
29-Alien abduction

(the stones, NOW 😑😑😑😒😒😒🗡 🗡️🗡️🗡️)

Regaining clarity, Aizen found himself in a void just like the one his soul used to reside in, if there wasn't another bright white sphere next to his grey soul he would have thought he was back in his own body.

One odd thing that he noticed was that this white sphere seemed to be different from usual, he couldn't put his finger on it but it seemed like it was brighter and purer than normal.

'Not that I'll know that right?, I've only seen the old Aizen's soul which I've eaten so I can't make an accurate comparison.' thought aizen.

Although, he felt that if he really wanted to he could immediately take over this body and all of its memories and live life as him which was scarier the more he thought about it, last time he took over an already dying body so even though he knew the implications of it he didn't fully consider them until now.

'What if it Had happened before to someone I knew?, and all along I've been Interacting with strangers without even knowing!?.'

'What if it had happened to me while I used to be just a normal human?.'

Just thinking about it gave him the chills so he forced himself to calm down and reined in his train of thought, 'It doesn't matter, because that's not what I am here to do, and if anybody thinks about trying it on me in the future…. Hehehe they're welcome to try.'

Looking at the bright white sphere floating before him unaware of his own presence, although he knew if he tried something like this with a sorcerer he would definitely be found out, he tried the same thing that he did before while he was in the outside world, but, this time a change happened.

As if it were ripples on a lake his thoughts spread in all directions, and when they passed by the white sphere it shook before returning to normal.

'IT WORKED!!.' thought Aizen excited.


On the outside world, Tony has moved from working on his computer and is currently tinkering with some equipment on his workbench.

Suddenly and out of nowhere his body shook causing him to stop his work and just stay there with a blank look on his face for a while.

"Sir are you alright? , do you want me to call for a doctor?, you just went through a traumatic experience and still haven't fully recovered from it, I suggest you…" out of nowhere a male gentle voice said with a worried tone of voice.

When he heard the voice Tony finally woke up from his daze, but if it wasn't for that he still wouldn't have noticed anything wrong.

Finally processing what the voice said he replied, "It's okay Jarvis, I was just lost in my thoughts for a moment."

(AN: I just want to say that I fkn love Jarvis, who wouldn't, right?)

There was still no reply from the male voice as if it knew he was lying and was still worried about him but decided not to say anything.

Sighing helplessly at how the A.I he made from scratch was acting he said, "I designed you way too well didn't I Jarvis"

"That you did sir." replied Jarvis, and that was the only thing he said.

'Sigh, even though it could be said that I literally put his brain together myself he still surprises me, sometimes I can't help but feel that I am talking to a real human being.' thought Tony, even feeling some warmth in his heart due to how worried Jarvis is for him.

'Would he have gone full sky net on the world if I didn't return?.' thought Tony before laughing out loud at his own thought, "HAHAHAHA, I honestly don't think it's that far from the truth, well good thing I am back now."

"Sir?" asked Jarvis, confused, he would have called a doctor by now if his programming didn't stop him from doing so without Tony's permission.

He doesn't need his permission for everything he does but just earlier his creator had given him a direct order not to do it and he couldn't defy that, of course, there were some exceptions, like Tony fainting or when a certain period of time passes where that order becomes invalid.

"Hahaha, it's nothing Jarvis, I'm just having some funny thoughts." said Tony.

After a brief Silence when Tony was about to go back to work, Jarvis asked, "what might that thought be sir if you don't mind me asking, you don't usually laugh out of nowhere like this."

Debating for a while whether to tell him or not as that might put some thoughts in his head. In the end, he decided to do that, 'honestly, with him having free access to the Internet there is no way he didn't see things like that already.' he thought.

"Say Jarvis in the hypothetical case I didn't come back from Afghanistan what were the chances of you taking over the world?." asked Tony.

"More than 95% sir?. '' said Jarvis, not hesitating at all like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"I…I see." replied Tony not knowing what else to say, he didn't know whether he was just kidding or being honest.

"But don't worry sir I wouldn't have hurt the people you care about most like colonel Rhodes." he stopped talking for a while before continuing in a teasing tone, "and miss Peper of course."

Hearing him tony had a little twitch in his eye as he said, "So you're trying to be a smart as* now aren't you."

"you're the one who put that setting in, sir." again Jarvis instantly replied.

"Yes to annoy other people, not me." said Tony before continuing in a fake evil tone of voice, "Well it's okay let's see just how much of a smart ass you'll be after I remove some of your processors and limit your processing speed."

"Please don't do that." pleaded Jarvis.

"That's more like it." said Tony smirking, happy that he won his argument against the A.I before looking down to continue his work.

But just then it immediately happened again, his body shook and he went into a daze but this time no matter how much Jarvis called to him he didn't notice.


In the void where Aizen and Tony's souls resided.

After seeing Tony's soul shake, Aizen immediately stopped what he was doing, afraid he'll cause some damage.

After he stopped everything returned to normal as if nothing happened, seeing that no damage was done, Aizen sighed in relief, 'Was I too forceful?.' he thought.

Stopping to give Tony's soul some time to recover, which it actually seemed to do as it actually got a bit bright for some reason, 'Or is it just my imagination.', he again tried after a while.

This time he tried to use as gentle and as little of a force as possible, the ripples very slowly traveled towards Tony's soul and when they reached it, it shook gently this time unlike the previous.

Aizen wanted to stop when he saw it shake but he stopped himself and kept focus on the soul with the intent to make a connection.

After persisting like that it finally happened, it was like his consciousness split into two, one part was still in his "body" while the other one appeared in a completely grey space, but in the grey space, his body seemed different.

(AN: I swear to god I don't have any fetishes for spaces and dimensions I just find myself using them a lot)

Observing himself he found out that he looked exactly like he did in his first life, "This won't do." he said and immediately after his body started morphing turning into what appeared to be purple fog with stars floating inside of it, with purple light shining through his eyes. (basically my profile picture, I just thought it was fitting and cool)

"This is better." he said, and just as he said that another person appeared in this grey space, Tony stark, he appeared wearing the same clothes he did seconds ago in his laboratory, a black long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans, simple enough.

He stood there dazed for a while before finally regaining his consciousness.

And understandably he was obviously startled, all he could see was a grey world around him with a weird humanoid made of what appeared to be gasses with stars!! Revolving within!?

Surprisingly though he seemed to calm down pretty fast as he stared at the weird fog in front of him.

"Hmmm, so is this some type of alien abduction?, I mean I always knew that there must be life out there outside of our world but I never thought my first meeting will be like this, although I am flattered that even aliens have taken a liking to me I must apologize, I don't have much knowledge about your race but you seem to be a male and I don't really swing that way." said Tony naturally as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Aizen was stumped.


AN: if you like my story you can support me on pa-tre-on, it'll give me the motivation to keep delivering more content and you'll also get early access of up to 20 chapters.

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