
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 33

I didn't know what was going through Orochimaru's head. He just sent the scroll which is protected by Konoha with the highest security.

Before he could reply, I also asked him "And please tell me this scroll isn't missing in konoha. You have replaced it didn't you?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said "Don't worry, I knew they would keep searching for it if they knew it was missing. So, I took the original, copied its contents to another scroll and left the duplicate scroll in the village. What you have is the original one."

Now that was surprising. The Orochimaru I knew from the show was smart and calculative. He wouldn't do stupid stuff like this just to show his superiority.

I brushed it off as I had more important things to worry about. So, I asked "I can tell it isn't for free. What do you want? I know you don't do charity."

Since with my telepathy I could see Orochimaru, I saw him stick out his long tongue and smile. That itself was enough to send a shiver down my spine.

Orochimaru said "You see, I had some spies look into your room and they found some fascinating papers of yours."

I. could already tell what he meant to say. I asked "Did you really understand all of it?" because I wrote everything in English.

It wasn't a language he should know. Orochimaru replied "Although the code language you used was impossible to crack, I also have knowledge in medicine and could understand the research papers. I am quite thrilled that you made this much progress.

You are the first person who managed to get to that level. There have been many researchers who tried to do it. In exchange for my cooperation with you, I need the thing you are making."

Wow, I seriously news to think of some way to keep my things safe. And as if reading my mind, Orochimaru said "I can even send some Fuinjutsu to help you seal your place better and keep it away from other spies."

I was tensed at that time. If Orochimaru could get my research papers, Root could too. So, I really needed those sealing techniques.

I said "Ok, but it is sill incomplete. I will translate my research papers and give you the incomplete one. Since you are a famed ninja who is famous for his knowledge in medicine, complete it yourself. And also, an advice for you. The thing I am making, will make good better and bad worse."

Orochimaru was pleased with my reply and said "Good, you can ask for more if you want. That scroll isn't useful to me anymore. So, all I gave you was my thrash. I'd you want something, I can get you if it is within my power."

I had some research materials missing and seriously needed them for the future. I asked "I know I might be asking too much, but I need some things. Can yoy get them arranged?"

"As long as they aren't too extreme." he replied. This also explained that he was desperate for my Super Soldier Serum. I could also understand his desire for it.

He switches bodies every time and needs a way to enhance the chakra of the body he uses. Not everyone can have high chakra levels.

I asked him "Then I want a pair of eyes from the Uchiha clan that didn't awaken their sharingan, a blood sample of the two daughters of the Hiashi Hyuga, those sealing techniques you promised, a few earth release techniques and if you can get it, a sample of Uchiha Madara's cells."

Orochimaru opened his eyes wide at the last request. He said "The rest are just small things for me. I don't even have to do it myself. As for the last one, it is difficult. He is a monster that fought with Hashirama and survived."

Well, Obito really tried his best to act like Madara and it seems like he managed to fool even the smart ninja. I said "Orochimaru, I guess your information level isn't that good. Well, I will figure out something about the last request. Send the other things I asked and I will send my decoded research papers."

Orochimaru raised an eye brow and said "Fine, keep this snake with you. After you decode it, give it to the snake. I will send the things you asked with another snake."

It felt like a drug trade. I agreed and undid the telepathy as I was low on chakra. I didn't know what to tell about this day.

I got a lot of information, a few jutsu from Darui, a lot of forbidden jutsu of Konoha and the support of a crazy genius Orochimaru.

For others, he may look like a mad scientist who experiments on humans, it isn't that true. Unlike the world I was from, where we could test any medicine on rats and mice, we can't do that here.

The animals in this world didn't have the same chakra paths and chakra points like humans. There are no animals that have the same nature, anatomy and dna as humans.

That's why we are forced to perform experiments on humans. I also used some dead bodies for my experiments. They were the dead bodies of orphans who died in the streets.

As for actual human experiments, I have yet to make a formula that is good enough to test it. When I am done, I will test it on alive people.

As for my targets, they would be poor patients that are about to die due to some incurable disease. I would offer their family money and since they are about to die, the target would accept the offer.

I was also worried about my privacy now. I needed to know how Orochimaru got the research papers in my room.

That's why, I was planning to shift all this to a secret laboratory somewhere else, where I could use clone to keep experimenting while I do my usual job.

For this, I needed earth release techniques. With their help, I could make underground burrows and continue my research.

All this would obviously take time, but it was worth the wait. I was using my own room as a laboratory, with only a limited amount of science equipment.

I was stressed for the day and needed a good rest. We were given a week before we are assigned a chunin teacher.

I slept like a log for 16 hours straight. That's how tired I was. I had a lot of things planned out for the future and a lot of work to do, but I could only make 6 clones as of now.

I woke up the next day, ate and decided to take a break from the stressful life of just training and researching. The capital city was the perfect spot to do that.

It had everything that could entertain a person, both children and adults. I first went to the hot springs to relax.

It is the best spot to wash away all your stress.

Note:- I finished counting and Here are the results.







Ino -46


I predicted this result when I added Yugito's name. in it. Just wanted your opinion. Again, thanks for the support.

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