
Naruto: Sage of the Fallen Moon

A life not lived, a tragic fate, rebirth of a Sage. Test Subject 398 never got to truly live his life. The first memories he had were of a plain white room and the dreaded Tubes. There were Tubes in his arms, taking blood from him and putting nutrients in. It was like he was a factory for his blood. He didn't know why he had to live like that, but that is what his life was. Due to his slowly fracturing mind, the people who fed him and ran tests decided to let him read manga and watch anime. But what he discovered was he might not even be the same species as these people. When Fate turned an accident into his cause of death, a magical glowing man told him he could live again. {I have made some changes to the story path I originally intended. From now on, I will try to write when possible, so the releases will be somewhat Random}

Night_on_the_Town · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Naruto spent the week in class just looking at the girls while thinking about how to rebuild his clan. The Uzumaki were once a powerful clan after all. He had started sitting next to Hinata to try and help with her shyness, and after the week, she seemed to acclimate a bit so she wouldn't immediately pass out when he sat next to her.

Hinata looked at Naruto nervously, but decided it was time to ask the question that had bothered her from the first day of class. "U-um, Naruto-Kun? What did you mean about n-nature being wrong for my training methods?"

Naruto smiled at her getting better before replying. "My eyes can see somethings that others can't. Most Hyuga have Wind chakra nature, while you have Water Nature. It would be best to see if your clan has any scrolls that have an adjustment for your nature since the normal Gentle Fist is Wind Nature-specific. That is why you have trouble training it."

Her eyes widened as she realized for the first time that Naruto's eyes were grey and looked like Moons with a horizontal rectangle for pupils. They were somewhat mesmerizing.

"Is that so? I will talk to my father about it. Th-thank you, Naruto-Kun."

Naruto nodded before closing his eyes and meditating. Slowly, he entered his inner-mind.


"Man, this place looks like crap. My old one was much better. Anyways let's go talk to the fox." Naruto mused while looking at the sewer that was around him.

He walked through the tunnel before reaching a large sealed cage that held a dark shadowy figure with glowing red eyes.

"Kyuubi, I would like to talk with you," Naruto spoke without fear.

The shadow moved closer to the cage seal before pouring his malice toward Naruto. "I will kill you! Let me out, you bastard!"

Naruto sat down while waiting for the Kyuubi to stop angrily attacking at him. Once he calmed down, but still looked at him with anger, Naruto started talking again.

"Kyuubi, I know that isn't your name, but I will wait for you to tell me it. Still, Kyuubi, wouldn't you like to be able to live in a nicer place than a sewer? I am willing to hear what kind of place you want to be in, if you are willing to tell me."

The Kyuubi looked at Naruto for a while before asking, "Would you open the seal, even if I told you where I would like to live?"

Naruto smiled gently at the Kyuubi. "When the day comes that you feel you can trust me with your name, I will be willing to trust you with my life."

The words that Naruto spoke struck the Kyuubi hard. It was pretty clear that Naruto would remove the seal if the Kyuubi trusted him and would trust the Kyuubi to not kill him be leaving his body.

"You would trust me to not kill the one who keeps me captive? You wish to use me as a tool too don't you?" the Kyuubi tested this strange boy.

Naruto looked sad for a few moments while talking to the Kyuubi. "I know what it is like to be treated as less than a person. To be bled of everything because it is 'For The Greater Good' of the people. While I am not against helping people, I don't wish to be used as a tool again. I don't want to use you as a tool either, that is why I came here to become your friend, so we can keep ourselves from being just mere tools to the people around us."

Naruto hugged his knees and a shiver ran through him when he remembered the tubes he had to deal with before. The Kyuubi saw his shiver of fear but didn't think it was directed at him, more like a memory that the Kyuubi didn't know about.

"Do you consider me a person?" the Fox couldn't help but ask.

Naruto nodded and gave a calm smile. "You have intelligence and can speak, why wouldn't you be a person?"

The Fox smiled for the first time. He could tell the boy was telling him the truth the whole time so he decided to trust the boy. "My name is Kurama."

Naruto smiled happily as he got up and walked over to the seal. "Kurama, I will need a few weeks to make this sewer into the place you want it to be, so let me know what it is and I can start getting it in shape." He reached up and started pulling the seal from the cage door, but a hand reached out and grabbed his.

"Naruto, you shouldn't remove that, the Kyuubi isn't to be trusted." the Image of the Fourth Hokage stood behind Naruto holding his hand.

"Bastard, I am not like people like you! All I ever wanted was to be free and to be treated like a person! Naruto, release the seal so I can beat up this bastard!"

Naruto smiled at his father, "Sorry Dad, but I trust the person in the cage, so I will release him. I know he wouldn't kill me unless someone controls him, so you don't have to worry." He then pulled hard and removed the seal. Suddenly, several chains appeared coming from a red-haired woman.

"Naruto, I will help you control the Kyuubi so you can use his power." The woman said while looking surprised at the Fourth Hokage who was looking hopelessly at his son.

"No need, Mom. He is my friend, he won't hurt me." Naruto started writing symbols in the air that soon turned into a key that he slotted into the cage door. There was a Click and the door disappeared.

Kurama looked at the two parents angrily but stepped next to Naruto. "I won't hurt him. He, unlike the two of you, actually understands my pain. If he needs power to survive, I am willing to share it with him and control it so he doesn't get hurt. Still, I know the two of you won't last long, so spend some time with your son. He deserves to at least know his parents."

The two parents looked at each other before nodding. Perhaps they had been wrong about the Kyuubi. He hadn't made any attempt to leave and he was reining in his malice so to not affect Naruto.

Naruto spent some time talking with his mom and dad while changing the sewer slowly into a forest with a beach, river, and lake.