but it's important to understand the principle of not biting off more than you can chew. Right now, I mainly rely on the Nara Clan's secret technique as the foundation to assist in chakra training. So, it's probably better to start training in the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu first. It will help to solidify the foundation and increase offensive capabilities."

"So, let's put the Fourth Hokage's scroll aside for now. It's better to start practicing the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu!"

Thinking silently to himself, Yasuke untied the scroll sent by Fugaku Uchiha and carefully read its contents.

However, Yasuke didn't expect that after truly reading through the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu scroll, he would discover that the training in shurikenjutsu was far from as simple as he had imagined!

According to the scroll, Yasuke roughly understood that the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu was divided into three stages.

The first stage was "No Miss."

Even Uchiha clan members who mastered the first stage of shurikenjutsu could be hailed as shuriken masters in the ninja world! Whether it was the force, angle, method, technique, and so on of throwing shuriken, all were completely contained within the first stage of shurikenjutsu training. It was no exaggeration to say that if Yasuke mastered this stage of training, the power of Shadow Shurikenjutsu would at least double, and its effectiveness on the battlefield would be enhanced by tenfold!

So, upon understanding the effects of the first stage of the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu training, Yasuke couldn't help but feel excited, thinking that starting training in shurikenjutsu was indeed the right decision.

As for the next two stages of shurikenjutsu training, they were respectively the Arc Throw technique and the Multiple Shuriken Throw technique.

Simply put, the Arc Throw technique involved changing the trajectory of shuriken throws after completing the first stage of training. The greater the arc when throwing shuriken, while ensuring no misses, undoubtedly increased the chance of shuriken hitting the target, making enemies feel defenseless.

As for the Multiple Shuriken Throw technique, it was the essence of the essence of the Uchiha Clan's shurikenjutsu!

In the original storyline, wasn't there a scene of Itachi Uchiha training in shurikenjutsu? Regardless of the position of the target, as long as one mastered the Multiple Shuriken Throw technique, using the collision of shuriken, one could hit the target smoothly. Moreover, combined with "No Miss" and the Arc Throw technique, the Multiple Shuriken Throw technique could completely block off the enemy's evasion space, making shuriken an unstoppable deadly weapon.

During his fight with Yasuke, Itachi Uchiha had used the Multiple Shuriken Throw technique.

However, at this stage, Itachi had not reached the heights of the original storyline, so his shuriken were far less difficult to defend against than in the original storyline.

And at this point, Yasuke didn't expect that in the secluded training ground he deliberately sought out, there was already a figure diligently training!

"Five o'clock in the morning, who's training over there? They're so diligent!"

"Huh? Isn't that Kakashi Hatake?!"


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