
Naruto: Sage of the Fallen Moon

A life not lived, a tragic fate, rebirth of a Sage. Test Subject 398 never got to truly live his life. The first memories he had were of a plain white room and the dreaded Tubes. There were Tubes in his arms, taking blood from him and putting nutrients in. It was like he was a factory for his blood. He didn't know why he had to live like that, but that is what his life was. Due to his slowly fracturing mind, the people who fed him and ran tests decided to let him read manga and watch anime. But what he discovered was he might not even be the same species as these people. When Fate turned an accident into his cause of death, a magical glowing man told him he could live again. {I have made some changes to the story path I originally intended. From now on, I will try to write when possible, so the releases will be somewhat Random}

Night_on_the_Town · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Yuto Kuri

'A warm place that is squeezing me? Cold!'

"Congratulations, it's a boy!" a woman said as she lifted up the baby.

A sharp pain on his butt made him cry out, then he was wrapped in a warm blanket and given to his mother.

A man entered the room and came closer to his wife, "What will we name him?"

The man's question made the woman smile, "How about Yuto, Yuto Kuri. He will be a fine merchant one day, just like his father."

The man laughed, "Maybe he will be a ninja instead. I heard they accept Civilians into the Academy so there could be a chance for him to succeed."

The woman patted the man's arm, "I heard that most Civilians don't have what it takes even if they pass the Academy, they have to pass a real test afterward and most fail that test."

The man scratched his head, "I never heard that."

The woman giggled, "Well, I overheard an instructor from the Academy complain how only three teams passed the real final test and they had a bunch of kids returning."

He nodded, "I see, well, I still hope our son can be the first ninja in the family."

"Me too, that would be great..."


Three Years passed, and the peculiarities of 'Normal' had finally started to make sense to Yuto. He lived in Konoha with his mother, and his father traveled around gathering things to sell and earn money. It was slightly dangerous work, but it paid well if you knew what you were doing.

Yuto was in the park with his mom and could see several major figures from the future here. The Ino-Shika-Cho group was playing with a pink haired girl that was probably Sakura, there was a young TenTen who's parents were friends with Yuto's mom, and there was Sasuke Uchiha acting like he was boss of the world accompanied by his mom.

Naruto was here before, but got run off by the parents, much to Yuto's disappointment. He wanted to play with Naruto, but his mom told him not to and said that if he didn't listen, she wouldn't bring him to the park anymore.

Since Yuto couldn't play with his favorite character, he would try playing with his first crush, which he only recently found out was what it was.

He approached the group of four kids playing and smiled at Ino, "Hi. My name is Yuto, what is your name?"

She smiled back, "My name is Ino, this is Shikamaru, Choji, and Sakura."

"Can I play with you guys?" Yuto asked.

Ino looked at her friends and they nodded, "Sure. What should we play?"

Yuto said, "Let's play Ninja!"

The others agreed, so they all started playing like they were on a secret mission. Yuto stood next to a tree and tried the tree walking exercise but with his hands and surprisingly, it worked. He seemed to just 'know' how to use his chakra instinctually for some reason. His new friends were impressed and started asking him how he did it.

He felt a bit embarrassed since he forgot that kids this age didn't have their Chakra Unlocked usually for safety reasons.

"Sorry, I think I unlocked my Chakra on my own by accident. I think we are supposed to wait until we are at least five to unlock it normally, with civilians like me waiting until we enter the Academy."

Ino remembered her father saying something similar, "Oh, so that is how you did it. Did someone unlock yours for you?"

He shook his head, "No, I just realized I could use it just now."

She looked impressed, "That is pretty cool."

He blushed at her compliment. Then he thought of something, "Wait a moment, I will be right back."

He rushed over to his mom and asked her something, then rushed back with a big smile, "Um, Ino, if it is ok with your mom, do you want to come with me to eat some ice cream?"

Ino blushed a bit and nodded, "Sure!"

She then repeated what Yuto did previously. Then the four of them left the park and bought ice cream at a small stand nearby. Yuto was enjoying his time with Ino when she asked a question of him that he was confused by.

"Um...Yuto, why do you wear makeup around your eyes?"

He tilted his head, "I'm not wearing makeup."

She pouted and spoke to his mom next, "Yuto lied and said he isn't wearing makeup."

His mom gave a little laugh, "He isn't wearing any. He was born with those markings around his eyes. Actually, if you look into his eyes you can see a moon in them. It is really weird but my son seems to be special somehow."

Ino decided to try and was surprised, you had to look straight into his eyes but there really was a moon in them. Her mom thought of something and said, "Perhaps it is like Lord Jiraiya. I will ask my husband later about it."

His mom nodded. Even she knew Lord Jiraiya was powerful, he was a sannin after all. If her son really had his potential, that would be great!