
Chapter-8 : Food

Hinata and Hiro were sparring with each other using everything in their arsenals.

Hinata said that she wanted to get an accurate read on as to what level of the techniques Hiro had gained from her.

"Hmmm, your Gentle Fist level is around the Adept level, same for your vacuum Palm, it seems that you receive one level of mastery below of what I possess, though I can't confirm it for sure as you don't have any other techniques from me..." Hinata sounded her results as she continued with her evaluation.

"Though it's a good level, it would be even better of you could train them to a stage of expert with that, you would have many new options to learn new techniques."

Hiro nodded as he agreed with Hinata.

Even though he was getting these techniques, they weren't invincible or anything, he would have to train them to make more advancements in them.

"Now, get ready for an increase in your training Hiro kun, from now you are going to train along with me during my practice sessions." Hinata said as Hiro could feel a foreboding feeling in his heart.

He put the feeling aside as he saw that it was almost time for Ino's final visit for the florification work.

She had been working exceptionally well and had actually pulled the deadline back by 3 days.

Hiro had to say, her work was truly impactful, it had singlehandedly made the atmosphere around his mansion into extremely positive one.

Previously it was quite dull and honestly quite delressing with much nothing around.

More birds and beautiful butterflies had started visiting his gardens with small wildlife getting a boost in the area.

It also had the added benefit of making the whole air smell nice and floral.

Soon Ino also came as joined both Hinata and Hiro in the conversation.

The relationship between her and Hinata had mended over the last week and they had gone back to being the close friends they used to be, even asking Ino to stay over for Dinner on many occasions.

"Yeah, and if you ever feel too sleepy, just take this flower's Leaf, break them and sniff them up, they act like smelling ammonia salts, increases your blood flow massively for a short amount of time, enough to give a 'kick' to keep you awake" Ino said as she explained benefits of some flower's that were planted in a small pot, kept on the mantle.

"Well, I still can't thank you enough Ino, thanks to you this place has become much better" Hiro said.

"Well, you are actually paying me, more than what you need to already, so don't worry about that, I'm glad that I could be of help." Ino said with awkwardness in her voice.

"No, I must insist, why don't you stay over for lunch? I have a new dish that I want to make, just test it and tell how it tastes." Hiro said as he got up and moved towards kitchen without any wait.

He knew she won't say no.

Food was one of the things that his previous world did best.

For the past week, he had been making quite a few dishes from the Italian cuisine like Bruschetta, Risotto, different kinds of Pasta and many more.

Today, he was going to recreate the original Margherita pizza along with a few variations he liked.

He had already kept the dough for the rise yesterday along with making fresh mozzarella this morning.

He took the preprepped materials out of the fridge and tossed them onto the cart and carried everything outside.

"Come on, follow me" He said as both of the girls followed him outside into the backyard.

There, he had set up a small wood fire oven that had been going on since morning and had been at the right temperature for hours.

He had been making food for quite some time now, he had more or less became a chef, and with Chakra amd control coming into play, his skills had skyrocketed.

He had been making food for himself, Hinata and Ino for the entirety of her stay, not only it introduced them to a new world of foreign cuisine, but also introduced them to flavors they didn't knew existed before.

Both of them looked expectedly as he spread out the dough using his hands, tossing it a few times while spinning it in the air to create a show as he then layered sauce on top of it and placed one whole mozzarella ball which was teared up onto it.

He used the peel to put the pizza into the oven as he prepared the next pizza but this time he put sliced pepperoni along with low moisture mozzarella he made a few days ago.

Then he made another pizza with jalapeño like peppers and olives as the toppings.

He took the first pizza out of the oven and it was cooked to perfection.

He brushed on some olive oil on the edges and put some large leaves of basil on the still hot pizza.

He cut it into six slices as he presented the dish to his judges of the day while still keeping eye on the pizzas still inside the oven.

"It's tasty...." Hinata spoke up first as she took another bite off her pizza slice.

"Mhhmmmm....true, it's chewy but not in a bad sense, also, the Bread is just perfect while the melted cheese tastes best with the fresh sauce, it's truly extraordinary...." Ino speak as she already began eating her second slice.

Hiro smiled after listening to the remarks as he took the other two pizzas, who were now cooked perfectly out of the oven.

"Wait till you try these" Hiro smiled as he sliced the two pizzas and distributed the slices equally.

He started eating his own as nostalgia hit him hard, pizza was his childhood comfort food.

Soon, under 5 minutes, all the pizza was gone as everyone had a satisfied expression on their face.

"So, what's this dish called Hiro?" Ino asked as she drank some water.

"Its called Pizza, it's one of my favorite childhood dishes" Hiro said.

"How come you make a new dish everytime, and it's something that we haven't seen or even heard about???" Ino asked once again.

Hiro just smiled at that and said "My parents were Spice merchants Ino, they wandered the entire world for business, as such they picked up some cuisine and food styles konoha is yet to see"

"What I've made till now isn't even one percent of what I know"

Hiro smiled even more as he finished his saying "The world is quite big Ino, there exists things out of konoha that once can't imagine in their wildest dreams, and it's my dream to search for all of them, to know about every secret there is in this world."

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