
Naruto: Serial Killer System

An FBI agent dies and wakes up in the Naruto world with a Serial Killer System. Sam considers himself a supporter of good; he is a protector of U.S. citizens, but now he is in a world of ninjas. In a world where children are taught to kill and where death is commonplace, he gains the power of those he once fought against.

SetKej · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Hidden Mist Side

The Hidden Mist

In the morning, people from the Hidden Mist had already arrived at the place where the bodies lay. Realizing the plan had failed, they gathered the bodies in one place. The squad consisted of four people: two were collecting the bodies, and the other two were building a fire.

When the two cleaners tried to lift Sam's body, he suddenly awoke as if from a nightmare. The two young guys, who looked about 15-16 years old, tried to calm Sam down, offering him all the support they could.

One of them called the others: Come here, there's a survivor, - then he looked at Sam and said: Everything will be fine, we'll take you to the camp.

Sam felt their strength they were Chūnin, and from their protectors, he recognized them as ninjas from the Hidden Mist village.

Sam stood up with a headache and opened the system.

[Control Points] - ∞ Error

[Observation Points] - ∞ Error

Sam thought with relief: Hah, I broke the system. It was just a theory about how to bypass the control and observation system. As I understand it, I can possess any body every year. But if I possess a living person, I get the basic 20 control points and 40 observation points. By possessing a dead person, I cheat the system.

Sam stood before the four ninjas who were questioning him, but he ignored it all. His instinct told him that the Tokubetsu Jōnin had a greater degree of reconnaissance specialization than combat, and the other three were Chūnin.

Tokubetsu Jōnin: It looks like you're not injured. How did you survive? - he asked, approaching Sam and inspecting his body.

Sam: I took a hard hit to the head. I don't remember much about what happened yesterday, - Sam replied.

Tokubetsu Jōnin: Alright, come with us to the camp. If you remember anything, tell me personally, understand?

Sam: Understood. - Sam examined his body. On his forehead, he wore the protector of his native village and an ANBU uniform with a vest over it. However, his ANBU mask was neither at hand nor nearby.

After a few minutes, he started helping the Chūnin gather the bodies, and soon they set the corpses on fire.

Sam: Am I on the side of the Hidden Mist? - he thought, looking at the huge bonfire burning more than 50 bodies: These people seem to be fighting for their village. Many people are confident because they believe the world revolves around them.

Sam: Anyone can die, - he said, turning around and starting to catch up with the four Hidden Mist ninjas heading to the camp.

The military camp was located in the Land of Hot Water, strategically very advantageous for the Hidden Mist village. The Land of Hot Water suspected that there was a military camp there and asked the Hidden Leaf village for help but received no response.

The camp was in a coastal forest area by the sea. Five people arrived at the Hidden Mist military camp.

Sam: The camp is very well organized, with traps everywhere, perfect supply provisions through the sea. It seems they want to invade deep into Konoha or raid the Land of Hot Water and move further, - he thought, seeing more than three hundred shinobi going about their business in the camp.

When they passed through the sentries and entered the camp, their commander spoke: You rest, I'll go submit the report.

Chūnin: Alright, - they responded to their commander, stretching after a hard day.

When their Tokubetsu Jōnin left, one of the Chūnin turned to Sam: You are quite strong for an ANBU, considering more than 50 of our ANBU unit's people died.

Sam: I was just lucky, and I don't remember anything about yesterday's battle, - he said, grabbing the back of his head.

Another Chūnin joined the conversation: You need to recover quickly; this has severely weakened our forces, and we need every fighter.

Chūnin: You're lucky, big brother. Do you know any jutsu that could make us stronger?

Sam: Jutsu that I know? I think once my condition improves, I'll teach you, h-heh... - he said, deceiving them, as he didn't really know much about jutsu.

Sam headed to the fire where other ninjas in Genin uniforms were sitting and grilling fish. When they saw the Chūnin approaching, they greeted them. Everyone sat by the fire, and one of the Genin handed Sam a fish. After taking a bite and tasting it for a few seconds, he was delighted.

Sam: Delicious, - he smiled, then he looked around the camp, studying it thoroughly

Sam: There's strict discipline here, but it's not as grim an atmosphere as I expected. Maybe it's before the reign of the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi, - he thought.

Suddenly, Sam felt a bit sad and asked: What's your dream? - he asked, looking at the bright sun.

The Chūnin and Genin were happy to hear this; some wanted to live until the end of the war, others to become stronger and become the next Mizukage, and some wanted to have one of the seven legendary swords of the Hidden Mist village.

Sam: Good dreams... My dream is to return home... - he said, covering the blinding light with his hand.

Just then, the squad's commander, Tokubetsu Jōnin, came out of the Mizukage's tent and approached Sam: Have you remembered anything? - The answer was negative.

Tokubetsu Jōnin: You'll be given new uniforms and equipment soon.

The captain left to attend to his business, and Sam and the others continued their chatter. Half an hour passed, and one of the ANBU members called Sam and led him to a wooden building guarded by two ninjas. When they entered, there was ninja gear inside: kunai, katanas, sabers, shuriken, explosive tags, and uniforms from different units.

ANBU: Choose your gear and come with me; we have a mission from the Mizukage.

After five minutes, Sam chose five kunai, ten shuriken, and out of all the melee weapons, he picked iron knuckles and a short tantō. He changed his torn uniform for a new one, and among the masks, he took one with wave patterns.

Sam adjusted his clothes and left the armory. They headed to the camp gates where the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist were waiting. Standing next to the swordsmen, Sam noticed the height difference. He was about 176 cm tall and weighed around 60 kg. They looked very strong, and Sam held his breath, only observing.

Sam stood next to one of the ANBU who explained the plan to him.

Sam: It turns out the Mizukage isn't a very good strategist, - he thought to himself. The early stage of the plan involved raiding the southern lands of the Fire Country's port points. This would be the most powerful blow that could weaken the Fire Country after the war. But with the end of the war and the return of trade agreements, the destruction of these trading points would greatly hurt the Hidden Mist itself.

Sam: Luckily, the Mizukage abandoned that plan and gave another mission to destroy small units and raid the western lands of the Fire Country... But I have a feeling a brutal battle is coming soon, - he thought, looking at the blood-red sunset.

The squad with the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and two ANBU members reached the Fire Country's border in two days, and on the third day, they crossed it. The ANBU stood aside as the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist killed every Konoha sentry they encountered.

They went 10-12 miles deep, and Sam, as per the plan, accompanied them, but this time, the Seven Swordsmen left the camp. They left Sam and another to guard the camp.

Sam: Where did they go? he asked his newly found colleague.

Matt: On a hunt, it seems one of the swordsmen spotted nearby prey.

Mission for the host: Death of the Blue Beast of Konohagakure

Target: Might Duy.

[Defeat] - 10 points

[Kill] - 30 points

Navigation: 1.2 km from you

Mission for the host: Son of the Blue Beast of Konohagakure and his comrades

Target: Team Might Guy

[Defeat] - 1 point each

[Kill] - 3 points each

Navigation: 600 m from you

[Accept] [Decline]

Sam stood up and looked at his friend: Watch the camp, - he said, adjusting his cloak and starting to walk in the direction the swordsmen had gone.

Matt: I don't think you should interfere with their hunt. They might get angry and even kill you, - he said, but Sam calmly replied: I'll just observe.

Sam: Accept, - he accepted the mission and began to see figures marked in blue from a distance. He could see them through trees and other obstacles. Approaching closer, within 400 meters, he began to watch intently as the Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist chased the Genin. The Konoha Genin were cornered, unable to escape such opponents as the Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist.

Sam realized what was about to happen: Might Duy's arrival was like the heroic appearance of a superhero. Sam associated Duy, Guy, and Lee with charismatic comic book heroes.

Sam started to see the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist begin fighting Might Guy's father, Might Duy. Duy fought to the death because the life of his son was at stake. Might Duy opened the 8th Gate, his strength, speed, reflexes, and agility increasing exponentially.

Sam had to retreat several hundred meters due to the intensity of the battle. Within five minutes, one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist had perished. Then the second and third fell, and the waves of wind from Duy's attacks did not cease. Soon, the fourth swordsman died, and the remaining three, covered in wounds, fled in all directions.

Duy couldn't deactivate his technique and, covered in injuries, collapsed to the ground, soon to die from his own technique. His strength began to leave him, his body ceased using the 8 Gates, and he started to quietly die, with a peaceful soul.

Duy heard footsteps approaching him, slow and confident. He had no strength left, all his chakra spent from his meridians. Sam: Why so worried? Did you remember my aura? - Sam said, standing before Duy's body.

Duy: I will never forget the one who attacked my son… - he said, coughing up blood.

Duy: Are you from the Hidden Mist Village? - he asked Sam.

Sam: No, I just mingled with one of them, - he smiled slightly.

Duy: You left Kakashi's body, and now you fight for our enemies?

Sam: Yes… I brought you flowers because your funeral won't be soon. Fathers bury their children, and now you will die, leaving your son alone. - Sam replied briefly, holding eight flowers, each colored like one of Duy's gates.

Duy: I beg you, as a friend in our meeting, do not let my son die in this war, - Duy heard the agreement and then Sam crouched and brought a tiny potion to Duy's lips. Sam: Drink this, and you will have good dreams before you die. - Duy drank it immediately.

Sam: We would have been good friends, - he said, smiling slightly.

Duy: Don't forget your promise, my friend… - he said, and then fell into an eternal sleep.

Mission for the host: Death of the Blue Beast of Konohagakure – Completed.

[Received] – 30 points

Mission for the host: Son of the Blue Beast of Konohagakure and his comrades – Failed

[Received] – 0 points

Sam: Rest in peace, Blue Beast of Konoha, - he said, placing the eight flowers on Duy's chest. The last one was wilted, signifying "death," like the 8th Gate of Death.