
Naruto: Sage of the Fallen Moon

A life not lived, a tragic fate, rebirth of a Sage. Test Subject 398 never got to truly live his life. The first memories he had were of a plain white room and the dreaded Tubes. There were Tubes in his arms, taking blood from him and putting nutrients in. It was like he was a factory for his blood. He didn't know why he had to live like that, but that is what his life was. Due to his slowly fracturing mind, the people who fed him and ran tests decided to let him read manga and watch anime. But what he discovered was he might not even be the same species as these people. When Fate turned an accident into his cause of death, a magical glowing man told him he could live again. {I have made some changes to the story path I originally intended. From now on, I will try to write when possible, so the releases will be somewhat Random}

Night_on_the_Town · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Three Years Later

Yuto arrived at the classroom in the academy and found a spot to sit down. Most of the Civilian Students in the class had already shown up and were chatting excitedly.

Over the last three years, Yuto's markings had changed. The markings around his eyes turned orange with a bit of silver at the edges, and his pupils turned squarish, but had the same silver color they always had and still revealed a moon when looked at closely.

Some of the girls were giving him blushed glances, as he had become fairly good looking after beginning his Kata Training. Not that he noticed. 

After some time, a shout was heard from the door, "Yuto!"

A blond haired girl with pupiless light blue eyes rushed over and gave him a hug, "Hi, Ino-chan. So we are in the same class?"

She smiled and sat next to him, "Yeah, I'm so happy!"

As she talked she placed a hand on her hips as if to try to draw attention to them.

Yuto frowned, "Ino, it isn't good to starve yourself. It can make you sick or cause damage to your body."

Ino looked hurt, "But...I wanted to look good for you."

Yuto put a hand on her back, "Ino, even if you were as big as Choji, you would still be beautiful to me. Don't hurt yourself because you can't see that. It would make me sad."

She blushed deeply and nodded, "OK. I will eat normally again."

Soon, there was a squeal of girls, revealing Sasuke Uchiha had arrived. A pink haired girl followed him like a puppy along with a few other girls.

Ino noticed something and asked a question she wasn't sure about, "Yuto, why is your lunchbox buzzing?"

Yuto tilted his head, "One of the Toads made me a bento for my first day of school."

Ino seemingly confused asked, "Why would it be buzzing?"

"Because Toads eat flies of course. What else did you think was in there?" he replied.

She looked a bit sick, "You eat flies?"

He nodded, "When I go to train, that is my lunch, why?"

She grabbed his arm and replied, "It isn't good to eat something gross like that. I will share my lunch with you, so don't eat something so gross."

'Compared to the food I ate before I reincarnated, they are delicious though. Oh well, I will make Ino happy.'

"OK, Ino-chan. Mom will be making me lunch from now on though, so you don't have to worry. Make sure to eat properly though, ok?"

She smiled and nodded, "OK!"

The blond haired Naruto entered the class and headed for the back. He looked both happy and nervous to be around so many kids.

Yuto raised a hand and said, "Hello, my name is Yuto Kuri, what is your name?"

Naruto looked shocked that someone talked to him, and friendly like, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

With a smile, Yuto replied, "Nice to meet you. And you too."

Yuto had looked at his stomach when he said the second greeting, which confused Naruto, "Why did you greet my stomach?"

Yuto smiled again, "It is only proper to greet you both after all."

Naruto was still confused but nodded, "You are kind of weird Yuto."

Inside Naruto, the fox seemed to realize that while he looked away from Naruto's eyes, thus his own sight, he looked at where the seal was.



The day ended, and Ino was walking beside Yuto down the street. Yuto reached out his hand and took Ino's, which caused her to blush, but she didn't take her hand away.

Suddenly, there was an Oppressive feeling washing over the street. A dangerous aura seemed to be seeping out of a blond haired man not far in front of them while his eyes kept flashing between blue and red, like he was trying to activate Sharingan.

"Little bastard! Unhand my Princess!" he yelled and launched himself forward.

Suddenly, a black flash appeared, followed by the sound of something being hit hard. A woman walked up and caught a frying pan that was flipping down from the air and grabbed the now unconscious blond man's leg.

"Hello Yuto. Have a good date," she said with a smile before dragging the man away.

"OK, Mother," he replied.

Ino blushed, "Why do you always call my mom Mother?"

"She told me to. She said that if I wanted to be with you, I needed to call her Mother," he replied while tilting his head.

Ino blushed a deeper color of red while making a little fist and whispering, "Good Job Mom."

They stopped off at a sweet shop where they bought crepes. At Yuto's suggestion, they each took a bite of the other ones. He had seen it in a manga once, so he figured that is what you are supposed to do on a date. The older girls in the shop were looking at them with hearts in their eyes. Like they were precious treasures for their future gossip.

After the crepes, he walked her home and to his surprise she gave him a kiss before quickly retreating into the flower shop. He smiled and went home to tell his mom about his day.

Meanwhile, in a sealed chamber, the Civilian Counsel was having a meeting without the Hokage present. Instead, Danzo Simura was leading the meeting.

"We should vote for the Kuri Clan to be started and have several Kunoichi chosen to help him started properly. Of course, we will need to enact the Clan Restoration Act to make sure his clan grows properly. We can't let a Kekkei Genkai this valuable disappear because of that soft hearted Hiruzen," the bandaged Danzo said.

The counsel nodded in agreement, "We should start getting girls in his class close to him. While my daughter told me that the Yamanaka girl is very close to him already, we need to make sure there are more. What if we get a Hyuga or Uchiha to have his children? What kind of change would his special chakra make to their Sharingan and Byakugan?"

There were some more agreements, and even Danzo wondered if that would do something special to them.

He nodded, 'I will spare a couple Uchiha Girls to add to his group. Perhaps Sage Chakra will fix the problem with Eye Power being depleted.'