
Naruto: Replacing Kurama

SuperDuperSage · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

#1 Meeting an Eldritch God

On a chilly winter night, a young woman named Sarah was sitting on her bed awaiting the release of boruto two blue vortex.

But just as she was waiting an idea came to her mind to pass some time. She could go play a game of League of legends instead.

So, she turned her computer on, opened the client and logged in. She went to ranked and started the que.

Sarah was a Midlane Player and after over 300 games she finally managed to reach diamond this season. She selected her champion and locked her in. Same for the enemy team.

As the game was loading, a lightning strike hit a powerline near her house, frying her computer and killing Sarah instantly. The next thing she saw was endless darkness. Confused, she looked around, trying to figure out what had happened.

"What's going on? Wasn't I just loading into a game?"

The next thing Sarah saw was Darkness, endless darkness.

She looked around all confused trying to figure out why everything is dark.

"What's going on, wasn't i just loading into game ?"

Then suddenly a white blinding flash appeared before her and a thousand eyed indescribable monster with rotating everything around it, it was indescribable.

Sarah saw this being and she started shaking from terror and fear, she felt the urge to prostate herself and to give the being everything including , her Belongings, her body even her own soul, she struggled to hold herself in one piece as her being was slowly collapsing into nothingness.

"Oops, better turn that oof"

Suddenly Sarah felt like she was normal again, she was still utterly horrified and constantly shaking mubling god, monster demon and other words to describe the being as best as she could.

"I really screwed this one up, let me fix that for you."

The Eldtrich Entity then made and exaggerated snapping motion with one of its hundred arms and sarah calmed down instantly, everything in her head felt fine and she was the calmest shes ever been in her entire life as if nothing could bother her anymore.

"Now, mortal, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, yes, I've never felt like this before. I feel so good."

"Perfect. Now, state your wish. You get one."

"Wish? For what? Do you need me to do something for you, great god?"

"Ah, yes. My buddies and I got bored, and mortal TV isn't doing it for us right now. So, we picked a random soul from some planet to reincarnate somewhere. For fun, we even made a roulette wheel."

"So, reincarnation. I guess I want to be pretty this time and have some superhuman abilities. No need to become a god or something. A relaxing life where I can just play League would be awesome."

"Great. Now for the wish, you have five minutes."

"Mhhh, let's see. How about a League of Legends character? Decently powerful... I could go with Aurelion Sol, but he has no human appearance. Zoe is super powerful too, but I don't want to be a child forever. Who could be good?"

"I got it. How about Akali or Vi, maybe even Jinx? Actually, scrap that. Let's go with Ahri. I want to be a kitsune, and she also has spirit magic."

"I wish to look like and have the abilities of Ahri from League of Legends."

"Mhh, interesting thought process. Thankfully, kitsunes are not the rarest of beings. Let's see if the world will fit."

The being raised one of its arms, and a roulette wheel appeared before them.

"Let us spin the World Wheel."

The being spun the wheel so fast that Sarah started floating, feeling uncomfortable.

"Ah, yes. gravity. Nearly forgot again."

Everything returned to normal, and the wheel, spinning at ludicrous speeds, suddenly stopped with a shockwave like a supernova. After a few seconds, the wheel became visible, showing it had landed on the Naruto Universe/Shinobi World.

Sarah was shocked but noticed that it said two things on the wheel.

"Wait, why is the planet specified?"

"Well, who knows? If you want, I can just throw you into Ishiki's Kara dimension instead of being on the planet."

"Ahaha, I never meant to question you. You are right, great one."

"Consider your wish Granted, you shall look like Ahri, and you are to be isekai'd into Naruto and have abilities like her."

"Thanks sir"

'Let me see which character is most compatible with the wish. Mhh, yes, that should work. Let's see does Ahri have some kind of fulll form fox model? Great, the Spirit Blossom Skin has one, we can also just take Ult model from that skin since she never specified which version of ahri she wants to look like and kitsune's should have a humanoid Form, lets stay with base Ahri abilties, we can keep the emotion sensing, Regeneration, Wind and Fire Affinity from kurama, lets turn them into a unique foxfire kekkei genkai like scorch release, perfect.'

"Well, I wish you good luck in your new life, Miss Kyuubi no Kitsune."