
Naruto: Sakura’s Twin Brother

Shinji was walking home from track training when, on his way, he encounters a truck that begins chasing him. Being an anime nerd, Shinji instantly put a label on this truck, calling it Truck-kun. Eventually, he gives in to Truck-Kun, as he knows he cannot escape, and wakes up in the Shinobi world as Sakura's Twin Brother. Shinji's goal is to explore the Shinobi world and do as he wishes. He is a big fan of Naruto, so he is able progress faster than the geniuses within the show. The story will not be identical to the Canon. Neither will I be explaining obvious details of the Naruto world. Also the MC was just a track-runner in his past life, don't expect him to come with prebuilt intuition, on how to deal with dangerous situations; he learns this overtime. The story is set in the main Naruto timeline. Make sure to Join my discord: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU. No space between dis and cord.

DrWright · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Shinobi World

Authors Note: Welcome to my new Fan-fic. Make sure to leave good reviews and Powerstones. Also join my discord, I'll be answering questions and giving updates of chapter releases (Even sneak peeks. You can talk to me directly about the story. My discord is: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU. There is no space between dis and cord. I look forward to seeing you there. 

Shinji felt accomplished; he had just completed his track training and was finally headed home. While walking down the dimly lit street, he noticed an item inside the grocery store. It was the limited edition Sakura figure he had been looking for but never had the chance to get his hands on.

"Yes! This day keeps getting better and better!" he yelled, his voice echoing down the street. Shinji frantically ran into the store and stood before the figure. He spent a couple of seconds admiring it before taking it off the shelf. After successfully purchasing the item, he left the store rejoicing, dancing around and laughing out loud. The streets were empty, and everyone was already inside due to the sun setting. The light radiating from the setting sun shone an orange light on the figure, making it glow.

"I should probably head back now. Today was a success; it's definitely going down in my journal," Shinji laughed while strutting home.

As Shinji continued to strut home, something caught his attention. There was a light behind him, and it wasn't the light coming from the sun either; it was that of a vehicle. Feeling uneasy, Shinji quickly turned, trying to figure out why he was being followed by a vehicle. Ironically, it was a truck.

"Looks like Truck-Kun has finally come to get me, it's about time," Shinji mocked. Shinji continued to walk home, ignoring the truck behind him. "Things like that don't happen in reality," he thought to himself. The truck persisted. Shinji was becoming slightly unnerved; the reality that the truck may truly be following him dawned on him. Shinji began to pick up his pace, walking faster than he was before. The truck persisted.

"This feels like something out of a horror movie... Has Truck-Kun really come for me? Now I know what Yusuke felt…" Shinji muttered before running into an alley and jumping over a fence. His heart was hammering in his chest, adrenaline flooding his system. He turned a corner only to find Truck-Kun waiting for him.

"I guess it's inevitable; I give up! Send me to the Shinobi world at least!" Shinji shouted. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as Shinji felt the impact of Truck-Kun's forceful blow. A deafening thud could be heard throughout the street. Shinji now lay on the floor.

"This is a lot more painful than I thought it'd be," he croaked, as he slowly lost consciousness. Shinji finally felt relaxed as the darkness engulfed him, calming his nerves, and the pain fading away. In the distance, there was a glimmer; Shinji reached out, trying to take hold of it. The ethereal glow began to grow in intensity, bathing him in its radiance until it consumed him completely.

Shinji began to regain his consciousness. Blinking against the harsh glare, he found himself staring at a familiar sight; it was the ceiling of a room. "So I survived then, huh? I'm probably at a hospital," he thought. But before he could complete the sentence, something above him caused his heart to race with excitement and anxiety. A giant face loomed over him, a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair with a single bang that fell down into her face.

"M-m-m MEBUKI HARUNO?!" he exclaimed, his voice catching in disbelief. Shinji couldn't believe it; the request to be transported to the world of Naruto was simply a joke to cope with the cold reality of the situation. "If I had known, I would've asked for Truck-Kun's signature!" he complained.

Although Shinji was talking, Mebuki didn't seem to hear anything he was saying. "I guess I'm in a baby's body then.." Shinji thought to himself. Upon assessing the situation further, something occurred to him, "If Mebuki is my mother... Doesn't that make me SAKURA??" he pondered.

All the distress must've had an effect because the body Shinji was in began crying. "Aww, come here," Mebuki said lifting Shinji and trying to get him to calm down. "If you cry, so will your sister," Mebuki explained, now holding Shinji in a way that enabled him to see the other baby that was sleeping.

Shinji was now perplexed; the baby that he was looking at had to be Sakura, but who was he? This constant confusion didn't help the situation; Shinji's body continued to cry, this time even louder. "I think our little Shinji is hungry, dear; maybe he needs to be breastfed," a deep voice said, now coming into view. It was a man with blue eyes and dull-pink hair styled into the shape of a cherry blossom.

"Kizashi Haruno!" Shinji yelled. "So even in this world, my name is Shinji? I didn't expect that," he thought. Mebuki turned to face Kizashi and said, "Yes, dear, I think you're right; he may be hungry." Shinji frowned at the thought of being suckled at the age of eighteen; he couldn't allow this to happen.

"N-no, NO, STOP!" he screamed, hoping he would be freed from the nightmare that was to come. The nightmare he dreaded became a reality. On the good side, the body stopped crying; however, misfortune had descended on Shinji, as the thing he feared came to be.

"I really am in the Shinobi world, and it appears I am Sakura's brother… This could be incredibly fun!" Shinji thought. As excited as Shinji was, he knew that he was about to experience more danger than he had ever known. Despite the fear he felt, Shinji was determined to survive and have the time of his life.

My discord is: dis cord.gg/wkhPUDrmyU . Make sure to join. There's no space between dis and cord.