

The Root headquarters buzzed with activity as Gin, now codenamed Fox, received a new assignment from Danzo. The task was clear — join a squad and report directly to a Jonin named Viper. A sense of anticipation and mystery lingered as Fox made his way to meet his new teammates.

As Fox entered the briefing room, he was met by two figures, their faces concealed behind masks, adding an air of mystery to the encounter. Hawk, a Chunin woman in her twenties, stood with a stoic expression, her eyes sharp and calculating behind her mask. On the other side of the room was Viper, the Jonin team leader, whose light blue hair caught Fox's attention.

Gin felt a subtle unease creeping in as his gaze lingered on Viper's hair. A flicker of recognition sparked within him, a sense that he knew this mysterious Jonin. However, the memory remained elusive, buried beneath layers of forgotten experiences.

Viper acknowledged Fox with a nod, his eyes veiled behind the mask. The air in the room hung heavy with unspoken tension. Hawk, seemingly unfazed by the silence, maintained her composed demeanour. The age gap between them and Fox was noticeable, but Root operatives were known for their skill rather than their age.

"Fox, this is your squad," Viper's voice cut through the quiet. "Work together, and report directly to me. We have a mission, and precision is crucial."

Fox nodded in acknowledgment, his instincts immediately assessing the dynamics of the team. Hawk's disciplined demeanour suggested an experienced operative, while Viper's masked presence hinted at a level of expertise that intrigued Fox.

"Alright before we proceed, Fox, time to see what you've got," Viper said, his voice steady beneath the mask that concealed his features. He handed the chakra paper to Gin, who took it with a flourish.

With an exaggerated bow, Gin pressed his palm against the paper, infusing it with his chakra. The room held a collective breath as the chakra paper responded to the energy coursing through it. In a surprising twist, the paper didn't merely wrinkle —it split in half, revealing not one but two chakra affinities.

Viper raised an eyebrow, acknowledging the result. "Wind and Lightning," he noted, studying the torn chakra paper. "A deadly combination."

"Looks like I'm not just all talk, huh?" Fox remarked, his amusement evident in his voice. Hawk, the Chunin squad member, observed silently, her stoic demeanour hiding any potential reactions to Fox's antics.

As the chakra nature assessment concluded, Viper shifted the focus to combat evaluation. "Meet me at Root training area 11. We'll assess your abilities in a controlled environment. Hawk, accompany us. Observe closely; we're gauging Fox's potential for future missions."


<Scene 11 Break Root Training Area> 3rd POV

As Gin made his way to the designated location, his thoughts were a whirlwind of curiosity and anticipation.

Root training area 11 was a secluded space, shielded from prying eyes, designed for covert assessments and combat simulations. Fox arrived to find Viper already present.

Hawk, the Chunin squad member looked uninterested and just stood nearby.

The air was charged with anticipation as the two prepared for a sparring match.

"Let's see what you've got, Fox," Viper spoke calmly, his tone betraying none of the intensity that lay beneath.

"Hahahaha" *Giggle* *Giggle*

Gin's laughter echoed through the training area as he lunged forward with inhuman speed. *Swoosh*

 His attacks were a blur of calculated strikes aimed at Viper's vital points. Each movement bore the mark of ruthless precision.

Gin, wielding a wakizashi with deadly precision, couldn't suppress the maniacal laughter bubbling within him. Viper, wearing a mask that betrayed no emotion, observed his subordinate's amusement with an inscrutable gaze.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

Viper, however, proved to be an elusive target. With grace, he adeptly evaded Gin's strikes, countering with a fluidity that spoke of years of experience. The clash of wakizashi against Viper's Kunai created a symphony of steel, echoing through the silent training ground.

A contemplative silence settled over Gin as he acknowledged the stark reality – he was severely outmatched by the seasoned Jonin. Viper, not waiting for Gin to move quickly sprung to action.

He weaved through a series of hand seals with a fluid grace that mirrored the element he controlled.

"Water Style – Water Shuriken Jutsu!!"

His chakra connected with the surrounding moisture, and in an instant, he materialized multiple small shurikens made entirely of water.

*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*

With a flick of his wrist, Viper sent the watery shurikens hurtling towards Gin, who stood ready with a quiet intensity. His eyes, glinted with an analytical focus as he assessed the incoming onslaught.

*Giggle* *Giggle* 'Reminds me of the stupid arrow trainings…' thought Gin

Gin's response was nothing short of extraordinary. With animalistic reflexes that seemed to transcend his age, he contorted his body in a breathtaking display of agility. Each twist and turn evaded the watery shurikens with uncanny precision and minimal effort.

Yet, Viper was no stranger to skilled adversaries. Adjusting the trajectory of his water shurikens mid-flight, He aimed to exploit the limitations of Gin's evasive manoeuvres. Despite his impressive dodges, a few shurikens grazed him, leaving trails of blood on his clothing.

*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*

*Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip* *Fwip*

As the assault intensified, Gin found himself at the edge of the training grounds, the relentless barrage closing in. In a split-second decision, he channelled chakra through a substitution Jutsu, disappearing into a swirl of leaves as a wooden log materialized in his place. The water shurikens collided with the decoy, dispersing it into a cloud of leaves.

Gin materialized a few meters away, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

The Jonin, undeterred by Gin's substitution, conjured another set of water shurikens

"Water Style – Water Shuriken Jutsu!!"

This time with a heightened ferocity, Viper unleashed the Shuriken onslaught toward Gin, A dance of liquid projectiles cutting through the air. Each strike calculated to pierce through Gin's defences.

Gin, recognizing the need for a swift manoeuvre, executed a substitution Jutsu again. Leaves swirled around him as he vanished from his original position, leaving behind a wooden log to absorb the impact of the remaining shurikens.

Gin reappeared several meters away.

As Gin contemplated his next move, a sudden burst of movement disrupted the stillness. Viper, at speeds seemingly defying the laws of physics, closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

He materialized behind Gin; a kunai poised at his neck with an assertive yet controlled force.

'This Fucker..'

Gin, with a predatory instinct, sensed the intrusion behind him. In a split-second reaction, he had his wakizashi drawn and facing backward, targeting Viper's liver. The moonlight painted a surreal picture of two warriors locked in a dangerous dance, each holding a lethal blade against the other.

Viper, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise, halted his motion. The kunai at Gin's neck maintained its poised position, while Gin's wakizashi pressed against Viper's side with a quiet resolve. The Area seemed frozen in time, the delicate balance between life and death hanging in the air.

"You're quick," Viper acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of Surprise. "But speed alone won't save you if your instincts betray you."

Gin, grinned in contemplation, and replied, "And skill alone won't ensure victory if you underestimate your ~opponent."

Viper, with a subtle nod, withdrew his kunai, stepping back from the brink. Gin, too, sheathed his wakizashi.

Viper, with a calm demeanour, observed as Gin walked away, his silver hair tousled from the intensity of their encounter.

"Fox, Head to the medic department for treatment," Viper instructed, his voice carrying a mixture of acknowledgment. Gin, acknowledging his words with a silent nod, made his way towards the medic department.

As Gin retreated for treatment, Viper approached Hawk, another skilled shinobi who had been a spectator to the intense bout. Hawk, known for her sharp observations and analytical mind, awaited Viper with a nod of acknowledgment. "Quite the spar, Viper."

Viper nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Hawk. I value your insights. What did you observe in Fox's performance?"

Hawk took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "Fox's speed is exceptional, on par with that of a Special Jonin. His reflexes are abnormal, almost beyond human. However, his combat strategy is lacking and his Ninjutsu arsenal is lacking most likely due to him being a civilian with limited resources. He seems to rely too heavily on his speed and agility, leaving him vulnerable in certain situations."

Viper considered Hawk's assessment, his eyes reflecting a discerning gaze. "Interesting. What's your overall evaluation of his strength?"

Hawk took a measured breath. "Putting it between High Genin and Low Chunin level. His raw abilities are there, but he needs refinement and a more strategic approach to elevate his combat capabilities."

Viper smirked a glint of amusement in his voice. "You're astute, Hawk. But let me share something with you. Fox knew he was fighting a clone during our spar. He likely held back for a reason."

Hawk's eyes widened in surprise. "A clone? But why would he hold back if he knew?"

Viper's smirk deepened. "That's the question, isn't it? There's more to Fox than meets the eye. He's playing a game, and we're just beginning to understand the rules."

As the two shinobi continued their conversation, Gin emerged from the medic department, his injuries tended to. He approached Viper and Hawk with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Back already, Fox?" Viper remarked, noting the playful energy that seemed to surround him.

Gin flashed a playful smile, his eyes dancing with a subtle mischief. "Well, you know medics – always efficient."

Viper raised an eyebrow at his light-hearted response.

Viper, with a nod towards Gin, decided to provide feedback on the spar. "Your speed and reflexes are impressive, Fox. Hawk here thinks your capabilities put you between High Genin and Low Chunin levels. However, she also notes a lack of strategic depth in your combat approach."

'Hmm….This weak bitch thinks she can assess my strength…hahaha. Do you know how many times I had to strategically kill myself in my dreams *Sob**Sob* Bitch get on my level.' Thought Gin

Gin acknowledged the feedback with a nod, his playful demeanour giving way to a more focused expression. "I appreciate the insights, Viper. I'm all for ~Learning and ~Improving."


Viper sighed and continued, "And speaking of learning, I thought you should know that Hawk is a High-Chunin level sensor ninja proficient in Fire release."

Gin's eyes glinted with interest. "Impressive, Hawk. I look forward to witnessing your skills in action."

As the conversation continued, Viper, ever the perceptive Jonin, couldn't help but inquire. "Fox, why did you hold back? Knowing you were facing a clone, what was the purpose?"

Gin's playful smile returned, and he answered with an elusive charm, "Well, Viper, you also held back, did you not?"

Viper's eyes narrowed, catching the subtle redirection in Gin's response. "Touché, Fox. But you're the one under evaluation here."


Gin's laughter echoed in the night air. "Evaluation or not, some secrets are meant to be kept, don't you think?"

Viper smirked, appreciating Gin's ability to keep his intentions veiled. "Indeed, Fox. It seems there's more to you than meets the eye. But remember, in the world of shinobi, secrets have a way of revealing themselves."

Just as the banter reached its peak, Viper's expression shifted, becoming more serious. "Get ready. We've already received our mission from Danzo-sama. We're heading to Sangakure's borders to monitor any suspicious activity."


<Scene Break> 3rd POV

Three days had passed since Gin, Viper, and Hawk arrived at Sangakure's border. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the makeshift campsite where the trio had set up their base. The scent of a small fire lingered in the air as they sat around, consuming their unappetizing ration bars.

Gin, his silver hair gleaming in the fading light, sighed audibly. *Sighhhh* He shifted uncomfortably on the rough ground and broke the silence that hung over the camp. "This is too boring. I can't believe we're just camping here, eating these tasteless bars."

Viper, the seasoned Jonin, shot him a stern look. "Patience, Gin. Monitoring the border is crucial. We're here for a mission, not a vacation."

Hawk chimed in with a nod. "Viper's right. We have to remain vigilant. Our presence here ensures the safety of the village."

Gin, however, seemed undeterred by the rationale. "But we've been here for three days, and nothing's happening! I need some action. Can't we at least go to Sangakure and explore a bit?"

Viper raised an eyebrow at Fox's suggestion. "We're here to monitor and gather information, not go on a sightseeing tour. Besides, Sangakure is on high alert. No unauthorized actions."

Gin slumped back; discontent written all over his face. "This is torture. I didn't sign up for camping and ration bars. Can't we do something more exciting?"

Hawk, ever practical, rolled her eyes. "Exciting or not, our duty comes first. We can't risk compromising the mission with reckless actions."

Gin, seemingly ignoring Hawk's wisdom, couldn't contain his restlessness. "What if I go to Sangakure and check things out? I won't cause any trouble; I just need to stretch my legs."

Viper slowly gets annoyed, recognizing the impatience in Fox's demeanour. "Fox, our orders are clear. We stay put and monitor the border. It's not the most thrilling mission, but it's essential."

Gin's expression shifted from restlessness to mischievous contemplation. "What if I just go to some small towns around Sangakure? Pillaging a bit, maybe."

Viper's eyes narrowed, and Hawk shot Fox a disapproving look. "Absolutely not, Fox. That's not only against our mission but also goes against our principles to be ghosts. We don't engage in unauthorized actions. Danzo-Sama had the final say. If you can't handle it, you need to find a way to cope."

As the night settled in, the campfire crackled, casting a flickering glow on the trio's masks. The tension in the air was palpable, and Fox's restlessness continued to irk Viper and Hawk.

Seemingly sensing that his attempts at persuading them to deviate from the mission were futile, Gin changed his approach. A sly grin played on his lips as he shifted the conversation. "Alright, alright. Let's play a game, then. It might help pass the time."

Viper and Hawk exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the sudden change in tone. "A game?" Viper questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Gin, ever the master of adaptability, nodded. "Yeah, a game. I'll start. Viper, tell me something personal. A mission that went wrong, maybe?"

Gin, with a flair for fluently manipulating conversations, started asking personal questions, seemingly harmless at first.

"Well, I can't go into to details due to the seal on my tongue." Viper's expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of discomfort passed through his eyes. He shared a brief, carefully chosen anecdote about a mission that had taken an unexpected turn, maintaining a level of discretion.

Seemingly satisfied, Gin turned his attention to Hawk. "Your turn, Hawk. What's the most challenging situation you've faced as a sensor ninja?"

Hawk, taken aback by the sudden personal inquiry, hesitated before sharing a guarded account of a mission where her sensory abilities had been put to the ultimate test.

However, beneath Gin's playful exterior, a shrewd intelligence lingered.

Gin couldn't shake the suspicion that Viper might be the very Dan Kato who meets his end in the second shinobi war.

Gin pondered this, his eyes narrowing as he discreetly observed Viper.

A realization dawned on Gin, a silent revelation echoing in the recesses of his mind. 'Wasn't this guy really close with Tsunade!!??' he thought.

*Giggle* *Giggle*

The puzzle pieces started to fall into place. Tsunade is being manipulated.

Danzo, the master mummy puppeteer of Konoha's shadows, likely orchestrated this elaborate front. The supposed romance between Tsunade and Dan Kato, if indeed a facade, served as a tool to influence Tsunade. The irony of manipulating emotions for political gain wasn't lost on Gin, and a malicious chuckle bubbled within him.


The malicious laughter reverberated in Gin's mind. The idea of Mito discovering the intricacies of the deceptive dance being orchestrated behind the scenes fuelled his amusement further. How would she react when the veil of illusions crumbled, revealing the puppet strings that pulled at the hearts of those she held dear?

Gin, with a calculating gleam in his eyes, imagined the fallout. The storm that would ensue, the storm of emotions and revelations, would be a spectacle to behold.


<Scene Break later in the night> 3rd POV

The night draped its quiet shroud over the borderlands of Sangakure, and the desert lay still, untouched by the whims of the wind. Hawk, the vigilant High-Chunin sensor ninja, felt the subtle tremors of chakra at night.

Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, scanned the darkness, and a frown creased her forehead. Something was amiss.

The desert, usually a canvas of silence, betrayed a subtle shift. The shifting sands whispered of the approaching danger, and Hawk's senses confirmed her suspicions. Shinobis were approaching and they most likely had a sensor too.

"Viper, Fox," Hawk's voice cut through the stillness, her tone laced with a controlled urgency that demanded immediate attention.

Viper, ever composed, turned his gaze to Hawk. "What is it, Hawk? Report."

Hawk conveyed the gravity of her findings. "I've detected multiple chakra signatures approaching from the northwest. Shinobi, and not just a few."

Gin grinning, always ready for action, straightened his posture. "How many are we talking about?"

Hawk's brows furrowed as she processed the information. "It's hard to say precisely, but I'd estimate at least a squad of 4. We need to be prepared for possible combat."

Viper, a seasoned leader, nodded in acknowledgment. "Prepare for engagement. Hawk, maintain your sensory sweep and keep us updated. Fox, be ready for anything."

"They're maintaining a low profile," Hawk reported, her eyes darting as she processed the incoming information. "But I suspect they have a sensor among them. They know we're here."

The realization added a layer of complexity to the situation. The approaching shinobi, aware of the presence of Viper, Gin, and Hawk, forced the trio to reassess their strategy. The element of surprise had been compromised.


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