
Naruto: Serial Killer System

An FBI agent dies and wakes up in the Naruto world with a Serial Killer System. Sam considers himself a supporter of good; he is a protector of U.S. citizens, but now he is in a world of ninjas. In a world where children are taught to kill and where death is commonplace, he gains the power of those he once fought against.

SetKej · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Three days later

A new morning dawned, but for Sam it felt incredibly long. The Uchiha wouldn't let him sleep, he could monitor Sam around the clock without rest or sleep. It was a heavy blow to Sam's moral resilience, which sometimes worked overtime.

Sam heard the sound of the lock opening and the arrival of that girl. Her heels, like anvils, rang loudly in Sam's head. In this darkness, he lost his sight but sharpened his hearing, which was a real torture in his case.

Whenever the girl came, Sam could rest for 10 minutes at most. She began to feed him rice and fried fish. When she put another piece of fried fish into his mouth, she said in a quiet voice: What's your name? - as she placed it in Sam's mouth.

Sam replied: What business is it of the prisoner's name to the lady?

The girl, in a somewhat harsh tone, said: I am the wife of the head of the Uchiha clan, assigned to watch over you. I know why you ended up here... I'm sorry you had to go through this, but it's war.

Sam remained silent, listening carefully to the girl's words.

She continued: You're the enemy of the village, people without honor. You burned caravans, killed, and looted. You're worse than beasts.

Sam retorted: You're Mikoto from the Uchiha clan, the wife of Fugaku Uchiha. Let me tell you this: there's no side where there's only good or only evil. You, the people of Konoha, consider yourselves heroes, standing on the graves of people. I spared your people because every life is valuable, but you killed those who raised the white flag, - he said.

The girl replied: That's your opinion? I think it's fair — an eye for an eye.

Sam replied: An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind. Konoha is like a withered flower because of the rotten root, - he said.

Suddenly, a child's voice was heard behind the door: Mom?

Mikoto, with a soft voice, said: Itachi, you're back?

Itachi, with a surprised tone, said: Who is this person? - and behind him stood his father, Fugaku Uchiha.

Fugaku said calmly: Mikoto, you can go home, I'll take care of this boy - and entered the room. He turned and nodded to the Uchiha who was watching over Sam. At that moment, the room lit up.

A bright flash of light briefly blinded Sam. Itachi stood behind, by the door, watching his father's actions.

The light came from the light bulb on the ceiling and illuminated the entire room. Fugaku and Itachi squinted, seeing dried bloodstains on the floor. Fugaku inspected Sam's body and noticed missing fingers on his hands and a face covered in bruises. He assumed there were bruises on his body too, although he couldn't see them clearly.

Fugaku, in a rough and angry tone, said: What have you done?

The Uchiha replied: I cut off some of his fingers, without which he won't be able to make seals, meaning he'll never be a threat to our village - said the man, expecting praise, but seeing the clan head's face fall, he began to sweat.

The Uchiha continued: I wanted his life not to seem like a picnic... He humiliated our ninja, - his voice was filled with fear. He muttered this with a look of apology, trying to avoid punishment.

Sam heard it all.

Fugaku: This man was captured for his importance and should have been under tight security, not in a torture chamber! — he roared. Then he continued: If he dies, it will undermine our reputation, - he said, in a serious tone.

Uchiha: I'm sorry, it won't happen again! - he said, in an apologetic tone.

Fugaku: I made the decision of the commander-in-chief Orochimaru, who, without my consent, ordered to keep this guy specifically in our clan.

Fugaku tore off half of the seals from Sam's face with one stroke, which covered everything except his nostrils and mouth: But I won't accept the death of this man, who could undermine the pride of the Uchiha clan with his death! Provide him with medical assistance – he said in a rough tone.

Fugaku turned and began to walk to the door, but before that, he roughly handed the torn seals to the Uchiha: I'll go to the Hokage, and you take care of his wounds. — after these words, Fugaku left the room along with his son.

Sam sat quietly, thinking over and over again, what should he do? How to act? As soon as he appeared in this world, he had no support, such as friends or family.

The Uchiha approached him, untied all the seals, and placed them near the door, and when he turned around, he froze in fear.

Sam: Change or die! — he shouted inside his own mind. He broke the iron chains and lunged at the Uchiha, starting to choke him. The Uchiha saw hatred and pure rage in Sam's eyes.

*The System interpreted the owner's actions as consent.

[System] – Owner's mind adjustment initiated.

System: [Serial Killer's Passive Skill: Homicidal Mania]

[Cost] – 5 points – Purchased.

Sam didn't even pay attention to the System's words, he only thirsted for the Uchiha's death as he choked him with a strong grip on his throat.

The Uchiha activated his Dojutsu, the Sharingan, and applied Genjutsu to Sam's mind, but Sam loosened his grip for a few seconds, then tightened it again, but with much greater force. The Uchiha struggled and tried to escape, but his attempts ended in failure. His trachea was crushed, and he died in agony, seeing Sam's face just before his death.

Suddenly, Sam's wounds opened, and he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach wound. Sam sat on the Uchiha's body, looking at the bruises he had left behind.

Sam: ... - Sam just sat there silently, looking at the young man who appeared to be 17-18 years old. Sam stood up, stepped over the Uchiha's body, and walked out the door, beginning to climb the stairs.

The Uchiha clan meeting hall was deserted, and Sam cautiously looked around. Ignoring the items scattered around, he admired the beautiful decor; the entire hall looked majestic, and a soft carpet lay on the floor, gently touching his feet.

Finally, Sam found the exit and began to walk towards it, leaving bloody traces of his open wounds behind. Sam: Buy a healing potion, - he whispered to the System, hoping for help, but received a refusal in response.

System: While the System transitions to a new stage, access to purchasing skills and items from the store will be blocked for a while, - the system responded, leaving Sam to his suffering.

Sam: Just great... - he muttered, coughing up blood, and stepped outside. Opening the door, he saw a downpour outside, rain pouring like from a bucket. Despite this, he continued to walk through the streets of the Uchiha clan, every step becoming heavier.

Turning his head to the left, Sam noticed a small artificial pond next to a tree and headed towards it. Sitting by the tree trunk, soaked to the bone, he felt the cold wind penetrating him to the bones.

His body burned with fever, yet at the same time, it felt cold. By the pond, he heard the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets. When the system update reached 50%, he heard shouts a few hundred meters away, causing him to tense up.