
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 42

Yugito starts to explain what happened before she came to save me.

She said "We were travelling when I heard the explosion from behind.

Since I could see in the mist a little, I approached those two ninja and said " It could be a fight between the spy and the kirigakure ninja, prepare for battle."

They had a weird expression, one that indicated that they were tensed and angry. Soon after that, they turned into water.

I had seen water clones before, so I understood that something was wrong. I pulled the rope, as I didn't find you nearby.

The ends of the rope were cut, that only meant that you were in danger. I ran in the direction where I heard the explosion and found those two ninja breathing heavily.

They were bruised and even had burnt marks at some areas. They were also barely able to stay on water.

I could figure out that they weren't on our side, so I lifted them both by their neck and asked "What happened here? Tell the truth and you have a small chance to live.

Resist, and you will be taken to the interrogation team of Kumogakure."

They tried killing themselves by biting their tongue, but I stopped them and said "Last chance, pull something like that again, I will truly take you guys back to the village."

Then, one guys opened his mouth and explained "We were on our way to the blacksmith to get kunai and shuriken for the mission. That's when a person in a black cloak offered us a mission with great rewards.

It was a mission to assassinate the kid on our team 'Hakuto'. Since we were already angry on you, seeing that you were close with him and he offered a huge amount of money, so we accepted the mission. Now keep your promise and kill us here itself and don't report this to the village."

I kept my promise and killed them both. Their bodies sank into the sea." Yugito finished.

What Yugito used against the ninjas was really useful. She was becoming smart.

Usually, ninjas are trained to have the mission as the first priority, but when Yugito said she would take them back to the village, the situation was different.

If they were taken as prisoners to the village, or reported that they tried to attack a fellow ninja on a mission, they would be branded as someone who betrayed the village.

And Kumogakure was very strict on this matter. They kill every family member related to that person, to eliminate any possibility of more spies.

This rule made it impossible to bribe someone from the village to act as a spy.

I slowly got up and healed myself. Heal would be a wrong word, as it was just basic first aid. I didn't have chakra to heal myself, and Yugito, who had huge amount of chakra, didn't know medical ninjutsu.

Yugito helped me get up and said "Rest here, I will search for the scroll."

I shook my head and said "No need, get me some food to recover my chakra, I can help you find it faster."

Although Yugito hated the fact that I was looking down on her, she also agreed that four hands are better than two when you are searching for something without any clues.

She left the room and returned with some food. I finished it in almost 10 seconds. Yugito smiled and said "It looks like you are back to normal if you are able to eat like before."

That was what it looked like outside, but on the inside, I knew that I was weak and needed to become stronger.

I had enemies even though I hardly had contact with people after coming to this world. I understood that I had to fasten the things I had to do.

I concentrated more on my medical knowledge that I started neglecting my battle related skills. But, now that I had already learnt quite a lot in the medical field, I decided to complete the Super Soldier Serum.

It was the only way to become stronger. As for ninjutsu, I was planning on going to the library for the C rank ninjutsu, as I was done with the basic D rank ones and the ones I could learn.

As for genjutsu, I had my sharingan for it. Taijutsu mastery mainly comes from experience, so I couldn't do anything for that, except train with Yugito.

With my future plans set, and my chakra levels returned to a decent stage, I started searching for the scroll.

With my Byakugan, it took only 5 minutes. Yugito looked at me and asked "How? Did you find any clue he left?"

"It looks like I am better at it than you are, that's why." I said with a proud smirk.

That's when I heard someone from. behind me say "Good job kid, now hand it over to me."

I turned back and looked at the owner of the voice who was about to die.

Yugito identified the person and asked "Captain, what is the meaning of this? Are you one of the spies from kirigakure?"

"What?" I asked while turning to her.

She said "He is the captain of the ship. He was the one who told me that the spy hid the scroll on this ship.

No wonder I could smell blood when I started searching below. So, who are you?"

I was amazed at her stupidity. I shouted at her "Although not all pirates are like this, but how could you not realize he was a pirate?"

"Is is that obvious?" The pirate asked and Yugito nodded her head, indicating that she had the same doubt.

I shouted "He has an eye patch, a hook hand, a peg leg, and a pirate hat. How could you not know that he is a pirate when you look at him. He is the live example of how a pirate from fairy tales look."

Yugito then looked down with a gloomy face and said in a low voice "I never had my parents tell me fairy tales."

When I heard that, I felt bad that I said the last part. I didn't know what to do. I moved closer to console her, but then the pirate said "It's better to let out all your emotions before dying. It's better to die that way."

I was curious as to what gave this ugly man the confidence that he could fight ninjas, that too a jinchuriki. Even though he didn't know Yugito was the jinchuriki, he still can't fight ninjas.

Note :- I don't know what happened, but I can't find this story on the power ranking thing, even though we managed to get 61 power stones. If anyone knows anything about this, please tell.

And also, when I was searching for a good Naruto ff, I spent half a day searching, but I couldn't find my work at all. I do know that this story isn't great or anything and can't compete with the good ones, but it still hurt a little. If you guys feel this deserves more attention, please vote or something and suggest some tips to make it better. Thanks for the support.

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