
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 22 - Graduation, Getting Jounin rank

Finn stood in academy training ground with Hiruzen, principle, Finn's class teacher and Finn's classmates standing and watching.

"Finn, what changed your mind?" Hiruzen asked Finn. The other day, Finn clearly stated that he won't graduate for now.

Finn smiled and said. "Lord 3rd, I think I have done my training. Now I want to gain experience which is necessary for my growth."

Hiruzen nodded. "Finn, then let me see just how strong your strength is? Come here."

A young man from Uchiha clan came. His age was about 20 years old. "My name is Itsuki Uchiha." Itsuki introduced himself to Finn. Finn nodded and looked at Hiruzen in confusion.

"Finn for you, I have prepared a special graduation exam. Itsuki is a mid Jounin rank ninja from Uchiha clan. If you defeat Itsuki then I will directly promote you to Jounin rank."

Everyone was shocked by the Hiruzen's words. "Come on, Finn can't never defeat a Jounin rank ninja." Obito felt extremely jealous of Finn.

Everyone was completely sure that Finn would lose to Itsuki. Only 3rd Hokage's mysteriously smiled.

Finn smiled in response. "Sure, I really wanted to fight someone and try my skills anyway."

Itsuki and Finn stood in front of each other while others stood out the training ground. Everyone looked excited. Some boys were very excited to see Finn get beaten by Itsuki.

Finn rushed towards Itsuki. Finn didn't use his speed yet. He was only using one third of his speed and strength.

Itsuki blocked Finn's punch and tried to attack Finn with a kunai. Finn easily dodged the kunai.

Finn blocked Itsuki's punch with right arm and used his left arm to punch Itsuki's chest. Itsuki wasn't able dodge in such close range. Itsuki felt a hammer was crushed on his chest. Itsuki retreated back and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Such a terrifying strength" Hiruzen said. "This kid's strength has grown in such short time or did not hold back when he fought against Kakashi."

Hiruzen knew that Finn could become the next power holder of the leaf. "Looks like I have found another good seed for leaf's future."

Fire style:- Dragon flame Jutsu

Itsuki knew from Finn's movement and strength that he wasn't Finn's match in close combat.

A dragon looking like flame headed towards Finn. Finn threw a kunai up in the sky.

"What is he doing?" Hiruzen and everyone was confused.

When the dragon flame was about to hit Finn, Finn just vanished from his position. He reappeared in the sky, where the kunai was.

"What teleportation Jutsu?" Hiruzen was completely shocked. The only two persons who learned teleportation Jutsu was his former sensei and Minato.

Everyone in the whole academy was completely shocked. Might guy, Kurenai mouth was wide open in shock.

Finn again reappeared on the same position he was standing before.

Lighting style:- Lighting dragon

A huge blue color lighting dragon formed in front of Finn. The lighting dragon was almost 2.5 meters big.

Itsuki knew that he can't dodge this attack. Even he felt very nervous and life threatening.

Earth style:- Underground passage.

Itsuki made a tunnel inside the ground and went there to hide.

The lighting dragon rose in the air and then fall on the ground at very high speed.


The whole training ground was destroyed. There was a big crater in the middle which was about 5 meters deep and 5 meters wide.

Hiruzen and others looked at this scene in complete shock. Hiruzen suddenly remembered about poor Itsuki. "Quick call the medical ninja." Hiruzen ordered in hurry.

Finn again disappeared and reappeared with his teleportation Jutsu in seconds. Finn was carrying injured Itsuki. His whole body was covered in blood. This both arms were broken.

Fortunately, Finn had moved the lighting dragon away in time otherwise, Itsuki would have died there.

"Finn, how much chakra do you have left?" Hiruzen asked. This Jutsu was definitely a half S rank Jutsu.

"I can make 4 more lighting dragon with my remaining chakra." Hiruzen mouth was wide open in shock.

'He is clearly at low Kage level, no maybe above that. Finn can become the perfect candidate for 5th or 6th Hokage.' Hiruzen made up his mind to nurture Finn as the future Hokage. Finn didn't know what Hiruzen had in his mind.

"Finn Anderson, I hereby promote you to high rank Jounin ninja. Congratulations!" Hiruzen decided to go for Jounin rank even though Finn strength exceeded Jounin rank

"Thank you lord Hokage." Finn then received his leaf hand band.

Finn's classmates and teachers looked at this scene in shock. They never knew Finn was this strong. Kurenai and Guy was even more motivated to caught with Finn.

"Finn tomorrow came to my office. You will receive your first mission." Hiruzen left after saying that.

Finn turned to look at Kurenai and Guy. "Let's celebrate. Let's go for BBQ." Kurenai and Guy nodded and followed Finn.

Finn had no connection with rest of his classmates. So he didn't invite anyone else.

"Do you guys mind if I bring some else to join?" Finn asked. Kurenai and Guy shook their head.

Finn teleported back and bought Kaguya over. Kurenai face showed a trace of jealousy when she saw Kaguya.

"Meet Kaguya, she lives with me." Finn introduced Kaguya to Guy and Kurenai. Kurenai already had guessed what relationship Kaguya had with Finn. But she was still willing to try her luck.

After introducing each other, everyone chatted and eat. Kurenai didn't show any jealousy on her face.

Kaguya felt that Kurenai also had feelings for Finn. She can tell that Kurenai was extremely jealousy.

After eating, Finn said goodbye to Kurenai and Guy, then they returned home through teleportation.

"Kaguya, don't you think we should have our own house?" Finn suddenly asked. Kaguya looked at Finn and replied. "I don't care where I live. As long as I have you with me"

Finn felt touched and hugged Kaguya and let her head rest on his chest. "No…I am asking like how about building our own home and live there. I don't feel any sense of belonging here. Remember we only came here to complete our mission."

"Since we are going to leave the village after completing your mission, how about we look for a place that is far away from conflict and make our home there." Kaguya's words made Finn very excited.

"That's a very good idea. We can also buy a house here. Since, I will came back here in the future."

Kaguya nodded in agreement.

"Kaguya, do you have any way of getting your powers back?" Finn asked. Kaguya shook her head and said. "In future when your are strong enough you could just lift the seal and my powers will return. But I won't have the ten tails powers."

Finn gave her a light kiss. "As you wish ma'am"

Finn played around with Kaguya for the whole day and didn't go out.

[~Finn Anderson







→Bloodline:- Azure Dragon bloodline (Half dragon)

→Skills: Taijutsu (Mastery), Transformation, Kenjutsu (mastery), Substitution, Shadow Clone, Flying thunder god,

→Innate ability:-Tenseigan, Sage body (Divine), Azure dragon wings (Divine)

→Nature:- lighting, Fire, water

→SP points:- 50

→Attribute points:- 0

→Money:-10,054,750 Ryo.

→Kaguya:- 90+

→Rin Nohara:- 67+

→Tsunade:- 9+

→Inventory:- Zangetsu Sword. ]