
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 30

He then weaved signs and showed a jutsu that other students in the class couldn't learn. A cat made of lightning, came out from G's palms and was connected to him.

This was a jutsu where the user releases his chakra and make them in a shape. There are different versions in the show where, Kakashi makes them in the shape of hounds and Lightning release: Black Panther of Darui.

It was a difficult one, as we had to release chakra and solidify them to a shape, which takes a lot of skill, practice and control.

Everyone were amazed by it. G them cancelled it and again made some different hand signs. This time a clone appeared beside him.

Everyone looked at G with ridiculed faces. They were expecting another great jutsu and only got a clone technique that they could also do.

One kid even shouted "Teacher, he has already demonstrated this jutsu. Ask him. not to mess around and show us another jutsu if he knows or ask him to leave."

Our teacher smiled and replied "You are wrong if you think this is a normal clone." and threw a kunai at his clone.

G wasn't expecting a fight, so he was caught off guard. The kunai passed through the clone, but instead of disappearing into a white cloud, the clone turned into pure lightning and discharged.

Our teacher announced "It is Lightning release: Shadow clone technique, one of the difficult ones that come under D-rank, but is close to C-rank. This is another lesson kids, don't be overconfident during your missions.

Acting without information and taking wrong decisions would end up endangering even your teammates. Now Hakuto, you are last."

I also displayed the same ninjutsu G displayed. That didn't mean I only learnt 5 jutsu in the span of 8 years.

I learnt Naruto's signature move, Rasengan. This was possible only due to the detailed explanation of the jutsu from the show.

It still wasn't easy, as I didn't have huge amount of chakra being supplied from a demon fox like Naruto. So, I couldn't practice a lot in a day.

So, to sum up my life during the past 8 years, I attended classes, learnt medical knowledge from everywhere, put the medical knowledge to practice, practiced to make new jutsu, eating and sleeping.

Rasengan wasn't the only jutsu I learnt, but the other jutsu I can't call that a learnt jutsu, as it was still understand practice.

It was the Lightning release: Chakra mode. I already knew Burst technique, which was a technique where I release chakra from my body and change its nature to lightning.

But in Burst technique, I couldn't move. So, the progress I made was just to be able to move in that state, which was useless.

The lightning coat around me was useless. It can't protect, it didn't increase my speed, nor could it make my attacks stronger.

The only advantage is that if someone touched me, they would get a shock, but only a fool would touch me when I am glowing in blue color and blue sparks dancing around me.

So, not that much progress in ninjutsu. The only progress I had was in medical knowledge.

Back to the exam, after I demonstrated the same skills as G, our teacher walked to us and said "You both really are rivals. Did anyone ever win among you both?"

"Yes, I won 300 times and he won 299 times." G replied.

"Did you just reduce two wins of mine to look cool. Don't forget that I won two times this month." I said to G.

This was another change in me. The atmosphere has changed me a lot. Now I have a beautiful and caring mother, two best friends and an enemy from before, Root.

I had completely planned what to do to Root. I am going to make him regret sending me to Kumogakure. I had already started executing the plan and had quite a bit of progress after listening to the report of the Root ninja in Kumogakure.

I was also getting information because, I was promoted to the Root Ninja's Staff leader. So, I was just below the post of the leader and was in charge of all the ninjas. As for how it happened, I will tell when the time comes. Now, time to finish our graduation.

Before we started bickering about it, our teacher stopped us and said "Now, let's get to your physical fitness test. As you all know the basics of the double lariat, we both will start running on my mark. Remember that the point here isn't to perform the double lariat, or to behead the dummy. It is just for me. to learn about you physical strength."

The test started and the first one to go was a girl from battle class. Our teacher signalled the start by raising his hand and they both ran towards the dummy.

The double lariat was a simple and yet a complex move. The users had to apply the same amount of strength from both the sides to make it happen.

So, this was completely dependent on the users physical strength and the timing. Both the girl and our teacher slammed their arms near the neck of the dummy.

The girl already lost before they even started. Our teacher was faster than her and this, she arrived the dummy later than our teacher.

And as I predicted, the dummy bent towards the student. This continued for a while and no one could decapitate the dummy.

Me and G were again last for some reason, so by the time he got to us he was breathing heavily and was tired. It made sense as he was running for more than 40 students.

G looked at our tired teacher and said "Sir, if I perform the double lariat with you, it would be an insult even if I manage to do it.

This managed to piss off our teacher. G was literally telling the teacher that you are weak now. So, our teacher said " Don't look down on people kid, it will be the last thing you do before you die.

For kids of your strength, my tired self is strong enough to even overpower you in the double lariat."

This was obviously not true. Me and G had displayed physical strength equal to that of a grown up. It was just our teacher blabbering something in anger.

Then we heard a voice say "Calm down teacher, what he said is right. You are tired and need to rest. Since the test is almost over, I will perform the double lariat with the remaining kids."

After that, a ninja in chunin dress, dark skin and blonde hair appeared before us. He also had a sword behind him.

I, wio had seen the show, could easily recognize him as the student of the Third Raikage, Darui. He was the perfect target for my Mind Sweep. He had the teachings of the Third Raikage and was not mature enough to realize that someone is in his head.

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