
Naruto: Serial Killer System

An FBI agent dies and wakes up in the Naruto world with a Serial Killer System. Sam considers himself a supporter of good; he is a protector of U.S. citizens, but now he is in a world of ninjas. In a world where children are taught to kill and where death is commonplace, he gains the power of those he once fought against.

SetKej · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

To avoid bloodshed

Sam walked to the camp for a long time and sat in the shade of a tree, as he was in no hurry. On the riverbank, surrounded by forest, Sam is deep in thought. He sits in the shade of a large tree, while the sounds of the forest birds singing, leaves rustling, animals chirping surround him.

Sam entered the shop and bought an item he had wanted for a long time.

Item – [Voice Assistant]

Description: An artificial intelligence will assist the system's owner in difficult situations. The AI is created from the memories of many serial killers. The owner can ask for advice from the AI, which is unaffected by human morals.

Cost – 10 points. Purchased.

Sam: Without guidance, living would be tough in principle. But am I making a mistake by listening to the advice of serial killers? - Though, I don't promise to follow the advice of serial killers.

Sam looked at the headphones in his inventory, took them out, and put them on.

Sam: Hello, voice assistant, can you hear me? – he asked.

System: Hello, yes, I can hear you perfectly – the system responded.

Sam: What should I do with the swords in my inventory? – he asked, enjoying the breeze while sitting in the tree's shade.

System: Keep those swords. They will be useful at the right moment in the future – the system quickly replied.

Sam: I see. I was planning to store them in my inventory anyway, – Sam said, getting up and stepping out of the tree's shade, starting to walk downstream along the river.

Sam: System, tell me, what can I buy right now?

System: [Passive Skill: Homicidomania]

Description: The passive skill Homicidomania – Killing will become a passion, madness, and an irresistible urge for you.

Cost – 5 points.

System: I recommend this passive skill, which most serial killers possess. Analyzing you, I can give one piece of advice: Kill… Without killings, there will be no points, and without points, there will be no power.

Sam: I won't kill everyone left and right, I am different from you… I am human! – he was shocked by the system's first advice.

System: You have committed only one murder with your own hands, and you haven't even activated the "Serial Killer Event". The system won't force you to kill, but you will lose to those who really want to kill you.

Sam: I won't buy something that might change my mind or sanity. – saying this, he took the earphone off and put it in his inventory. Sam: Damn! Why did I buy the assistant if I'm not going to listen to it? – he shouted and punched the tree, breaking it through. The tree fell to the ground, and Sam looked at the skill description again.

Sam now felt fear: I won't stoop so low as to take a person's life just to gain points.

Sam took the map out of his inventory. Sam: The Mizukage wants to personally go to the front?! – he wondered, seeing on the map how a ship with 50 elite shinobi was sailing to the Hidden Mist military camp on the shore.

Sam: Does he want to face 240 Konoha shinobi led by Orochimaru? – he smirked and sat on the ground. Sam: Looks like Konoha really didn't expect an advance into the Land of Fire.

Sam: If I were Hokage, I'd think that after losing their Jinchuriki, they wouldn't continue to wage war.

Looking at the map, Sam saw that the main Konoha forces remained against Iwagakure in Kusagakure territory, led by Minato Namikaze.

Sam: The Hokage is very smart. If I remember correctly, the commander was Orochimaru. Hiruzen sent him to deal with Kirigakure's raids and set up his successor as a hero.

Sam: This is bad... I can't foresee the details as everything changes due to the arrival of the Mizukage, who is gathering troops into a unified force. It would be foolish to go to war after losing your Jinchuriki and half your troops against Konoha's scouts.

Sam: What should I do? What can I pit against Orochimaru? I've barely reached the level of a weak Jonin, and this Sannin can kill hundreds of Jonin as a warm-up. – he pondered, thinking through the events.

Many hours later...

It was already evening, and Sam had bought food from the support shop that provided sustenance and a boost of strength for several days. He lit a fire, not fearing opponents and ready to fight back. Sam kept his eyes on the map, closely watching the movements of people.

100 Konoha shinobi against 1 Mizukage and 190 shinobi, but Konoha has reinforcements coming in the form of Orochimaru with 240 ninja.

Sam: As I understand, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist have scattered, as they are not on the map.

Sam opened his inventory and put on the headphones again.

Sam: What should I do in this situation?

System: If you choose Kirigakure's side and fight for them, you have a 5% chance of winning. The best you can do in this situation is to take Konoha's side, blend into the crowd, and kill as many shinobi as possible to earn points.

Sam slowly removed the headphones and said: Damn it, I've been pondering for hours on how to avoid bloodshed, and you suggest this?! Konoha won't always be ahead, standing on the graves of people I could have saved!

The next day. A sunny morning, and the battle is expected to happen closer to the evening, near the Hidden Mist camp, which has many traps and is near the shore. (The shore, because many Mist ninja will use water techniques, and they will use real water rather than chakra-created water. Using the shore will save chakra, and the techniques will become much stronger.)

Sam headed leisurely towards the Kirigakure camp to warn them about Konoha's reinforcements. Opening the map, he saw that he was being watched. A White Zetsu, so hidden that Sam wouldn't have noticed him without the map, was observing him. Sam couldn't sense White Zetsu's presence.

White Zetsu had been observing Sam for over four hours, gathering information and watching closely, hiding in a tree, blending with it completely.

At this moment, Sam identified the tree Zetsu was hiding in and threw a kunai, which embedded itself an inch from Zetsu's body.

Sam: Stop watching me – Sam barked in a rough tone. Saying this, he turned and continued on his way.

White Zetsu was puzzled: How did he notice me? Or did he always know I was watching him?! – Zetsu thought to himself in a frightened tone, and had to stop the surveillance.

Time: 18:42 - Evening.

30 minutes before Orochimaru's arrival.

Sam: The Mizukage seems unaware of Orochimaru bringing his squad here, otherwise, as a strategist, he would have retreated – Sam said, being very close to the camp.

Finally, Sam reached the camp after a long journey. He nodded to the guards and entered. Sam was a bit surprised that they didn't check him, but he entered the camp nonetheless.

Entering the camp, he headed straight to the Mizukage's tent, but a young man with black hair and short stature, looking ambitious, blocked his path.

Sam: Move aside, I have urgent news for the Mizukage that must be delivered immediately.

The young man raised an eyebrow and said gruffly: I've been ordered not to let anyone into the war council. Our Mizukage will soon give the order to attack, so get out and prepare to follow orders! – Sam, not listening further, got close and knocked him out with a blow to the neck. Two guards behind the insolent ninja tried to intervene but were also knocked out by Sam.

The Jonin guarding the Mizukage's tent fell unconscious, and Sam stepped over their bodies and entered the tent. Inside, he saw a large map of the countries on a big table, with military figurines of Kirigakure and Konoha arranged on it. High-ranking Mist ninjas were discussing strategy until Sam entered.

Inside the tent, it was cozy and comfortable, but Sam had to face their stern, serious, and irritable looks. Among all the people, he immediately recognized the Mizukage, wearing a black suit, a white cloak, and a blue Kage hat. The Mizukage was elderly, with gray hair, wrinkles, and striking violet eyes that watched Sam closely.

Next to the Kage were his advisors, but most notably, a girl around 14 years old sat aside with a small child holding her hand.

Sam: Mei Terumi and Yagura – he thought, clearly surprised.

The Mizukage narrowed his eyes and asked Sam: How did my guards let you through? Who are you?

Sam approached the table, looking at the unused Kiri and Konoha pieces, took three figurines, and placed them next to the Konoha ones, saying: You are outnumbered. You have at most 200 people, while the enemy has over 340 shinobi.

Mizukage: What are you talking about?! 340 shinobi? According to my information, Konoha will only have 100 in the battle! – he said with a stern face.

Sam: Believe me, Konoha's reinforcements are coming with one of the Sannin.

One of the advisors: A Sannin? That's nonsense... All the Sannin are scattered around the world, you lie. – he shouted.

The Mizukage gestured for the advisor to be quiet and asked: A Sannin?

Sam: Yes, it's Orochimaru, and he's bringing many shinobi here to crush us and possibly kill us all.

The Mizukage snorted and clenched his fists: Why would the commander of Konoha's forces deal with minor raids in the east?

Sam: What a disappointment for Orochimaru, knowing there are only a handful of people here. He could fight a thousand shinobi alone. – Sam thought.

Another advisor clenched his fist and said loudly: This could be true, we need to recall our people! Better to retreat than lose everything. – but another advisor protested and shouted to fight, leading to an argument among the Mizukage's advisors.

Mizukage: Recall the people, take only provisions! We are leaving! – he said after long consideration.

The military advisors started issuing orders to leave the camp. In less than 20 minutes, everyone was on the ships and sailed away from the shore. Sam hid from the Mist shinobi's view and stayed on the shore.

Sam now had to delay Orochimaru, as he could easily sink the ships with his summoned snake.

Sam prepared for battle. He bought healing pills from the world of Dota 2 and potions of strength, regeneration, speed, leaping, and invisibility from Minecraft.

[Strength Potion Level II] – 3 points

[Regeneration Potion Level I] – 3 points

[Speed Potion Level II] – 3 points

[Leaping Potion Level I] – 3 points

[Invisibility Potion Level I] – 3 points

[Tango, 5 pieces] – 5 points

Sam already felt the threat and bloodlust emanating from Orochimaru. Goosebumps ran across his body, and his hair stood on end. He felt fear for his life, his hands were sweaty, and his arms trembled at the upcoming battle.

The battle would start any minute, and Sam began drinking the potions he had bought. Sam formed hand seals: [Ox] - [Snake] - [Boar], and drops of water rose into the air, evaporating and turning into steam. Sam enveloped himself and the nearby 300 meters in thick mist.

Sam: Avoiding bloodshed is my main mission. – he said, standing near the camp gate.