
Naruto: Satoru Gojo

Gojo who finally dealt with Kenjaku suddenly finds himself in another world and hopes to find a worthy opponent in this world but in the end he had to say these words again. "Throughout Heaven and Earth; I Alone am Honored"

Shinigami_8468 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 22 Vacations


Third Training Ground.

"16 palms... 32 palms … 64 palms!!!"

With the quick movements of his hands, Neji attacked Gojo continuously, giving him no time to breathe, but it had no use.

"What is happening?"

Neji looked at Gojo with some confusion and shock evident in his eyes as he couldn't understand what had just happened now.

It's been 6 months since they have graduated, and together they have been performing missions continuously.

Just yesterday, they went on a mission to exterminate bandits in a town near Konoha, but Neji, with his own eyes, saw Gojo taking them down in a blink of an eye.

He couldn't understand what just happened as one moment the bandits stood fine before him and the next moment they were all lying on the ground with holes in their hearts.

That time he saw Gojo grinning, standing between the corpses; Neji felt cold all over and understood that he never could understand his friend clearly.

Guy wasn't with them on the mission, so the three of them returned after dealing with the bandits, and today when Gojo came to the training ground, Neji challenged him.

"Haha~ why do you seem so surprised?"

Gojo grinned as he enjoyed teasing Neji and his shocked look was really funny and worth laughing at.

"Why can't I hit you?"

If Gojo had dodged his soft fist, then he could understand it, but he clearly saw his fists slowing down as they approached Gojo before stopping completely or being bounced back.

"Hmm~ you want to know?"

Seeing the puzzled Neji, Gojo rubbed his chin and looked at him for an answer, and the blindfold made Neji unable to guess what he was thinking.

"Forget it ~ one day, I will figure it out myself"

Neji knew this guy would definitely ask about that in return as after staying him with for so long, he understands the character of Gojo.

He is carefree, arrogant, and highly confident in his abilities, and his every action has some motive behind it.

This guy would definitely not tell him something about his strange ability and the reason why he covers his eyes with a blindfold which even his Byakugan can't see through, for nothing?

"Sigh~ you are no fun"

Seeing Neji giving up, Gojo sighed with a disappointed expression.

Actually, Gojo wanted to know about his past, and he once did try to ask Neji, who refused immediately, making him even more curious.

Gojo could see that Neji was curious about his abilities and thought of exchanging secrets, but his plan failed in the end.

"I am going back and... I may have lost today, but… one day, I will defeat you"

Today Neji was able to confirm the gap between himself and Gojo and to be honest, he could see that he was far behind Gojo.

But this didn't stop Neji from working hard, and unknowingly Neji began to work hard to change his fate against his own principles.

"Well~, it's time for me to go on a vacation"

Seeing Neji leaving, Gojo also thought about his vacation as they were given rest for 10 days after continuous missions in these six months.

Gojo naturally had plans to enjoy his holidays, and it couldn't get much better with teleportation.

Usually, a Genin wouldn't be allowed to leave the village unless it's a mission, but Gojo was sneaking out, and through teleportation, no one would be able to find out that he is not in the village.

During these six months, Gojo has gotten a good idea about the geography of Land of Fire and Neighboring nations so he can quickly teleport back to the village whenever he wants.


Gojo quickly teleported back home and prepared his backpack for the journey.

Gojo put some snacks in the backpack, some clothes along with the 2 million Ryo he saved after six months of ongoing missions.

"It's time to go~"

Gojo grinned, and the next moment he disappeared from his place, leaving the room empty.


Toyaku Town.

One of the most prosperous and famous towns of the Land of Fire, and the reason why it is renowned is due to a large amount of Casino.

Simply, it is a town of gamblers, where numerous people arrive every day in the hope of making a fortune and getting rich overnight.

But today, in the prosperous town, a strange guest entered as he stood out the most even in the vast number of people.

Wearing a black blindfold that covered his eyes with white hair spiked up, the figure was around 1:7m, fairly tall for his age.

The Konoha headband was coiled on his right arm, proving his identity as a Ninja.

"Hmm~ as expected of one the most famous towns, it seems I'm really going to make a fortune today"

A considerable amount of money is required for someone like Gojo to fully enjoy the vacations, so he first decided to swell his wallet here.

Gojo would never steal even if he needed money and would earn money the right way.

"Hey, move away; let me see"

"Is it true?"

"Is she finally here?"

Gojo, who couldn't wait to gamble, suddenly heard some voices and saw many gamblers gathered outside the biggest Casino as they all were looking in the direction of the town's entrance with excitement in their eyes.

This aroused the interest of Gojo as he also looked in the direction of the entrance of the town.