
Naruto Renewed: Namikaze's Resurgence

In the original timeline, Namikaze Hayato had died, forever forgotten in the Shinobi world. But with a little tampering with the laws of physics, what changes would we see if he were still alive, and nurtured Naruto? Following a gripping mission in the borderlands, Naruto's uncle, Namikaze Hayato, makes a triumphant return. Embark on an exhilarating new adventure as Naruto, guided by the seasoned mentorship of his uncle, ascends to unprecedented heights of supremacy. What differences shall we see in this story? Buckle up folks, for this shall be a wild ride! WELCOME TO NARUTO RENEWED: NAMIKAZE'S RESURGENCE BEHOLD: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW NARUTO EPIC! ... Hey, author here! Check out my other books :) I'm looking forward to this, and your assistance will be very much appreciated. Let's weave a captivating tale together! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING APART FROM MY OWN CHARACTERS!

Zal01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


Hiruzen and Inoichi were left in stunned silence as Hayato underwent a complete transformation, revealing a unique Fuinjutsu technique.

"A Fuinjutsu technique?" Hiruzen voiced in a questioning aged tone.

Hayato nodded in acknowledgment; "It's called the Keshō no Fuinjutsu."

"Keshō no Fuinjutsu? I've never heard of that," Hiruzen mused with his chin.

"Yeah, that's because the technique was developed by none other than my genius wife," Hayato boasted, praising his supposed spouse as he kept his hands on his hips in an akimbo posture, and nodded his head multiple times.

"Keshō no-..." Hiruzen paused, his eyes widening as he mulled over Hayato's statement...


...developed by none other than my genius wife.


With his lips parted in shock, Hiruzen expressed his dismay, "Wait... wife?!"

Inoichi also shared his dismay.

Scratching his head sheepishly, Hayato explained; "A-Ahh, right, well I believe I told you about the fake marriage certificates, with my fake identity and everything. We aren't properly engaged now, but we will be in the near future, but I still do consider her my wife... Does that make sense?"

Hayato could only wryly chuckle at his statement.

"I see, that explains it," Hiruzen nodded in affirmation.

Inoichi alternated his gazes between the 2, and chimed in, "Sounds like a lot is going on."

"Indeed." Hayato kept his reply short.

"By the way, the Keshō no Fuinjutsu you say?" Hiruzen went back on topic, his expression reflecting a mix of perplexity and interest.

Hayato hummed in approval before elaborating; "Yes, Keshō no Fuinjutsu, a jutsu that enables one to alter their appearance. Easier said than done though. It took her days of development. In its initial stages, it would consume substantial chakra and had drawbacks, making it impractical. However, finally, she perfected the jutsu, and it only consumes minimal chakra."

"I see. Despite her heritage, she truly is a genius of Fuinjutsu," Hiruzen complimented.

"Absolutely," Hayato agreed. 

Satisfied with the answer, Hiruzen laid back, interlocking his hands, and resumed, "Well, your identity change is done for the most part, so I won't delve deep into that, but..."

He paused, to which Hayato's brows furrowed; "But?" Hayato asked.

"...What about your former comrades? You can't communicate with them if you truly want to remain concealed," Hiruzen raised a concern.

Understanding Hiruzen's train of thought, Inoichi also couldn't help but intervene, "Now that I think about it, aren't you also the mentor of the Uchiha prodigy?"

"Yes, you're right. Uchiha Shisui is a student of mine. A truly talented, strong, and kind child. The last time I saw him was 3 years ago, I wonder how much stronger he's become," Hayato admitted, reminiscing about the Uchiha prodigy.

The image of a familiar youth emerged in his mind. The youth had a high-collared black t-shirt, short black hair, black eyes, and a pale face, a common trait to the descendants of the Uchiha.

'Now that I think about it, he even manifested the Mangekyo Sharingan... I should check on him,' Hayato contemplated internally.

Hayato turned his gaze from Inoichi to Lord Third, and continued, "Naturally, those within my close circle will know of me, and only those that I trust, not everyone. I'll maintain my facade as an Uzumaki," he added. 

"I see, very well then. The new identity shall be done," Hiruzen confirmed, turning to face Inoichi. 

"Inoichi, I would like for you to assist me in this. As you know, this is to be done discreetly, and only you know of Hayato's presence," Hiruzen added.

'Damn it,' Inoichi cursed inwardly. However, he concealed his internal frown, and affirmed, "Very well. That can be done by me."

He maintained an aura of nonchalance, though inwardly, he couldn't deny he was annoyed. He had no role in this and only came to meet the mysterious figure, but now that led to additional work. 

"Thank you for your cooperation, Inoichi-san," Hayato thanked, clasping his hands together with a wry grin on his face.

"Sure," Inoichi replied indifferently, arising from his position. 

Retrieving the documents from Hiruzen, Inoichi's pupils darted from left to right as he siphoned the data on the sheets. He could only let out a long tired breath.

"I understand you're already preoccupied with your duty, and I apologise for having to task you with this," Hiruzen apologised.

Inoichi noted the voluminous stacks of paper that seemed to blanket the entire desk, causing him to scoff at Hiruzen's remark.

"Compared to your job, this is nothing," Inoichi remarked.

"How long will it take?" Hiruzen questioned. 

With a finger on his chin, Inoichi calculated, "I believe I'll get it ready by tomorrow. I am a busy man after all. I'll get it ready by... 8 am tomorrow."

"I see, thank you for your hard work," Hiruzen thanked.

"Don't mention it Lord Third," Inoichi said, subsequently vanishing from his spot, leaving Hiruzen and Hayato alone.

"Lord Third, I'll talk with you later. I would like to visit the cemetery," Hayato asked, rising from his chair.

"Very well," Hiruzen understood. 

Hayato turned his back to the Hokage, brandishing his cloak to obscure himself, and vanished from his spot with a body flicker.


Hayato was presented before the melancholic expanse of Konoha, the cemetery, enveloped in an eerie silence. He strode along the grassy ground until he finally reached the ground housing 2 distinct cemeteries. This section, reserved for village heroes, held the resting places of his beloved brother and sister-in-law.

The stone tablets bore the inscriptions:



Speculating that nobody was around, he began, "Nii-san, Kushina-san..."

A gentle mist escaped his mouth, hinting at the severity of the cold.

He continued, "... I'm sorry. I've certainly let you down, and I hope you'll forgive me."

He couldn't help but bow his head apologetically. The emotion of guilt had rendered him paralysed, unable to even face the graves of Minato and Kushina.

With his head bowed down, he continued, "I was supposed to be there during your pregnancy, but my predicament interrupted me from doing so. I couldn't even come for the cremation." 

He paused for a while, recollecting his thoughts. Images flashed by in his mind of Minato and Kushina's loving embrace; it was the happiest he had ever seen them. After all, Kushina was pregnant with Naruto, hence it was a natural feeling to be that happy.

It was a day brimming with optimism and joy.



The setting presented itself to be a meticulously maintained room adorned in yellow wallpaper. A palpable silence prevailed as 2 familiar individuals stood side by side, equally awestruck.

One was a male with shoulder-length smooth yellow hair, brilliant sapphire eyes as though reflecting the ocean, and donned a slightly oversized dark blue tunic and baggy white trousers; Namikaze Hayato.

The other was a stunning female with long glossy black hair, obsidian black eyes, and donned a black combat vest and black trousers; Uchiha Kaede.

The duo looked to be around 20.

They stared at another duo in front of them; Hayato's older brother, Namikaze Minato, and a female whose prominent feature was her fiery red hair. She was none other than Uzumaki Kushina.

Minato and Kushina held their hands together with a soft smile gracing their lips, while Hayato's and Kaede's lips were parted in shock.

"Come again?" Kaede was the first to break the silence, her high pitch carrying her sense of shock.

"We're having a son," Kushina answered, her eyes crinkling as her lips curled. 

 Hayato's quivering lips widened into a grin before he lunged at Minato, draping an arm around him, "Congratulations, both of you!"

"Oh my goodness... I can't believe it you 2... You guys are gonna be parents ya know!" Kaede chided along, her arm draped around Kushina's waist.

Minato and Kushina were in between Hayato and Kaede.

"I'm gonna be a mother ya know," Kushina claimed, her energy as vibrant as ever.

"And I'm gonna be a father," Minato voiced.

Hayato, who was beside Minato, showed a look of dismay; "Yo, then I'm gonna be an uncle."

Minato smiled, "Yeah."

Hayato was lost for words, his lips twitching before it morphed into a radiant smile, "Then I'm gonna be the coolest Uncle."

"Hey, then that makes me an aunt huh," Kaede chimed in.

Now the entire room was silent, and it was then, the weight of Kaede's words echoed in everyone's mind.

Kaede's cheeks blushed before it became as red as a cherry.

"Ha, so much for saving it as a surprise," Hayato broke the silence.

The smile on Kushina's face brightened, "Hahaha, so the two of you are a thing, I knew it!"

Kaede, still flustered, pressed, "Y-You knew?"

Minato answered, "Yeah, it was obvious. We were just waiting for you to say it."

"Of course we knew, ya know," Kushina declared, rubbing her cheek with Kaede's to which Kaede giggled. 

"I know my disciple all too well ya know," Kushina bragged.

"Haha, you always just dig your nose into everything, so it's not that surprising that you knew," Kaede concurred.

"Haha, that's true," Kushina laughed. She continued in a warm tone, "If there's anyone I'd want as an aunt for my son, it would be you Kaede."

Kaede smiled back, her flickering eyes reflecting Kushina's beautiful countenance. Her vision had suddenly become a blur, caused by her tears. She rubbed her eyes with her arm;

"I'll be an amazing aunt, ya know," Kaede sniffled, determination evident.

"Hahaha, emotional as ever," Kushina teased.

"Ahh, Kushina-nee-san, stop embarrassing me," Kaede retorted, followed by a pout, to which everyone simultaneously erupted into laughter.

Kaede's flustering had always been the crux of all jokes.

Everyone's moods were contagiously joyous; had anybody observed this heart-warming interaction, then they too would have been unable to suppress a smile.

The day continued with shared stories over a delicious supper, with mixed expressions. Kushina would occasionally tease Kaede, to which Kaede would pout. Everyone laughed and ate...

And so, their overjoyed selves had yet to cease...



Remembering that time, Hayato couldn't help but chuckle a little, his sapphire eyes reflecting a momentary happiness as that unforgettable moment crossed his mind. 

He hadn't realised he had been standing for 5 minutes, stuck in contemplation.

He would trade anything to experience that moment again. It was truly a memorable day, and certainly one of the best moments in his life. 

Finally, Hayato voiced, "Both of you were always ecstatic about having a son and nurturing him to be a fine man. I can't imagine the excitement you both had when your son was going to be born, and I could've been his coolest uncle, haha."

Raising his head, he found the determination to face their graves, and continued;

"I'm certain Naruto would've been raised well, but... It never occurred to me that Konoha would be in jeopardy... I... I... should've been there, damn it," Hayato cursed, his deep frustration evident. His jaws gnashed together, evidencing his inner distress.

Staring skyward at the vacant white sky, he resumed, "... It appears we live in a cursed world."

His eyes squinted as he observed mini white particles descend from the heavens.

'Snow? Ahh, it is winter, seems there's going to be a heavy snowfall,' Hayato deduced. He remained staring at the sky and continued to wander in deep thought, his deep sapphire eyes reflecting the plain, white expanse. 

'Such a beautiful, yet intricate world we live in.'

"Why can't humans just live in peace and harmony? Must we corrode the land in blood? Can't we live in unity?" Hayato whispered, facing downward at the grave of his older brother.

"Nii-san, Kushina-san, I've always hoped that when we were older, perhaps in an era of peace and upbringing, we could live happily ever after. Your kid and my future kid could enter the academy... We could've had occasional family meals together, had a great laugh together, watched our kids grow... the list goes on. I've always imagined these scenarios... a fleeting dream I believed was within reach... It was a simple wish, but... why is it so damn hard," Hayato questioned, his tone both deep and croaked, stemming from deep rage and sadness.

Naturally, his pleas were met with silence.

"Ever since both of your deaths, I started questioning, what even is life? I... I couldn't accept that you guys died. Why... Just why does fate have to be so cruel? We fought for the peace of the world," Hayato continued. 

"Even though we were incapable, it was a fleeting dream we hoped to achieve, especially you nii-san. When you became Hokage, that dream was within reach. The peace we so very sought for... True, it was far, but we tried to get there, yet... In the midst of doing so... While protecting the peace of Konoha, you both lost your lives," Hayato stated.

The snowfall gradually started to increase, as though they marked Hayato's anguish as he stared solemnly at the grave of his beloved brother and sister-in-law. 

"Well, it's all wishful thinking on my end," Hayato playfully toned, yet it was unable to conceal the sadness etched within. 

"I promise to look after Naruto. I'll support him in whichever path he chooses to pursue, and most of all... I promise to be a good father, so don't you worry nii-san, Kushina-san. I know I'm late, but I will help my nephew.

Nii-san, I really miss you. I wanted to be by your side, and continue fighting for the dream we wanted to achieve. Kushina-san, to be honest, I miss the way you used to nag me, especially the way you used to be to nii-san. It was funny how you would pester the both of us and also support us, haha good old times," Hayato intoned, a warm smile gracing his countenance as he traversed memory lane.

Though he maintained a tough front, one could tell he was struggling.

He paused, seemingly struggling to continue speaking...

Finally, he continued; "Me and Kaede are also engaged..." He paused as he deliberated over his statement.

"Well, we're not exactly engaged yet, but you get the point, and I'm sure you're happy to see that we're together," Hayato elaborated.

In a croaked, deep tone, he continued, "We were going to surprise you, and have a laugh... and a hearty conversation... and have a feast... talk about my future wedding... it would've been so much fun... I would've loved to see your faces right now."

His smile returned to its former distress; "Haha, I didn't think it would... feel... so depressing... to be here..."

Lost for words, he remained standing while the snowfall resumed albeit lightly. He stood like this for half an hour in ambiance. In the vast expanse of the melancholic setting, he was the sole individual in the lonely expanse. 

Finally, after half an hour of silence, Hayato's lips began to twitch as he repeatedly opened and closed his mouth.

"I... really would've loved... to talk to you both... in person," Hayato's voice cracked. He had kept a solid tone this entire time, but finally, his inner turmoil was being released. 

Moving his arm toward his eyes, a motion akin to wiping tears, he continued with a solid tone;

"Well, I should get going. As I said, I promise to be a good father to Naruto," Hayato affirmed. His resolve has strengthened now that he was in the graves of his older brother and sister-in-law. He was absolutely not going to fail them.

"Damn it... If only I had perfected that jutsu... The damn repercussions!" Hayato whispered. 

He couldn't help but blame himself for his inability to aid Minato and Kushina. If only... he were stronger.

All these years, he would only blame his incompetence. However, he had trained harder than anyone, but in the face of Minato's and Kushina's graves, his hard work didn't suffice.

His expression was hidden beneath his cloak, but a single tear rolled down his eye. 

'Ha, how annoying! I'm crying, huh?' He thought inwardly. 

However, though trying to wipe them, the tears accumulated, trickling down his face, and his lips vibrated. Unable to face the graves of his older brother and sister-in-law while shedding tears, he turned around.

"Well... I gotta go now... Gotta get my nephew... and be there for him... I'll see you later."

Hayato sniffled with each pause. 

Before departing, he embraced the cool breeze infiltrating the terrain, which additionally produced a slight howling sound.

Finally, he voiced;

"I love you guys."