
Naruto: Rewrite the Future

There was no peace in the Boruto era, there are others who still want to make a mess in this world, one of them is the Otsutsuki. one day, Sasuke and Naruto were in the Hokage Office, talking about the plan to beat the Otsutsuki. but then they attacked by them. They were pushed back to the time when they were still a genin. What would happen to them? Could they change it? Could they save the world one more time? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND THE MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

Arunsyfdn · Anime & Comics
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Fix the past in the Land of Waves

One night at the Hokage's tower, Naruto and Sasuke were talking to each other. They're making a plan for anything that could happen when the Otsutsuki starts their Invasion again.

"We need to think of another plan Sasuke if Momoshiki invades us like when the chuunin exam, we need to make sure we have plenty of plans. What do you think," Naruto stated.

"Not only that, what if there are more Otsutsuki like him? We need to have any plan for any situation" Sasuke reply.

While Naruto and Sasuke talk, Kurama feels something, he felt there's something bad would happen soon.

"Naruto did you feel that," Kurama said.

"What happen Kurama" Naruto reply.

"I felt something bad, like terrible"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah, just stay cautious okay?"

"Okay, I will. Thank you, Kurama."

Sasuke realizes the danger that Kurama just said to Naruto. When Naruto back to his consciousness, he started talking to him.

"I felt something," Sasuke said.

"You too?" Naruto reply.

"Yeah, there's something wrong with my Rinnegan, it feels like I want to use my Space-Time Ninjutsu"

"Kurama just said that he felt something terrible too, but he can't describe what it is"

"There must be something wrong…. AAARGH"

Suddenly One unknown Otsutsuki came through Sasuke's Rinnegan.

"Goodbye, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto" Otsutsuki stated. Then he pushed them into the portal.

*In the Portal dimension*

"AAARGH" Naruto and Sasuke Screamed.

"This is bad, Naruto," Kurama said.

"What is this?!! What Happen Kurama?" Naruto reply.

"I'm not sure what happens, but I think this is a time machine portal"

"What do you mean time machine?"

"I mean, you're going back to the past, but I don't know exactly when. It could be when you were born until you were a teenager"

Kurama starts to lose his form.

"Naruto, I'm begin to losing my form. I'm just going to say this once, so keep this in mind. I don't know if this going to work or not but, when you come back later, at any time, if I don't remember you, just say my name, and be friends with me one more time, okay? That's it. See you again, Uzumaki Naruto…"

"No…. Kurama, No..."

"Naruto, what happens to us? Did Kurama say anything to you?" Sasuke asks.

"Kurama said that we will return to the past, but he can't sure when or where, and he said we may or may not forget each other, so when we meet, to make sure we remember each other, let's call each other as Ashura and Indra, okay?" Naruto reply.

"Shit… so….."

Before Sasuke finished speaking, they had entered another universe.

*Battle at the Land of waves*

After Naruto and Sasuke pushed back to the past, it turns out that they returned to the time when they were on the bridge in the land of waves fighting with Zabuza and Haku. And then Naruto gains his consciousness.

"Shit… that's hurt so much ttebayo," Naruto said to himself while looking around him.

"Wait a minute, we're pushed back to this timeline? When we're fighting against Zabuza and Haku?! That Damned Otsutsuki! this way too far from the future ttebayo"

Then he hears Haku said something to him.

"Is this the first time you lost a friend and someone precious to you huh?" Haku said.

"Lost a friend?... Shit... Sasuke!!!" Naruto reply.

"When people are protecting something truly precious to them, they truly can become as strong as they need to be! It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have any meaning. Just like Zabuza-san to me. I want to protect the person important to me... I want to work for that person. I want to fight for that person. I want to make that person's dream come true... That is my dream. I want to make his dream come true, but I failed, I failed as his tool. And now I am of no more use as his tool. Please kill me, Naruto-kun"

"oh I remember this, back then I tried to kill him. But now I'll try my best to save him! Don't worry Haku" Naruto said to himself.

"That's not true, Haku! Whatever you think about him, no matter how much you owe him, he never thinks about you as his tool! I am sure of that!" Naruto tried to convince Haku.

"you wrong Naruto-kun. To me, I'm just his mere tool. And it should be my job to make his dream come true, but I failed! So please, Kill me Naruto-kun"

''If you still being an ass like that, I'm gonna confront him, and make him realize my self ttebayo"

"I'm not gonna let you do that Naruto-kun"

Then, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)" Naruto makes a hundred clone and rush to Zabuza while he was fighting against Kakashi and leave the original Naruto with Haku.




10 Naruto's clashes his kunai against the kubukiribōchō (Zabuza Sword)

"Tch, That level of Jutsu won't work against someone like me you damn Brat!" Zabuza Shouts to Naruto

"Naruto what are you doing? Where's Sasuke?" Kakashi Ask.

"Calm down Sensei, I know what I'm doing. I'm gonna rewash his dirty mind a little bit" Naruto reply.

"Stay out of This Naruto! You weren't in his level"

"Hear your Sensei brat! Or you will be dead" Zabuza Interrupts them.

"Don't you feel anything?! Weren't you two always together?!" Naruto asks with an angry face.

"you mean haku? Tch, he's just my tool to finish my job"

"He.. he loved you! He loved you that much! Do you really feel nothing? Do you really.. really not feel anything? If I could become as strong as you.. will I really become like you? He's ready to throw away his life for you! Without his dream.. to die as a tool... That's just too sad.."


"NO! SHINOBI WERE NOT A TOOL! A Shinobi is still a Human, we felt pain, love, happy, we can have emotion too! Just like Haku! He was ready to die for you because of what? That's because He really loved you as a Human being!"

"Shut up!" Zabuza shouts and crushing all the bunshins

On the other side, Naruto still fights with Haku.

"Let's stop this Haku, this isn't going anywhere if we still fight like this" Naruto said.

"I'm not going to stop because if I stop, Zabuza-san would be dead"

"He's not gonna die, I promise you… Just stop and let me settle all this mess, so you and Zabuza could have a better life and a Better Future"

Haku fell silent hearing what Naruto said. It's the first time he heard someone talking about his future since Zabuza did to him.

"What future are you talking about? There's no Future for me, I'm just his tool"

"No, you're Not! You're a fine shinobi just like me. We all can have a bright future. Look, I'm going to be the greatest Hokage of all time, and I'm sure I can do it! I never go back on my word, that's my ninja way! And I'm also sure that you can have a future just like me!"

"No, I can't"

"If you still saying like that, I'm going to punch you till you can't move and drag you myself"

"Naruto…. Are you still going to fight me?"

"I don't but what choice do I have?"


"This place, This bridge, is the only hope for the people in this country, and by killing Tazuna you are taking their hope away, and I don't want that. I want to make sure that their hope isn't gone, I want to make sure they have a bright future too! Just like what I said to you"

"Zabuza-san is the only one who gave me hope when no one could! That's why his wish is my command, that's why I was ready to die for him, to die as a tool!"

"That's it! I'm gonna drag you myself"


"Stay still don't you dare move!"

Haku finally fainted after receiving a heavy blow from Naruto. Then the Original Naruto came to where Zabuza and Kakashi are. Sakura was watching him running alone without Sasuke.

"Naruto!!!" Sakura shouts while waving her hand to him. "Why are you alone? Where's Sasuke-kun?"

With a sad face, Naruto didn't answer her.

"you lie, don't you? There's no way Sasuke-kun will…" without finishing what she's going to say, she drag Tazuna and runs to where Sasuke is"

"I'm just going to say that he's okay but she already runs like that huh…" Naruto said to himself. Then he continues to go to where Zabuza is.

"Shut Up!" Zabuza shouts. "this time, I'll make sure you all die!!"

"Kirigakure No Jutsu (Hiding in the mist Technique)" Zabuza reduces all the visual with his jutsu.

"Now you can't find me anywhere Kakashi" Zabuza stated.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)" Kakashi said as he unleashed his jutsu

At the edge of the bridge where Zabuza standing, the ground vibrated as eight dogs from the smoke, with their fangs latched onto a different part of his body.

"If you can't use your eyes and ears, simply just use your nose," Kakashi said as he appeared out of the fog in front of him. "That's what happens if you can't see anything in the midst of fog"

"H-how… how did you find me?" Zabuza asked with his eyes wide.

"your weapon has a thick scent of my blood on them now, I just simply use my scent to track you down with these adorable ninja dogs of mine, because when it comes to smell, they have no equal" Kakashi said. Then he activates his Sharingan

"Here's something I didn't copy, a Jutsu of my own…." Kakashi said as he forming the seal. Then he lifted his right hand which has bright blue lightning energy while supported by his left hand.

"Raikiri (Lightning Blade)"

On the other side, Haku felt Zabuza in danger.

"No.." Haku screamed as he ran toward Zabuza. He tried to approach them in the hope he can be Zabuza's shield. And he can, he's now in front of Zabuza and ready to be his shield.

Naruto watches Haku almost getting stabbed by Kakashi raikiri and then shunshined himself. Then he pushes Kakashi's hand and makes him miss the heart, but hit their shoulder. Haku was injured and almost passed out, but Zabuza was the one that gets the worst damage.

"Naruto… You….." Kakashi said as he was surprised that Naruto can move fast like that.

"Sorry Kakashi-sensei, I cannot let you kill them. Especially Haku" Naruto said as he tried to explain to Kakashi.

Zabuza was surprised that Haku, without any hesitation, would let himself be killed to protect him.

"Haku…." Zabuza said

"Zabuza-san, are you okay? I cannot let you die, I want to fulfill your wishes. Even if it kills me, I don't care" Haku reply then he passed out.

"You see now Zabuza?! How he truly love you, respect you, and admired you! He's not scared to die if that means he can fulfill your wish. How can you waste his kindness to you? How can you be that cruel to him?" Naruto said.

"Don't you feel anything?! Weren't you two always together?!"

Zabuza thought that Haku has died, he thought Haku died to protect his filthy lives.

"Shut up kid, Haku's already dead… As I was used by Gatō, I used Haku. That was all. I've said it already… in the world of shinobi, there are only those who use and those who are used. We shinobi are simply tools.. what I wanted was his blood, not him... I have no regrets." Zabuza shouted

"He.. he really loved you! He loved you that much! Do you really feel nothing? Do you really.. really not feel anything? He was ready to throw away his life for you! Without his dream.. to die as a tool... That's just too sad.." Naruto reply.

Then, Zabuza was cried, his heart was touched by what Naruto said to him.

"..You don't need to say anymore... It must have pained him to have to fight you... Haku fought not only for me.. he fought for you guys too. He was too kind. I'm glad I got to face you guys in the end. You may be right.. a shinobi is still a human.. we may not be able to become emotionless tools.."

Then from afar, Gatō and his mercenaries come.

"Ohoho, That freaking kid died huh? That's it! That's what happens if you're acting like you're strong!" Gatō said while laughing at Haku who wasn't dead.

Zabuza hears what Gatō just said and is filled with anger.

"Kakashi, my battle with you ends here," Zabuza said.

"I think so" Kakashi replied.

"Hey Naruto kid, you're right, we all have a future. Just like this little town and its people. And now I shall approach my future. Throw me that kunai on your pockets" Zabuza said while smirked at Gatō

*Naruto throws the kunai*

"Now, I shall revenge Haku death towards you all, prepare your death!" Zabuza shouts as he ran towards Gatō and his mercenaries.







Zabuza almost kills every mercenary and now he ran to Gatō who standing at the end of the bridge. Then when he arrived, he looks into Gatō eyes and showing who is he, showing him the demon of the hidden mist.

"W-who are you? " Gatō asks with a scarred face

"Me? I'm your worst nightmares" Zabuza said

"Go to hell you Freaking demon!" Gatō said

"I can't think of a more fitting destination for a demon ninja, can you?! I'm told there are many demons down there - of all shapes and sizes! Oh yes, I should fit right in! You, on the other hand, Gatō... Well, I fear you're in for a long and very painful eternity!" Zabuza reply. " Even the unremarkable Demon of the Hidden Mist can die and become a real Demon in hell! Uh uh...I won't be joining Haku. Where he's gone I cannot follow. We wouldn't be welcome where Haku's gone too. Hell's where WE'RE going, Gatō!"

"NOOOOOOO" Gatō scream as Zabuza cutting his throat

"ARGH" Zabuza scream as he was stabbed by the rest of the mercenaries

On the other side, Naruto asks Kakashi to join him

"Let's go Kakashi-sensei, we have to help Zabuza!" Naruto asks.

"You're right, let's go!" Kakashi reply.

Then Haku was awake and saw Zabuza was getting stabbed by the mercenaries.

"Wait. Let me do that, you guys don't need to join us, this is what Zabuza-san wants, this is his will. And I wish to fulfill that." Haku said, then he runs toward Zabuza.

Zabuza sees that haku is still alive and was surprised but also happy.

"He's still alive huh? That's good. I really can't join him to where he goes, I don't deserve it. He deserves to have a better future than me." Zabuza said to himself.

"Haku.. you don't need to help me, my time here in this world is done, but you don't! you still can have a better future, a better life that I cannot give you all this time. I'm sorry for everything that I've done for you. I'm sorry for using you as my tool. I'm sorry that I treat you like that. And I'm sorry for all of that." Zabuza said

"No, you still can have a better future too Zabuza-san! Just like me!" Haku replies

"You were always at my side, the least I can do is to be beside you at the end. I know it cannot be, but I wish I could go whenever you'll go. How I wish I could join you there, Haku." Zabuza said

"Kakashi, thank you for that fight, I'm grateful that you were my last fight. Naruto, keep being yourself like that, you have a bright future, not only for you but for all of your surroundings, make sure you take Haku to that Future okay? I'm going to die soon, thankfully, I die as a Human." Zabuza said

"Kakashi, take him to Konoha and take care of him. His soul was as pure as snow, I'm sure he can have so many friends there. I'll leave him to you. And for the last, Haku... if you still want to grant my wish, then grant this. This is my final wish for you and me, so make sure you grant it okay?"

"Don't worry about that Zabuza, I'll make sure he was treated well in Konoha" Kakashi replied.

"I wouldn't go back on my word, That's my ninja way ttebayo!" Naruto replied

"If you wish that, I promise you I'll grant that wish, and when I can fulfill that, I shall join you there Zabuza-san, Thank you for everything" Haku replied while crying.

Then Zabuza died.

On the other side, Sakura still crying on top of Sasuke's body, she still can't believe that Sasuke was dead.

"No…. You're lying right Sasuke-kun? You can't really die right…. Please come back to me Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura shouts while crying.

Then Sasuke begins to gain his consciousness. Seeing Sakura's head pushing his chest makes it hard to breathe.

"S-sakura, it hurts…" Sasuke said.

"SASUKE-KUN!!!! I was scared to death seeing you like that.." Sakura replied.

"Sorry.." Sasuke answer.

Sakura was shocked, it was rare hearing him say sorry for something that wasn't his fault.

"It's okay Sasuke-kun.. as long as you're alright.." Sakura said.

"Where's Naruto? What about the battle?" Sasuke asked

"well, I think we've won, Zabuza looks dead from here, but not the other guy" Tazuna replied.

"How about Kakashi and Naruto? Did they alright?" Sasuke asks

Then Naruto, Kakashi, and Haku approach them.

"it's good seeing you Alright Sasuke," Kakashi said.

"Yeah so good to see you alive Indra.." Naruto said.

"Indra? What are you talking about usuratonkatchi?" Sasuke asks.

"Shit… did Sasuke can't make it? That means I'm the only one survivor? Well that's okay. As long as he and the other were still alive, I'm sure I can do all that again". Naruto said to himself.

"uh... I mean.. Sasuke.. hehehe sorry I think my head hit something hehe" Naruto said, playing dumb.

"well, whatever. Why he is here?" Sasuke asks while pointing at Haku.

"well, it's a long story, but to make it simple, he agrees to join us in the village, and be a Shinobi in Konoha" Naruto replied.

"now now, how about we get back and prepared to come home tomorrow morning? This mission is succeed." Kakashi Interrupt.

"That would be good. Let's go back" Tazuna replied.

*In the morning*

"It looks like everything will be alright here," Kakashi said.

"Yeah, thanks to you and your team, the future of this town will be alright" Tazuna replied.

"so, we better get going now.." Kakashi said.

"thank you, Naruto and the other.. you change this town. And for your hard work, I shall name it 'The Great Naruto Bridge' How bout that Inari?" tazuna said

"that would be perfect so that oni-chan can back here and recognize everything he's done for us," Inari said as he teasing Naruto.

"I'll never forget about you and this town Inari... I promise you ttebayo!" Naruto said while thumbs up at him.

"let's go Naruto," Kakashi said

"See you guys again sometime!" Naruto shouts while waving his hand and walk away.