
Naruto : Sequence 0 Visionary

Sogetsu was reborn in Naruto World with “Lord of Mysteries System” and chooses the Visionary Pathway. Kakashi: He's the best psychiatrist I've ever known. He helped me heal from my trauma. Itachi: Listen, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've been stuck in my own shadow forever! Danzo: We've got a traitor in our midst... Wait, why are you all looking at me like that? Black Zetsu: I don't know why, but I feel like I've been living under his shadow. He seems to predict every single move I make! Madara Uchiha: Uchiha Sogetsu, you're taking things a bit too far... During the Fourth Great Ninja War, tens of thousands of ninja alliance troops stood at the ready, prepared for battle. Uchiha Sogetsu adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly. “Who told you that a psychiatrist... is weak?” On that day, a massive gray-white dragon towered over the battlefield like a divine presence. Anyone who gazed upon it was struck with profound mental distress, their thoughts twisted, their sanity frayed. Madness soon followed. ***** Hey guys, I will upload this story regularly. So please add this to your collection if you like it. Also even if you haven't read LOTM you can still read this novel and understand it. You can read upto ch 10 and decide for yourself whether you like it or not. ********** Raw Link https://www.69shu.top/txt/57777/37375854 ******* Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/Unique_Writer

Nobody2NoBody · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 10 : Genjutsu or Not??


The ANBU from the Aburame clan controlled a vast swarm of insects, sending them charging towards Uchiha Sogetsu.

The massive cloud of insects created a powerful gust of wind, resembling a dark tornado, ready to sweep away anything in its path.


Sogetsu took a couple of steps back, putting distance between himself and the incoming swarm, and swiftly formed hand seals.

"Ox - Hare - Monkey - Boar - Horse - Tiger!"

He inhaled deeply, gathering chakra in his lungs. 

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" 

A massive fireball, three meters in diameter, surged forward with intense heat. It collided with the swarm of insects, incinerating them on contact. 


The explosion sent waves of heat across the area. The air was filled with the scent of burning chitin, as the once-thick black swarm turned into ash. 

"It's smart to use a massive swarm to block my Sharingan's line of sight," Sogetsu said, scanning the area through the smoke. "But you seem to forget, the Uchiha clan excels in fire jutsu!" 

Although the Aburame clan's insects can significantly disrupt and obscure the Sharingan's vision, they are equally vulnerable to powerful fire-style techniques. If the swarm is destroyed, the Aburame clan's power greatly diminishes, leaving them at a severe disadvantage. 

"Don't get cocky, Uchiha brat," the ANBU from the Aburame clan said coldly. "You think a mere fireball can destroy all my insects?" 

"Secret Technique: Cocoon!" 

Hundreds of chakra cocoons hidden throughout the area burst open in response to the ANBU's command. 

As they cracked open, Sogetsu's eyes widened. Dark clouds of insects rose from all corners of the forest, converging to form a thick canopy that blotted out the sunlight. 

It was like the entire forest was alive with swarms of insects, each moving in unison, filling the sky with a black, ominous shadow.

"That many?"

Sogetsu's pupils shook, clearly shaken by what he saw, a sudden realization flashing through his mind. "To control such a massive swarm of insects, you must be the genius Ryoma of the Aburame clan!"

"Oh, the Uchiha kid knows about me?" Ryoma Aburame seemed a bit surprised, but didn't hide his identity. 

"I heard Fugaku mention you," Sogetsu replied, his forehead breaking into a light sweat. The situation was clearly getting out of hand. 

"The Aburame clan genius, second only to the clan leader in insect manipulation, with the best infiltration skills in history. Few in Anbu can rival you. And you're one of Danzo's most trusted subordinates."

Ryoma maintained his hand seals, issuing an ultimatum: "Uchiha kid, I can spare your life if you give up. If not, under Danzo-sama's orders, I have the right to execute you on the spot."

"Damned Root! You dare do something like this!" Sogetsu gritted his teeth, eyes filled with anger. "Remember, I was transferred to Anbu by Hokage-sama himself. If I die here, how will Danzo explain this to Hokage?"

"Uchiha Sogetsu tried to use genjutsu to control Konoha Jonin and conspired with the Uchiha clan to rebel." Ryoma's voice was cold, with a hint of mocking. "What do you think of that explanation?"

"You're framing me!" Sogetsu stared at him in shock, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Hokage-sama? He'd never believe you!"

"You're wrong, kid." Ryoma's words were filled with sarcasm. "Hokage-sama will believe it. No matter how absurd the excuse, he'll go with it. Your misfortune? Being born into the Uchiha clan. Your bloodline is cursed!"

"Insect Swarms!"

A black cloud of insects roared, pouring down from the sky like a vast sea.

Facing an insect swarm even larger than the last time, Sogetsu knew he couldn't hold back. Chakra gathered in his throat, building up for an attack.

"Fire Style: Fire Devastation!"

Boom! A massive wall of flames erupted from Sogetsu's mouth, a wave of searing fire like a storming tsunami. The high temperature instantly vaporized the air, filling the area with blistering heat. The vegetation and insects were incinerated in an instant, and the entire area became a sea of fire.

Without even checking the aftermath, Sogetsu turned and sprinted out of the forest.

"I need to report this to Hokage-sama."

Chakra burst under his feet, the hard ground crumbling as his speed increased. He knew he had to get out fast.

"Trying to run?" Aburame Ryoma suddenly appeared in front of Sogetsu, his arms swarming with countless insects. He swung his arms, sending the parasites forward with incredible force, shouting, "Secret Technique: Insect Wrist!"

Sogetsu had no choice but to raise his arms to block the attack.


The impact was massive, hitting with such force that Sogetsu felt his arm bones fracture. The blow knocked him back, flipping him through the air and leaving a deep trench in the ground where he landed. 

As he stood up, he thought, "Damn, I was so distracted by the insect swarm that I didn't even notice him!"

Aburame Ryoma spun in midair, kicking off a tree trunk and launching himself towards Sogetsu with renewed speed.

Sogetsu quickly twisted his body, jumping back to his feet and throwing several shurikens as he regained his balance.


The shurikens curved in graceful arcs, attacking Aburame Ryoma from multiple angles.

"Secret Technique: Insect Wall!"

But Aburame Ryoma didn't seem concerned. He raised his arms, creating a thick wall of insects around himself. The shurikens struck the wall and vanished without a trace.

"Die, Uchiha brat!" Ryoma sneered as he continued his charge toward Sogetsu. But just as he was about to reach him, Sogetsu smiled and pulled back with his right hand, gritting his teeth.


Aburame Ryoma suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if he had been grabbed by something. He looked down to see that more than a dozen thin threads had wrapped around his body, holding him in place. 

These threads were incredibly strong, resistant even to his destructive insects.

It dawned on Ryoma, "Is this the Uchiha clan's shuriken throwing technique?"

"That's correct," Sogetsu replied, biting down on the silk threads to hold them taut. With his hands, he quickly formed a series of hand seals. "The Uchiha are known for more than just Fire Release and Sharingan. It's you who will die, Aburame Ryoma!"


"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"


A searing heat surged into a fiery thread, rushing forward like a roaring dragon of flames, engulfing Aburame Ryoma instantly.

The intense flames, known for their destructive power, pierced through his wall of insects as if it were nothing.


Aburame Ryoma screamed as he was set ablaze and collapsed to the ground.

"I did it," Sogetsu panted, his eyes focused on the burning fire with a look of disdain.

"Did you?" 

A voice from behind caused Sogetsu's hair to stand on end. It was the last sound he expected to hear.

"You're too happy too soon, Uchiha brat. Secret Technique: Insect Swamp!"

Suddenly, the ground beneath Sogetsu turned into a quagmire, and an overwhelming suction force began to pull him downwards. Swarms of insects surged around him, devouring his chakra. He felt his strength fading rapidly, unable to resist the pull of the swamp.

"Insect Clone," Sogetsu muttered as he sank, his head barely above the ground.

"The first lesson for a Jonin: never let your guard down," Aburame Ryoma remarked as he emerged from the bushes with a mocking grin. "Until the enemy's death is confirmed, anything can happen. But it's too late for you to learn that now."

Aburame Ryoma looked down at Uchiha Sogetsu, buried up to his neck, and waved his hand to summon more insects. "Uchiha Sogetsu, I'll take your Sharingan."

But just as Aburame Ryoma was about to gouge out Sogetsu's eyes, he noticed something strange—the Uchiha was smiling. 

Not just smiling, but wearing a relaxed and contented expression. A chill ran down Ryoma's spine, filling him with a sudden sense of dread.

"What are you laughing at, Uchiha Sogetsu?" he demanded.

"Oh, nothing," Sogetsu replied with a grin. "Just enjoying the show, Aburame Ryoma. Thanks for the entertainment."

Suddenly, Aburame Ryoma's vision became blurry, and his head throbbed with pain. The swampy surroundings melted away, leaving behind a lush, undisturbed forest. The burning trees and signs of battle were gone as if they'd never happened.

"Was this all an illusion?" 

The realization hit him like a punch, and his pupils shrank in shock. 

"When did you cast the illusion on me?"

"A very interesting question," Sogetsu replied, his voice filled with calmness. His shadow stretched out, long and dark, resembling a hidden beast ready to strike. 

He adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. "Let me ask you this, Aburame Ryoma: When did you assume I wasn't using genjutsu?"


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