
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Chapter 76: Communication

"Cough, cough, they are Tailed Beasts. The communication between Tailed Beasts is different from humans. Hmm, you can understand that they are not humans, so it's normal for them to do things beyond your expectations occasionally," Naruto explained with a couple of coughs.

"Oh... right... I see, I indeed shouldn't measure them with human thinking," Gaara's eyes refocused, though his voice was still somewhat stiff.

"But none of that matters."

Naruto casually sat down, looking at Gaara across from him and said, "Sit down, there's no one else here. I want to hear your story and learn about the lives of Jinchuriki in other villages."

"Sigh, I don't have much to say, they are all unspeakable things," Gaara sat down, his gaze unconsciously looking to the side.

He hadn't experienced many good things since birth. He was sealed with Shukaku just after he was born, and the seal of the Sunagakure Village was trash. As long as Gaara fell asleep, Shukaku would break the seal and cause havoc, which led to him not being able to sleep for many years, and his mental state was extremely poor.

If it was just that, then Gaara's life would be a bit miserable, but unfortunately, he also had a father with a pit in his brain.

Rasa was the Fourth Kazekage and a kage with the lowest level of intelligence in the ninja world. Things like killing his own war hero Pakura were trivial to him, and he was even more ruthless to his own son.

He controlled Kankuro and Temari, deliberately isolating Gaara, plunging him into an extremely miserable childhood, and even occasionally sent people to assassinate him twice. This operation made people doubt whether he was really Gaara's biological father, or whether he found out that he was cuckolded, so he made such a showy operation.


Thinking about it this way, it seems quite similar!

"I was born on the night of the Nine-Tails in Konohagakure. That day, the Nine-Tails rampaged..." Naruto laughed and then took the initiative to start telling his own story, but for the sake of authenticity, he embellished it a bit.

On the other side, Gaara listened to Naruto's story in silence, completely able to feel Naruto's pain, and even felt a bit fortunate. At least Naruto had a grandfather willing to accompany him in his childhood. Gaara's childhood was only accompanied by sadness and pain, without hope.

"Like you, I have been a Jinchuriki of One Tail since I was born..." After listening to Naruto's story, Gaara gradually began to open up and tell his own story.

He talked to himself, and Naruto, as the listener, became more and more confused. He couldn't understand what the guys in the Sunagakure Village were thinking. The people of Konohagakure scolded him, then let the Third Hokage create a contrast. The ultimate goal was to make Naruto become the power of Konohagakure, controlled by the Third Hokage, with a purpose.

But what about the Sunagakure Ninja?

Are they sick in the head? Why do they want to stimulate Shukaku to rampage? The Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, as the Kazekage, doesn't he know what the consequences will be? Why does he want to stimulate Gaara so crazily? Not to mention that Gaara is his son, even if he is not, what good does it do for him to do this? How did this guy become the Kazekage?

This is too strange!



"...So, how should I practice elemental power like you?" One Tail couldn't help but ask after listening to the Nine-Tails' pie-in-the-sky.

"You just do this and that, then that and this, and finally, biu, you succeed," the Nine-Tails thought for a moment and replied.

One Tail: .... Are you kidding me??

"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore. I will input the specific practice methods directly into your mind with a special method later. However, you have to pay attention, when practicing elemental power, you must choose the attribute that suits you, and you absolutely cannot be greedy and choose multiple ones."

Nine Tails paused for a moment, then continued, "Our tailed beasts have a very large amount of chakra. It's extremely difficult to change our basic composition, especially for a weakling like you with only one tail. It's normal to spend several months just to get started with training. To truly master this ability requires a lot of time, and even more to transform into an elemental creature."

One Tails: Reject tail discrimination, insist on equality for all tailed beasts!


After some time of communication, Naruto and Gaara left the sealed space. At this point, their eyes had undergone a noticeable change.

"If that guy causes trouble again, come find me at my house. Nine Tails is very experienced in persuading people with reason. Just communicate well." Naruto said, looking at the changing environment.

"Okay, I understand."

Gaara nodded.

"You should remember where my house is, right? If you can't find it, I should be at the Konohagakure training ground. If not there, maybe at the library... Take this opportunity to communicate well with that guy." Naruto continued to remind him, then noticed that Kankuro, Temari, and Sasuke had disappeared.

Most likely, while Naruto and Gaara were chatting in the sealed space, these three had some conflict. Naruto dared to enter the sealed space and stay there for so long because he trusted Sasuke.

Of course, even if he's unreliable, Naruto can just come out directly. Entering the sealed space is a simple matter for Naruto.

"Hmm, they... seem to be over there? Let's go and see." Naruto said, looking into the distance.



On the other side of the open space

Sasuke, with his arms crossed and surrounded by deep blue thunder, laughed wildly and shouted, "Too weak! Too weak! I've said it before, the only one who can stop me is Naruto! Hahaha!"

"Damn it, what's wrong with that guy?"

Temari, who had fallen to the ground, struggled to stand up, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with one hand, and looked at the terrifying Sasuke in front of her with a serious look, thinking silently.

If it wasn't for him holding back, that move just now could have killed me, right?

Is this a Genin? You call this a Genin?

Even if a Genin participates in the Chunin exam, their strength can reach Chunin or even more, but this guy's strength is almost the same as Gaara's, right? Is he a monster too?

"Cough... cough!"

Kankuro, who had also fallen to the ground, staggered to his feet, extended chakra lines from his hand to control the puppet, and said at the same time, "I was careless just now, I didn't expect your speed to be so fast. I shouldn't have sent out the puppet. Now I've found a way to defeat you."


Sasuke, with his arms crossed, laughed, squinted his eyes and looked at Kankuro's puppet, "There are always some naive children who think that they can defeat adults by waving toys. It's childish... But, I've said it before, the only one who can stop me is Naruto!"


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