
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Chapter 78: Sasuke's Misunderstanding

"No, you know my father's character, he won't listen to our opinions." Temari covered her face with one hand and sighed deeply.

Gaara thought for a moment and planned to tell the truth.

But... just as he opened his mouth...

One Tail immediately pulled him into the sealed space, grabbed Gaara by the side of his eye, and stared at him with starry eyes, saying, "Don't say it, you can't say it. If you say it, my reputation will be ruined. When you return to Sunagakure, I will rampage eight times a day! I will destroy Sunagakure even if it costs me my life! Ah!"

Gaara remained silent. If he remembered correctly, One Tail had rampaged before, but was suppressed by Sunagakure, so his words should be considered an exaggeration and threat. He couldn't really destroy the village.

Should he expose it?

One Tail seemed to understand something from Gaara's gaze, turned his small eyeballs, and said, "Cough, cough, think about it carefully. Are there any good guys in Sunagakure? Is there anyone who really cares about you? Just those sand ninjas, why do you care about their life and death? Do they bother you when they are alive? Are they eating oil cakes?"

Gaara's expression gradually changed. What One Tail said was indeed the truth. He seemed to have no need to tell the truth about One Tail's accident. Those guys in Sunagakure would die if they died. After all, they didn't do him any good when they were alive.

At this time, Gaara's character was still very cold-blooded. It was only after meeting Naruto and seeing One Tail being beaten by the Nine-Tails that his mentality changed a little.

Although he acknowledged Naruto as his friend and was willing to communicate with Naruto amicably, it was limited to Naruto. He has not recognized the other people in Sunagakure, and he doesn't want to recognize them. After all, he doesn't have any sense of belonging to his own village.

"It seems... makes some sense?"

Gaara thought for a moment and said.

"Right? Right?"

One Tail immediately showed a happy face, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, and continued, "There is no need to worry about those damn human beings in Sunagakure. They are not like me. Only I will always be with Gaara!"

"And then let me not sleep all year round?"

Gaara suddenly said.


One Tail's expression was a bit awkward, but he quickly recovered and said with a smile, "Wasn't that because we didn't communicate well before? From now on, we are the best friends. I can lend you my chakra, my power, how about it, isn't it very cost-effective?"

"Not bad."

Gaara recalled Naruto's smile, and the pride of Naruto being friends with the Nine-Tails echoed in his ears. He also had some yearnings in his heart. One Tail is now his friend, just occasionally a bit noisy.


On the other side, Sasuke and Naruto continued to walk towards the Konohagakure training ground for daily practice, but Naruto seemed a bit distracted, as if thinking about something.

In this world, why are Jinchuriki treated like this, hated or excluded by countless people, even regarded as monsters and trained as weapons.

The whole world is wrong, the wrong cognition of countless people has led to this result, so, Jinchuriki also needs a savior of Jinchuriki!

"Naruto, the Genin of other ninja villages seem to be a bit too weak. From my Sharingan's perspective, their chakra volume is even less than one-tenth of mine. Are these guys really here for the Chunin Exam?" Sasuke asked doubtfully.

Naruto pondered and replied, "Hmm, is there a possibility, I'm just saying a possibility, that the strength of a normal Genin is just like this?"

"Heh, that's right, not everyone has the Uchiha bloodline and the enhancement of the Sharingan like me. Geniuses are after all a minority..."

After indulging in self-admiration for a while, Sasuke coughed twice and continued to ask, "So, what level are we at now? Chunin, or Jonin? I don't have a specific concept of this."

"Well... Momochi Zabuza, who you defeated in the Land of Waves, is actually a Jonin."

"What? That guy is a Jonin? So not only Kakashi, but the strength of Jonin is generally so weak?" Sasuke was greatly shocked.

During this period, he mainly focused on training and didn't pay too much attention to the grading of strength. He didn't deliberately understand how the strength of different levels in the ninja world was. What he knew more about were Naruto, Kakashi, and Hinata.

In his eyes, Hinata is a normal Genin, Naruto and he are at the genius level, Kakashi is a weak Jonin, as for other ninjas, Sasuke didn't deliberately understand.

"Well, and he's not an ordinary Jonin, but one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the user of Kubikiribōchō. He even once assassinated the Mizukage, but failed. He eventually defected because of this. His strength is probably at the elite Jonin level." Naruto casually explained.


Sasuke was stunned. He felt that there seemed to be some problems with his cognition of ninja strength. If he could defeat Zabuza, who was at the elite Jonin level, wouldn't his strength have surpassed Jonin, and might even have reached Kage level? I, a Kage-level powerhouse, participate in the Chunin exam? Isn't this bullying?

"Moreover, don't look at Kakashi who looks about to die on the surface, but in fact, he's also a genius who graduated from the ninja school at the age of five, advanced to Chunin at the age of six, and became a Jonin at the age of twelve. His current strength is probably also at the elite Jonin level." Naruto continued.

"Ah, what about Hinata? Isn't she at the normal Genin level?" Sasuke asked further.

"The two people you met before, they are actually at the normal Chunin level, not ordinary Genin. With their strength, they can easily cope with the Chunin exam. As for Hinata's strength... you can judge for yourself." Naruto said.

Sasuke began to think.

Hinata's strength is actually average. Now she can only tie with Kakashi in a short time, and then defeat him with her larger chakra volume. Unlike him, he can directly use Chidori and Lightning Release to directly confront and defeat.

That is to say...

In our three-person team, the weakest is actually the instructor?

Hinata is slightly higher than the elite Jonin, my strength is probably around the quasi-Kage, Naruto's strength should be firmly at the Kage level, or even more...

If The three of us take the Chunin exam, do the other village's Genin still have a chance to play?

"No, with our strength, do we need to participate in the Chunin exam?" Sasuke asked with great doubt.

Naruto smiled and said, "You don't really think that we are participating in the Chunin exam just to become Chunin, do you?"

"The intention of the higher-ups is very clear, that is to let us show our skills in the Chunin exam, let other ninja villages see the strength of Konohagakure's Genin, and thus have a fear of Konohagakure. This is very important for Konohagakure, which has lost the Uchiha clan. Konohagakure needs enough deterrence to maintain the current balance."

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