
Naruto: Resilience

She died and was reborn as Rin Nohara, a character destined to die. She would change her fate and she would change the fate of all the others. Maybe Kakashi wouldn't be depressed. Maybe Obito wouldn't go down the darkside and maybe Naruto could keep his dad. On the other hand... she could live a normal life, be a normal shinobi, get married, have kids, then die a normal death of natural cause. But if she's a jinchuurkiki... how's she going to do that? *sigh...* life is so hard... I don't own naruto or any of the characters sry for grammar and spelling errors Some events might be a bit off for the sake of the story

MelonChan1205 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 13

Time skip a month-ish later

I woke up with a jolt. "Rin?" asked Isobu. 

'Oh no… oh no…' I could sense a familiar chakra. Too familiar. What was todays date. Oh no…. Today was October 10th. 'Obito.' 

ROAR! Oh no… I had to go. I was already dressed in my gear. I jumped out the house, hearing Kaa-chan call my name. SMASH! The wall around Konoha fell and Kurama came in. I could sense his chakra. "There's something wrong with him," said Isobu. 

"Genjutsu," I said, "From Mangekyou Sharingan." 

There were other shinobi battling it. I closed by eyes, trying to sense across all of Konoha. There! I felt Obtio. 'Flying Thunder God!'

I was right outside Konoha. A group of shinobi were fighting him, wearing a mask. I could sense his hostile chakra and feel his killing intent. I shuddered. I ran into the hut. Kushina lay on the bed, hugging Naruto. I could feel her chakra and strength fading. "Kushina!" I shouted, running up to her." 

Then, I saw the bodies. I knelt down, my hands bathed in green light. Miwako, wife of the third Hokage lay on the floor, her stomach bleeding. "Come on…" I muttered, she was still breathing. 

"Hiruzen…" she whispered before her eyes closed and her head dropped. 

"Damn it," I muttered, she was dead. 

"ARGHHHHHHH," someone screamed outside. That voice was familiar. 

Oh no, why hadn't I thought of that? The Hokage Guard Plattoon would obviously be here to protect the Hokage and his wife. Genma was here. Obito could kill him. 

I ran out and saw a kunai embedded in Genma's gut. He winced, kneeling on the floor while Raido, Iwashi, and the remaing ANBU fought. Maybe I was mad, but i didn't care about Obito anymore. I threw the three pronged kunai t him. "Hokage-sama?" asked one of the ANBU. 

I appeared in front of Obito, too fast for him to react. My body twisted and kicked him in the stomach. He flew back and slammed into the floor, unmoving…, for now. I landed and turned to the others. 

"Go help the hokage," I pointed to Konoha. 

"But-" said Raido. 

"Just go," I said, "I got this." 

"Watch out-cough-" said Genma. 

I turned around and saw Obito get up. "You're alive…" he said, "Rin?" 

"Go!" I ordered and Raido, Iwashi, and the ANBU left. 

Genma stood up, then fell to the floor, his hand clutching his wound. I ran to him, ignoring Obito. Obito wouldn't attack me anyways. My hand glowed green. "This is going to hurt," I said. 

I pulled the kuani out and he clenched his teeth, trying not to scream. "Deep breaths," I muttered as his breathing became labored. "Please don't die." 

"Rin…" his eyes closed. 

"No, no, no, no," I felt tears begin to form. I saw Miwako, dead beneath me. I felt how cold she had gotten. Genma…he was still alive, I could still save him. At least, I could stabilize him. It wouldn't be like Miwako, it couldn't. 

"Do you care about him more than you care about me?" asked Obito. 

I ignored him. Genma was almost stabilized, I was so close. "Rin!" He appeared in front of me. 

Done! Genma was going to be fine. "Yes?" I asked. 

"Don't cry," he reached his hand out to wipe my tears. 

"Get away from me!' I shouted, whacking his hand away and pulled out my scalpel. 

"Rin?" he asked, "Do you… do you prefer this weakling over me?" He kicked Genma who coughed. 

"Leave him alone!" I swung at him and… missed. 

He appeared behind me. "You betrayed me too… Rin…" Then he disappeared. His chakra reappeared by the Kyuubi. 

'Flying Thunder God!' I dropped Genma at the temporary hospital and left. No, no, no, no, no… The Kyuubi disappeared. 'Sh*t!' 

I could still sense Minato and Kusina's chakra but it was much weaker. Too weak. I appeared there. Naruto lay on the floor crying. Minato and Kushina were on the floor. A pool of blood beneath them. I could still feel their chakra. It was too faint, barely there. I ran over and flipped them onto their backs. 

It was too big. The wound… 'Strength of Hundres seal… OPEN!' 

I could feel it's power flow through me. All that spiritual, physical, and natural energy I had stored for eleven months flowed into my body. I saw black lines appear on my body. The green light on my palms intensified and I pressed it to the two gaping wounds. "No…" I cried. 

Minato wasn't breathing. There was no chakra and there was no life. He was dead. Dang it! I moved my hand to Kushina-nee. "Rin…" I snapped up. 

"Kushina?" I asked quietly. 

"His name… is Naruto. Minato and I… took it from a novel… by Jiraya-sensei." she passed out. 

'You're not using enough power," wanted Isobu, "Let me help you.'' 

I nodded and let the tailed beast chakra flow through me too. It mixed with my normal chakra and it mixed with the chakra from my seal. Kushina's body was engulfed in the tailed beast energy. I could see some color returning, but barely. 

Minato-sensei was dead, but I was going to save Kushina. I had to. I was going to. I closed by eyes, to have better control. Then, I activated sage mode. The natural energy around me was absorbed. I was even stronger and the healing force was too. 

The bleeding began to stop. Color returned but she remained unconscious. That was probably for the best. I smiled when her breathing became smoother. "Rin!" someone shouted. Lord Third. 

I ignored him and concentrated on the task. The wound began to close. I forced myself to use more chakra, to heal with more power. It worked and the wound grew smaller and smaller. 

I removed my hands and let the newcomers take her. Someone put their hand on me. "He's dead," said the shinobi, checking Minato-sensei's pulse. 

I felt the tears fall from my eyes. Sandaime hugged me, "It's alright." 

I gasped. The chakra cloak faded and so did black lines. Before the sage mode deactivated, I realized something. On no. Kaa-chan, you-san. I couldn't feel their chakra anymore. I sobbed harder. Did Rin's family get killed during the Kyuubi attack? It wasn't mentioned but maybe… maybe because I changed the future. They were dead. 

I stood up. "Are you… are you okay?" asked Lord Third. 

I shook my head. Suddenly, I felt Obito's chakra. "Watch out!" I felt pain in my hand as a kunai flew from the trees and stabbed my palm. 

"There!" shouted a shinobi. 

I narrowed my eyes and ran towards the direction the kunai hd come from. I could see the white of his mask. He stopped in a clearing. The shinobi behind me screamed before I could move, then fell. I turned around. "Don't worry," sighed Obito, "I didn't kill them this time.' 

"This time?' I felt hysteric, "This time? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? You-" 

I grabbed him by the collar. "Rin," he hugged me, "You're alive…" 

"GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed and shoved him away from me. 


"You killed them," I sobbed, "All those villagers. You killed Minato-sensei. You killed Kaa-chan and tou-san." I cried. 

I looked at him, releasing killing intent. He flinched. "I-They killed-They killed you-" 

"I'M ALIVE!" I screamed, "UCHIHA OBITO, I AM ALIVE! AND-and I… I hate you." 

Pain exploded in my chest and I coughed. My uninjured hand flew to my mouth. I spat out a spot of blood. Obito reached towards me, "Rin?" 

Stupid old injury, I thought. Whyy did it have to flare up now? "Stay away from me," I said. 

He looked at me, doubled over in pain, and we stood in silence. "I am… I am Uchiha Madara," he whispered, "Uchiha Obito died years ago." With that, he disappeared via Kamui. 

I stumbled, barely standing. Lord Third and some of his men ran into the clearing. "Rin?" he asked as I stared at where Obito had been before. 

"Hey! Look at me!" he said. I couldn't hear him. 

A rush of tiredness came over me and I stumbled, leaning heavily into the old man. "Rin! Medic!" he called just as I felt my body slump. Then, everything went dark. 


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