
Chapter 62 Third Exam


Today, Konoha reached an unprecedented prosperity as the wide streets were filled with travelers from different nations.

The bright sky above only heightened the mode and with smiles and expectations on faces, everyone strode towards the fighting square.


Fighting Square.

At a glance, the whole arena was packed with people the atmosphere hot and eye catching.

On the roof, sat the Third Hokage Sarutobi with another figure wearing blue hat, the fourth Kazekage.

"Wow! so many people!!"

At this moment, the entrance gate of the ground below was opened and the contestants entered the ground.

A kid with orange jacket and blonde hair was stunned seeing the massive crowd.

"Oh~ its the fox brat, how did he reached this far!!"

The crowd immediately recognized Naruto and wondered how the demon could reach this far in the exam.

"Okay, kids line up we don't have the whole day!!"

At this moment a figure donned in Jonin attire appeared before Naruto and the others.

He had brown hair, a bandana tied on his head and a senbon in his mouth.

"Huh, three people are less!!"

Hearing his orders, everyone lined up quickly but the actual number of people were only 9 instead of 12.

"Where's Satoru-Kun?"

Ino who stood among the contestants, looked around but didn't find the person she wanted to see so badly.

"Yeah, Sasuke is missing as well"

"And Dosu as well!!"

Naruto was also confused after not finding Gaara and Shikamaru who had a troubled look on his face also found the Sound Ninja Missing.

Seeing the situation, Genma the proctor looked towards Sarutobi as it was up to him to decide.

"Disqualify both Dosu and Gojo as there match is the first, and we can't wait for them"

"About Sasuke we can wait as his match is in the middles"

After thinking for a while, Sarutobi decided to disqualify both Gojo and Dosu as feudal lords can't wait much.

But Sasuke he couldn't disqualify him as most people were here for him the last survivor of Uchiha Clan.

Gojo may be strong but he wasn't that famous at all, but Sasuke was different, he couldn't disqualify him as it would anger the feudal lords.


"It seems you have started Danzo!!"

Orochimaru who was disguised as fourth Kazekage thought and a smile appeared on his face as he knew the last obstacle was successfully lured away.

"How can this be?"

A sad look appeared on the face of Ino as hearing the decision of Sarutobi she felt frustrated in her heart.

Ino knows how strong how Gojo is and she wanted him to show his strength before everyone to prove that he is the best Genin of Konoha, not Sasuke.

But now him being disqualified really hit her head and her mood to fight was lessened a lot.


"Where could that guy be?"

Naruto was also sad as he felt bad for his best friend while Neji wondered where Gojo could be.

Neji knows how much of a show off Gojo is he would never miss such an opportunity to act arrogantly before everyone.

But him missing such an occasion really made Neji unable to guess what had happened.

"Is he dealt with already?"

Temari on the other hand had a guess in her mind as she was told about some changes in plan after Baki learned about the strength of Gojo.

"Except for Naruto and Neji everyone else go to the stands.."

Genma didn't wait anymore and quickly announced the start of the first match as everyone except Neji, Naruto and the proctor left the ground.

The fight between Naruto and Neji began in the absence of Gojo.

At first the fight was completely one sided but as time passed Naruto began to show his magic.

It's over I have sealed all your chakra point, give up it's your destiny to lose

Looking at Naruto who was having a hard time standing up, Neji said with an indifferent face.

"Don't look down on others...one's fate is in his own hands...I...won't lose..."

Said Naruto not in the mood to give up all as everyone in the crowd hearing his words were stunned, not expecting such words from Naruto.

"Hey~ this guy is still the same"

Shikamaru leaning on the fence spoke as others in the crowd may not know but he is well aware of the stubborn personality of Naruto.

"What is that chakra?"

Red chakra suddenly burst out of Naruto scaring Neji as he couldn't understand what kind of power this was.

The fight once started and finally a loud explosion resounded throughout the square and before everyone, the trembling Neji on his feet appeared.

In the pit lay Naruto as it proved who had won and who had lost.

"The winner____"


But just when Genma was about to announce the winner, the ground underneath Neji broke and Naruto roared out his punch connecting to the chin of Neji.

Neji coughed blood and shot in the air before the falling down not able to move an inch.

"The winner Naruto Uzumaki!!"

"Naruto, he won!!"


"That kid has talent!!"

Sakura was ecstatic seeing Naruto winning and even those in the crowd who hated Naruto stood up, applauding as he deserved it.

"Haha!! I won!!"

Naruto ran around the ground giving flying kisses everywhere.

"Oh~ it seems I was late, the party ended already"

Just when everyone was applauding Naruto, they heard a teasing voice and saw a figure floating in the air.

He had white hair fluttering in the air and wore an high necked purple attire, his shining blue eyes mesmerizing everyone who looked at them.

And some red blood was dripping down from his hands, shocking anyone who looked at him.

{AN:- Gojo's fight I will write it don't worry}

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